Shri Guro paramam rupam viveka chakshushomratam,
Mandabhagyaa na pashyanti andhah suryodayam yatha|
The absolute form of the guru is like nectar to those who can truly see. To those who cannot see through veil of illusion, the true form of the Guru is shrouded like the sunrise is to a blind man!
When one has pure devotion and surrender to the divine, divine will appear in any form. There have been many truly connected Mohanji’s followers, who have felt His presence in various occasions either via direct visions or even through indirect but realistic indications.
Two such sincere and honest experiences are described below, which clearly shows how Mohanji’s divine presence have been felt by these true devotees.
Mohanji is ever pervading! 
Experience shared by Mr. Sankaranarayanan, Priest, Chenakkathoor Temple
I was in Sabarimala temple assisting the Chief Priest during the season from November 2017 till mid Jan 2018. Lord Ayyappa temple Sabarimala, situated on a hilltop, is located in a forest Pathanamthitta, Kerala.
Lord Ayyappa is the son of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu who appeared as “Mohini”, the beautiful lady, was born to bring an end to the demon Mahishi. Ayyappa, as a baby was adopted by the king Rajashekharan of Panthala and named as Manikanda. Later on, at about the age of 12, taking the vow of celibacy, Manikanda left the palace and went up the hill to Savarimala and resided there as Lord Ayyappa.
This temple is one of the most sacred temples in India and is open in specific days of a year. Reaching the temple is not so easy. Pilgrims have to walk on foot about 4 km through the thick forests or get to the river Pamba and then climb the hill for about 5 km. In order to come to the temple, the devotees have to follow strict traditional practices, rituals, preparations and dress codes. In preparation for their visit, pilgrims wear black beads around their neck, dress in black or blue mundus/dhotis and abstain from the consumption of non-vegetarian food and alcohol for 41 days. They also take a vow of celibacy for the 41 days prior to their pilgrimage.
Despite the strict rules and physically straining path to reach the temple, 100s of thousands of pilgrims arrive in the season when temple is open.
To go inside the temple to the sanctum sanctorium, the pilgrims have to climb the 18 steps called “Pathinettapadi”. These steps signify a very important message, that in order to reach the divine, you must be free from the 5 human senses, 8 negative attitudes (ashtaragas – kama, krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Maltsarya, asooya, dhumb, 3 Gunas (Satva, Rajas, Tamas) and the rise above knowledge and ignorance.
When you rise above all these 18 steps, you reach Ayyappa, divine, you become one with Him!
During the end of December 2017, a few people from Chennai City visited Sabarimala. They had met Mohanji, who was visiting Chennai at that time. Mohanji had directed them to meet me as he was aware that I am in the temple in this season assisting the chief priest. They approached some of my colleagues to meet me for some special rituals and gave Mohanji’s Card to one of them. Later on my colleague handed over the card to me. I arranged the rituals that the devotees requested. I had also taken tokens for special darshan for them in the evening. However, I could not meet them after the rituals. I searched them everywhere but I could not find them amongst the crowd.
The Chief Priest and his brother saw Mohanji’s divine Card (for the first time) and were amazed by the power of Mohanji’s glowing eyes.
During the evening pooja session, one of my colleagues came to me and told me “Sankaran, your Guruji has come to the temple for darsan! I ran towards the sanctum sanctorum to see Mohanji. I was deeply surprised because I knew that Mohanji was not in Kerala and how could they see Mohanji here in Sabarimala! And there was no warning from anybody that Mohanji was coming here. On the way, many of my other colleagues also told me the same as they all had physically seen Mohanji. One of them even asked me whether we should book accommodation for Him. All 18 of my colleagues saw Mohanji! I was in a total shock and searched Mohanji but I didn’t see Him anywhere!
It was evident that Mohanji appeared in sookshma (subtle form) in the temple. His appearance had multiple messages. This showed a deep meaning to some of those people who were skeptical and even had remarked that these modern gurus are all fake.
To me, it indicated Guru’s protection and love towards me, that even though he was in Chennai at that time, He responded to the skepticism or some of my colleagues to save me from any kind of explanation or proving to anyone about my Guru.
Mohanji takes care of His disciples, as He can take care of Himself. He does allow people to fall in frequency by not understanding Him though. But, when it is a question of protecting a true follower, He never misses.
I clearly understood Mohanji is everywhere and we cannot understand HIM till we rise up those 18 steps to reach to the divine himself!
Deep gratitude my Guru for your timely actions and showing me every time your presence. Thank You!
Power of Purity! 
Experience of Mrs Nalini as shared by Devadas from Palakkad
Mrs Nalini is about 65 years old and have been practising Power of Purity Meditation at the Shirdi Sai Baba temple in Palakkad for last 2 years. Right from the day 1, she has had visions of Mohanji very vividly.
Recently, one day she called my wife Anila and said, “You know, Mohanji came near me three times today. First time it was with white kurta and dhothi, it was blue kurta and saffron dhothi second time and final one was with white kurta and saffron dhothi wearing black slippers. I could feel his breathing falling on my hands”. Anila explained about her strong connection with Mohanji.
Mrs Nalini is used to telling us these kinds of experiences from her first Power of Purity meditation.
Sometimes she will see Mohanji standing in water and blessing her, sometimes Mohanji will become Krishna and bless her. Similar to what 75 year old Taiji from Delhi had experienced which she converted into Sahasra naam of Mohanji (thousand names), Mrs. Nalini has also started seeing Mohanji in many forms. Devotion, connection and conviction draws the master to you and he appears to you as per your flavour and intensity of connection.
When Mohanji visited Palakkad in December 2017, a few of us were sitting with Mohanji having a small satsang. He casually asked Anila about the meditations in Palakkad. She started talking about the general aspects of it.
Suddenly Mohanji asked Anila, “Did that lady tell you about my visit to her house?” We were amazed that the experience that Nalini aunty shared with us was what Mohanji was telling us too! It was like a shock wave. But we all realized once again, Guru is everywhere, we just need to have the eyes to see him! Another realization. Deep gratitude. Jai Mohanji!
Honest and sincere experiences like these only confirm the below verse from Guru Gita, that Lord Shiva Himself had explained to Devi Parvati about Guru and Guru principle.
“Akhanda Manadalakaram Vyaptam yena Charaacharam
Tadpadam Darshitam Yena Tasmai Sri Guruve Namaha”
Salutations to Shri Guru, who has revealed that state which pervades the entire sphere of this Universe, which is composed of animate and inanimate objects.
Blessed are those souls, who in this life, are able to realize the value of Guru principle and can feel the presence of Guru in every form, every moment, everywhere!
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1 thought on “Mohanji’s Divine Presence”
Jai Mohanji..Really wonderful is Mohanji Baba’s Leela’s..👃👃👃 He is.. Everything.Everywhere,💗