
Healed by the divine

by Mirela Polich, Peru

This is my testimony of how Shirdi Sai Baba and Mohanji healed me when my aorta ruptured on the 19th of January 2025. The doctors thought from the first moment that I was not going to survive and were in disbelief as they witnessed all the difficulties that my body went through.

Background story: I am from Croatia but have lived in Peru for 34 years. Last April, I moved back to Croatia. However, at the time of this incident that I am speaking about today, I had returned to Peru as my ex-husband Alfredo needed me to sign some documents urgently. After my trip to Peru, I was supposed to go to the Mohanji Centre of Benevolence in Scotland and volunteer there for two months. Well, those were my plans, but…

I have been a Mohanji follower since 2016, but it has always been difficult for me to connect to Hindu deities; even the mantras at the beginning were challenging for me. I liked to look at Shirdi Sai Baba, and I have his photo. And that was it. Few years ago, I started reading the Sai Satcharitra, but I didn’t connect, so I left it. For me, Baba was like a distant grandfather, and Mohanji – a loving father.

Three days before my trip to Peru, something very strange happened. In the early morning hours, while still in bed, I started feeling energy expanding through my body. I couldn’t open my eyes or feel my body end. I was feeling a lot of pressure in my head. In the beginning, I was not surprised, as those things happen to me almost every day while meditating, chanting or doing Mai-Tri. As Mohanji said – you can feel different sensations in your body, but as long as you don’t see real changes in your everyday life, those are just sensations.

But that morning, I started feeling that the energy was getting warmer and warmer, especially in the heart region, and I had a feeling that my whole body was vibrating and kind of expanding. And then, I felt Shirdi Sai Baba’s presence, and I could feel beautiful bliss, warmth, and lightness. Baba was telling me, or communicating to me (I don’t know how to explain it): “Love, just love, love, just love”. And I could even see a heart in beautiful colours, like a rainbow.

I was aware of everything that was going on around me. I could hear my sister preparing coffee in the kitchen, and at the same time, I was in that bubble full of warmth, love and bliss, feeling Baba’s presence. I started breathing heavily, and I got scared, and everything disappeared. I went to the kitchen and immediately told my sister what happened, and I said jokingly: “Wow, this was so powerful. I am either going to be illuminated, or I am going to die.”

Well, I haven’t been enlightened, but certainly, I got very close to death.

In Lima, I was staying at my friend’s house. She is not an active member of the Mohanji family, but she decorated my bedroom with Mohanji’s photo, a candle and an incense stick. We were having Conscious Dancing on the roof of her house the first day upon my arrival, as we were collecting funds for ACT Peru for school supplies because the new school year starts in March.

It was a calm summer evening; there was something special in the air; Energy Transfer was beautiful; we could feel Mohanji was there energetically, and everybody received something. I felt very tired. With an almost 20-hour trip behind me, jet lag was kicking in. In addition, my right hand was painful due to an operation I underwent last September that had not healed properly.

After Energy Transfer, I went straight to Mohanji’s poster, just giving him gratitude for being there with me, for giving me energy, and for working through me. Later that night, my friend, the owner of the house, told me that while she was looking at me praying in front of Mohanji’s photo, she heard or felt these sentences, “Take care of her, take care of her.”

The following morning, we were having some coffee on her patio, sharing our experiences from Conscious Dancing, Energy Transfer and those sentences she heard about taking care of me. I said jokingly, “Come on, Mohanji is really exaggerating, you are treating me like a queen, the way you decorated my bedroom, all the delicious tropical fruit that you bought for me, that’s more than enough, what else can you do!”

Well, we continued talking, and then, suddenly, I felt a terrible pain in my back, just above the bra line; it felt like somebody slashed my back with a big machete. The pain was so sharp and unexpected that I couldn’t breathe or talk. I thought that maybe a nerve near my backbone got pinched, and I tried to do some asanas to stretch, but nothing worked. The pain was there, and I couldn’t sit or walk straight.

As I wasn’t getting any better, my friend’s husband called a taxi. Even though it was summer in Peru, I started feeling cold, so I put on my winter jacket, the one that I wore while travelling in the European winter. While in the taxi, I was completely bent, as the pain was excruciating, I could feel each bump and hole on Lima’s streets. Something wasn’t ok.

I immediately sent a message to the Mai-Tri practitioners group asking for help. I also told my friend to call Martha and Susan, my dear friends and core members of Mohanji Peru, asking them to chant the Mahamrityunjaya mantra for me. Getting to the hospital emergency room, with doctors coming and going, is very blurry, and I can’t remember all the details. Vidya Iyengar did a Mai-Tri for me. I remember I talked to her while in the emergency room, and she told me that it had something to do with my heart and that Shirdi Sai Baba and Mohanji were with me.

The doctor came and told me that the situation was serious – my thoracic aorta had ruptured. This condition is almost always fatal because the aorta is the main artery of the body, and blood starts leaking out, which stops blood from being pumped around the body. There was 1 litre of blood in my body trying to find its way between organs, pressuring my lungs. But, MIRACULOUSLY, a blood clot formed on the outer side of the aorta, and the bleeding stopped. Unfortunately, the smallest movement could move the clot, even something like taking a deep breath, and that would result in further bleeding.

There were several scenarios:

A) if the bleeding was strong-instant death

B) if the doctors had time to operate, they would have to open the abdomen and cut the blood supply to all the abdominal organs to fix the dissection. This could result in permanent damage to the internal organs and possibly death.  

C) placing a prosthesis to seal off the aneurysm. The problem was that it was Sunday morning, and the hospital did not have the prosthesis.  The only place where we could have got a prosthesis was a medical supplies company/distributor, but as it was Sunday, they were shut.

We had to wait till the prosthesis was available. The doctor decided to put me in an induced coma state in order to help the blood clot stay in the place where it had formed. I signed the form giving them permission to put me in an induced coma, knowing that I might not wake up again, at least not in this life. But I did. 48 hours later.

I woke up thanks to Mohanji, thanks to Shirdi Sai Baba, thanks to all people in Peru, Croatia, Balkans and all over the world, relatives and friends and friends of friends, who chanted, prayed, paid for masses, dipped in Ganges, took my photo to Shirdi, did Mai-Tri, MTM, sent light to me, or just thought of me.

The prosthesis arrived at 10 am on Monday. The surgeon told my friend,” If she has survived until now, we are with God.” The 7 cm long nickel and titanium mesh tube was introduced through the artery in the groin area, moved all the way up and wrapped around the aorta. The operation was successful even though I lost more blood. But a few hours after the surgery, the water around my lungs, haematoma around the heart and tachycardia sent all the machines in the ICU frantically beeping.

My friend Martha was there, and the doctors told her to call my ex-husband because they were expecting the worst. Again, messages were sent to the Mohanji family, and again the Mohanji family was there for me. Martha called the surgeon on his private cell phone because he was not at the hospital. He managed to get back to me immediately and gave me some medicine, and my condition stabilized. I survived that critical night and woke up the following day, the 21st of January, my new birthday.

When I went for a check-up 4 weeks after the procedure, the doctor told me that there were so many things that could have gone terribly wrong, but they did not. When I thanked him, he told me: “All of us are instruments in God’s hands.”

This is my testimony, and for everything that I wrote here, there are witnesses, medical tests, and images. What was happening while I was in an induced coma was said to me by my friends who were in the hospital and Mai-Tri practitioners, some of whom had never met me. People who did Mai-Tri on me sent me messages saying that Baba and Mohanji were with me. To be honest, I wasn’t surprised that Mohanji was there, but Baba!  Shirdi Sai Baba, the one who visited me 3 days before my trip, the one whose Sai Satcharitra I couldn’t finish reading! He was there!!!

I know and I feel that when he visited me 3 days before my trip to Peru, he prepared my body for this event. Otherwise, I wouldn’t still be here. It is not a coincidence that he visited me, and that Mai-Tri practitioners saw him while giving me treatment. It is such love and grace that Mohanji, Shirdi Sai Baba and all the Tradition are showering upon us.

My friend, the one who took me to the hospital and who stayed there with me and who is not a member of the Mohanji family, witnessed everything that happened as an outsider. She told me, “What I saw here is the real proof of faith and unity of the Mohanji family.”

I am eternally grateful to Mohanji for everything he has done for me. Through his grace, Shirdi Sai Baba and all of you came into my life.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 9th March 2025


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