by Elham, Mohanji Acharya
“Gratitude opens the door for grace to flow.”
One of the ways to express gratitude to the Guru is to speak up about the grace that happened to us; in this way, we acknowledge it. Otherwise, time can wash away those blissful memories, and we may not remember how much Mohanji helps us, and we may forget his miracles that time and again gave us the experience of a blissful state. But when we express it solidly, it stays; the mind cannot deny it, time cannot wash it away, and it may inspire someone in the same situation now or even many years later.
I would like to share some of the experiences regarding my last trip with Mohanji to the Mohanji Center of Benevolence (MCB) USA. My husband Farshad and I were blessed to serve in Mohanji’s office team during this trip; we could observe Mohanji from a much closer perspective.

First, a little about this new center in the USA. In a word, it’s divine! It’s like that part of Power of Purity meditation when Mohanji talks about a serene land where you would like to sit for meditation forever! While driving towards the center for the first time, we were amazed by the area’s beautiful landscapes, serenity and peacefulness. Every early morning, driving from the hotel to the center was an amazing journey. It was a foggy, beautiful road, like movies, and we had the chance to see many deer and baby deer along the road, cows and calves, rabbits, horses and baby horses and crows peacefully sitting on the road. Mohanji says connecting to Lord Datta is not easy, so when people asked Datta how to connect to you, he said look at nature. While looking at that beautiful and peaceful nature, you could tangibly feel Datta deep inside. It was the first time I could feel or connect to Datta, and Mohanji himself could be felt as Datta during this trip. As Mohanji says, “I am an empty pot. I reflect what fills into me, time after time.”

On the very first day, when Mohanji arrived at the center, a female black dog appeared (confirmed by Lata Ganesh), and even though it had a collar, it seemed to have no owner. Her eyes were full of love! She was looking at us with so much compassion. She also came inside the hall and attended Mohanji’s satsangs. We told Mohanji about the dog, and he said, “She is Gauri, wife of Shiva.” We all left in awe! This land started attracting divine beings immediately because of Mohanji’s presence. During his lunch, Mohanji gave me a handful of food from his plate to feed Gauri.

For those who may not know, Mohanji always offers his food to divine beings in many dimensions and lokas, so this food becomes blessed by them, and it’s so nurturing and called Prasad. I am not scared of animals but don’t like to get very close or touch them, especially always avoiding their licking. Meanwhile, going out to feed her, I was thinking what to do! I don’t feel good to drop the food on the ground since it’s blessed food (Prasad). Then I gathered all the courage I had to feed by hand! Gauri was standing there, waiting, and I offered the food by hand and to my surprise, she took the food in a way that didn’t lick my hand at all! Obviously, the food was very nurturing to her, not only physically; she was very pleased. The next day, she brought her three kids, all in black!

When we told Mohanji, He talked about the four dogs of Datta, which are the four Vedas. He said, “Feed them.” When Mohanji wants to eat, he keeps telling everybody to eat and asks if the animals outside have been fed. Once at lunch, He suddenly stared outside from the window near the lunch table and said, “Nobody should go hungry from here, nobody, no being.” Mohanji walks the talk; he always speaks about feeding the hungry, and he does the same in his daily life. Also, he doesn’t only eat for himself, as I had an experience of this. When he ate, my stomach was full; I wrote about it in the Guru Leela book, Volume 4.
Before coming to the USA, Mohanji had some programs in MCB Scotland, and since then, his feet have been swollen and painful, but he still proceeded with the schedule. When he arrived, his feet were very bad, and standing was not easy either, but you couldn’t see any mark of pain on his face; people were trying to touch his feet, and he was pulling them back. He did not request the people not to touch his feet!
Once, after a meeting, he went out and sat on the terrace, and I took a tea for him and noticed a wheezing sound coming while he was breathing. I asked him what happened, “Father, this was not there a bit before”. He said, “I had to cleanse these people.” Our limited mind cannot understand that he is already in so much pain, and god knows what he has taken on to himself, but still, this can’t stop him from helping people by removing blockages and what else! This situation with the feet happened around the time of the earthquake in Morocco, and I felt there was a connection, and he saved many by taking things to himself.
When the retreat started on September 22, many meeting requests came up, and Mohanji’s team did their best to accommodate everyone. Being a witness to all these closely gave me much more understanding and respect for Mohanji and his team. It’s really not easy to manage these many requests, especially when Mohanji’s health is not well. He gives all of himself. He was fulfilling everyone’s wishes. Sometimes, people wanted to say something but might have felt shy. Then, Mohanji, with a smile, would ask, “You wanted to tell me something,” and they would open up. He does one thing constantly, non-stop: “Giving”. I told him, “Father, you gave a lot to everyone even though you are in pain, and you even fulfilled people’s expectations.” He said, “I’m here for this.” So simple, so selfless, without thinking of himself. He said, “I can take care of you, but I can’t take care of myself. I am always looking after you, right?” Absolutely, this is true, not me only; everyone who is connected to him has experienced it, he’s also taking care of many who are not connected but praying intensely. Sometimes, we have expectations that Mohanji will take care of everything. We should always remember that in this life, anything we experience now is the product of our deeds; nobody should be blamed for it, and nobody should take care of it. The Guru is not here to clean up our mess, but if he removes things out of compassion, it’s all his grace, nothing else.

There was a very important event at the MCB: Homa. A sacred fire ceremony ritual that Mohanji himself was supposed to conduct. Many people joined, almost 200. As soon as Mohanji joined and started the ritual, the shift of energy was felt. There were thick clouds, and based on the day before forecasts, it was supposed to rain that day, but the map started changing, and there was no rain! Mohanji kept gazing at the sky several times during the 3 hours of the homa, probably each time with a different purpose. One of his gazes parted the clouds, and beautiful sunshine emerged. He was instructing what mantra to chant at times, and the presence of the deity connected to each mantra could be felt powerfully! When Mohanji said to chant the Vishnu mantra, soon after, a huge eagle appeared in the sky, flew above Mohanji’s head in the sky and then disappeared. Maha Vishnu himself came to bless the homa. When Mohanji instructed to chant the Hanuman mantra, the energy got so intense, and fire flames became tall and violent. Each deity had its flavour and sign. All deities came because Mohanji called upon them.

After the homa, everyone felt super light, happy and joyful. There was so much kindness and love between everyone, and the land was much more vibrant. It felt like a higher realm, another dimension. After the homa was done, Mohanji was very satisfied and said, “It could not be done better!” So, the deities accepted the offering, and this is because of his purity; who cannot accept his pure offering? After this powerful homa, MCB USA felt like a powerful portal of light and energy, ready to give stability and awareness to anyone looking for it.
Most offered coconuts got burned sooner or later by that evening, but a couple of them were more resistant; they were still burning until noon the next day. Mohanji had eyes on them to make sure all would go. He always does his job perfectly and much more than that. He said one of these coconuts was about someone who committed suicide life after life, for 6-7 lifetimes, thus not completing a lifetime fully. In this life, too, the person tried to commit suicide, and that’s why it was tough to burn.
Despite a busy schedule and daily satsangs, Mohanji attended a school to donate some shoes to kids that some of their families might not be able to afford. This happened through ACT USA. The school was far, and it was a long drive, which meant it was not good for the feet, but nothing could stop him from making someone happy. Little kids were waiting in the hall, and they didn’t know who Mohanji was. The principal introduced him as the founder of ACT charity. Mohanji spoke to them briefly, but I felt he touched their hearts. He spoke about being kind and not selfish. Then, he took their attention to their breathing and body and encouraged them to feel themselves. Then they had the chance to select their shoes and were so happy and excited. Some of them couldn’t find their size, and one child was so sad, but nothing was missed from Mohanji’s eyes. He instructed the team to write their names and sizes, get their correct size, and deliver as soon as possible; such compassion and attention to detail!

He fulfilled many of my wishes on this trip. He has many ears and hears the hearts well. At the end of one satsang, someone tied a bracelet on Mohanji’s wrist, and when I saw that, just this thought passed through my mind, “Oh, it’s beautiful!”. A few hours later, after satsang, Mohanji was speaking to someone in the hall, and I was in the next room, so he called me to open this bracelet. By the time I could get there, he could open it himself, give it to me, and say, “It’s yours!”. I was so surprised, like a child, because first he heard that thought and this was sitting on his wrist for a few hours!! Such a blessing! I was so happy going around and showing others what I got!

My feelings about the time were very odd during my stay with Mohanji. I felt time go very fast, and at the same time, one day felt so long because so many things were happening in just one day. This cannot be explained in words because, from the mind level, there is a contradiction. But in simple words, time was fast and slow simultaneously!
Mohanji always goes the extra mile! Two days before the end of the retreat, Mohanji’s arati happened at 6 pm to his picture, and whoever was there in the MCB joined, and it was so powerful. People asked to meet him and have a satsang. His feet were not good at all, very swollen and painful, and he had a flight in two days. Yet, he fulfilled this wish! Mohanji had to keep his feet up to prevent more swelling, but he did not hesitate and preferred to bend his leg and have more pain than sitting in that position.
On the last day before leaving for the airport, we met Mohanji in his room. He always asks us how we go back home, and he clears our way back, and if we experience anything, we know that Mohanji already made it a lot lighter. This time, without us telling him anything, he said, “Your flight is 8 hours, right?” and asked for the complete route back home. I felt it meant something. We started driving to the airport after receiving his blessings and a warm and lovely goodbye with everyone at the MCB. It was amazing to see eagles all the way to the airport constantly; Mohanji’s people (as he calls them) who were protecting! When we arrived at the airport and got our boarding passes, I heard another agent telling some other passengers that there was a delay in the flight, but I didn’t pay attention and thought it should be another flight; otherwise, this agent would inform us. We proceeded to the gate, and as soon as we arrived, they announced that there had been a 1.5-hour delay!
The agent who served us was there, and I went to him and asked him why he didn’t inform us earlier about the delay. He started justifying himself that they just heard about it, but I couldn’t believe it because I had heard it from another agent. I was upset because if we had known earlier, we could have waited and seen Mohanji again since his flight was from the same airport but an hour later.
After some unpleasant conversation with that guy and when the guy started shouting because they didn’t have any plan or explanation of what would happen if we missed our connection, we left the argument and waited for the flight. If we missed the connecting flight, that meant we may not even get home the next day, and Farshad had to be at work the next morning! So we could only surrender to Mohanji and wait. They announced boarding, and when everyone boarded the plane, it felt warm and suffocating with no AC.
After some time and no movement, the captain started saying that there was some issue with the plane, that they needed to shut down for 10 minutes, and that it would get too warm in the plane. After a few minutes, a cabin crew member said that if it was warm and suffocating, we could get off the plane and leave our stuff inside but not go far away. After a few more minutes, another crew member asked everyone to get off the plane and take all our stuff! It was so weird.
We felt we had lost the connection due to all this delay, and many thoughts came. What to do?! While walking out, we decided to cancel this flight and find another one-way flight, which was at a much higher rate now. I started searching for a flight, and Farshad was speaking with the agent. I found a flight in 3 hours with the cost of more than a 2-way flight. Then Farshad called me to check something with me, and I understood they would not refund the money but would give credit to our account with the same airline for the next travel! I told the guy, we’re not going to fly with them anymore, so what was the use of that? I noticed the guy’s attitude was different than before and trying to be helpful.
There was a long line of people behind us, and everyone was so frustrated because the next flight would be the following day, and now it was 5:30 pm. The agent came closer and asked, ” Are you okay with me transferring your flight to another airline that flies in one hour? We both were so surprised and immediately said yes, of course. He said, but your luggage might be delayed and come in 1-2 days. I said it’s completely fine. He started working on the computer and called the crew to pull out our luggage and leave it aside for him to go and pick it up. He was working fast as though it was for his own family! He transferred us to another airline without any extra payment and asked me to check in online, but the page was not loading on my phone and kept asking me to pay for the seat. I was about to pay that, but he stopped me. He started checking on his computer and emailed us a boarding pass! At the end, he asked us to run to the gate, which was a bit far. We shook hands with him, and I thanked him a lot. He apologized for his earlier behaviour, and I felt Mohanji cleared something between us. His eyes were very different, and I felt so much kindness from him.
After a long run, 30 minutes before the flight, we arrived at the gate, which was closed. I asked the agent if we could go in, and he said they’re not boarding yet! Just then, I noticed many people were around and released a big sigh! Something happened that was a sign of Mohanji’s presence in this whole incident. While boarding, we noticed a sign on the body of the plane next to the entrance door saying “One World,” and Mohanji always says “One World, One Family”. Jai Mohanji!!

The flight was very nice and smooth, and we arrived 3.5 hours earlier than the previously booked flight, which was midnight! The next day, I received an email that the delayed flight was cancelled altogether. It was very obvious who was behind all these miracles. I’m sure we wouldn’t have returned home that day without Mohanji’s blessings. He removed all heaviness and obstacles; we just experienced a breeze instead of a tornado.

Words fall short of expressing gratitude to Mohanji. Words are too gross to explain his stature and greatness. I keep remembering October 2022 when he had that accident. And he might have left the body, but he stayed out of love and compassion for every being who had hope in him. So I feel grateful every day, every moment he is here on Earth, breathing from the same air and walking on the same Earth. On top of that, we have the blessing to meet him in person here and there. A hundred years later, people will remember us as blessed and lucky ones who had the chance to be in the physical presence of such a Guru even though to me, Mohanji is an Avatar, and I believe it will be revealed just years later.
A big thanks to Mohanji’s office team for making my experience more pleasant with their love, warmth and support.
Surrender this whole existence, this personality, all experiences and ego at the lotus feet of my Lord, Mohanji Baba.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 26th November 2023
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