Mohanji’s Grace

By Pankhuri Sethi

Pankhuri Sethi

Dear All,

Though I have been a regular reader of all the mails in the group, I never wrote about any of the numerous experiences we have on a daily basis reassuring us that Mohanji is always with us.
But this one experience I had last week which I felt that I must share it with you.
I have been blessed with an angel recently and I had gone to my in-laws’ place out of station for about 10 days.

One day before returning my mother informed me that a robbery took place at my home while I was still at my in laws’ place. That happened during daytime, too. Shocked and puzzled as I was when I got to know about it, I tried to recall all the stuff that was locked inside my home.
I was on the phone coordinating with my mom, dad and neighbors regarding some help. The first question that came to my mind was how the robbery was possible because when I left home I told Mohanji to protect my home. My husband asked me to check if his brand new office laptop was there or not. I asked my mom to check under the bed and it was there. Then I asked about the big household appliances and stuff, everything was in place.

Eventually I was able to understand how Mohanji has helped me as there were very few things which I thought thieves would have stolen like this laptop and my gold earrings which I had kept in locker of my almirah. My mother said one small jewelry box was scattered near the clothes. I was sure it had been stolen but trust me it was not bothering me much and this patience was given by Mohanji for sure. I thought to myself that they would be gone and I was settled with the fact and reassured myself that whatever would have gone… let it be gone. In a few minutes I was calm and started looking the positive side of the whole incident.
I asked my mother about some other things I could remember and she checked all being there still.

Sitting there waiting to come back home, I started thinking to connect the dots and realized that somehow I had already prepared for this to happen. I had left all the cash and camera and the life stuff at my mother’s place before leaving and all jewelry that I had at home, I wore it before leaving. My husband, before leaving the home, had covered his new laptop in a dirty poly bag and kept it under the bed. I also got an iron grill installed over the back gate of my house a day before leaving for my in-laws’ place which in all probabilities disabled the thieves to take any big stuff and they had to use the front gate which opened on a main road.

Usually, whenever I go somewhere, I never really bother to keep the expensive stuff at my mother’s place. This time it was different. It was “HE” who made me do all the robbery preparation before 😉 so that nothing is lost! Also, with him in my mind all the time, I was so calm throughout the time whereas everybody around was panicky!
I wrote to Mohanji “A robbery took place and no major loss. Thank you for being there: He replied “I know nothing was lost except some bad karma of yours. It was a huge cleansing of bad karmas.” Tears rolled down from my eyes out of sheer happiness for he holds me strong all the time even though I seldom get to see him physically.

When I reached home, I checked all the scattered stuff and realized that thieves missed that small jewelry in the hurry, too. I laughed. Not at the thieves but at the idea about who exactly was playing around 🙂

So all in all it was actually nothing they took apart from some small amount of cash maybe less than 500 rupees and a pen drive!! 😛

I am sure all have experienced and experience his presence in our lives all the time, it’s only when we choose to be ignorant, that we miss out on the bliss! 🙂





3 thoughts on “Mohanji’s Grace”

  1. This is such a wonderful experience, despite the fact it was robbery. Mohanji makes pearls and roses out of every experience, even the ”negative” ones. We are so blessed to walk with Him. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. Beautiful Experience…. Thanks for sharing……
      I am also trying my best to walk on his path… a humble prayer at Mohanji’s feet.
      to please guide me and take care of me and my family.

  2. This is awesome and it reminds me of a recent experience that I had. My mother was acting very, very sick and not getting out of bed. This is very odd for her because normally she has a stiff upper lip that is made of concrete. So, for my mother to stay in bed was very strange. I stopped at the house every day because I was so worried about her.

    Finally, another sister insisted she see an immunologist although Mom insisted it was nothing more than Lyme disease (from a tick bite). It turned out that she has multiple mylenoma which is a deadly and aggressive form of spinal cancer. The spine does not and cannot repair itself. She had lost four inches in height and seven vertebrae in her spine required kyphoplasty – insertion of plastic into her vertebrae.

    So, I understand that they are going to extract bone marrow at the hospital to see if she actually has the disease (we don’t know yet). Four of my five siblings were there for it. Apparently, she screamed loud enough that they heard her in the next state. I was spared this incredible vision of suffering. Thank you Mohanji!

    Now she is at my sister, Saskia’s who is married to a surgeon because they can get her better care (obviously). But, the oral chemo is horrendous and causing all her body parts to leak which for my mother who sees herself as “elegant and proper” is a horrendous experience. Again I have been spared the grissly details.

    In the meantime, my mother and I have always had an extremely difficult relationship (my father and I were close – one of the reasons for difficulty). So, I gave her many peonies which are very beautiful flowers and a peony tree. She said, “go dig them up and get them.”

    I said, “we should wait. Are you sure?” I asked her three times. Then I said, “let’s wait for the fall it’s a better time of year to dig them up.”

    She said, “no, go get them now.”

    So, I went. One was extremely difficult to get because it was next to a dogwood tree I had also given her and they had grown together. So, I called her to tell her I was leaving it. And, she screamed, “how dare you dig up my peonies?”

    Damned if I do and damned if I don’t.

    So, these were probably her last words to me, she’s dying. And, it’s actually nice because it provides real clarity. I had given her all these beautiful things from love. And, she had nothing to give back but screams. So, I don’t have to feel guilty. I gave her my best. I took care of my younger five sisters and brothers and gave them my best. I stayed clear of my father because I knew it broke her heart.


    And, now it’s over.

    And, I am very grateful that it’s over.

    And, I am very grateful that Mohanji and Joey (Klein) carried me through this in a way that allowed clarity. I wish I could say with perfect grace but that’s not the truth.


    Love and Gratitude,

    Annette V.

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