In this second story of Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 8, Pramod Nair shares with us how much he enjoyed the ‘Being in Mohanji’s consciousness’ programme conducted by one of the Mohanji Acharyas, and how he felt Mohanji’s presence not only at the programme but during his journey to the venue. His beautiful experience during Mohanji Energy Transfer shows us yet again, when one has faith and devotion, grace is ensured.
“Gratitude. Grace. Growth. They are all related and interconnected. Gratitude ensures Grace. Grace ensures Growth. These three aspects deliver LOVE, LIFE, and GODLINESS in us” – Mohanji
Read our other stories on Mohanji Satcharita.
Presence without Presence
By Pramod Nair, UK
The HSTY yoga, Power of Purity (POP) meditation and Conscious Dancing conducted with Mohanji’s grace, by Mohanji Acharya Subhasree, at the Methodist Church on the 30th of March 2019 was a wonderful experience for me and I wish to share it with others.
Divine grace in reaching my destination
I was working late at night on the 29th of March and was tired. I was not sure if I could travel and reach the venue before the programme started. Nevertheless, having decided to attend, I left this desire to participate at the lotus feet of the Guru. On the 30th, I managed to board the train to Bristol Parkway from Cardiff and then had to get a bus to reach the church where the event was being conducted. I was told by a friend of mine from Bristol to get bus number 73 which would drop me right at the door step of the church.
I had to wait for 40 minutes to get the bus and this meant I was going to be late. I got into another bus (No.75) and checked with the driver if he could guide me. He was a very friendly person. He said he used to live somewhere close to the church many years ago. Though this bus does not take that route, he said he could tell me where to get off and then I could use my Google map and walk towards the church. I boarded the bus and waited for the driver’s instructions. As the bus reached the bus stop, the driver told me to wait. He told me that he would drop me off at the traffic lights which would save me a further 10 minutes of walking. This gesture by the driver was a big surprise for me. The driver stopped the bus at the traffic lights and further guided me with directions to the church. Normally drivers only stop at the bus stops and this was unusual. He smiled and wished me a great day. I thanked the driver and followed his directions to reach the venue on time. In fact, I arrived earlier than the others.
Now I clearly knew that it was Mohanji who was working through the driver to ensure that I reached there on time.
Mohanji’s presence during the event
During the whole event, I could feel the energy and presence of Mohanji. The interesting thing for me was that during the POP meditation and Mohanji Energy Transfer, I felt the finger of the person kept on my third eye area vibrating. I could feel the throbbing sensation between my eyebrows.

After the Energy Transfer was done, I saw a flame of light appear for a few seconds and disappear. I then saw Mohanji appear in the third eye. This lasted for a minute or two I guess. I felt as if I was the flame of light. It was a beautiful experience. I could connect to my soul. I later checked with Shyama who did the Energy Transfer if she felt anything in particular. She told me about the vibration she felt in my third eye area while she was doing the process.
I sincerely thank Mohanji for this wonderful spiritual experience He gave me that day.
Joy of Conscious Dancing
I also thoroughly enjoyed the Conscious Dancing. I felt that it helps us forget about ourselves and connects us to the core. It was a wonderful experience to be in the energy field of Mohanji without His physical presence.
I should also thank everyone who was involved in organizing the event and also the other lovely participants for making it so lively. Also, the vegan food served was scrumptious.
We are all blessed indeed to be connected with Mohanji.
May many more souls be blessed to receive the connection with the Master and be liberated.
Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 7th May 2019
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