
Let abundance flow – embrace opportunities

by Christopher Greenwood, MCB Scotland

Infinite abundance

I want to share a testimonial that once again proves the speed, accuracy, and intensity with which Mohanji works, as well as the power and effect of the sacred rituals performed at the Mohanji Centre of Benevolence.

As I write this, today is the first day of Navaratri 2024—the day after Mahalaya Amavasya, the new moon during the Pitru Paksha period, which is considered the most auspicious day of this time.

This year, I participated in all the sacred Pitru Paksha rituals via Gurulight. It’s an incredible service that, for a small fee, allows you to have these sacred ceremonies conducted in the most powerful spots for ancestors and transition in India—places like Varanasi, Puri, Gaya, and others. The purpose and intent of these rituals are to free us from the lineage baggage we carry, lighten the load, and give us a boost in our next activities.

Then comes Navaratri, which is a nine-day celebration dedicated to the Divine Mother. Here at the Mohanji Centre of Benevolence (MCB) in Scotland, we have created a program where we perform a sacred homa (fire ceremony) each day to honour different aspects of the Divine Mother.

As part of the homa, an intention (sankalpam) is set. As I was conducting the homa, my intention was multifold: first for myself and my family, then for the MCB, and the Mohanji UK and global family. I wanted to request that all blockages be removed to allow abundance, stability, and the power of intention to manifest. There were more specifics to the sankalpam, but this is the general intention for the purposes of this testimonial.

The homa itself was a pleasure to perform, and we were joined by guests in person and online who all took part in this sacred ceremony.


After finishing the homa, I was pressed for time as I needed to take Bhola (formerly Dirk) from the Netherlands to the airport. As we drove up the lane from the center, we passed a series of houses before meeting the main road. These houses are on the direct route to the center, and the road is shared access. Two of them are empty, and the other is occupied by our neighbor, a builder who has done incredible work—first building the temple and then supporting all our other major contractor works.

It must be noted that who stays in these homes is incredibly important to us. Mohanji had once said they should all eventually come into our possession because it helps people access the MCB and also reduces the possibility of nuisance neighbours, which can be a real pain. Our neighbor had told us about a man who lived there and passed away soon after we moved in. He was a terror; he used to go through their bins and call the council to report them if they put recycling in the wrong bin. He would even attend council planning meetings 20 miles away from his home just to object. If we had that kind of neighbor, it would be an extra and unnecessary challenge—a complete waste of time, which we don’t have.

As we drove past, I noticed that the most important house in the series, the first house as you turn on the lane towards the centre was up for auction! It was a surprise, as in 1.5 years, no movement had happened on that home. Immediately, I knew we needed to get this home—a feeling confirmed by Dirk and Aditi, who were in the car with me. Aditi checked the website to find that the auction was ending today itself—no time to lose!

Having experienced the speed of Mohanji before – first in finding the listing of the MCB Scotland property and also in other situations – I understood the subtle power behind the flow that is ready to deliver abundance if you can put the mind aside and go with events.

It was 9 a.m., and the auction ended at 3 p.m. During the drive, I used the time to register and to share the information with the UK council members to make them aware. At the same time, I was thinking about our personal situation and whether we could find what was needed for this property. The general council consensus was clear: go ahead. Additionally, the neighbour shared the details that I had seen. Before, he had also been helpful in finding us containers for accommodation on-site, which we also needed to buy quickly via auction!

After dropping Dirk at the airport, I made a bid—the second bid after the auctioneer. It was accepted, but at that time, it said the reserve was not met. In my mind, I was thinking that I couldn’t actually go too high because this house was completely derelict. It hasn’t been lived in for over a year, the roof is falling in, and it needs complete renovation. I told myself that this is something we need, but it wouldn’t be possible to go much higher.

We stopped for a break on the drive back. I checked, and somehow, I was still the only bidder, and the reserve was met—25% below the guide price! Wonderful!

As we continued, I again thought about the work needed to make this livable. Soon, I could feel my mind drifting toward doubt: how long would it take, what would it cost, who would do it, and so on. I gave myself a mental slap—”Go with the original feeling,” I said. But being a bit dense at times, when I reached the MCB, I thought I’d go to Baba first, just to share my thoughts and ask for guidance. I told him that I felt it was the right thing to do, but I’m still young in understanding telepathic messages and clear signs—basically a simple person. I asked if he could please give me a real sign to make sure I was on the right track.

I got back to the house, and as I sat down to rest, Michael Draper called. He told me that we must get the house and that if any financial assistance was needed, he might be able to help. At the same time, I had another call coming in from Vijay, our Chairman, but I couldn’t answer. I spoke to Michael and understood the sign; even though I wasn’t consciously worried about the renovation expense, he cleared all doubts. Then I called Vijay back. He was also excited because, just at the council meeting the previous night, he had talked about the need for nearby accommodation for more people to come and stay and that this would be ideal.

Not just one, but two clear messages! Over-delivery from Baba and Mohanji, as usual.

That was it—or so I thought.

That day, I had an important medical appointment five minutes before the end of the auction. Although it had already been rescheduled 3 times, I decided I should skip it and focus on making sure we got the property. After some time, another thought came, based on my earlier sankalpam during the homa. I decided that actually, I should go, but I would time it so that I could continue in the auction during the car ride (someone else would drive me) and reach just as the auction ended, apologising for being late.

This proved to be a necessary move because as we drove past the house again, there was another prospector inspecting the property. He was on the phone, and I felt a slight sinking in my stomach—what if there was about to be a bidding war, as the property was already 25% below the original reserve? Fiaz was driving and he stopped to unload rubbish into the bins at the top of the road near this property.

I asked Fiaz to help me, and now I also ask for some small forgiveness from Mohanji, as I requested Fiaz to create a small diversion.

The man was on the phone with someone, and it was 20 minutes before the end of the auction. I had a feeling they would make a bid.

I told Fiaz to go and talk to the man and give him the real picture of the state of the property—that it has been abandoned, the roof is falling in, it’s been leaking through rain, snow, and hail; it’s a mess! It’s not untrue, but I knew this would create some doubt, which would give some certainty about securing the property at a good price. I wouldn’t normally do this for myself, but this was for a much larger purpose. As Mohanji said about Krishna, we must be practical in this age of Kali Yuga and do what is required to meet the benevolent ends. 

He played the perfect role! Even inventing the local nickname for the house, ‘Cardboard cottage.’ A 30-second conversation, but that was enough, and we drove off. I watched the bidding—minutes passed as we got closer to our destination. As we arrived, the countdown of 10 seconds started, and there was no other bidder. I opened the car door and waited: 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0—winning bid! We won the auction. And I was still on time for the appointment.

Many times before, Mohanji has said he is abundance. The tradition is abundance. The only thing that stops us is ourselves—our mind, our own blockages. Here was another example of the need to act promptly, take steps, move, and keep a keen awareness of what is being provided, as we don’t know what will come when and in what form!

If I had been in a lazy mood, it would have been very easy to ignore the auction sign or think, “I’ll check that later tonight,” and tonight would have been too late—the opportunity would have gone! Also, I could have let my mind be overwhelmed by the prospect of renovations, construction, dealing with builders, and project management. I would have sunk myself into a pit of worry, but remembering who was behind me helped me take that step. Plus, help is there. If I hadn’t asked for a sign or communicated my inner thoughts to Mohanji and Sai Baba, perhaps the two confirmations wouldn’t have come.

Here in Scotland, Mohanji said that Shirdi Sai Baba has the bhava (essence) of abundance—infinite abundance—but it’s up to us to access it and make ourselves ready to receive. It’s already there, waiting for us.

Shirdi Sai Baba – Abundance – MCB Scotland

For me and others in the UK, this is another testament to how he works. His speed, precision, and thoroughness are impeccable.

Now, we have an asset and, next door, the right person who can help as a builder to renovate the property, creating suitable space for those with a deep heart to stay close to the MCB.

If you haven’t already, I’d urge you all to make your sankalpam for this powerful Navaratri period, and I wish you great success in all you do for the Mohanji platforms and the world.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 4th October 2024


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