by Christopher Greenwood
Day 205 – It only requires a look for Mohanji to begin working
In the past few days that we’ve been in Belgrade, we’ve spent a lot of time doing video shoots and photo shoots with Mohanji around various parts of the city, various locations, and at different times of the day, at sunrise, at sunset, and also at night. Some great footage has been collected, which we can use for future videos. So, looking forward to what comes from it. It was great shots by the fortress, which overlooks the city; we had drone footage and also photos and videos of Mohanji walking through the streets of Belgrade city.
The other night when we reached home, it was quite a late night because the shooting had extended, so we were out longer than expected. I noticed that his stomach had ballooned to double the size. It was even more noticeable because he’s much leaner now. When I asked about it or when we spoke, he said that he had just picked up a lot of people that day. As he was walking, as he was going through the various locations, he was picking up from everybody. He said he had a lot of work to do that night to burn it all.
As he walked through the streets, stopped at the crosswalk, sat in restaurants, and casually chatted with us in the high streets, many people would have been curious about what we were doing, especially as we had cameras. What I understand now is it only takes for someone just to see him, to see the form, to see Mohanji for a few moments, for a connection to happen. Then his work starts.
I’ve shared before that I’ve seen the effects of Mohanji taking on from other people, and in fact, it’s not just people but also spaces where he goes; the area automatically starts to be cleansed. Still, for me, much of what he does is completely unseen. Yet, these signs, such as the stomach expanding, as if he’s taking it all inside his belly, are just like looking through a keyhole into something much grander.
Now, Mohanji only speaks a little or nothing about it. It’s only when he’s prompted or if I ask. He always says simply, “I do my job.” He’s very clear about that. I was thinking then, of all the people who would have been seeing him that day, they would have had no idea who he was. Maybe they would not even remember seeing him as they passed; they could have just caught a passing glance through the side of their eye or a momentary look as we were stopped and had the cameras getting ready. But that would have been enough for him to start working for them. And something will have changed in their life for the better, for sure. They will be lighter and happier.
That, for me, is always something that’s quite amazing to think about as he walks these places, as people just see him; he’s always working, always collecting and transforming people’s lives. I’d asked him sometimes about this as well, whether there is a limit. It was probably a silly question because there is no limit. Whether two hundred, two thousand, or two million people connect to him, it doesn’t matter. He can expand to that size, that capacity, which is quite, I would say, an exciting, inspiring possibility because of all the transformation that I’ve experienced in my life and seen in others.
If more people connected to him in that way, then that’s only going to increase the positivity in the world.

Day 206 – Repeating Patterns
Today, I wanted to share another message on patterns because our lives are governed by patterns. This is what drives us, and breaking these patterns is very difficult. But it’s necessary to do that if we want to take steps towards liberation because that’s what we’re freeing ourselves from. I’ve shared before that being with Mohanji; it’s a constant shaking and breaking of this. I mean, the work itself, the actual activity, is incredibly demanding. But on top of that, when you put the additional internal reconstruction that’s happening all the time, it makes it even more challenging. Because everything is being tested, everything that’s potentially binding is being shaken, pushed, squeezed, and shown as a mirror. This includes attitudes, opinions, personal habits, thought processes, jealousies, judgment, and all these types of things.
Being with him the past year, it’s like having to jump many internal hurdles to overcome some of these really strong patterns. It seems endless, there’s no end in sight, but we have to keep going. That’s uncomfortable, actually, in a lot of cases because, for me, it’s shown a lot of my shadow side, as some practices name it. That’s the side of us that we can’t really see outwardly or are conscious of, but it’s there. Often, these are the things that we wouldn’t like to admit about ourselves, about how we are.
So, I’m sharing this again because I was speaking with Mohanji about patterns. He was reinforcing the point that these cannot be underestimated because they’re essentially deeply rooted within our identity, and he helped me understand this in a different way, which made me really catch on to the idea of how powerful patterns are. Because he said simply that people recognise me as Greenwood or Christopher Greenwood because they’ve understood, accepted, and recognised the sum total of all my patterns. So, whether I like it or not, the consistency of my patterns is actually how people recognise me. That’s the identity that society gives me. People will say, “I know Christopher; he is like this, so I know him.” That’s an interesting perspective. What I experienced when I began to change patterns, connect with this path, understand spirituality, connect with myself more and change things about myself is that friends, people, who were used to that pattern or the consistency of the pattern, thought I’d had gone crazy because they’d accepted one pattern as Christopher, and now there was another one, which was being put in front, so the acceptance level was being affected.
So, it was something different. I was okay with this. But I know that for some people, it can be a challenge. Inside most of us, I feel there’s a desire to be accepted. So, changing patterns is personally difficult, and then it becomes even more challenging because of society, which also when we speak about this topic if you extend the logic into society, society as itself doesn’t exist. It’s a construct of the sum total of the people who have collectively agreed that this is the society. So they’ve also agreed on a set of individual patterns. For example, you become a child, you go to school, you’re educated, you have a job, you get married, you have children, then there is retirement, and so on, and in the middle, you’ve bought a house. So, when we become aware of these patterns and start detaching from them, we start to move more into the flow of life, moving with the present.
Following on with the conversation, I asked Mohanji how we could then overcome patterns, really. Because this is a question I’ve had before, and Mohanji shared that, firstly, the point is awareness. Recognising that this is a pattern I have. For example, if I become jealous, or I tend to criticise, or I judge, then I need to have that awareness that it exists. The second is to then counter it. I use jealousy as an example. If we have jealousy, it’s a pattern that affects us. It can be countered by changing that to appreciation, and we can then communicate it with that person. Because then it’s cleared from the system, and there’s no need to hold on to it.
The same is if there are judgments. Rather than holding a judgment, speaking to other people about it, and sharing that opinion with others, you can direct it in a polite way. So, we can give suggestions: “Hey, I noticed you’re doing this. But why don’t you consider doing it this way, I have this suggestion. You don’t need to accept it. But I felt it was really important from my side to share; it may be good for you.”
This way, it’s cleared from our system. So, like that, patterns can be overcome. These ones, in particular, can be good because it also creates more friendship. It’s with the person, whereas intense jealousies and judgments can spiral to separation. Even if they are patterns, only some have those patterns!

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 2nd April 2023
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