Hanumatananda, Macedonia
I would like to share an experience that happened on October 3rd 2019. We were a small group of friends being blessed to be with Mohanji and spend some time with him. That day, we were awaiting a friend to come to the house where we stayed, and she was not aware Mohanji was in the house. It was a surprise plot. She is deeply devoted to Mohanji, and it was her wish to meet him physically. She was not at all aware that he was in her country at all, and it was his first time coming there, so she didn’t even suspect anything.
When she came, we all greeted her, and she sat with us in the living room, totally unaware of what and who will come next. Then Mohanji entered the room, and she fell at his feet completely in disbelief. She was so shocked that she could not speak or say a word. For her, it was a dream.
For me, it was a trigger! This triggered so much love in my chest that I started crying uncontrollably. I have never cried like that ever. It was unexplainably liberating. What I felt was an overpowering feeling of gratitude and blessing that I had met Mohanji in this lifetime. I feel this on a daily basis, but I tend to forget easily. So, this was more than a feeling; it was as if in that split second, when she saw Mohanji and fell at his feet, my soul recognized the blessing that Mohanji is in my life. Just like that, I started crying and crying and could not stop.
My friends started comforting me, but I still could not stop. Then Mohanji asked me what was happening – and I answered, “I love you so much, Father.” To that, he replied, “We need to spend more time together.” I know Father, I yearn for this.

Mohanji then asked some of my friends to bring me ice cream. It’s a thing he does with some people. When there is deep churning, he helps or integrates the process with the ice cream. So, they brought me some ice cream, and I continued crying and eating. I even got one more round of ice cream – which only meant that it was a deep, deep process at hand.
Later, I sat down next to his feet, and he confirmed that he wiped out many lifetimes in that split second. It only took him one tiny split second to wipe out lifetimes which took me years and years to accumulate.
An hour later, when I picked up my phone to check for messages, there it was – a Whatsapp message from Mohanji. He clicked a photo of me with his phone while I was crying. And he sent me the photo which he titled ‘Overwhelming Love…’
Yes, that’s what it was – overwhelming and overpowering love. I briefly replied to his message:
“Thank you, Father, what to say. This overflowing love is your divine expression through this child of yours. This is you. It should overflow and touch other lives through kindness and love only. Always. Against all odds.
This photo will stay as a reminder to serve you and be an instrument of this same overwhelming love or yours. Nothing else matters. Just this love. At your feet always.”
This photo still stays as a reminder to never forget how huge of a blessing he is in my life, and to never take him or his time for granted, ever. Each day, I beg and pray to Mohanji to bless me with eternal burning bhakti.
Love Always!

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 14th April 2022
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