In the divine embrace!

By Subhasree Thottungal

20th April 2020. Amidst the fight with the negativity of Corona situation all across the globe, while spreading positivity through various online programmes, shocking news came from the parental home that shook me to the core! News that I had not expected to hear! My 2nd brother Bibhu, succumbed to a sudden cardiac arrest and had left us all forever! He was healthy, happy, joyful and very active. He was just 50 years old. On that day he had been active, he had cooked a yummy special lunch that the family enjoyed, and after lunch when he was standing and talking, he suddenly fell backwards! Within minutes everything was over.

They were in Odisha, in India, my motherland. My father and mother, who are 83 and 77 years old respectively, are in deep sorrow and the whole family sunk into shock. Sitting in London, thousands of miles away, in the lockdown situation, I cannot even travel there to be with my family. What deep sorrow! Right now, with the Corona situation, we hear many shocking and deeply saddening stories of a sudden loss of family members. Going through one myself, even though not due to Corona, put me into deep contemplation.

I am writing here today, not to show how sad we are or how unfortunate the situation is, but I want to bring some facts into light that shows the amazing way that Mohanji’s divine grace works! Silently as ever in the background.

During my deep contemplation, the divine leela (play) was unfolded to me, I realised the greater truth. Once I realised this, I felt I must bring out this truth and express my understanding with all of you.

This is my expression of gratitude to my eternal guide, my eternal friend, my eternal Guru, Mohanji.

I will need to take you through some details, hence please bear with the long descriptions. But without these details, it will not be easy to understand the silent ways in which Mohanji works. 

So here it goes.

Grace in smooth completion of rituals:

As soon as I heard the news that my brother is no more, I messaged Mohanji. He replied, “I am taking care of him.”  Harish (my husband) said to me, “Don’t worry, Mohanji will make sure that all rituals happen smoothly.” There was a reason why I was worried. In the current lockdown situation, there is hardly any free movement possible, not many people can come to help my elder brother, who was at the hospital and was now solely responsible for sorting everything, with just my sister-in-law and one sister around. Since this was a sudden cardiac arrest scenario and he had already left the body by the time they reached the hospital, a post-mortem was necessary before they could release the body. It was nearly 6 pm and the post-mortem department closes at 5 pm! Police permission is required to take the body around in a vehicle with a few people. As movement is so restricted, this was a worry. And finally, where can they do the cremation? The lockdown situation was leaving my elder brother helpless. But when we have divine grace, when Mohanji is looking after us, nothing was going to be difficult! Retrospectively, we realised this. Quite unexpectedly, we got a relative’s help and the post-mortem was done quickly, police permission was received immediately and the last rights were carried out in Puri, Shree Jagannath Dham, at ‘Swargdwar’, the gateway to heavens. It’s a dream for all Odiya people (people from the state of Odisha) to have their last rights done in this place. This is a town about an hour and a half away and travels outside the city wasn’t an easy deal! But everything happened smoothly, the travel, the last rights at Swargdwar and all the rituals finished in mere 4-5 hours! Unbelievable! I remembered what Harish had said to me earlier, “Mohanji will make everything work out smoothly.” I was witnessing this!


The soul’s journey to Light:

Sitting in London, it was getting very difficult for me to accept the situation. Especially since I was unable to even travel immediately, it was making me very uncomfortable. Very much stressed, I dozed off for a while. After some time, I woke up with a start/unusual feeling. I felt that my brother’s soul was unsettled. I got worried. The last thing I wanted at this time was for his soul to be unsettled, not in peace! I got truly worried. I wondered what to do? What mantra can I chant? What ritual can I do? An immediate thought came to my mind, should I ask Mohanji? At that point, we called my elder brother and understood that the rituals of the last rights had just started.

Immediately after that, within 5 minutes, I received a call from Mohanji. And he advised me of a simple ritual to do. He said, “As a family member, you do this 3 times. After that, I will take care.” He repeated this a couple of times. That was the greatest reassurance to me at that point. Moreover, I was totally blown over by the fact that a few minutes back I was thinking of reaching out to Mohanji asking him what to do, and he called me and showed the way! After the ritual, I could feel a lightness and I knew, my brother’s soul was now at peace. The next day, I heard from my nephew (my brother’s son) who was doing the rituals that he noticed a peaceful smile on my brother’s face! And when I was looking into the timelines, this was just after Mohanji’s assurance and the rituals that he suggested! I realised, without a doubt, Mohanji had done his job! As he said, “I will take care”, and indeed he had done that!

Healing to me and my family:

Even though I was aware of the karmic agenda of the soul that I knew as my brother and the karmic agenda of all the family members, it was still a great sadness and I was unable to handle the heaviness. I was feeling very distressed and heavy. At one point, I felt if I should reach out to one of our Mai-Tri practitioners? Then I reminded myself of Mohanji’s words. Mohanji is looking after. He is taking care. When we are in his direct protection, why worry? Later on, when I was talking to my mother, I felt her extreme pain. Losing her son is unimaginable pain for any mother. I had no words to console to my elderly mother on the phone from so far away. I didn’t know what to do! Once again, I surrendered to Mohanji and I slept that night.


The next morning, when I woke up, I was feeling slightly lighter. And then I thought to myself, I should just write to Mohanji about my mother. Knowing that he is anyway taking care, sometimes by conveying my thoughts through words gives me a complete release of pain. So I did, and Mohanji immediately responded, “Yes. I am aware. I shall do whatever I can.”

He also wrote, “Inevitable karma decides the life of individuals. Like Maha Kaali told the Avadhoota that she cannot even extend one hour of his life from the original or decrease one hour from the original. Even deities honour karma. I am trying to reduce its impact on the people affected. Keep doing what I had told you to do that day. Puri Jagannath never lets anyone down. Believe me.”

After reading this message, I felt the heaviness from my heart disappear! At that time, I saw a new video message from Mohanji being posted. I opened it and while my eyes were watching Mohanji through the video and my ears were listening to Mohanji’s voice, I dozed off again!

Sometime later, my phone rang. I could barely open my eyes; I looked at the phone but fell asleep again!

After some time, I felt a slight pressure on my left shoulder. I saw Mohanji’s right hand with a red/orange thread on his wrist! Yes, I had a clear vision of Mohanji’s right hand holding my left shoulder! I woke up and just then my phone rang again. I picked it up this time. (It was as if Mohanji woke me up to attend the phone call!)

It was my mother on the other side. I was pleasantly surprised to hear her voice, with a clear difference from the previous day. I felt as if the huge dark load had been released from her too. She was still sad and was crying, but the heavy negative darkness from the previous day that was also making me heavy had gone! I spoke to her for a long time! After talking to her, I realised, Mohanji had surely healed her. I remembered the message he had sent me that morning! My eyes filled with tears at Mohanji’s immense compassion. Mohanji responds to me, my every thought, my every word, even when I don’t speak to him! He never stops delivering his unconditional love, support and compassion. Just then I received a message from my friend from Mohanji family in the USA, telling me that the previous night, Mohanji had asked her to do Mai-Tri for me! The previous night! When I was so heavy! I had no words! Mohanji himself had organised me to receive Mai-Tri! Remember, I was feeling like asking someone for Mai-Tri but didn’t? But Mohanji knew what was needed!

i am with you

Oh, Mohanji! Only these words from my melting heart came out. Arranging my healing, removing the heaviness from my mother, I knew Mohanji had healed her too. I expressed my gratitude to Mohanji and my ever compassionate Guru wrote back, “I care for you.”

Well, do I need any more proof!

Mohanji’s caring doesn’t end here. Let me continue after this.

Sorry this is getting long, but believe me, every word of this story that I am narrating in my current grieving situation, is coming with my highest realisation of truth.

Arranging divine grace for the soul:

When I was talking to my mother, I was discussing the various rituals that we need to be doing here in London. I was wondering, in our current lockdown situation, that I cannot even call a priest to do the rituals on special days!

Once again, Mohanji heard this thought and sorted out my dilemma. Let me explain how.

Later that morning, I received a condolence message from Swami Surya from the Skanda Vale ashram. The moment I saw his message, I wondered if maybe I could request him if they could do puja on the special days as per our rituals. With slight hesitation, I mentioned this to him. Swami Surya, wrote back, the day for which I was requesting, was, in fact, such an auspicious day and they have special pujas in all the temples in Skanda Vale, ending with a Mahabhishek in the Maha Kali temple! He said he will gladly offer the puja that day for my brother. My eyes opened widely at this message from him. Puja at Maha Kali temple for my brother’s soul! And you know what? My brother has been a great devotee of Maha Kali from his childhood!

And now, amidst the lockdown situation, such a divine blessing was planned, all by Guru Mandala. My head bowed down to Mohanji again. It wasn’t too difficult for me to realise that this was indeed Moahnji’s leela, yet again answering my thoughts, “How can I do the rituals”, and arranging Swami’s message to come to me at the right time etc.!


Last but not least, feeding the Brahmins:

After arranging the puja at Skanda Vale for the 11th-day ceremony, I felt like arranging some food seva in India through Ammucare for these 11 days as Ammucare was already doing daily feeding of the poor people whose income had stopped completely due to the lockdown situation. I felt what better ritual can I arrange than offering food seva for the poor people in my brother’s memory.

I contacted Soma didi, Ammucare President and she very kindly agreed to this request. She asked me where I would like this annadanam to happen. I said anywhere they are doing is fine, but if they can arrange it in Shirdi, that would be great. She then mentioned that it may be difficult as there was a lot of police restrictions etc. in Shirdi at the moment. I assured her it didn’t matter, wherever they can do, that would be a great seva.

The next day, I was talking to my mother again. She mentioned at a point that on the 10th and 11th days, we needed to feed at least that many Brahmins/priests. But due to the lockdown situation, they were not getting more than 3!

As soon as I kept the phone, I saw a message from Ammucare team, in which they had given the schedule for the 11 days of feeding!

During the first 3 days, feeding in Shirdi!

During the following five days, feeding in Ganeshpuri.

And last 3 days, feeding in Arunachala, and to Sadhus!

This was clearly a divine arrangement again! We had wanted Shirdi, but it had not seemed possible. But the team had managed to arrange it there.

And the last 3 days, for the most important ritual days, if not Brahmins at my mother’s place, feeding Sadhus in Arunachala! Can it be any more auspicious than this?

Also, when we were worried that we were not able to call many people and offer food during these days, the food seva happening during all the 11 days in these places was much more than what we could have anyway done!

When I narrated about this to my family, all were so grateful to Ammucare and its volunteers, and above all to Mohanji.

It’s not a big thing to realise that it was no one but Mohanji, who was ensuring that all these wishes were being fulfilled, doing everything possible to bring peace to my brother’s soul and some solace to my grieving family.

I can’t end this write up without mentioning that hundreds of Mohanji Global family members have been with us during this grieving period, giving us their condolences and prayers. Many Acharyas have offered their online chanting and satsang sessions for the smooth transition of my brother’s soul.

All this is because we are one MOHANJI FAMILY! And truly, this has healed us so amazingly.

My heartfelt gratitude to the entire Mohanji Global family.

I offer my pranams and a heart full of gratitude and love to Mohanji, who has kept my family and me in his divine embrace.

Thank you Mohanji. 




Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 27th April 2020


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4 thoughts on “In the divine embrace!”

  1. Savitri Chitrapu

    Really tears in my eyes how master will handle every situation. In Shiridi have lot of restrictions about cooked food but our baba and Mohanji made possible through Ammucare.

  2. It is with full of tears in my eyes i could read through what you have written . First of all our Prayers for you and family asking Almighty to giver strength and courage to go through this difficult times. We all are so blessed having reached the divine feet of MOHANJI. He is a Real Guru who comes and rescues us during our difficult periods in darkness. Your brothers Soul is so blessed that he has reached Puri Jagnath’s feet. Let us all pray for our Guru Para Brahma Mohanji be blessed with Good Health and Long life and he guide us to cross the Samsara Sagaram smoothly . Shashtanga Pranams at his divine feet with prayers Ohm Shanthi, Shanthi, Shantheehi,,,,,,

  3. Gayatri JayShankar

    Subhasree…a touching revelation of the Masters Grace and infinite Love..Tears kept welling up on reading your testimonial of the way everything happened.
    May your Mother and Father and all of you held in His embrace always..🙏🏼
    May your brothers soul rest in peace…Surely Mohanji Baba would have seen to that..
    Lots of Love💓

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