Mohanji Satcharita Chapter 2 – November 2018

“Mohanji ek naam mein, saare roop samaye,

Unki krupa hoye toh, dukh koyi na sataaye.

Chaaro dhaam ka vaas hai, Mohanji ke Charan,

Kaialsh unka dhaam hai, kehlate dukh haran.

Jai Mohan Maharaj, Jai ho Yogi Raj.”

“In the one name of “Mohanji,” all forms are encompassed,

When His grace prevails, sufferings stay away.

Being at his feet is like visiting all four sacred places,

He who is known as the dispeller of woes, His home is Kailash,

Glory be to Mohanji Maharaj, Glory to the King of Yogis!”

The recently released devotional song about Mohanji, Mohanji Amritwani   expresses how devotees see Mohanji as ONE in ALL, ALL in ONE and that Mohanji is indeed the only path and only destination!

In every Yug (era), God or the eternal supreme power takes a physical incarnation to come to this Earth and liberate beings (human and others). This is for the benefit of the creation, and the beings. During a physical incarnation, God Himself goes through the process of birth and death, undergoing all the normal pains and discomforts associated with an incarnation. We see this in every religion, in every Master’s life.

So the question that arises is – Why do we have Mohanji in our lives? Mohanji’s incarnation in this time-frame, His advent in our lives, is not for His sake! The purpose of His incarnation is only for us, to lead us towards liberation. He never calls anyone, nor does He ask anyone to leave! He never asks for anything from anyone. He only gives. We may just carry on being self-centered, submerged in our own selfish thoughts of “me and mine.” Then what is the relevance of Mohanji in our lives? What has Mohanji got to do with our likes, dislikes and opinions about Him? We have asked for and created Mohanji in our lives! However, when we see Mohanji as separate from ourselves, we do not understand Him.

Mohanji represents the highest possibility of our own self. This means being natural and established in happiness, compassion, kindness, unconditional love, supreme causeless joy, care, unconditional acceptance etc.

If we look at Him as an individual incarnation, then all that we will see are the same human weaknesses that we all have such as anger, hatred, jealouosy, lust greed etc. He surely is not our lower and the terrestrial aspect of existence!



Behind the very ordinary physical form of Mohanji, is the most extraordinary being, an AVATAR, which we need to recognise and merge with, over and above our weaknesses and selfish desires. He is here to liberate us and we must not lose this golden opportunity!

With the stories published in ‘Mohanji Satcharita’, we try to bring to light the invisible force, the eternal supreme consciousness behind every existence that comes as an experience.

In this chapter of ‘Mohanji Satcharita’, we are sharing nine stories in the three categories as below:


  • Divine Vision
  • Divine Transformation
  • Divine Healing

Divine Vision


Many elevated souls have had divine communions with Mohanji through visions and experiences. These experiences reveal only the tip of the iceberg that is Mohanji as His depth stays unseen and hidden deep within the layers of the universe! In this chapter, we are bringing the  story from three devotees who have tried to share their unbelievable experiences  that are beyond reasoning and imagination of the mind! He is the sun, the moon and every particle that makes up this universe. This is how we can envisage Him while reading these experiences.

1.    ‘Pure Brightness’: Ramadasa Gowda, Karnataka, India, October 2018

Words fail in describing this enigma that is Mohanji! This is exactly the feeling of Ramdasa Gowda, who has not met Mohanji physically but experienced Him in His expanded state! He has made an attempt to narrate his vision through a letter to the Sathguru! This experience throws open doors of dimensions that are unfathomable and draws us into unknown realms of existence. The most beautiful learning through this sharing is to look beyond the laughing, talking, unassuming form that walks this earth as Mohanji. A seeker has to look past these delusions and become HIM!

Ramadasa Gowda narrates:

“Sathguru Mohanananda Chaithanya Maha Prabho.”

I had the greatest of all visions and I am grateful to Him for that. I have never met Him physically. I had a vision of Him, which still vibrates within me as I write. The name that I have mentioned above came to me along with that vision. I am unable to explain what I saw about Him in human words.

Painting courtesy Mataji V Sharma

I saw Him as pure brightness – an unexplainable brightness without a body. I saw Him entering and exiting though numerous incarnations as a bright light, leaving them purified and elevated. I saw Him entering through the lower chakras of people and going out of them as a pure stream of sharp bright light through their Sahasrara Padma (crown chkara), thus opening all their channels. I saw Him literally without a body, as pure bright light.

Photo courtesy Mataji V Sharma

I saw Him coming out of the sun and merging back into it. He was moving at great speed, as a ball of light in the solar system. I saw Him entering and exiting trees, plants and many beings of this planet and many other planets simultaneously. I saw much more but I don’t know how to explain it all. He is beyond any explanations.

I believe that He is deliberately creating illusions by maintaining a form to ward off ineligible people from Himself. It’s true that many human beings cannot reach Him while non-human beings easily reach Him. I dare not ask who He is! I understand there is no name for pure brightness – something that has no birth or death. Those who can recognise Him are truly lucky. Finally, through all these, I understand that You are my innermost core self or my real self. “Am I right, Prabho (My Lord)?” is my innocent and sincere question that comes out of my heart. I hope my understanding is correct, that I should look nowhere anymore, not even at His available current form, which He uses to delude people. I do not dare to ask why He maintains this painful play, coated with pains of separation by the mind. I do not dare to look at Him. All I can pray to Him is to bless me so that I can “see” only His truth always.

“Guide me Prabho! Bless this one, Prabho! Make me Yourself!”

This is the cry that comes out from the heart of His humble servant.

–Ramadasa Gowda

2.    ‘Beyond the mind’: A devotee from India, September 2017

Mohanji’s communion with a world that is beyond our perception has been glimpsed at times by some devotees through amazing events that changes the idea of our very existence, pulling us out of what we assume to be ‘real.’ A doctor, who is also a devotee of our Parabrahma sensed the formless and fathomless depth of Mohanji, through an unbelievable vision! These may appear as mere coincidences and at times unexplainable unless viewed with an inner vision. Such divine miracles simply leave us in awe. Our Guru cannot be contained in this simple, physical frame of Mohanji that we are used to. Read on and enjoy this stunning narration by a devotee who narrated his experience to Madhusudhan, but has chosen to keep his identity anonymous. We respect his anonymity.

Madhusudhan narrates the story from the devotee:

This person is a close followerDV2_350_200 of Mohanji, a doctor who treats people using traditional methods such as Ayurveda. Mohanji and the doctor have known each other for many years. They share a deep spiritual bond too. Some time back, Mohanji visited the doctor’s clinic for some wellness therapy. During this time, the doctor used to visit Mohanji daily as part of his routine check-ups.

One morning, he came to Mohanji’s room as part of his routine. They exchanged pleasantries, but before he could enter the room, he was called aside to look at some urgent scan reports of another patient. The doctor was occupied with this for a brief while and when he went back into the room, he found Mohanji missing!

In his words, “I wondered about his whereabouts. I knew Mohanji couldn’t have gone out of the door as I was standing there, near the room. This was puzzling. So I connected through my inner vision realised, Mohanji was in my Guru’s Samadhi temple, nearby. Then I turned and saw Mohanji walking back to the room. He had a shawl draped over his shoulder. This was surprising as earlier he was wearing only a T-shirt. So how could this have changed?

I realised what had happened. Mohanji is omnipresent and he was in a communication with my Guru at the Samadhi. It just proves that this great soul who walks this Earth as Mohanji is not bound to his physical form. My head bowed to Mohanji, who despite of His extraordinary existence, behaves absolutely ordinary. With this realisation, even though I was totally speechless, Mohanji made sure that I came to normal state soon. He kept me engaged with the normal discussion regarding the wellness therapy. After my conversation with Him, I proceeded for other check ups carrying a smile on my face.”

This narration from the doctor, yet again shows through this divine vision of Mohanji, that He is beyond the body, the mind and the intellect! This body of His is only for interactions with the world! This physical form does not bind him. He lives in freedom. He is FREE.

Jai Mohanji.


3.  ‘The unseen aspects’: Jay Jayaseelan, London, September 2017

Being in the physical presence of Mohanji or in His energy field enabled Jay to connect with Mohanji and have a peek at the other divine side of Mohanji! Jay’s experience throws light on an aspect of Mohanji in communion with various divine beings that surround us but not visible to the gross self. Faith and belief are the only links that helps us understand or experience these divine visions! What is required of us is to just stay rooted in the energy field of Mohanji!

Jay Narrates:


During a recent trip by Mohanji to Skanda Vale, Wales, I had the opportunity to be with Him, driving Him there and looking after His well-being. While Mohanji was completely dedicated towards His mission to support the Skanda Vale community, staying busy for more than 12 hours every day, we (there were three of us with Him), were  trying to ensure that He had everything that He needed within reach. Being with Mohanji was like being in a powerhouse – especially during the union of divine pure souls of Skanda Vale community members.  All three of us (the assistants for this occasion), were highly charged and trying to keep up with the pace that unfolded during this period. Each moment was a big learning as I was going through a cycle of deep cleansing. Trying to keep pace with Mohanji’s efficiency and speed was no joke and not naturally possible for any of us, but for His grace. The three days in His presence passed like three moments, but with lots of experiences.

On the last night, all of us were up till very late with Mohanji. He was in a very relaxed mood and kept us rolling on the floor with laughter with His jokes. He was just trying to keep us joyful, as we were sad that this heavenly stay with Him would end soon. We chitchatted till 1:00 am!

Painting courtesy Mataji V Sharma

I went to sleep, a little later that night. In my sleep, I felt as if I was in the middle of a big crowd. I felt as though there were lots of heads in and around Mohanji’s room. The whole area was very bright too. Although I could not see any faces, I could feel the presence of people/beings.

The next morning, I narrated this incident to Mohanji and He smiled.

He said, “Beings come to meet me every night. They were here last night too. You could peep in through the curtains and were able to see. This is what you saw last night.”

This was an amazing experience, after an energetic four days with Mohanji. Being in His energy field, I was able to witness such a wonderful and divine meeting!

I feel super blessed and filled with lots of energy! Heartfelt gratitude to Mohanji for having given me this opportunity!

“It is the union of consciousness that makes one “see” the unity in beings. The blindness factor that prevents this is called the MIND. – Mohanji”

Jay Jayaseelan

 Divine Transformation


Such transformations can be experienced in a myriad different ways, as is shown in the accounts of Moushumi and Sreenivas. These happen because of one’s connection with the Guru. Mohanji explains the non-duality in bhakthi (devotion), where our limited consciousness melts into the Supreme Consciousness, through His blog, ‘Krishna – The Eternal Romantic’ .



4. ‘Expression of Love’: Moushumi, UK, June 2018



Small changes we make in our everyday lives can add up to make our existence more meaningful and joyful. Read on to see how Mohanji’s teachings on being spontaneous and in the moment led Moushumi to become more friendly, gracious and empathetic.

Moushumi Narrates:


It would be apt to begin my experience sharing with Mohanji’s quote which inspired me to write today.



I can say definitely that my life has changed significantly after I met Him. I remember Mohanji’s words when He was talking about smiling at strangers.

DT_Moushumi_350_200And it happens so naturally these days, after meeting Mohanji. I expereince it each day while going about my routine life. Such as during drop off and pick up at school and even grocery shopping! I have been happy all the time and strangely, now, it’s not just me but others, who are just strangers, they smile back too.

One such incident happened last Christmas.  I met a lady in the supermarket and wanted something but couldn’t find it. I asked her for help and she obliged happily, with a wonderful smile. My daughter thanked her and the lady asked us to hug her. It was all very spontaneous. After the hug, she became emotional; tears started to roll down. She thanked me for hugging and explained that it was a very warm hug that lasted for a few seconds. I knew immediately the cause behind the episode – Mohanji, my Guru ‘within’ made a seemingly commonplace incident, significant!

I recount another magical incident. I wear a Rudraksha mala which was blessed by Mohanji last year. Recently I experienced something beautiful when I hugged my friend. My friend explained that as I hugged her, she could smell a beautiful aroma/scent. When the mala touched her body, there was a feeling of overwhelming love, my eyes appeared transparent and very different and very importantly, she felt  a strong magnetic force!  I knew for certain that it was Mohanji’s grace at work. I felt His presence often that day. Koti koti pranam to my Guru.

There is not a single desire now that needs to be fulfilled.


5. ‘A stride towards freedom’: G Srinivas, Chennai, India– September 2018

“Doership causes karma, ownership causes binding. When both are consciously forsaken, only freedom remains within.”  These words of Mohanji describe the journey to freedom of Srinivas. Read on as he explains his trials and tribulations, before finally resting against the pillar of faith!

Srinivas narrates:

Srinivas_with_Mohanji_350My name is G. Srinivas.  I am from Chennai and aged 53 years. It was through Facebook that I came in touch with Mohanji. He was in the friends list of a sadhu, a Shirdi Sai Baba follower. Something stirred my heart when I read His words. I sent a friend request and it was accepted. To be frank I was at crossroads of my so-called spiritual life. My Guru of over 30 years had left His body and I had not been able to reconnect with Him within myself. And Mohanji was the farthest from being my prospective Guru, at least as per outer signs. Here was a person who has an extraordinary attraction but defied description and definition. He wore white, had a beard but was not a sadhu. He had a wife and a child and also earned His living. He chanted mantras, gave initiation but also derided mechanical worship. He seemed so down to earth and also expounded profound thoughts. I read His write ups often, enchanted, but stopped half way not being able to comprehend the full import of His words.  His words stirred emotions within, but He seemed emotionless.

Somewhere in late 2015 He was about to visit Tiruvannamalai and I messaged Him that I wanted to meet Him. But I did not get a response. Later, there was a message on FB stating that we should stay at home and be safe due to the rains in Chennai. I registered for the initiation programme in Chennai, held on 8th March 2016. Here also, Mohanji continued to break stereotypes. The day started with light yogasananas and the rest of the time was taken up on question and answer sessions. Here was a Guru totally at ease and down to earth, chatting happily. I had doubts about taking initiation since I was already initiated by my previous Guru and my doubt was answered by Mohanji without as much as my voicing it! But for the usual prostrations by some and devotional singing of bhajans by a lone tearful lady, there were no outward signs of devotion or reverence. I waited patiently for a meditation session but it never came. It was a relief that at least there was an initiation session, with Mohanji pressing the spot between the eyebrows.

DT_3_350_200As I read Mohanji’s words, I subconsciously started watching my thoughts. I have had a love hate relationship with my mind. All along I had been chasing my ‘monkey’ mind with the stick of good conduct, morals and do and don’t. The result was that the monkey was more often playing truant and would bite me back.

I viewed the world coloured by the prism of emotions and was often miserable, momentarily happy or sad. My joyful moments were filled with dreaDT_4_350_200d of losing the joy, good conduct jarred with the fear and guilt of bad conduct and hours spent on ‘worldly’ conduct ended with the guilt about not thinking about God. God seemed unattainable with a ‘monkey’ mind. More often there was a continued restlessness. The dread of not ‘attaining’ God with each passing day made my life miserable. As I was emotionally attached to people and places my mind never found rest.

On deeper introspection stirred by Guruji ‘s words I started observing myself within. By His grace I could ‘unhinge’ from the clutches of repetitive negative thoughts and feelings, by focusing on the ‘now’ moment. Thereby I could escape from the shadow of past thoughts and impressions.

Mohanji on how to control a series of unwanted thoughts

Once, when I was going through a particularly tough phase, I chanted ‘Mohanji Gayatri’ and prayed for His grace. By this chanting and focusing on the eye card, I gained clarity in thinking. Free from the burden of expectations and judgements about myself, my actions and thoughts and the outer world, my mind achieved a lot of peace and equanimity. Whenever I had doubts they were answered instantly by Mohanji. I used to wonder why I did not meditate or have the inclination to meditate. I now understand that my Guru was working on clearing the cobwebs of the mind in the form of preconceived notions, judgements etc. about God, Guru and the world.

Mohanji on Being in Now, Silence and Existence

I find that after coming in contact with Mohanji and His grace, the burden of the world rests lightly on me. I have attained a sense of tranquility and peacefulness. I try to keep my emotions in check, be it elation or disappointment. And when I do slip, I take recourse to remembering Mohanji and His calm visage which comforts my mind immensely. A sense of inevitability rather than resignation has taken over me.

I understand that come what may in each and every aspect of my life, I have to put my best foot forward and time will take its course for good or better. Being in the ‘now’ I cherish, savour and contribute my best to each moment. That for me, coupled with His thoughts is the greatest blessing I can have.

After attending Mohanji’s satsangs and hearing His words, I feel I should give myself more to the world in the form of selfless actions. I am sure with His grace it will be done in due course.

DT_5_350_200I often had a dream which I could never decipher but enjoyed immensely. I saw myself striding on a long road all alone. The sights and sounds of the world flitted across my vision. But though I was seemingly running fast my feet seemed to glide on as if flying and I never ran out of breath. I always woke up with a strange sense of exhilaration and joy.

Now I understand it is Mohanji’s grace, which has enabled me to stride across this world with joy, free of all worries. If only I can envision His deep, penetrating eyes each moment, I will consider it His blessing.

Jai Mohanji.

 — G Srinivas

Divine Healing

“Surrender is a subtle matter. When total surrender happens, suffering is removed. Absolute surrender removes duality, too. Yet, what will be given is what is right for you and not what your mind wants. What is right for you is that which ultimately sets your soul free.” – Mohanji

6. ‘Healing of throat pain’: Bojana Fabel, Macedonia, March 2017

When we surrender to the Guru and feel true love for Him in our hearts, He will take care of our every need. Mohanji says, “If you have firm faith and conviction in your path, tradition or Guru, that itself will lead you, guide you. All you need is firm faith and conviction.” Bojana narrates what happened when she fell ill at a crucial time in her career, and how her prayers were answered.

Bojana narrates:

Bojana_with_mohanji_350_200I would like you to read this post, as I want to share my most recent experience with Mohanji. I am a singer and I had a very important concert performance in Singapore on the 15th of March. The night before the concert, I felt a slight throat irritation. The next day on the day of the concert, I was diagnosed with tonsillitis. I took all the medicines prescribed, yet I felt extremely exhausted and went to bed with the need to sleep and to rest my tired and feverish body.

Before falling asleep, I wrote to the Mohanji team for some support and protection from Mohanji and they told me that He would take care of me.  20 minutes later, I felt a huge wave of very warm energy that was actually around me but not inside of me (as I was having fever inside my body).

I fell asleep. When I woke up an hour later, my energy level was much higher. I had no pain at all in my throat. Miraculously the pain had vanished.



During my performance, I sang effortlessly and all I could witness was ecstatic faces of joy and laughter, and not a single moody or unhappy person. Everyone was dancing and smiling.

As Mohanji frequently says:  “I do my job”, So He did! He took over my problems ….


With love and enormous appreciation,

Yours truly, Bojana



7. ‘Healing of foot pain’: Rashila Pankania, UK, December 2017

Mohanji’s presence in our lives gives us so much peace, solace and joy. When we pray with faith and surrender, He responds. There are times in all our lives when the mind questions and asks for some kind of tangible evidence to feel our connection to Him. Rashila shares with us how her yearning for a miracle became a beautiful reality. “When devotion overflows, the devotee melts. God reciprocates and melts too.” – Mohanji.

Rashila narrates:

Rashila_with_Mohanji_350_200Yesterday, as I was moving a bookshelf, the shelf came off and hit my foot. This was an old-fashioned bookshelf made from real wood and was extremely heavy. I was in so much pain that I couldn’t move my foot, but I knew I hadn’t broken it as I was able to hobble on it. By that evening, after a hot bath, the pain had worsened. I was in so much agony that I wondered if I would be able to attend the Christmas fun night which coming up in two days! This was an ACT UK organised fund raising event and I had been looking forward to taking part in it very much.

I did my Kriya the next morning, but couldn’t sit cross legged for long. I had to keep moving my leg as any pressure on the foot was so painful. I finished my Kriya and offered aarati as usual to all the deities in my altar. I offered aarati to Mohanji’s photo, which was also in my altar. As soon as I moved away after giving Him the aarati, I realised that I had no pain in my foot! He had gracefully healed me! From having a painful foot, I was now with no pain at all. I didn’t even pray to Mohanji to heal me! He knew and did His job!

DH_1_350_200Not only had He healed me and removed my pain, He had also removed the obstacle, which would have prevented me from attending the event that I had been looking forward to. Most importantly, He gave me the evidence my mind was seeking. My mind was asking for a miracle from Him, to show me that I am really connected to Him! With this incident, He showed me that I am connected to Him, and in such a beautiful way! However much our mind doubts or wonders, Guru is always there, the connection intact, just like the electricity connection in our house. We just need to ‘on’ the switch and realise it! 

Thank you Mohanji for the reaffirmation and for being with me always.

Koti pranams to you Gurudev.


8. Healing of birds, September 2017

Mohanji says, “When we witness the same permanent object in all beings such as human beings, trees, plants, animals, and birds, beings of the air, sea and land that exist all around us, we become truly universal. We become liberated.” Mohanji lives by example; His unconditional love to all beings of the earth is always evident.

Milica from South Africa shares with us how Mohanji’s physical proximity had healed a little bird, and Subhasree from London shares with us how her prayers to Mohanji had healed an injured bird – both happened on the same day, thousands miles apart, witnessed by different people, the healing source being ONE and the SAME – Mohanji.

Milica, South Africa:

SA_Bird 2_350_200


On Monday during a visit from Mohanji’s from Mauritius to South Africa, we were having small satsang. Suddenly a small bird flew into a glass door which was next to where Mohanji was seated. The bird was hurt and fell down. It was gently picked up and placed on Mohanji’s lap. It stayed there for a while, looking very calm and resting peacefully. Initially we thought it had a broken wing and tail. After about half an hour of being on Mohanji’s lap, it recovered well and was ready to fly.

We felt that this soul was very determined to meet Mohanji and was blessed to have had such love from Him!


Jai Mohanji!


 Subhasree, London :

hurt_bird_350On Monday late in the afternoon, I was waiting on a platform for my train. Suddenly, an injured bird came flying slowly, landed near me and started limping. There was no one else around me and I didn’t know what I could do to help. Therefore, I just started praying to Mohanji, chanting His Gayatri. As I was chanting Mohanji Gayatri, I noticed that the bird seemed to calm down and just sat in one place. I continued to chant. After a few minutes, it seemed to recover well, and flew off with no evidence of any unsteadiness. Such is the power of Mohanji. Just by chanting His name, the bird was healed!

 Jai Mohanji!


9. ‘Mohanji, the anchor!’: G Srinivas, Chennai, India, June 2018

We face many challenges in life, but with the guidance and protection from the Guru, we pass the storms of life with relative ease. Mohanji says, “Surrender is a subtle matter. When total surrender happens, suffering is removed. Duality is removed too.” A beautiful sharing by Srinivas shows us how deep faith and surrender to Mohanji protected his family.

Srinivas narrates:

Srinivas_2_350I have been regularly chanting the ‘Mohanji Gayatri’ and praying with Mohanji’s eye card. This gives me great peace, equanimity and emotional composure. One day, in mid-June this year, I had some personal work to finish and had a strong instinct to apply for 3 days leave. This was sanctioned by my bosses. On the same day, I received a call in the evening from my son, informing me that he was sick and was being admitted for medical care. The next day, along with my wife, I rushed to Bangalore to find out that he had been admitted to the ICU with a chest infection. I could feel the grace of Mohanji all along. I just kept praying and being in the present, and everything worked out fine thereon. Everything happened smoothly.

I was guided subtly to make arrangements for obtaining reimbursement for expenses by making inquiries. There was an apprehension that the medical bill would be quite high as per the inquiries made, but the final bill came out to be very reasonable and by the grace of Mohanji, my son made a quick recovery.

A month later, on the 18th & 19th of July 2018, a  chance inquiry by my wife, prompted by apprehension and made in haste with an astrologer, followed by his negative words regarding my son’s health caused us much emotional turmoil. My wife was distraught and exhibited highly temperamental behaviour, which was quite natural for a mother. I took it upon myself to maintain a calm composure and also to take care of her.

DH_eye_350The dark energies seemed to have encircled us that night.   However, I clung to my faith in Mohanji and His eye card, which I kept under my pillow that night, so that I could pass the storm of anxiety and restlessness with emotional composure.

I realised that without the grace of Mohanji, I could have panicked and it could have had a detrimental effect on my health, as I suffer from hypertension. The storm passed with Mohanji as my anchor. After the night of mental trauma, the next day, I sought help from Mohanji by messaging Him.

My message read, “Guruji, our family is seized by a great fear of misfortune due to a prediction regarding my son’s health. Please save us. This comes at a time when we have planned to build a temple with Shirdi Sai’s grace. Please help us. Jai Mohanji.”

Mohanji’s reassuring words, “Faith can move mountains. Have unshakable faith. Miracles will happen. I am with you. Bless you.” acted as a balm to my anguished heart.

I am sure with His grace and guidance anything can be accomplished. My fervent wish remains that I am able to surrender everything at His feet and forever remember His calm and serene eyes, so that this alternating dream of sweet and stormy life passes by.

Jai Mohanji!



With deep gratitude and love, we offer this second chapter of ‘Mohanji Satcharita’ at the lotus feet of Brahmarishi Mohanji! It was only through His grace that this Satcharita saw the light of day. Pure intention and faith was all that we had, as we commenced this chapter. As instruments, we bow to our Guru with this verse from the Guru Gita:

“Gurubhāvaḥ paraṁ tīrthamanyatīrthaṁ nirarthakam
Sarvatīrthāśrayaṁ devi pādāṅguṣṭhaṁ ca vartate”

Which means:

“Absorption in the Guru is the most sacred place; every other place of pilgrimage is meaningless. O Goddess, the big toe of the Guru’s (right) foot is the abode of all places of pilgrimage.”

Jai Shree Guru Datta.

Jai Mohanji.

— Compiled, edited & published By, Mohanji Testimonials Team, 15th November 2018.


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— Mohanji Editorial Team






























1 thought on “Mohanji Satcharita Chapter 2 – November 2018”

  1. Faith moves mountains..Mohanji has shown it to all of us everytime we needed him with or without being asked. He has ensured our passage is smooth and we are transforming happily. Thank you so much Mohanji for your presence in our lives.

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