The following real-life stories beautifully illustrate how Mohanji’s presence transcends time and space, offering healing, clarity, and unwavering support. From overcoming fear and anxiety to receiving unexpected divine confirmations, each experience is a testament to the boundless love and grace that Mohanji showers upon his devotees. These heartfelt testimonials by Kamali Radhakrishnan, a Mohanji Youth Club member and Kalai Vani remind us that he is always with us, guiding us through life’s uncertainties and challenges.
By Kamali Radhakrishnan, India
The Mai-Tri experience
About a year ago, I found myself engulfed in tremendous fear as my university exams were approaching. The syllabus was vast, and I had an exceedingly short amount of time to prepare. Throughout the semester, I had been preoccupied with research work and family commitments, leaving me little time to cover the syllabus adequately. With just a few weeks left for the exams, the anxiety within me grew so intense that I couldn’t even concentrate on studying. Desperate for relief, I decided to get a Mai-Tri session done.
I reached out to a MaiTri practitioner and asked if she could conduct a session for me. After sending the message, I lay down to rest. I felt a heaviness in my stomach and heart chakras as I drifted into a state somewhere between wakefulness and sleep – what one might call the Alpha state. In this semi-conscious state, I saw Mohanji standing near my bed. Instinctively, I turned my palms to face the ceiling, and I felt energy coursing through my chakras. A mesmerizing blue light flowed through me, bringing a profound sense of love, peace, and lightness. Soon after, I slipped into a deep, restful sleep.
When I woke up, I vividly remembered everything that had happened. The heaviness in my chakras had completely disappeared, leaving me feeling blissful and rejuvenated. I decided to write to the Mai-Tri practitioner to express my gratitude. To my astonishment, I saw a message from her stating that she was busy and hadn’t been able to do the session for me. I was left in awe: “A Mai-Tri session had been done without anyone setting an intention for it!”
Overwhelmed with gratitude, I looked at Mohanji’s picture with tears in my eyes and thanked him. With clarity and focus, I managed to cover the entire syllabus in a remarkably short time and scored excellent grades in my exams. Deep within, I knew the truth: it wasn’t me who had studied and succeeded – it was Mohanji’s grace that made it all possible.

The “M” sign on my palm
A few months ago, I felt an intense sadness because I still perceived a sense of duality between myself and Mohanji. I yearned to feel His presence deeply and tangibly. At that point, I hadn’t yet had the privilege of meeting Him in person, and I longed for his darshan. I poured my heart out to his picture, sharing everything I felt – my sense of separation, my longing, and my desire for his presence – forgetting, in my despair, all the grace he had already showered upon me.
Amidst my emotional outpouring, a peculiar thought crossed my mind: “It would be wonderful if I had the symbol ‘M’ on my palm.” I immediately looked at my palm and searched for the symbol but couldn’t find it. Dismissing the thought, I moved on and didn’t think about it for several weeks. After meditating on Mohanji one evening, the thought resurfaced: “It would be great if I had the symbol ‘M’ on my palm.” To my utter amazement, when I looked at my palm, I noticed a beautiful ‘M’ formed by the intersection of a few palm lines. I couldn’t believe my eyes!! It felt as though Mohanji was speaking to me, saying, “I am always with you.”
Words cannot capture the immense gratitude and bliss I experienced in that moment. Whether the symbol had always been there and I had failed to notice it, or it had appeared by his grace, I’ll never know. What I do know is this: Mohanji hears us. He is always with us, guiding and protecting us in ways beyond our comprehension. These experiences are but a glimpse of the boundless love and grace I have received from Mohanji. He has shown me time and again that he is ever-present, helping me navigate life’s challenges and deepening my connection with Him. I offer my heartfelt gratitude to Mohanji for his unconditional love and blessings. I thought of sharing this testimonial for a long time but kept postponing it. I was reminded several times to write it, yet I delayed. Today, I came across a beautiful quote by Mohanji that finally pushed me to share:
“Honest testimonials serve the Tradition because all true Masters and their lives are nothing but representations of the Tradition of liberation. When you write honestly what you experienced, if they are true experiences expressed truthfully, it becomes service to the Tradition. Hiding it, thinking about how people will take you for telling it is ego complex or ignorance, and it amounts to lost opportunities to serve the Tradition as well as lost opportunity to express one’s gratitude for the Tradition. Lying or telling partial truths or imaginary things means illusion, confusion, and hypocrisy. So, true testimonials should be delivered truthfully without adulteration. It should always be truth, not opinions.”
These words resonated deeply within me and inspired me to write this testimonial immediately.

By Kalai Vani Saravanan, Finland
Two days ago, Ulla texted me, saying she had seen photos of my yoga activities on Facebook. She asked if she could come to Finland and collaborate with me on any Mohanji-related activities. I was overjoyed and readily agreed. She mentioned possibly conducting something together in December or January. However, as the days approached, I hesitated. I told her I was currently focused on job hunting and unsure if it would be possible, especially with Christmas around the corner. Ulla graciously understood and said, “That’s fine. Keep me updated when you’re ready.”
That night, I had a powerful dream. In the dream, I called Mohanji on the phone (as I had his number in my dream). He answered, and I immediately began lamenting about how desperately I was applying for jobs and worrying about not getting selected for interviews. Mohanji listened patiently and said, “You have completed your Bachelor’s degree. It’s a good qualification. But if you still haven’t secured a job, it means you need to update your knowledge further. Identify what’s missing and keep learning.”
I explained to him about all the certifications and courses I had recently completed, adding, “But still, I’m just sitting at home, applying for jobs, and waiting.”
In a loud tone, Mohanji replied, “If there are no activities for you there, then come back to India.”
I was shocked and immediately pleaded with him, “Please, Mohanji, don’t misunderstand. I am engaged in activities here! I’m not idle here. I’ve been conducting yoga and meditation sessions for the local community and managing social media for the Baba temple. Subhasree Di has even initiated me into starting the Mohanji Youth Club in Finland.”
Mohanji then responded, “Oh, is that so? That sounds good.” Before I could say more, he said, “I have another call. We’ll speak later,” and ended the call.
When I woke up the next morning, I kept thinking about the dream and its deeper meaning. Later that evening, I received a call from an employer offering me a six-month work trial! He is going to teach me new technology during that period. I was overwhelmed with gratitude for Mohanji’s guidance. I truly felt his divine intervention at play.
This moment also reminded me of my conversation with Ulla. I immediately reached out to her, saying, “Let’s plan when we can start the activities.” I also assured her that she is welcome anytime and that I’m more than happy to collaborate with her on Mohanji activities in Finland. Upon hearing this, Ulla expressed her wish for me to collaborate with her on activities in Denmark as well.
Reflecting on all this, I am deeply grateful for Mohanji’s presence in my life. Even in a dream, he guided, encouraged, reminded me of the importance of continuous learning and purposeful action, and blessed me. His support is always present, and he works in ways that are beyond words. This entire experience was nothing short of a miracle, and I feel immensely blessed to have Mohanji’s guidance, strength, and care. He truly is aware of everything and always ensures we are taken care of.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 7th February 2025
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