by Farshad, USA
Gratitude, pranams, and deep respect at the lotus feet of Great Mohanji, my dear Father, who is a kind and compassionate Guru.
Since 2022, I have had the blessing of massaging Mohanji as I always had this wish. Even though this was not my profession, I tried to learn and practice for some time until he permitted me to do it. This is his grace and blessing that let me touch his body, a sacred body. A body that we don’t know or understand how it works in different dimensions. Mohanji’s body is very muscular but can’t be seen over clothes. Mohanji definitely doesn’t exercise at all since he doesn’t have time for it. When I ask him how come without any training he has such a muscular body, I never hear any answer other than a smile!

I have seen his body has different wounds, spots, blisters, and other signs, and whenever I ask him what they are, with a sweet smile he answers “Nothing important!” Some wounds and spots that are there today, vanish the next day and they appear another day somewhere else!
My regard and reverence to Mohanji who is beyond ego. I have never heard Mohanji speak about this matter so I feel I must write about it and tell the world and the future generations who may not have the opportunity to meet Mohanji in the physical body. I am aware that it is a great blessing from him and the Tradition to be allowed to touch his sacred body and be able to massage him as per my limited capability.
After each satsang or program, whenever he let me massage his feet, I can see that without exception his calf muscles become so stiff almost like a stone! After massaging for some time, it would get better but again after a program, it would return to the same condition: stiff and hard. Although many times even with massage no changes would happen.
It is obvious how hard he is working for the benefit of people. Of course, we all have seen him coughing during satsangs which is not normal as he would be absolutely normal without any cough before satsang. This happens just when he appears to be seemingly speaking but I would say working on people to remove whatever is needed to help them increase their awareness. He takes all those things to his body as he says for us maybe it takes years to burn it but for him, it is faster. Such a compassionate Master! Sometimes the stuff that he clears is very heavy and he has pain and symptoms for so many months, like what happened to his feet in February 2020.
I remember during the Global Summit 2020 in Sri Lanka, his feet were very swollen and looked very painful. Even standing on his feet was not easy. Still, you could not see any pain on his face. When I told him, “Please give a bit of this pain to me”, he said, “It will kill you.” Only then did I understand how heavy it is!

For sure, there are unspoken secrets and still everyday spots and some things like blisters are visible on different parts of Mohanji’s body. The upper part of his body is phenomenal!
This time in July 2024 at MCB USA after several times that I asked him to massage his back and shoulders finally he agreed, and I had the blessing to see his back and arms, and I was completely shocked! His body shape was literally like Hanumanji, without any exaggeration! A huge robust body, with bold sturdy muscles, bulging traps muscles, and burly shoulders!

It’s strange when he has clothes, the body looks very normal! When I told him about his body giving the feeling of Hanumanji, he just laughed. He never claims anything, it’s up to us to recognize or let our ignorant mind fool us with doubts. Before this, during the retreat also, a few pictures were shown from years back when Mohanji’s face appeared like Hanumanji. So as Mohanji says, “All Masters are one and I am an empty pot. I contain everyone.”

Another interesting point is when I massage him even for a long time continuously, I feel no fatigue or tiredness. Instead, I feel very much empowered and energized. For the first few times, he told me that I may become sleepless after massaging him which was true. I was not feeling tired at all. But when I massage anyone else, after a few minutes I feel tired, and my hands and muscles become restless. When we’re with him in retreats, I keep praying to him in my heart to let me massage him and he always hears me and calls me then!
Heartful love and respect to my Guruji Mohanji who is very difficult to comprehend as we look at him through our limited mind and then we just see his physical form. When I was involved in the translation and editing of the book ‘Mast’, throughout all the chapters, I could clearly see Atmananda as Mohanji, a great powerful Master. Of course, Mohanji is much more kind and loving to us. I always feel reading the ‘Babaji Beyond Definition’ blogs by Mohanji (3 parts) and the ‘Mast’ book is a very powerful way to keep a deep connection with Mohanji.
Surrender everything to my Guruji Mohanji and may he dissolve me in his vast unfathomable consciousness.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 15th August 2024
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Mohanji Testimonials team
2 thoughts on “Hanuman’s Reflection in Mohanji”
So very grateful for this profound enlightening share. I have no words to express the profundity of how this sharing of a personal experience and perspective impacted me. I feel blessed that I had the opportunity to stand and bowed deeply to Hanuman at the MCB at Dugspur VA this July/ August 2024 during my EMP 5 rites.
I am grateful to have met Hanuman.
Jai MohanJI, Thank You Farshad, thank you for allowing us this be part of your experience…Divine, Heartful with tears of Gratitude to MohanJI…for making it possible..Loving You Always, BABA…
Your SAICA rajeev