Mohanji’s 58th Birthday Celebrations Worldwide 2023

23rd February is the sacred day of Mohanji’s birth and is celebrated around the world, as an opportunity to intensify all our benevolent, selfless activities. Here is a brief glimpse into another packed and eventful year in the life of Mohanji—2022, which again has shown a relentless expansion of Mohanji and Mohanji Foundation’s benevolent and selfless activity worldwide.



















 This year we celebrated it in the spiritually esteemed and holy town of Puri in the state of Odisha, India.

The day began at 5:30am with a special homa (fire ceremony) conducted for the benefit of the ancestral lineages of the participants and volunteers present on the retreat and many more who joined online from their homes all across the world.

These homas, specially inspired and blessed by Mohanji, are examples, albeit on a smaller scale, of Mohanji’s key work of cleansing the entire living and ceased ancestral lineage of all living beings. Mohanji and the present group of dignitaries joined the homa towards the end, and after all offerings had been made, Mohanji gave his blessing for the ceremony to be officially closed.

As the homa was going on, Mohanji was also invited as a special guest to attend a local The Fruit Tree Plantation Drive in Puri. The project, initiated and carried out by the Happiness Foundation, involves planting fruit trees all along the roadside pilgrimage route to the Shri Jagannath Temple.

Mohanji’s official birthday celebrations began in the afternoon with representatives from all major countries joining together to light oil lamps. After the lamps had been lit, we were treated to a wonderful vocal performance by vocalist, Manaswini, and a traditional Odishi dance performance by Premananda Sahoo.


Then we came to launch of official publications, which began with the launch of Mohanji Platforms Global Impact Report and the official Mohanji Foundation Calendar for 2023-2024.


The launch of these more formal publications were followed by the launch of the book, Home for a Refugee, by Mohanji’s wife, Devi Mohan.

Devi describes the word ‘Home’ in the title as representing the Supreme Consciousness, to which Mohanji has been gradually guiding all of his followers to, and the word ‘Refugee’ as representing the condition of being lost in the world of suffering and spiritual ignorance.

This was followed by the book, The Ultimate Gamble, by Mohanji’s Executive Assistant, Christopher Greenwood. The book captures Chris’ learning over his three-year-plus journey of living and working with Mohanji and the tremendous transformation that he experienced during the course of it.

Next, the brand new book, JagaMohana: The Oneness of Divinity, was released by author Subhasree Thottungal. The book gives expression to the experiences of many who experienced the deep spiritual unity of Lord Jagannath and Mohanji that was clearly perceived during the time of Mohanji’s first visit to Puri. The book gives expression to the fact that divinity is that which lies beyond all form and all names within the perfect unity of consciousness.

There were also three children’s books that have been brought out by the Mohanji Platform, Early Bird’s Club. For this launch, Mohanji got up to speak and affirmed to the whole audience that we are never really adults, but only grown-up children. As a result of this, he tells us, we should create an environment for our children to develop as naturally as possible without simply trying to force them to become other ‘bricks in the wall’.

The next release was a special printed edition of the Awakening Times, which marks the ninth anniversary of bringing forth this conscious magazine to help liberate all beings and to add value to the world. Mohanji again came to stage, congratulated the team and said: ‘A magazine should talk truth. Something that communicates with the public should only talk truth. Maybe people don’t want to hear it. Society likes to talk of untruth and not truth. It usually takes a couple of generation to know that somebody was telling the truth. So these things will becoming the testimonial of those who told the truth at their time. My suggestion to the people making this is to stay with truth, even if it’s bitter.’

Also released were new translations of the classic book, Power of Purity, into Danish


After the book launches, the following present dignitaries (and many more) were personally honoured by Mohanji: Shri Sulakhe Maharaj – former Chief Priest of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple, Swami Goswami Sushilji Maharaj – National Convenor of the Indian Parliament of Religions, and Peetadheeswar (Maharishi Brighu Foundation), Haji Syed Salman Chisty – Gaddi Nashin (Ajmer Sharif Shrine of Kwaja Moinudeen Hana Chisty) and Chairman of Chisty Foundation, Ajmer, Swami Shivanand, Shri Unni Bhaskara – leading entrepreneur in the aviation industry and a long-time friend of Mohanji’s, Shri Padam Singhania – prominent industrialist and entrepreneur, Dr Shankar Gopal – Padmashri awardee and leading architect who specialises in harmony of structures with nature and her elements, Dr Murthy Devarbhotla – entrepreneur from Hyderabad and co-founder of Amicability Diplomatic Club, Shri Yogesh Mathuria – peace activist and strong campaigner for unity across all manmade barriers and boundaries, Shri Narayan Suryakumar – CEO of Ramaiah Institute (Ayurveda), T. M. Sankaran – uncle of Mohanji who played a loving host to Mohanji during his college years, Dolf Zantige – water scientist and creator of full spectrum coherent water (Analemma/Somarka) in India, Dr Umesh Dayanandan – homeopathic doctor and childhood friend of Mohanji. 

Sulakhe Maharaj then came to the stage to present Mohanji with a special Mahavastram, or ‘Great clothe’, which has actually been worn by the Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Murti in Shirdi. The garment was provided as an ‘armour’ to protect Mohanji and all of his global family. This gifting came along with many tender words from Maharaj, including his wish that Mohanji will continue to allow us to externally call him Mohanji whilst we forever hold him in our hearts as ‘Gurudeva Mohanji’.

In the middle of the releases, we finally had the grace to welcome the man who orchestrated this year’s Mohanji birthday being celebrated in Puri: Pattajoshi Janardan Mahapatra, Chhattisha Nijog Nayak and Chief Servitor of Lord Jagannath Temple, Puri. As Pattajoshi made a very humble entrance and greeted Mohanji and the rest of the dignitaries, we also welcomed Mahaprasad Kar, son of late Padmashree Shree Prafulla Kar, to the stage. We were then all blessed to hear a number of bhajans performed by this wonderful vocalist.

The launches then continued with the release of a number of guided meditations, including the Shirdi Sai Baba Miracle Meditation in multiple languages and also a brand new guided meditation, Love Beyond Dimensions, composed by Mohanji Acharya Subhasree. Also released was the brand new official Mohanji App, created by Mohanji follower and entrepreneur, Graham Caldwell, who miraculously learnt a number of new programming languages in a very short time just to create the app.

As we proceeded into the evening, we invited Pattajoshi and the other dignitaries to relight the lamps and we were then treated to another session of traditional Bharatnatyam dancing from the HSTD team.

Nearing the conclusion of this spectacular event, which has also come to act as the main yearly gathering for the global Mohanji Foundation, Madhusudan Rajagopalan, CEO of Mohanji Foundation, came to the stage and paid a special recognition to many of the core team members across the world whose work has been especially important, inspiring and influential in the past year of activities.

The evening concluded with a speech by Mohanji, who gave his overwhelming approval for the organisation of the event and the dedicated work of all the volunteers. Finally, to cater for the large audience, two birthday cakes were cut and Pattajoshi and Mohanji gave their blessings and took photos with all who wished for them. The entire evening was truly a spectacle to behold and one that set the tone for further celebrations in the years to come, which Mohanji has confidently stated will henceforth take place in our new burgeoning MCB spaces worldwide!
Find more photos of Mohanji’s birthday celebrations on Mohanji India 🇮🇳 

included various performances, dances, speeches, book releases and more.

The live stream of the 7 hours long festivities is available on the following link:


The brand new official Mohanji App, created by Mohanji follower and entrepreneur, Graham Caldwell, who miraculously learnt a number of new programming languages in a very short time just to create the app.

Mohanji’s talk at 5.55.00




On Thursday, February 23, we celebrated the birthday of our beloved Mohanji. Birthday parties were held at Mohanji centers in Novi Sad, Belgrade and Čačak. Music was played, delicious vegans snacks were served, hugs were exchanged and smiles were shared.

The magnificent Lotus band played live at the Mohanji Centre in Belgrade and touched the hearts of people around the globe.

We celebrated the birthday within our family’s inner circle, but we were also blessed with the company of some new people.

It just so happened that a guest visited the Belgrade Centre on Mohanji’s birthday for the very first time. Her experience was really amazing.

“Good afternoon, dear people, good afternoon, indeed!” This is how I greeted today the hostess of the Mohanji Centre in Belgrade after our close encounter of the third kind in the centre last night. Namely, I visited this place for the very first time last night, on the very day of Mohanji’s birthday. I was somewhat sceptical and a bit excited, and I immediately plunged into a warm and welcoming atmosphere filled with music, wonderful voices of singers and some loving people who sat on the floor of the room. Such a welcome slowly but surely dispelled all of my doubts and prejudices. After a wonderful meal, a divine group meditation, after Mohanji Energy Transfer (MET) through Jelena’s gentle touch, the most delicious vegan birthday cake I have ever tasted – a deep inner feeling whispered to me – “Welcome to your spiritual family after an endless, lonely journey!” I have been a spiritual seeker ever since I knew about my earthly Self. I have been through different situations, got tired of them all, and I assured myself and my Ego that I do not need a spiritual teacher or a group, and that I can and must reach Liberation on my own. Until I heard my soul cry, “I want to find my Spiritual Master!” And the rest is history. I run upon Mohan Devi on YouTube and was overjoyed, once again listened to several of Mohanji’s speeches, contacted the Belgrade Centre and visited it. This morning, the alarm woke me up from a beautiful dream in which I was singing with my sister at the top of my voice, and found me in deep Peace and Joy, which has not happened for a decade or two. Good afternoon, good afternoon, indeed.”

Good afternoon!-Tamara

Our dear Ivona Pleskonja has also shared her amazing experience:

The birthday celebration of our beloved Mohanji at the Belgrade Centre was magical and special for me. Joy, love and unity spread from all of our hearts. The Kirtan was powerful, everything vibrated in prayers🙏🙏🙏. The meditation was particularly powerful. I felt the entire Universe, especially when I received the MET, I saw with my inner eye that I was in the Universe and that I was shining like a huge star with the hand of the Mohanji Channel on the top of my head. I literally felt like a Star that treats all celestial objects as its children. I do not know which star it is, but the feeling is so LOVE and so strong that I cannot find the right words to describe it.

Happy birthday, Mohanji

Jai Mohanji Namaste

This has been a special day, charged with joy, love and unity.

We are grateful for every minute together that Mohanji gave us, we keep on moving with peace and love. 🙏

Yours truly,

Mohanji centres in Novi Sad, Belgrade and Čačak

Mohanji Centre of Benevolence in Obrenovac

We are extremely happy because of the realisation of Mohanji’s vision to conduct programs in Mohanji Centres of Benevolence throughout the world. This day, 25th February 2023, will remain for remembrance and history.

With great joy and excitement we inform you that the first program has been conducted in our centre of benevolence in Obrenovac. The reason for organising it was a birthday celebration of our founder – Mohanji. And how to celebrate it other than with Conscious Dancing, a beautiful technique that was given to us by exactly Mohanji.

Our gracious Mohanji Acharya, Biljana Vozarevic, masterly led us through the dance and deeper connecting with ourselves through movement, so that everything was vibrating with love and togetherness.

Mohanji centre of benevolence is a realisation of Mohanji’s vision to live united regardless of nationality, skin colour, ethnicity, religion, caste, gender, or age. All are welcome to together unite the world with love, kindness, compassion, companionship and righteousness. In this way we use our time well on this planet and pave the way to our personal transformation through our own experience. The transformation from sound and noise to inner silence, from gross to subtle, from binding to liberated existence where a man can have everything, while needing nothing.

It is very important to stay united and together walk united, support each other, without criticising, judging, comparing or competing with each other. Our motto is respect, appreciation, acceptance, recognition and love. In this way, we contribute to reduce anger, hatred, jealousy and moral bankruptcy in the world. Mohanji Centre of Benevolence will establish and nurture true values through generations. It will practise authentic and transforming Mohanji’s techniques so that as many people as possible radiate the highest in themselves.

Sigurni smo da je prvi program održan u Mohanđi centru mira na Balkanu, prelepim povodom, dao ton za sve buduće proslave i programe koji će se održavati u ovom i drugim centrima na ovim prostorima. Presrećni zbog realizacije Mohanđijeve vizije održavanja programa u centrima mira širom sveta, ovaj dan će ostati za pamćenje i istoriju.

We continue to build other projects on the land, so that we have enough capacity for all future programs. More photos


Croatia celebrated Mohanji’s birthday with various programs as given below:

  • Varaždin – Acharya program with Helena Bjelaković
  • Rijeka – Recording of Shirdi Sai Baba meditation in the Croatian language
  • Čakovec – First meditation Power of purity with ET
  • We baked 3 birthday vegan cakes

Click here to watch the video of celebrations in Croatia.


On 23.02.2023, Mohanji Macedonia celebrated Mohanji’s birthday with short satsang, Mohanji Gayatri Mantra chanting, Blossoms of Love meditation and beautiful bhajans sung by Natalija and Elena. The evening finished with a delicious vegan cake.


On Mohanji’s birthday, we visited a remote kindergarten and donated food and clothes for kids. Teachers told the kids: “Mohanji is a gentleman who doesn’t ask for gifts for his birthday. He gives gifts to children all over the world instead.”


On February 23, 2023, Mohanji’s birthday was celebrated in Bijeljina at the  yoga studio “Light”. In His honor that day, we organized a satsang and meditation “The Power of Purity”, led by Dejan Ćosić, Mohanji Acharya. A dozen participants enjoyed Mohanji’s blessings during this meditation, which helps us to get rid of deep emotional blockages and give peace and understanding to every experience from the past.

On the occasion of Mohanji’s birthday, volunteers from Bijeljina also organized a book collection campaign for the pediatric department of the JZU Hospital “Sveti Vračevi” in Bijeljina and replenished their library with around 600 titles of children’s literature. A truly wonderful day with a wonderful occasion.


Celebrating Mohanji’s birthday for the first time in the UK Mohanji Centre of Benevolence in Aberdeen, Scotland, was wonderful. The day started with the online morning group Kriya followed by a breathtaking sunrise. Surrounded by nature, the bright golden light filtering through the trees was a beautiful blessing from Mohanji. During the day, the home and the surrounding area were cleaned and then purified with vibhuti water and chanting.

The celebrations in the evening included a hybrid session of chanting, bhajans and birthday cake cutting with almost 30 people. An update on the soon-to-begin Shirdi Sai Temple building work was shared with the participants. We are really excited to have this Mohanji space in the UK and look forward to hosting and celebrating many more events in the future.

Thank you, dearest Mohanji, for your grace, love, blessings and protection ever present for all of us. We wish you a very happy birthday. Jai Mohanji!




1- Online Meditation of Shirdi Sai Baba miracle meditation on Zoom and Clubhouse at the same time and 29 people attended.

2- Fruit tree plantation in Iran, 8 fruit trees is planted in the city of Bandar Abbas.

3- Delivering aids to people affected by earthquake in Iran happened on the occasion of Mohanji’s birthday.

4- Food seva for two needy families in Tehran with a total weight of 50 kg. Two cans of infant formula is donated to a family with small kid. 11 heaters are distributed between underprivileged families living in an outskirt area. 

5- Mohanji’s blog “A Chapter in life. A birthday message”, translated and uploaded on Farsi website. 

6- One video from a Mohanji devotee for his birthday 


Singapore celebrated Mohanji’s birthday at the St. John’s Old Age Home. There are 5 elderly whose birthday also falls in Feb and celebrated with cake cutting. Approximately 65 kgs of ration was donated to the old age home.

8kgs of food is donated to stray dogs  at  “Cause for Animals Singapore”.


On the auspicious occasion of Mohanji’s 58th birthday, Mohanji Malaysia family gathered to celebrate with an outpouring of Joy, Love, Devotion and much Laughter! It was a lovely Sunday (19th February, 2023) morning where the sun shone so brightly and the birds sang so beautifully. These, and the warm, bright smiles of all attendees definitely set the tone for the day and celebration. 

The celebration began with the Guru Paduka Puja (holy feet worship) to offer our gratitude to Mohanji, our beloved Father, for his unconditional Love and Guidance throughout time. Each family member took turns to one by one pour milk and rose water over the paduka and Shirdi Sai Baba with the 108 names of Mohanji playing in the background. It was then followed by the Mohanji Aarti where everyone took turns individually or as a family to perform the Aarti while singing to the lyricss with full of devotion and utmost respect. There was a shift in the energy at that moment which was felt by all alike. 

The highlight of the celebration had our dear family members Ash and Hannah dedicating Shiva and Krishna devotional songs to Mohanji. Their voices mesmerised us and brought all of us to a different level of existence.  One family member even described it as a magical and enchanting feeling with heart expanded and being gently lifted into a different dimension. The participants  were afterwards transported into Mohanji’s gentle and protective embrace as all meditated to our beloved Father chanting the Shiva Kavacham.. 

Taken from a letter written on his birthday in 2019, our beloved Mohanji  had expressed that neither him nor his birthday are special. Instead, to view and celebrate it as a “Consciousness Day” where we remember him as a consciousness and that “You & I are One”. Always dear Father, always. And for this we are always grateful for all that you do and are, and will celebrate you in any way. 

We had a beautiful birthday surprise in the form of a decadent vegan cake prepared specially for the occasion. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to Mohanji full of Love and Joy. This was then followed by a lovely vegetarian lunch filled with talk and laughter as most were catching up after a long time since the lockdown and restrictions. All in all, it was a lovely day filled with lots of positivity, blessings and lightness. We are ever so grateful to Dr. Thiages and family for their grace and kindness in hosting the celebration of our dear Mohanji. 

And once again, Happy Birthday dearest Father from the Mohanji Malaysia family. We love you!

Pictures in this link


Mohanji Australia Team celebrated Mohanji’s birthday on 26th Feb 2023 by organising a full day program – A day in Mohanji’s consciousness in Melbourne.

We had about 20 people joining in person as well as another 10 online on Zoom.

The day started with Group Kriya in the morning. Mohanji Acharya Rakshitha,  helped us delve into deeper aspects of practising Kriya and the importance of Kriya Vows. She also explained to us how the Kriya Vows can be applied practically in our day to day life.

Then we had our Country Head Ananth joining us on call explaining about the progress of Mohanji Center of Benevolence and Mohanji’s visit in March. He also answered a few questions from the participants and what can we expect during the Prana Prathista of Baba during Mohanji’s visit.

Post this, we had Power of Purity Meditation with Energy transfer for participants who joined us in person. It felt like a family meet and also gave us an opportunity to meet and greet new people from the Mohanji Family.

Following the value system that Mohanji educates us – about non-violence,  we had our amazing volunteers cooking a full fledged Sattvic Vegan 3-course yummy meal for all of us. With Power of purity filling our hearts in gratitude, the meal filled our hungry bellies with sumptuous foods.

Post lunch, Mohanji Acharya Rakshitha explained to us about self-healing, chakras and pancha koshas and also explained the process of Mai-Tri. Shiva kavacham was played before beginning the Mai-Tri session. 3 Maitri practitioners patiently facilitated one to one Maitri for all the participants present, including children. The entire space was brimming with Mohanji’s energy and everyone felt calm and peaceful.

We ended the day with vegan tea and a vegan Mango cake (cut by kids) for Mohanji. From the contribution collected from the participants, Shruti from our ACT team also organised groceries for distribution to charities.

It was a day well spent and a beautiful treat to the soul and belly. We sincerely thank Mohanji for guiding us & giving us this amazing opportunity/ platform to walk the journey of Liberation.

We also had conscious walking organised by another volunteer at another location as a part of Mohanji’s birthday celebrations.



A beautiful day of beloved Mohanji’s birthday on 23rd February started with Shri Shirdi Sai Baba’s abhishek (holy bath) at Mohanji Datta Tapovan Ashram followed by Mohanji’s Paduka Puja (holy feet worship). 

A Vegan Cake was cut to wish Mohanji a very happy birthday. 

After the Aarti, Guru Raksha Homa was conducted at the Ashram for four families. They were grateful to have Mohanji’s blessings on this great occasion. 

Our M Family member Ketan Patel sang and dedicated a beautiful song for Mohanji on this occasion. 

Thank you, Mohanji for the opportunity to celebrate this day by adding value to the world. We all love you.

Plasma and Blood donation was done later during the day at Canadian Blood Services center. Mohanji Foundation Inc, Canada has a Life partnership with Canadian Blood Services. Total 12 people volunteered to donate Plasma and Blood inspite of adverse weather conditions.  




Excitement, love and joy loomed in the air, as 23 February marking the earthly birthday of our beloved Mohanji approached. South Africa was covered in a bright array of love and colour as Mohanji Meditation Centres in Randburg, Ladysmith and Centurion engaged in beautiful birthday celebrations, padam pooja, meditation, bhajans and seva; Dattatapovan Ashram in Durban also hosted beautiful celebrations, puja and seva. Numerous individuals hosted amazing sevas and celebrations expressing their love and gratitude to Mohanji.

The Shirdi Sai Baba temple at the Mohanji Center of Benevolence, Nonoti hosted beautiful celebrations and three sevas in honour of Mohanji. 23 February marked the birth of a “Mohanji United” soccer team in Nonoti, blessed by Mohanji, as the first of its kind in the world. The Youth club was launched and the children were kitted with soccer shirts, shorts, soccer balls and sports bags all branded “Mohanji United”, a beautiful start to the Mohanji Youth Club powered by Our Master’s Grace! This initiative helps the children in the area to engage in empowering activities and be kept away from violence, crime and drugs.

The Mohanji Center of Benevolence in Nonoti presents future soccer legends. Make way Liverpool and Manchester United, Here comes Mohanji United! During Mohanji Birthday Celebrations, 2150 meals, food products, goodie bags, animal food was served, of which 990 beings benefitted and numerous programs were held where about 300 people participated. Local and international Mohanji devotees participated in 1008 chants of Mohanji Gayatri mantra in honour of Mohanji on His birthday, these devotees are continuing to reach 5000 chants.

The evening culminated with an online musical tribute to Mohanji by Vero Govender, Kerolin Govender and Lotos band followed by a Garland of Gratitude online birthday celebrations from the various Mohanji centres, Dattatapovan ashram and individual messages of love. A professional music video, Dattatreya Mohanji dedicated to Mohanji was launched, this heartfelt composition was by music artist Kerolin Govender sharing his encounter of connecting to Lord Dattatreya through Mohanji. Mohanji’s love and grace was felt by all, thank you Mohanji for loving us and walking with each of us always. 

Enjoy the video of the celebrations in South Africa

Listen to the Dattatreya Mohanji music video:





ACT Canada conducted three activities for Annadaan such as Food bank donation, Women Shelter donation and Bird feeding.


This year, on the occasion of Mohanji’s birthday volunteers from Croatia organized programs, donated food for people and animals, fed animals in nature and donated food and clothes for the homeless. Here are the highlights of all the activities that Mohanji inspired us to do:

  • 41-Day Challenge of feeding living beings in Pelješac, Čakovec, Pula, Crikvenica, Varaždin, Split, Zagreb
  • Varaždin – Food and clothes donation to homeless people
  • Zagreb – Donation of 18 kg food and 12 kg of a pet food to a person with special needs
  • Pula – 80 kg food donation for the dog shelter
  • Pula – 70 kg food donation for the two families in need
  • Labin – First meditation ever in this town
  • Split – donation of vegan cake for the homeless people


Volunteers of ACT Macedonia visited “Happy Shelter”, a shelter with over 200 dogs. We donated 80 kg of dry food, blankets and towels necessary for the needs of the shelter.

Besides this, Individual feeding of birds and animals were also done by our volunteers.

ACT Macedonia also visited a single mother family with 4 children. We donated 2 packages of food, 1 package of toys, 1 package of clothes and 1 package of hygiene items. 

ACT MACEDONIA volunteers were at the Red Cross center in Momin Potok, where they delivered donations of hygiene item packages, and canned food for the survivors of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.


As part of the Mohanji’s 58th birthday celebrations, ACT Qatar conducted food seva event for the under privileged members of society.  150 vegan meals were distributed to individuals and families with low income. People felt happy not just from the warm and tasty freshly cooked vegan food, but also from the smiles and warm words by members of the ACT team. A little 3 year old girl was the youngest volunteer.



Watch the shloka dedicated to Mohanji and see more in the blog below:



*Njanappana Kannada*

Himalayan School of Traditional Music (HSTM) is proud to announce the launch of the Kannada translation of Njanappana, a poem written by the 16th century Malayalam poet Poonthanam in praise of Lord Guruvayurappan.  This is our second music album under the Purana Parampara Series, and in the future, HSTM will be releasing Njanappana in various Indian languages. 

*Njanappana*, considered one of the most important works in Malayalam literature, is revered for its sincere expression of devotion, the philosophical heft and its simplicity, thereby making it accessible to all devotees. 

With Mohanji’s guidance and blessings, HSTM has taken up the yeoman project of making this masterpiece available in various languages. 

*Njanappana in Kannada is officially launched today, the most auspicious being Mohanji’s Birthday.*  

We have conducted a special pooja at Guruvayur temple in Kerala. Please check HSTM official channel.


At Mohanji’s birthday celebration in Puri, the translation of the Malayalam hymn to Krishna, Jnanappana, into English and Kannada, was launched, as part of the Himalayan School of Traditional Music.

Jelena Fassbender says, “With a blessing and support of our dear Mohanji, Hearts Liberated had a divine opportunity to record Jnanappana, the script of ultimate Truth, in English language. Mohanji’s father, our dear Acchan, beautifully translated Malayalam poem in English language and Natalija and I made a music, with the help of couple of more other amazing musicians.

A lot of thanks to our Shaju and Anand, Madhu and Chris, for guidance and support.

We both feel blessed for the process and the opportunity. Our hearts are maybe not yet liberated  but they are definitely expanded and filed with love. 

This is the first song of Herts Liberated that is uploaded on Hearts Liberated YouTube channel.”  



Mohanji is my Father, my teacher, all of the universe, and the beauty in the smallest things at the same time. Mohanji means unconditional love and eternity. I feel so grateful & blissful that he is walking with me in every step that I take. I can feel his presence and love always. That makes me flow like a river through life, accepting all the challenges and blissful moments with awareness and humility. Being Mohanji for me means being in the moment always, being in the smallest unit and the entire universe at the same time. It makes me see the world through my heart, not through my eyes. It’s the feeling of expansion and true love. Being Mohanji is living the highest truth. Dear Father, thank you for always being by my side, for giving me a true purpose in my life, and for making me feel your unconditional love always. I wish you great happiness, love, and good health. I wish the Mohanji family to grow bigger every day and to influence many lives around the world. Love you always.

Marta Minarkova, Macedonia

Mohanji is my beginning. He is my end and everything in between. Being egoless, being natural and being unconditional love. Mohanji is perfection. Being Mohanji is reflecting his thoughts, words and actions. Being and expressing love, kindness and compassion in every situation, whether pleasant or unpleasant. Happy birthday, Baba. Thank you for taking birth. Thank you for walking with us. Thank you is a small word for everything you are doing for us. We love you, Mohanji. Have a fantastic birthday. At your lotus feet always.

Pooja Sheth, Canada

Mohanji is pure love and Consciousness. Mohanji is everything to me. Every moment in my life is for Mohanji and his teachings. Dear Father, your physical being in this time is huge luck and an Infinite blessing for all of us and any been in the universe. Happy birthday, Mohanji. We love you.

Hamid Vahabzadeh, Iran

In one word TRANSFORMATION. Liberation starts with One’s own personal inner transformation from unconscious to conscious living. Being Yourself, being 100% YOU. That is the biggest gift we can give to the world. We are love incarnated with the lifestyle of non-violence inside and outside of oneself. Being…. just BEing. Hey sweetie, happy birthday. Your birthday is a celebration of life itself. Your passing will be a celebration of life itself. I am so happy and honoured to have you in my life and beyond. I am so happy to have this opportunity to celebrate your birthday in your physical proximity. Love you, baby. 

Dragan Vucenovic, Serbia

Love humanity. The highest spiritual Master. The kindest Father. The best and purest human being. Mohanji is my guide, teacher and Master who will always be with me on the spiritual path. I clearly feel Mohanji’s presence in my life. My dear Master Mohanji, you were a miracle for teaching me how to live a life worth living. Happy birthday to you. With much love and respect.

Ayda Makaryan, Iran

Hello, my generous, kind-hearted dad. I had a hardworking and enthusiastic father who passed away 8 years ago and left me alone. You are the best one for me. My wish and dream are to meet you. Happy birthday a million times. I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart. Thank God for your meaningful presence, which colored my life. I appreciate and adore your support. Your little girl Leila.

Leila Nasrollahi, Iran

Unconditional love, awareness, kindness, and I can’t explain these meanings as words; everyone must experience them by themselves. Being Mohanji, for me, is being in the moment with the kindest love for all creatures and also being a perfect human being. Mohanji is like the sun shining all over the world. Happy birthday dear Mohanji. I’m always thinking about you, and you are in my heart. Thanks for your presence in my life. I feel you. Love you, Father.

Mansoure, Iran

Mohanji, to me, is the ever-shining light, brighter than a million suns. The light and Consciousness that is available 24/7. He is a protection, guide, friend, teacher and ever-lasting love. He is simply love! Dear Mohanji, I am forever grateful that you are part of my heart and my life. Wishing you many happy returns of the day. Thank you for finding me in this life time. Love you always!

Diana Ialamova, Qatar/Bulgaria

I love Shirdi Sai, so I started loving Mohanji. I haven’t experienced anything as yet, but I sang at Datta Tappovan Mandir in Reservoir Hills, Durban and I feel a sense of inspiration when I am there. Happy birthday Guruji. I wish you well. Have a splendid evening. My granddaughter has been diagnosed with bone cancer. she is 4 years old. Please heal Averi Singh. Jai Gurudev.

Dharam Dawchund, South Africa

Thank you for being in my life. You are always there for me. The tender wind that carries me. A light in the dark shining your love into my life. You’ve been my inspiration. Through the lies, you are the truth. My world is a better place because of you. You were my strength when I was weak. You are my voice when I cannot speak. You were my eyes when I could not see. You see the best there is in me. You lifted me up when I could not reach. You gave me faith ’cause you believed. I’m everything I am because of you. Unconditional love. Happy birthday Dear Brahmarishi Mohanji. Have a wonderful day of celebrations. Keep shining like a million suns. Love you eternally.  Happy birthday Mohanji!

Veni Pather, South Africa

On this day 58 years ago, the world was blessed with smiling baby who did not come crying into this world but smiled, with full knowledge that this will be a difficult life but one filled with so much purpose. 58 years later, so much great work is being celebrated. Meals have been fed to all beings of the earth, water and air. Lives have been transformed and people are leading lives filled with purpose and stability. So many have hope in such desperate circumstances.What an immense pleasure to be able to serve on the platforms created by You. Happy Birthday Guruji. Love you endlessly. Thank you for all that you do for us, all the seen and unseen, known and unknown.

Deloshni Govender

What Mohanji means to me:

The Truth of Me  my True Reality which I have yet to  experience fully, I see in You Mohanji – magnificently magnified.  
Freedom’s Friend You are, my wondrous  Wayshower,
My Pillar of Strength, and  Cosmic Compass.
You mean to me my safe Harbour in Consciousness, and safety and support in Your Dynamic Stillness.
Covered in Your Kavach of Devi and Shiva, the Light of God Golden You are.
Love is Your Nature, Pure and Priceless. 
You hold me close and raise me up to be Me as You, and You as Me in the Wholeness of the Unity – the Oneness in God.

Ami Hughes, South Africa

My whole world. My life-giving force. My Dear Mohanji. On this occasion of your 58th birthday, I would like to give gratitude to you for being you and for giving me spiritual guidance. A blessed birthday to you, Mohanji. We are so blessed to have you as our living Spiritual Master. I love you, Mohanji.

Megan Thulukanam, South Africa

My Guru, guide and friend. Aspiring to reach my highest potential by overcoming the pull of tamas and the limitations of my mind. Dear Mohanji, I would like to wish you a very happy birthday!! I know that you will be inundated with messages today and tomorrow. But I wanted to give you my good wishes on this special day. For your birthday, we are launching a new initiative called ACT4Africa, to expand our ACT4Hunger and ACT Foundation activities to more areas of the world. We are also launching the Shirdi Baba temple project at the MCB to be able to get the funds for a proper temple space at the MCB. Thank you for adding value to our lives, for your example, your grace and constant guidance. We are so happy that the greatest gift of all, the Scotland MCB is in place now. Wishing you a fabulous birthday! Lots of love from Vijay, Ranjana, Nilam and Vivek

Vijay Ramanaidoo, UK

My Beloved Guru, my guiding Master on this journey through life. My Master of the Tradition through the path of liberation. On this anniversary of your birth, my beloved Mohanji, I give gratitude for your birth into this world as a blessing for the purpose of guiding & protecting me & all who have chosen to be a part of your family & Tradition. I give gratitude to you, my beloved Guru, for regarding me as eligible & leading me to your loving embrace. I’m eternally grateful for your abundant grace & for walking with me, guiding & protecting me on this journey. Happy Birthday My Beloved Mohanji. I love you eternally.

Kamla (Kamy Pillay), South Africa

Happiest birthday to you, Lord. We should congratulate ourselves for having you on earth. Your birthday is more beneficial for us than you since you don’t have any agenda here on earth, and you just stay completely selfless in helping us and anyone who prays for help. How many times you took people’s burdens and baggage to yourself and your body, we don’t know. To how many people you have reached out to, we don’t know. In how many dimensions you are working, we don’t know. How you’re operating, we don’t know. We just know you’re the strength and light of hope for many! We know you’re the most compassionate being in the world. We know you don’t rest even if it seems you’re resting. We know you are so humble that you never talk about what you have done and doing for us. We know you see all our flaws, and still, you love us to the fullest, unconditionally. So grateful for your existence. So grateful to Amma and Achan for gifting you to us. May you live long and healthy. Always at your lotus feet. Love You, Mohanji Baba 

 Elham & Farshad, Iran

n celebration of Mohanji’s birthday may we walk the path of Liberation with dedication,  commitment and consistency. Living our lives as the highest expression of all the positive values Mohanji embodies. May your light shine bright and illuminate the world for ever!  Happy birthday  Mohanji.

Sjarn, South Africa

Unconditional love and hope. Love. Happy birthday Guruji. On this special day, I would like to thank the blessed parents and the whole universe for gifting Mohanj to us. Always grateful & blessed to live in the era of Mohanji. Thankyou Parabrahma.

Kavitha Sajjith, India

Happy birthday, Mohanji. Being your student is the most beautiful thing in my whole life. I hope to reach liberation in the blessing of your existence. I love you, Mohanji. 

Mitra, Iran

Happy Birthday, wish you a long, healthy life. With your guidance may we all go through a better furture.

Hello, dear Mohanji. Happy birthday to you. I love you, and I wish you the best. I hope to see you.

AK Chanda, India

He is my everything. Love, I wish you all the best. You are my Sunshine. My love. I love you!

 Svjetlana Vulin, Croatia

Zahra, Iran

He is my wayshower to Liberation. Merging in Mohanji’s Consciousness. Deep gratitude for Father’s blessings. 

Eric Elbers, Canada

Jameela Jeyaraj

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