“Om Parabrahmaya vidmahe
Shiva tatwaya dhi mahi,
Tanno Mohan Prachodayat.”
On this auspicious day of ‘Dussehra’ (Hindu festival), which is also the 100th Maha Samadhi day of Shirdi Sai Baba, with deep reverence and gratitude to our Guru Brahmarishi Mohanji, we attempt to compose ‘Mohanji Satcharita’, which is a collection of testimonials as pearls strung together in the thread of faith, love and gratitude. These are the true experiences shared sincerely and honestly by followers across the globe.
A Satcharita is not just a collection of stories, it is not about the person who experienced it, nor is it about how big or small the experience was. A Satcharita is about the Guru and His leela – a divine play!
Shirdi Sai Baba Himself has said about the ‘Sai Satcharita’ – “Hearing my stories and teachings will create faith in devotees’ hearts and they will easily get self-realisation and bliss. Let there be no insistence on establishing one’s own view, no attempt to refute other’s opinions, no discussions of pros and cons of any subject.”
Reading the Mohanji Satcharita would help us witness the divine at play. We believe, just by reading it, the reader will experience the same effect as the devotee who shared it. Not just in the present times, this will be an incredible avenue for future generations, to receive the same grace too.
It’s also true that naive souls like us have no wisdom or capability to portray the beauty and magnificence of Mohanji’s divine acts. Every such leela (divine act) has a deep purpose behind it. Hence, surrendering our ego completely, we begged Mohanji to help us put together this Satcharita.
Mohanji blessed us, “I will help you.”
We were not at all surprised but mesmerised by these words! These were the exact words that Sai Baba had told Hemadpant when he was going to write the ‘Sai Satcharita.’
Why did we think of contriving the ‘Mohanji Satcharita?’
Mohanji says, “The greatest teacher you can ever have is life.”
As we learn innumerable lessons and embark on this journey to realise the Guru within, the presence and guidance of God in the physical form of a Guru is invaluable. For many of us, with Mohanji’s presence in our lives, changes happened from within, changes from which there was no turning back. His presence brings intense joy and peace to the heart and mind. His love, compassion and words of wisdom give us clarity, removing doubts and fears, helping us move towards universal truths.
As unique beings, our journey in life is punctuated with interactions and experiences with Mohanji that are also unique. A great many of us have experienced Mohanji’s grace in many ways. When one surrenders with love and faith, miracles happen.
Mohanji has shown us these miracles in many ways – through His divine presence, protection, fulfilling wishes, healing, divine visions, communion with Masters and life transforming experiences, to mention a few.
This is the first chapter of the ‘Mohanji Satcharita’ with nine such precious pearls. In this chapter, we have classified the stories into three categories:
Divine Vision
The Master works on His devotees in various ways. To an extent it depends on the way we connect with our Guru. Bhakti bhaav (devotion) and deep connection with the Consciousness invokes experiences in the form of visions. Sometimes answers that we seek are also given through these visions. Experiences belong to the individual and the awareness of these helps us to grow spiritually!
1. ‘Eternal connection with Mohanji’ : Thea Ivie, Sedona, USA, Feb 2018
This enlightening experience by Thea in Sedona helps us understand the way Mohanji carries us through the ocean of life towards higher levels of spirituality. The physical presence of the Master is not required and the only requirement from our side is acceptance of the Guru with faith and surrender. We become an empty cup which is filled with the highest by the Master and an instrument through which the Master operates!
Thea narrates:
From the time I met Mohanji in Sedona last March, my spiritual growth has been extremely rapid.
I am an old-timer on this path, having visited India in the 1960’s with darshans of Papa Ramdas, Ananda Moyi Ma, Muktananda and Karuna Mayi.
I knew when I met Mohanji that He was my finishing school for total enlightenment in this life time. I gave Him total power of attorney to complete any karmic residue in my subconscious. He said that I had little karma left (but what seems little to the Masters seems like a lot to us.)
Mohanji has been doing His part consistently, as I have tried to do mine.
When Mohanji gave me shaktipat during the Sedona retreat, I fell on my back to the ground (nobody was behind me to catch me). There was no way to break the fall as the energy coming from Mohanji was so strong. I saw many Masters coming through Him and knew that He was a channel for many Great Ones.
As I experienced Mohanji’s energy more and more, I had visions of Rama, Krishna and Shiva coming through Him. At times, I felt He was my beloved Krishna, sometimes my Rama, and then Lord Shiva.
I experience Him almost all the time, and know that His love for me is always there no matter what I am going through.
I have recently become a Mai-Tri healer and the miracles have been tremendous: a man with an incurable blood disease was healed by Mohanji through Mai Tri Healing. We had three sessions of bliss and the man was totally healed!!!
I feel so privileged to be His instrument, and so grateful that this great Master came to Sedona to find me!!!! He said that He came for me. Wow! Thank God He found me!
The greatest gift we can have in this life is a Sadguru, and I do not take this great blessing for granted.
I have experienced the merging beyond form at times, but until I am in that state all the time, I am holding onto those beautiful lotus feet in the form of Sadguru Mohanji.
My deepest love and appreciation for such a gift!
— Thea
2. ‘The divine gift’: Kanika Gupta, Delhi, India. July, 2018
The love for the divine is enhanced through the gift of Consciousness Kriya, a practice bestowed on us by Parabrahma Mohanji, leading us on the path of liberation! This practice also intensifies divine visions and divine love in the practitioner. Kanika shares one such experience of divine love which she has treasured since childhood.
Kanika narrates :
I first set eyes on Mohanji in 2011. I faced a lot of ups and downs in my life during these years. One thing which I clung on to firmly during these turbulent times was Guruji, as He always held my hand. My learning so far in life is to have patience and firm faith in the Guru. The Guru always holds you through the good and the bad in life. Yet another big learning is to help people in need through Seva.
I want to share my experience which happened on 5th July, 2018 during my Kriya practice.
I lit a diya and started my Kriya practice. On completing my Kriya, I saw a small beautiful light and so I clicked some pictures. After a few days, out of curiosity I decided to have a look at the pictures of the light that I’d seen earlier. When I expanded that picture, to my surprise, I saw a divine face and immediately recognised it as the face of Santa Claus. Realisation dawned on the reason for this vision. Since childhood I have always admired Santa Claus; even now, I love to dress up as Santa Claus and distribute gifts to my family. This experience through Kriya reinforced the love of the divine that has always been with me since childhood and continues to be. This unconditional love of Santa Claus that I experienced happened only by the grace of Mohanji, who has always held my hand during difficulties and good times too!
Love you Guruji, Love you a lot.
— Kanika
3. ‘The state of expansion’: Subhasree Thottungal, London, June 2017
Merging with the consciousness and experiencing the true state of the Masters can happen during spiritual practices such as recitation of slokas and aarati with deep connection/focus and love. Subhasree shares this divine vision of being in the expanded state of Mohanji, our beloved Guru!
Subhasree narrates:
One night, after meditation and Shivakavacha, we offered aarati to Mohanji. While doing the aarati, I felt as if I was removing ‘drishti’ off Mohanji. (Drishti is an ancient tradition in most Indian homes where a mother carries out a simple ritual of waving a lit camphor in front of her child to ward off any evil eye cast on the child). As I stood with my eyes closed, I felt Mohanji was just expanding… getting larger and larger… it seemed as if I was at the bottom of some sea world and could only see one leg of the table (on which we had Mohanji’s photo). Slowly everything vanished… I couldn’t see anything, there was only vacuum…. and Mohanji had just expanded completely.
On completion of the aarati, when I opened my eyes, I felt a jerk and realised I was standing in the same place and His photo was indeed at the same place!
This was an amazing feeling.. I just didn’t understand what it was. The explanation for this vision came as below:
“This expansion is my original state.”
I was left speechless with this communication and darshan from Mohanji in His original state!

Do I need to expect anything further at all? This is the state of merging – merging with the supreme consciousness, the Shiva!
Gurudev, I have simply no existence. I exist because You DO!
Koti Pranam at your feet, Mohanji.
— Subhasree
Life Transformation
A true Master’s goal is to lead us towards liberation which is also the ultimate goal of every human. The Guru may give us visions, experiences, and make His presence felt for us to seek refuge in Him. But it is left to us to transform ourselves and walk towards moksha. This transformation or change is brought on by the Master to help us let go of certain baggage that we carry which may probably entwine us in karmic bondage.
The following experiences are shared by those who have seen major positive changes in their lives. Mohanji’s presence has transformed their lives, bringing peace and joy to themselves and those around them.
4. ‘Discovering the new me’: Dr Pritam Purohit, Pune, India, June 2018
Dr. Pritam beautifully shares the changes which happened within him after meeting Mohanji. The changes need not be through dramatic experiences or visions but could take place in a subtle manner. The learning from this experience is dropping the “I” factor and accepting everything as a divine command. Read on and enjoy the beautiful but subtle transformation of Dr. Pritam.
Dr Pritam narrates:
I have always wondered after reading the experiences of others whether I am connected to Mohanji or not. I came to know about Mohanji from Dr.Nikita, when my wife was undergoing some treatment. My wife became connected to Mohanji first, and started attending meditation sessions and other activities with the Mohanji family in Pune. I was indifferent to things as I was busy at work and my mind was cluttered with concepts. However, I went to meet Mohanji in Mumbai at the earliest opportunity. This was in June 2017 and now in retrospect, I see that life has been nothing but a miracle ever since.
I used to be an angry person, dissatisfied with almost everything, annoyed and irritable all the time. Every night while going to bed, I would decide to be a changed person from the next day but it would not happen, thus making it a vicious circle. Gradually it started interfering in my day-to-day functioning. I would crave for peace of mind and not being able to have it would make me jittery.
And after Mohanji’s arrival in my life, I have transformed; initially in a subtle, not so dramatic way and then completely. Everyone around me is surprised and so am I! There is a sense of calmness, especially in situations where I used to get agitated earlier. I have begun to see myself as a witness residing in a body rather than being only the body. I feel the emotions, but they have started to have a much lesser effect on me.
I am a physician working in a government set up. Every day, before starting my work, I would pray to Mohanji in my mind and surrender all I am about to do, to Him. And He takes care. I have started to salvage patients in a peripheral hospital, whereas I have seen similar patients dying in a tertiary care premier hospital during my training days. I do not take ownership of the patients, and manage the cases keeping Him in mind, many a time just on clinical grounds as my peripheral hospital doesn’t have any advanced diagnostic facilities. He would always be there and He would take care. Sometimes I would feel that I am being selfish but then I see Him in His photograph and He would be smiling back, giving me immense strength.
And yes, from a dedicated non vegetarian to being a total vegetarian, the transformation has been awesome. This is something that I thought would never happen.
I have not stopped having problems, but He has given me the power to face it all. And there is a feeling of His constant presence. No worries, no negativity… pure bliss.
With gratitude and prayers, always and forever.
— Pritam
5. ‘Being the consciousness’: Alex Sasa Glusac, Serbia, October 2018
Being highly intuitive, Alex knew deep in his heart that meeting Mohanji would be life –changing for him. That is exactly what happened when he set eyes on Mohanji and instantly connected with Him at the soul level. Everything was Shiva! Total silence engulfed him and this triggered the process of his transformation! Read on and experience the joy of this communion!
Alex narrates:
I was somewhere in between the ending of earlier experiences and the beginning of new ones which were nudging me to Mohanji. Something inside me believed that meeting Him would be important. I admit that I am a sceptical person, but the last years have shown me that there is something more to my spirituality that was awaiting fulfilment, something really special and at the same time completely mine. I am not sure if I would want to name it, but if someone were to ask me whether I believe in wizards and fairies, I would say – Yes!
Because of that I had accepted the idea and the call to come to the retreat as a guest and ‘sneak in’ if there was a chance… and that happened. When I arrived, I didn’t even sit down while waiting and then someone came for me to take me into the hall. And there He was! My first Shaktipat happened in silence in the hall in Andrevlje, where for the first time, I saw Him and the people who cry themselves out…
I kneeled down and received Shaktipat, honestly knowing nothing about what was supposed to happen. I got up and lost myself in His eyes. Something formidable was shining out of Him. A deep and intense silence filled me full of strength, but what seemed like an abyss, where all of my thoughts had stopped; Shiva, they told me. I sat on a chair lost in some space where there was nothing. Suddenly I heard my heart tingling and my tears started to flow. Those were the tears of a warrior who finally after centuries of waiting, had put down his armour and recognized and heard himself. It was the beginning of my path with Him. I know I am missing words in explaining this experience but words do not matter any more to me. I know that I am changing and that Mohanji’s consciousness is inside me and building a new me.
I feel a joy in my soul which is expanding me and erasing the common games of power and proving myself to others. I feel that with every Kriya that I do, it connects me more and more to Him. I am becoming what I am; I am becoming the consciousness which is growing through Him. And I know that deep inside, this feeling of love and the feeling of Him, makes me divine. “Be Mohanji,” He said…
O yes, I will be. Thank you!
— Alex
6. ‘In eternal peace’: Sara Sydney, Toronto, Canada, April 2018
One single step can bring on life-transforming changes within a person. Sara took the initiative and attended a POP session after which there was no looking back. She was hooked to the Master although she met Him much later. Once she set eyes on Him, the transformation was accelerated! Given below is an account in her own words about the step by step changes that took place in her life.
Sara narrates:
I was introduced to Mohanji by Nilesh. He had ordered some T- shirts through the phone to my business and when he came to pick up the shirts, I asked who Mohanji was. Very lovingly, Nilesh explained to me about Mohanji and asked me to check the Power of Purity meditation online. He even loaded it on to my desk top. At that time, I hated myself and the world. I kept it for 3 months not looking at it but was conscious of it being there. After 3 months, I called Nilesh and asked if he does the meditation he was talking about, and he said yes, come over on a Friday at 7pm. I went with hesitation, not knowing these people and not knowing what it was all about. I had a very warm welcome. I enjoyed the meditation and have never looked back. On the first day, my husband had dropped me to Nilesh’s house where they were doing the meditation. On the way back and also after coming home, he was surprised to see some changes in me. He asked if I was going back the next week. I said, “Yes, no one can stop me.” He was very happy.
Mohanji came to Toronto in March and I went for the 1 day retreat. That was the first time I met Him. I was afraid to talk to Mohanji although He came and sat at the table where I was having lunch. I was asking Him questions in my mind all the time He was sitting there. I got most of the answers afterwards. The most important thing for me was, from that time onwards, I stopped eating meat and fish, and stopped drinking alcohol. Many more changes in me!
Consciousness Kriya has brought many positive life experiences. I am more confident. I am cleaner and clearer within myself. There is always a white light within my body. I don’t worry as much as before. I give it away to Mohanji and leave it behind me. I talk to myself more, analyse it and then try to forget about it.
In conclusion, I am a more relaxed person. Much more calm, inside and outside. I am happier when I do my Kriya in the mornings before I start my day. I have gained a lot of peace and happiness within me. There is no holding back in this material world. I am at peace with everyone and everything.
Mohanji says “When you connect to the consciousness through the teachings, then you understand the benchmark for it is transformation. Understand whether the teacher is transforming you. Making you more silent inside. Making you immune to the pleasures and pains of life. These are clear signs of transformation.”
Thank you Mohanji for everything that You have blessed me with.
— Sara
Divine Presence
Brahmarishi Mohanji always urges us to connect deeply to His consciousness and when we do He can be seen, sensed, experienced and heard in innumerable ways. Faster than the speed of lightning, the communication can be strong and vibrant! Physical miles cannot separate a true Master from His disciple. Stronger the call, quicker the response from Him. Mohanji can never ignore these calls and gets pulled towards a genuine seeker. At times, He even anticipates these desires and rushes to fulfill them or makes the ride smooth for the devotees. A simple utterance of His name in earnest brings Him to the caller. It is then left to the seeker to realise the boon bestowed upon him.
7. ‘At the Nandi Hill temple’: Preethi Gopalarathnam, Mumbai, India, October 2018
This beautiful experience happened during a trip to Thiruvannamalai – Arunachalam with Mohanji – just after the Consciousness Kriya Intensive programme in Bengaluru in October 2018. The temple that Mohanji has never visited previously, in a period that Mohanji was not even in India, the priest mentions of Him being present. Not just being present but doing Abhishekam! This divine vision was mindblowing to the devotees, who became aware of this fact much later.
It has been our experience that during each event blessed by Mohanji, hurdles are removed just as the rays of the sun make dark clouds disappear. During this program too, Mohanji paved the way for a successful and smooth program along with darshan as required well in advance. It is our innate nature to assume that we are the doers in any situation. This experience by Preethi brings in the wisdom and reminds us that we are mere instruments in the hands of our Master. If we work with this awareness and allow the grace to do its work, success is ensured.
Preethi narrates:
Let me share our experience at Nandi Hills.
When we reached the top of the Hills, the overcast sky signalled impending heavy rain. In fact, group participants asked me how we would be able to do Kriya there. I remembered all the past experiences where things like these cleared miraculously with Mohanji’s grace and replied that it probably wouldn’t rain!
Someone told me the temple we came up for was closed. But we decided to do Kriya either inside or near it anyway. Once we went into the temple, the priest ushered us in and took us inside the sanctum sanctorum. He asked, “Are all of you from Mohanji’s group?” We said yes and he replied that Mohanji had been here a month or so ago. In fact he said that Mohanji was right where we were standing and spent about half an hour doing Rudra Abhishekam. We were wearing our ID cards and hence assumed that we were thus recognized as Mohanji’s followers. We had an amazing darshan (view) and received prasad (sacred offered food). The priest was very accommodating and in fact directed us to a place where we could sit down to do Kriya. Just to put this in context, usually devotees are not allowed to stay for long inside the sanctum sanctorum of temples in South India. We were filled with love and happily did Kriya inside the sanctum sanctorum. The priest later explained the significance of this temple. Yoga Nandishwarar is where Shiva is in Yoga form, completely in union with Parabrahma. We had a beautiful Kriya session and went to the next sannidhi (shrine) where Maa Parvati called Mukthambika was in a separate shrine. The priest said that one should ask Her for Liberation and when She blesses us, it’s guaranteed!
The significance of this series of events was huge, as we were a group of Kriya initiates and have taken vows to lead a life which would help us get exactly there! Once we prayed and did Kriya there, we noticed there was also a shrine for Karthikeya or Lord Muruga. He is considered the Gnyana Avatar (incarnation of wisdom) and I remember Mohanji saying Maha Avatar Babaji was Lord Muruga’s amsa (manifestation). I was elated as it seemed as if the entire Tradition had come to bless us. We then went to the Boga Nandishwar temple, had beautiful darshan (view) and did Kriya practice there. Just when we left the place, there was a light drizzle as if the Gods showered us with blessings and we boarded our bus. No heavy rain, though when we started in the morning we were mighty sure we would get caught in a heavy downpour!
When I reached Arunachalam (Tiruvannamalai) the next day, I shared with Mohanji that we had great darshan (view) in the temple the previous day and we practiced Kriya there too. I asked Him if He was there a month ago, and did the Rudra Abhishekam?
With a twinkle in His eyes He said, “I was not here in India, a month back, right?”
I was shocked as I then remembered it was true that Mohanji was not in India last month! I also came to know that Mohanji has never visited this temple previously. Then how did the priest see Mohanji doing Abhishek? If he has never met Mohanji, then how did he even recognsied us as Mohanji’s followers? Questions such as these were racing through my mind!
I also remembered my sister Hema telling me that there was a man who asked her and Nikolina to go inside. He spoke in English and said, “Are you guys not the new Kriya initiates, please go in!” How did he know this? My sister assumed I had spoken to some other people about Kriya, but I had not!
Only then did I realise that Mohanji had actually arranged for this even before we came. I felt various emotions then, including shame for thinking ‘I’ was conducting and arranging the program. He came ahead and ensured smooth darshan (view) and treatment.
I also understood what He meant by,
“If you remember I will do the program, then everything will be fine.”
What a profound lesson! What a crucial and vital learning experience. I was so humbled and at the same felt at peace. As we go about our daily life (including volunteering work) we need to just remember that we have to make ourselves available and everything happens through us. I understood the significance of these words now.
Thank you Mohanji for your kindness, and for explaining this to me as You always do, ‘In baby food format,’ so that I could digest it. After this, my only prayer at every shrine is to help us stay in this awareness as we serve our Guru.
— Preethi
8. ‘Divine presence in any form’: Girija Thekkandy, Kerala, India, Sept 2018
As devotees, all that is required of us is to hold onto the loving hand of the Guru through the ups and downs in life with faith. The Master gently carries us through the journey, shielding us and showering us with His grace. Girija’s experience shows how chanting the Mohanji Gayatri mantra as a silent prayer helped her and her daughter in a new place!
Girija narrates :
I had moved to Kerala from the US this June, and my 11 year old daughter, my mother and I now live in our new home in Vengeri, Calicut. We have a 5 minute walk to the bus stop of her school bus. My daughter hasn’t learnt the local language yet, the walk ways are winding, the pick-up spot is at a busy junction and she cannot cross the road by herself. In short, she is completely dependent on me as she is new to the country. One day, I had to go for some errands, but the place I had to go to was about an hour and half away. I decided to walk with my daughter to the school bus stop and thought to myself that I would return quickly before the school bus would drop her back after school. Unfortunately, it did not happen as planned. It started raining heavily (I had forgotten my umbrella) and I got onto a bus much later than anticipated. Finally, the situation was such that it would be 30 minutes before I would reach the bus stop to pick her up. Time was ticking by and I knew that I would be late. I could not contact my mother at home, or anyone else for help. I tried to contact the bus driver, but the call did not go through, most likely because of the heavy rains. I was frozen. I did not dare to imagine what could happen! I simply closed my eyes and started chanting the Mohanji Gayatri mantra on the bus I was travelling on. To make matters worse, that day my bus did not stop at the correct bus stop! I had to take an auto. When I finally reached my daughter’s school bus drop off spot, it was still raining and was 15 minutes past the arrival time of the bus. But I could not see anyone on the road.
I called the bus driver and he said that he was still on his way. I was relieved and picked up my daughter from the bus. On our way back, I asked, “Why are you so late?” She said, “Amma, something strange happened in the bus. The bus was going through a narrow place. We saw a big snake coming from between the trees outside the bus, and climbing in through the open window near the driver. It was moving its head behind the driver’s head! All the children were frightened and started crying from the back of the bus. The driver didn’t know. When he looked back and saw the snake, he too got scared. It took us around 40 minutes to shoo it away and fix everything. We had to wait and that’s why we were delayed.”
Realisation dawned! I was speechless with wonder and gratitude as I understood what had happened. My daughter was asking me “Why you are not talking, aren’t you surprised? Do snakes often come into vehicles in this manner in India? This never happened in America.” That is true, this never happens anywhere! I could not speak at that time, but will explain to her the miracle that just took place, one day.
Pranaams (Salutate) to my Guruji for taking care of us by playing this leela (divine play).
— Girija
9. ‘Anytime, Anywhere’: Subhasree Thottungal, London, UK, August 2018
Our Guru’s promise that He will never leave our hand is proven time and again through various anecdotes. Connecting the dots related to a particular incident is what makes us aware of the protection and support given by Him. In this incident shared by Subhasree, this factor becomes evident as both, the person who was with Mohanji at that point in time and the person on whom the grace was bestowed were both aware of His presence by their side!
Subhasree narrates:
I will share something that I witnessed, just as a mere observer…
This was during the London Retreat. I was serving Mohanji then. One afternoon, it was His rest time (He doesn’t really have any rest time…it is a time when He may just lie down, either talking to His people or checking emails answering the innumerable questions of people etc. That afternoon, when He laid down and I was pressing His feet, He turned sidewise, and I noticed that His hands were spread ahead, phone and glasses put aside and in two seconds He appeared to be in deep sleep! I was stunned and wondered what happened, as He doesn’t sleep like this. My gross mind worried, “Oh Mohanji is so tired that He slept immediately.” Little did I know about the happenings unfolding at that time! I gently started pressing His arms and shoulders.
And to my surprise, His arms felt as if there was no skin, no muscles, no bones… felt like soft wool! Now, I was shocked. This was very unusual. I realized that something serious was going on! I have observed in the past that when Mohanji is working on someone, His legs, or arms become rock solid i.e. hard! This time it was the opposite, His body was as soft as wool; I understood that He was not present in the room! Later on, when I came back to give Him tea, He was already up.
He looked at me and said, “I slept immediately, right? I wasn’t here.”
I replied, “I know. Your arms were as soft as a pillow. This wasn’t normal. What happened?”
He then narrated the events.
At that time, someone in South Africa was in real trouble. The young daughter of a devotee was delayed in returning from a far-off place; the usual arrangement of pick-up had failed. The parents were unable to send the car and if the daughter had to wait for it, it would have caused more delay and it was risky. The parents started praying to Mohanji. Mohanji conveyed to them to ask the daughter to come back on her own and He assured them that He will be with her. The mother conveyed the same to her daughter and also asked her to chant the Mohanji Gayatri mantra while walking.

However, the daughter just chanted “Mohanji” repeatedly. What she experienced was truly amazing. She expressed that, while she was walking through the busy road with so many people around, she felt as if no one was aware of her walking. She felt that some people did look at her but they looked to her side and a little higher up, as if someone taller was walking beside her! She felt as if Mohanji was walking with her. Finally, she reached home, safe and sound.
I understood that when I witnessed Mohanji slipping into deep sleep suddenly and His body becoming unusually soft, He had actually gone to some remote place in South Africa to walk the girl safely back to her parents!
While listening to this, tears flowed from my eyes. It was difficult to comprehend how much and in how many ways Mohanji was protecting so many people/beings all around! There was nothing to doubt, because I had witnessed what was happening to His physical body on one side. Our logical mind sometimes can bring in doubts and weaken our faith. But instances like these cause doubts to disappear! My head bowed with so much gratitude for the divinity of our Master, who is living only for all of us.
What we read in Sai Satcharita is actually happening in current times too. All we need to do is keep our inner eyes and ears open, our faith intact, strengthen our conviction and surrender completely. Grace then flows.
Mohanji, aapki leela aparamapar! ( “Mohanji, your acts are incomprehensible”).
Jai Mohanji.
— Subhasree
We offer this souvenir of our gratitude at the feet of Guru Mohanji and present this with utmost love to all the readers.
We are surrendering our intention of continuing further chapters of ‘Mohanji Satcharita’ each month, as the testimonials from devotees all over the world keeps flowing in.
We would like to conclude the 1st chapter of “Mohanji Satcharita” with this sloka from the Guru Gita,
Shri Guroh paramam rupam viveka chakshushomratam,
Mandabhagyaa na pashyanti andhah suryodayam yatha|
Which means:
“The absolute form of the Guru is like nectar to those who can truly see. To those who cannot see through the veil of illusion, the true form of the Guru is shrouded, like the sunrise is to a blind man.”
Jai Shree Guru Datta.
Jai Mohanji.
— Compiled & published By, Mohanji Testimonials Team, 18th October 2018.
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11 thoughts on “Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 1, October 2018”
Jai Gurudev 🤗🤗🤗
Thank You Mohanji for giving me such important gems so that I may understand the purpose of my life. How blessed am I to have you in my life? Thank you Mohanji 🙏🏽
So blissful after reading Chapter 1, i second the thought that Father protects each family member everywhere like an eyelid. The Mohanji Gayatri Mantra is so powerful that you feel light and floating with happiness
A beautiful collection of experiences!
Jai Gurudev Mohanji.
Jay Mohanji ❤😗🙏
The loving affirmations described here bring tears to my eyes. Just so grateful to have these blissful Leela’s in a book form. Jai Brahmarishi Mohanji Maharaj ki jai 🙏 💛💫
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Pingback: Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 9 – “Offerings of love on Guru Poornima” – Experiences With Mohanji
***Comment from Shantam in MS Chapter 1, 20th July, as posted on WhatsApp group***
Today completed reading chapter 1. Beautiful stories! Jai Mohanji.
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