Lessons living with Mohanji – Days 155 & 156

Day 155 – Give flowers today

Yesterday had a surprise ending to the day. When travelling with Mohanji, there’s always an element of the unexpected. Once you think you’re settling into some comfort zone, it’s quickly changed.

Yesterday, Devi was conducting a meditation for some of the local people here in Slovenia. They’d been meeting regularly for some weeks at a small yoga studio in the town of Lenart. The group was growing each week. Yesterday Mohanji called me and said that he’d like to go to the meditation. He would join the group after the meditation was over. 

We went to the hall where a small group of around 10 to 12 people had gathered. Mohanji spoke in satsang, probably for over an hour or two, on various topics – fears and general aspects of life. Some people had gone for meditation for the first time. I don’t know if they’d only gone to meditation for the first time or the Power of Purity meditation for the first time. They didn’t even know who Mohanji was until that day.

I thought to myself, “What a real blessing it was for those people that probably don’t even know what they were able to experience there, the level of closeness and intimacy at that satsang. “One of the topics he spoke on yesterday was an excellent reminder for me, and I wanted to share this today. 

It’s something which, in business and activity, I can regularly miss, or I can forget to remember. This was about relationships – with our closest, our nearest and dearest, with those people we’re most connected to in our life. For me, these can be the sources of happiness and/or frustrations and disappointments. Nevertheless, close relationships and genuine relationships are very important.

One lady in the Satsang asked questions about fear – one of the things that she feared was what would happen to her family, what could happen to them and how to help. He simply said, “All we need to do in that situation (and I think this applies to any relationship) is to simply love them, and appreciate them in our life, now while we can.” Very simple words. 

He said that usually, it’s funny that when a person is alive, we don’t really show them anything. Normally, they’ll pay attention, or there might be some types of interaction, which might not be so pleasant, but as soon as they pass on, as soon as they’re gone, we are sad, upset and miss them. Then often, we even begin to take flowers to their grave once they’ve passed.

He said that he’d much rather give flowers now while they’re alive. “Give flowers in the form of your appreciation, love, kindness, support, recognition; all the colours and varieties of richness that can enhance our life, just through the act of giving.” In return, we also get that back. This was a good reminder of a lesson that has been shared many times, but I still forget from time to time. 

Day 156 – The past is gone 

Living and working closely with Mohanji, constant movement is dynamic, and time is well used. We’re here now in Slovenia, and Mohanji has initiated new activities in India – two major projects coming out very soon. Teams are already working hard to bring them to reality.

Yesterday, I was contemplating that Mohanji neither speaks about past troubles nor does he dwell on past mistakes. It’s simply not talked about. It’s always about what we can do today and now. A good reminder for me to leave the past in the past.

Before meeting Mohanji, there were several mistakes, regrets, and guilt which I carried from certain situations in life. Even though life was moving forward and I was exploring new ideas, new ways of being, new opportunities, and going to different places, part of my mind was still stuck with past events. This became a real burden and would often stop me from enjoying this moment. Unnecessarily carrying weight, not forgiving people and more detrimentally, not forgiving myself for those situations.

We have many practices available for this. The Power Purity is an excellent meditation for unhooking from these things. Still, I think it’s a good lesson to remember: there’s always movement, we’re always moving forward, and the past is finished. It’s gone, and there’s no need to carry the weight or burden from everything that’s happened before.

Each day can be a new fresh day if we allow it.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 28th August 2022


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