by Gauri Arvind, Canada
Mohanji is a mother!
It was around Guru Poornima, 2024, that we lost our family member, our pet cat, Grey. My daughter was grieving deeply. She wouldn’t even look at Grey’s pictures, and if we spoke about him, she would walk away. She wasn’t communicating much either. I thought she needed time and gave her space. Little did I know that Mohanji had a different plan.
I visited Slovenia in August 2024. I heard about Raja, the deer, for the first time during the drive to the airport. Paula was in the same car, and we were heading toward the airport. The conversation regarding Mohanji’s perfume brought us feelings of love and warmth. Everyone in the car could still smell the fragrance, but not me.
I was sniffing my son’s hand. Paula the priest from Mohanji Centre of Peace, Slovenia mentioned about Raja and Mohanji’s love for him. Listening to him pulled the strings of my heart. I checked in my bag and offered Paula all the cash I had for a food donation for Raja. The moment that transaction was completed, I immediately smelled the fragrance on my wrist. It was back! Mohanji was showing his presence! I was deeply moved.
One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I found myself in Slovenia with our dearest Raja. My heart was filled with love and contentment being with Raja, feeding him, talking to him. Mohanji came for one day to visit Raja and the other deer. Mohanji’s heart is filled not just with the love of a single mother but also with the love of thousands of mothers!

Raja appeared very happy being around Mohanji. Mohanji fed the deer; it was a sight to behold, mesmerizing and beautiful. There was no program or satsang, but I had an opportunity to share a comment with Mohanji. I told him, “Mohanji, you made time from your busy schedule to travel and meet Raja.” He answered with enthusiasm and childlike wonder, “Of course! he was calling me!”
Mohanji could hear Raja’s call beyond any barriers. It was Raja’s unconditional love and yearning for his mother that pulled Mohanji to him. When Mohanji was leaving the following day for the airport, he told Lucky, the dog, that he would meet him soon and not to be sad. I didn’t know the impact of Mohanji’s words on me. When he left, I started to feel very sad. I was feeling how Lucky was feeling.
When I arrived back home in Canada, within two weeks, Mohanji orchestrated a visit with Cooper. We were not looking for a dog. Arvind has been very against it as it will add more work to his plate. Suddenly, one day, Arvind came rushing down the stairs and showed a picture of Cooper, listed for re-homing. From the way Arvind spoke, I felt that he had made up his mind to bring Cooper home. Mohanji orchestrated Eesha to go along with Arvind to meet Cooper. Cooper instantly took to Eesha. He was all over her, kissing her, jumping on her, showering his love on her and on that first visit, Cooper found a home.

Arvind and Eesha came back with Cooper. I shared this with Haresh, and he was in tears, tears of happiness and gratitude! When Cooper arrived home, I saw Eesha’s face light up. I saw her smile. I had missed seeing her smile. Mohanji knew what the kids needed. I have only one mother’s heart, but Mohanji has a thousand mothers’ hearts. He confirmed that he is even closer to us than a biological mother!
Let this experience always remind me that they are your kids, Mohanji. Help me to be aware of ownership and live in detachment and freedom to continue to do my dharma with no expectations and strings attached. Thank you, Mohanji, from the bottom of my heart for giving me this beautiful experience!
Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 18th March 2025
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