Subhasree Thottungal, UK
May 2019
As I was sitting in our ‘Mohanji room’ and looking at the altar, I thought, I should bring home a Datta idol. Sometime later, I saw photos of Mohanji’s home in Bangalore and saw Mahavatar Babaji’s idol in those photos. I had seen this before too. However, this time suddenly I asked myself, why have I never felt inclined to have Babaji’s idol in my altar? Well, with time, I just forgot about this thought.

Just a few months back, in August, just two days before Mohanji’s visit to London, I had a really amazing, unbelievable experience regarding Mahavtar Babaji. I had written this story and published it in Mohanji’s chronicles – “Stone to crystal”
The story was about the expansion beyond my body that I had experienced after reading Mohanji’s written blogs on Mahavatar Babaji.
Anyway, a few days later, suddenly during an informal discussion, I was asked,
“For a complete stranger, what age Mohanji would look like?”
Immediately His image flashed as if He was standing in front of me. This was happening instantly. I spontaneously said 40, or even may be between 35 to 40. Then something just made me write ‘Mohanji is ageless.’
Yes, that’s how Mohanji appeared to me, He is ageless! At this point, I had no comparison of Him with anyone else.

The next morning, I received a photo of a majestic rainbow in Singapore. Unlike my regular gross mind, I could see little beyond and understood that I was not just being shown a beautiful rainbow…I was being reminded of Dattatreya!

As the day progressed, in a miraculous way, I came across a blog that showed me the connection between Mohanji & Hanuman. During this again the reminder of my spontaneous response to a conversation regarding Mohanji as ‘ageless’ flooded my memory.
That night I had knee pain which was getting unbearable. The pain was so bad that I woke up and couldn’t sleep again. This was about 3 am. I kept praying to Mohanji, keeping my own hand on my knee for healing, feeling Mohanji’s energy flowing through.
After some time, I felt better but my sleep had gone. So I took my phone to read something. While I was browsing on my phone, a blog by ‘Vanamali’ on Mahavatar Babaji flashed up. I wondered, is this author ‘Vanamali’, the ‘Vanamali Mataji’ that I know as Mohanji’s spiritual mother? I opened the blog. It was indeed her. I started reading. She was describing a place called Katargama (also known as Kathirgamam) in Sri Lanka, as the Kailash of the South. She had explained about Lord Murugan’s incarnation in that place. Before I realised, it was time to go to the office. I left the blog reading incomplete and continued with my day’s activities. Later on in the evening, I picked up the story from where I had left off. This reading brought me the awareness of something majestic, that I had so far not realised.
In the blog, Vanamali Mataji explained that Kataragama is the place where Lord Murugan (son of Shiva) had moved to from Kailash. Lord Murugan then incarnated as Mahavatar Babaji, in a small village in South India. At the age of 15, as a young boy, Babaji had travelled to Kataragama in Sri Lanka! That’s where he met his Guru, Siddhar Bhoganathar. At the age of 16, Babaji was blessed by his Guru Bhoganathar with ‘Kaya Kalpa’ – to remain a youth forever. While I was reading this part, suddenly ‘Ageless – Mohanji is ageless’ flashed in my memory. It felt as if an electric current went through me.

I continued my reading. The blog explained about Babaji’s journey back from Sri Lanka to India. In South India, Babaji met Guru Agastya, who accepted him as his disciple and taught him Kriya yoga, and the importance of breath. At this point of the story, I was reminded of how Devi Amma of Bangalore, a highly evolved spiritual master, disciple and spiritual daughter of Agastya Rishi, considers Mohanji as her spiritual brother. She says he is none other than Agastya Rishi’s son! Also, the fact that Mohanji imparts the teaching of Kriya, giving importance to the breath, struck a chord, while I was reading about Babaji!
Even though I was reading about Babaji, the image that I had all through this time was of Mohanji.
The story continued. Babaji was in the Himalayas, meditating in the cave. Suddenly a vision flashed to me. I saw Mohanji meditating in this cave! Every word that was mentioning Babaji, the only vision I had in front of my eyes was of Mohanji.

Slowly I realised, whom I see in the very ordinary form of Mohanji is much beyond that.
Surely, He is none other than Babaji himself.
Surely, He is none other than Murugan himself!
I was seeing a smile in my own face, a smile of joy. As if I have found a treasure, I suddenly realised, ah, this is why Mohanji loves going to Skanda Vale!
Skanda Vale is a sacred place where Guru Subramaniam has built a temple for Skanda, also called Murugan. He believed and so does everyone else, that Skanda lives there!
I always thought Mohanji goes to Skanda Vale because of the Guru Parampara, Datta tradition, His love for the Skanda Vale community.
Let me tell you a couple of flash-back stories on Skanda Vale here.
In September 2017, I was blessed to accompany Mohanji to Skanda Vale when He was there for a few days enriching the Skanda Vale community with His valuable presence. During that time, Mohanji had told me that Skanda Vale is very special to Him and to give His time there is a very high priority for Him. At that time, I just attributed His statement to His humility and His duty to the Datta Tradition. Again in August 2018, Mohanji went to Skanda Vale, for a purpose even more powerful – to do the consecration ceremony of the Datta idol!

While I was completely merged in the divinity of Mohanji’s actions in Skanda Vale, I was surely far away from understanding why was He doing all these things!
Coming back, I now realised that reading Vanamali Mataji’s blog was not just any ordinary blog reading. This was a great revelation to me. I understood that Mohanji goes to Skanda Vale, the place where Skanda lives. Because He himself is none other than Skanda (Murugan)!
I then remembered, just sometime back, it was an auspicious day for Skanda and my friend Radha sent me a short video clip of her father, Subramaniam uncle doing aarati to Skanda with a special deepam. This was not any ordinary aarati ritual, it was indeed a very powerful one. Subramaniam uncle is not just an ardent devotee of Murugan, he is a devoted disciple of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and loves Mohanji immensely. To receive the video clip of this ritual to Skanda was not ordinary. I had felt the divinity that time to receive the clip, but I only understand now, why was I allowed by the divine to view this!

Whether we think of Hanuman or Dattatreya or Murugan or Mahavatar Babaji – all are an ansha (part) of Shiva, and ultimately Shiva himself!
That’s the revelation of this incarnation that I know as Mohanji.
In just one day, I had the visions or realisation of Lord Datta, Lord Hanuman and now Murugan and Mahavatar Babaji. Ah, a truth beyond my imagination was unfolding.
A naïve question that had appeared in my mind a few days back about the connection with Mahavatar Babaji was being answered by the divine in such a beautiful way revealing the utmost truth about Mohanji to me. This revelation was happening to me through my own realisation, not by someone telling me! I was surely more than overwhelmed. I was totally awestruck.
In this state, I couldn’t stop myself from expressing this experience to Mohanji and begging Him to confirm this. However, as usual, Mohanji was far from being emotional. He gave me a straight clear answer,
“I am Mohanji. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

I felt so silly to have asked Him this question.
Did I need to? No.
Does the answer matter? No.
The revelation to me was my own realisation. That was my TRUTH. Period.
My story doesn’t finish here.
Mohanji didn’t answer me. But the divine had other plans. 🙂
Next morning, I received Preethi Gopalarathnam’s WhatsApp message. She had forwarded me a message conversation between Mohanji and her, the previous day. Her message to Mohanji was about her urge for visiting Kataragama in Sri Lanka!

As I rubbed my eyes, I was reading the message repeatedly. Am I really reading it correctly? The day before when I discovered about Kataragama and the follow-up on the unfolding truth of Murugan, Mahavatar Babaji, and Mohanji, she was at the same time, thousands of miles away, feeling the same pull too! This couldn’t be just mere coincidence. I realised through this, Mohanji has answered my previous night’s question!
This is now so clear, as clear as a crystal, to me.
All through the day, my whole body was shivering but the heart was full of joy. I don’t know what enlightenment means or feels, but I certainly felt enlightened that day.
Like the little girl who receives a very expensive toy beyond her dreams, I had something that I never could even dare to think of! In my naïve mind, simple Mohanji was enough. This truth indeed was a huge realisation for me.
I started writing about this experience. Usually, when I feel the urge to express my thoughts, I just write it quickly and share. I strongly feel that Mohanji doesn’t delay in giving me experiences, so I must not delay in expressing and sharing it, as every experience that I receive, is not just for me. Someone somewhere will benefit from it too.
But, this blog has taken many days, weeks, even months!
In the meantime, ‘Guru Leela’ happened. Mohanji Acharya training happened. Kumbh Mela happened. All three out of the world, beyond this lifetime experiences, happened. But I still hadn’t completed this blog!
Finally, Mohanji’s birthday approached. I thought it’s high time now for me to publish the blog. I must publish the blog at least for Mohanji’s birthday. However, that still didn’t happen.
A few days later, after Mohanji’s birthday, I received a mail from Lisa, sharing the experience of her visit to Skanda Vale on Mohanji’s birthday. When I read her story, I froze. I was dumbstruck after I read what she experienced at the Skanda Temple in Skanda Vale, on Mohanji’s birthday. Following is an excerpt from her blog which is published in Mohanji Chronicles blog site.
“Suddenly, as I looked at Muruga, I felt as if I was not there in my body, and felt Mahavatar Babaji’s presence.”
Lord Muruga, Mahavatar Babaji, and Mohanji – all as one! Here is one more devotee realising this truth and conveying her experience completely independent of the realisation that I had.
I realised that the Divine was bringing clarity to me about the truth of Mohanji’s incarnation – the one form beyond all forms! Whether I realise Him as Mahavatar Babaji or Lord Muruga or Lord Dattatreya, ‘Being Shiva’ is His eternal truth. With this revelation, Mohanji taught me once again why I need not run behind any form, any incarnation.
Mohanji is the door for me, Mohanji is the path for me and Mohanji is the destination for me. In this life, my Lord Jagannath brought Mohanji to me and then he merged into Mohanji.
Before that, I had no knowledge of anyone else. After that, I have no knowledge of anyone else.
Everyone is just one and the only one for me – Mohanji! Simple and straight, ‘ageless’.
That is why I can see Him in every other Master or God and I can see all Masters and Gods in Him. For me, everything is ‘Sarvam Mohan Mayam’ – all manifestations as one and only ‘Mohanji.’.
I would like to end my story with sharing some special moments of my gratitude for my Gurudev, my Mohanji. I remain at His lotus feet as the eternal slave.
Jai Mohanji
Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 9th May 2019
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7 thoughts on “The truth beyond revelations”
Dear Subhasree, I was just reading your blog , The truth beyond revelations. May I add, that at the time when you were being shown this realisation of Mahavtar Babaji being Murugan and the truth of Mohanji, I was also shown the same truth through a series of Divine incidents exactly the same time last year. It was also through reading of Vanamali’s blog and how I was made to attend a Gayatri mantra havan ceremony( significance of this mantra in our Kriya system) almost unplanned and the host of havan inviting me to their Guru purnima celebration at LORD MURUGAN temple here in Melbourne. Then one or two days later, a friend who didn’t keep very much in touch , invited me over for lunch . Don’t know what prompted her, she started showing me her temple and! “LORD MURUGAN is our family diety,”she told and lots and lots of details about lord Murugan. This friend is now very regular with our meditations here. I was awestruck at these revelations, so pure, so authentic, so very mine. It was like a thread of events where I was putting the pearls of these divine revelations.
I should have been more prompt in penning it down into a blog, but probably it was not the time. After Preethi and Lisa, count me in as one of those to whom Mohanji revealed the truth🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Dear Subhasree, I was just reading your blog , The truth beyond revelations. May I add, that at the time when you were being shown this realisation of Mahavtar Babaji being Murugan and the truth of Mohanji, I was also shown the same truth through a series of Divine incidents exactly the same time last year. It was also through reading of Vanamali’s blog and how I was made to attend a Gayatri mantra havan ceremony (significance of this mantra in our Kriya system) almost unplanned and the host of havan inviting me to their Guru purnima celebration at LORD MURUGAN temple here in Melbourne. Then one or two days later, a friend who didn’t keep very much in touch otherwise , invited me over for lunch . Don’t know what prompted her, she started showing me her temple and! “LORD MURUGAN is our family diety,”she told and lots and lots of details about lord Murugan. This friend is now very regular with our meditations here. I was awestruck at these revelations, so pure, so authentic, so very mine. It was like a thread of events where I was putting the pearls of these divine revelations.
I should have been more prompt in penning it down into a blog, but probably it was not the time. After Preethi and Lisa, count me in as one of those to whom Mohanji revealed the truth🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Sarvam Mohana Mayan🙏so true. Jai Mohanji 🙏
Incredible Revealation! your intuitive experience and insight simply corroborates my own understanding. Through Skanda’s guidance I came to realise that Mohanji has taken this incarnation through the Fusion of ” Shiva’s Thought and The Love& compassion of Sakthi ” ! Shiva’s fire and the sacred waters of Shakthi ! Skanda and Dattrathreya are essentially the ” Embodiments of Guru Tatthva” as much as our own Peerless Master ! I am very sure this blog will galvanise many souls to look beyond Mohanji ‘s physical form and the human element which ofcourse is unique and beautiful . But Looking beyond ,” To hold on to His Essence and cosmic consciousness ” is the very purpose of our journey -Right ? Mohanji says ” When we connect to our soul we connect to him exhoting always to look inward .Conversely speaking, When we connect to His essence we are connected to our highest self .This is where the blog helps immensely to integrate in to Higher Awareness ! I am very sure this blog will be an eye – opener for many devotees for all times to come !
Thank you, what a beautiful Blessed revelation!
Whenever I see a picture of young Murugan tears start flowing spontaneously. Will we ever understand Love without end ?
Thank you for sharing this wonderful blog article. I have been to Kathirgamam on pilgrimage twice and was told that there is a shrine for ” Kriya Babaji”in Kathirgamam. But I was not aware of my connection ( my pilgrimages were in 1997 & 2004) to the tradion and Guru Mandala at that time. Only recently ( in the last year) I was aware that it was indeed Mahavatar Babaji’s shrine in Kathirgamam. Your blog clarifies and complete the circle of understanding.
It is indeed good to know Mohanji’s connection to Skandavale is such strong. Skandavale has many similarities and strong connection to Kathirgamam. Guru Subramaniyam used to pilgrimage Kathirgamam as a little boy with his mother frequently. Even the way he has established Skandavale ( in Lord’s directions) and some puja methods ( wearing a cloth across the mouth during special pujas) are very similar to Kathirgamam tradion as well. Further, I heard that, Guru used to take Swamis and other devotes to Kathirgamam in pilgrimage prior to the troubles in Srilanka. Swamis will tell a lot more about the connection between Skandavale and Kathirgamam.
Thanks again for your blog, which once again reconfirm my connection to Mohanji, Skandavale and Lord Murugan are all indeed one.
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