Mohanji – The Heart of Kailash

A loving and sweet devotee of Mohanji had such a wonderful “dream” of Mohanji. This vision truly is a message for all of us. She has kindly offered to share her dream:

There stood Mohanji, the same Mohanji in different shading
There stood Mohanji, the same Mohanji in different shading

“There stood Mohanji, the same Mohanji in different shading, under different colour spotlights, I was asked by The Divine, White light to choose one. Normally I go for green, red or even yellow but this time I choose grey, charcoal. It was the colour of Kailash. I choose Mohanji surrounded by grey. Then I get a clear instruction from Pure Light: “The more Mohanji touches soul beings the darker he gets (not dark soul, but he will resemble Kailash)”. “He becomes the heart of Kailash, Shiva himself, his physical appearance will be Kailash”. Oh my gosh “The Heart of Kailash.”

This communion with the divine is mind blowing. Mohanji was seen with different lights that illuminated him. His color changed from red to green to blue and so may other different colors. This indicates that Mohanji is a reflection of our own mind. We see Mohanji with the condition of our mind. Some need a father figure and see Mohanji as a father. Some see Mohanji as a teacher, a friend, a Guru, a brother, even a menace to society and a fraud. But these are all only a reflection of what is in our own mind.

But once we see past the conditionings of the mind we start seeing the true Mohanji. We require light to see with our physical eyes. Without light, the physical eye can not see. Similarly when we see without the conditioning of our mind we see the truth. That is symbolically shown when the color “grey” was chosen in the communion. A dark color showing the absence of the illusion of light that we are conditioned to see with. Grey also represents ash; the sacred ash which is symbolic of total annihilation of all terrestrial identifications. This is the same ash that Shiva wears on his body. It has great symbolism.

Mohanji is the every essence of Kailash.
Mohanji is the every essence of Kailash.

Once we see without seeing, we reach a state where we experience (not see) Mohanji and at that time we realise that Mohanji is the “Heart of Kailash”. Kailash represents that formless powerhouse that holds the universe together. Kailash is like the mountain that equally helped devas (gods) and asuras (demons) to churn the ocean of milk. That non-biased entity that sustains the universe by “just being” and not by intentionally acting.

He is the every energy of the universe that sits still witnessing and sustaining.
He is the every energy of the universe that sits still witnessing and sustaining.

Mohanji is the very essence of Kailash. Yes he is Guru, friend, protector, giver of spiritual blessings etc…. But he is more than all of these. He is the every energy of the universe that sits still, witnessing and sustaining. He is the “Heart of Kailash”.

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