
Not even a Leaf

By Michael Draper, UK

I have previously written about experiences with Mohanji at the Opening Your Heart Day retreat in Switzerland. This has proved to be the catalyst for a transformative two-week period, first in Turkey, then immediately followed by the grace-filled Kriya intensive retreat with Mohanji in Bosnia, and I would like to share some of the experiences and the love and care that Mohanji has for each of us down to the smallest detail. I have no doubt that the events I narrate have all been organised to perfection by Mohanji and the Masters of the Tradition.

Turkey was booked as a week’s holiday. It has an ancient history and landscape that spans thousands of years in this time cycle, and I have visited it many times over the years. All the churches of the apocalypse mentioned in the Bible are based in modern Turkey. St. Paul is closely linked with the ancient city of Ephesus with his many epistles to the Ephesians. There are also links with Mother Mary and St John.

On the first night in Turkey (Monday), I had a dream. I was shown a warrior King or Lord on a simple throne dressed in chain mail and robes with a pointed helmet in the style of an Islamic warrior from around the 15th century – a voice with great clarity said, ‘This is you.’ I have heard this voice before; it is calm but has a power that is very rare to hear from another in the waking state unless you are listening to Mohanji or another great Master – the quality of the sound is unique. 

On Thursday I visited the Great Muslim citadel at Alanya and went into the mosque at the top of the hill to pray. I was greeted by someone whom I presumed to be the Imam. He and I were the only ones in the mosque, and he asked, ‘Where are you from?’  so I said the UK. He then asked me ‘Where were you from before (at this point, I felt this was the type of questioning often employed by Baba when you would normally respond, ‘Swami’). It was a remarkable question (particularly given the dream on Monday night), but life is a game, so in that spirit, I said the UK again (using the United Kingdom as a synonym for unified consciousness). He was seemingly satisfied with the response and said nothing further.

I knelt down to pray, ‘May all worlds and all beings in those worlds be happy and free’  in front of the niche facing towards Mecca and then got up to leave saying As-Salaam-Alaikum to the Imam. We were still alone in the mosque, and he asked, ‘Are you Muslim or Christian ‘….Christian, I said, but went on to explain that we have a mosque on the University campus where I work in the UK. Again, he seemed satisfied, and he responded with Salaam, and I left the mosque. I immediately realised that something remarkable had occurred, and I shared this with Jenny. Who was that Imam? And why those questions? Was that a manifestation of Baba, who, as Shirdi Sai, had brought together different faiths in unity around devotion?

We then took a jeep to the top of the mountain known as the Eyes of Alanya. On the way, we passed a sign that had the word Karma written on it and pointed towards the summit (it must have been the name of a restaurant, but there was no indication of it being a business sign—just a simple white sign with the words KARMA in capital letters and an arrow pointing upwards). I took this as a visual confirmation that I was clearing or integrating something from my past. 

This event had a physical impact. I developed severe pain in my left hip and at the base of the spine on the left hand side – it affected my ability to sleep and indeed move. Chanting mantras and listening to Mohanji – my usual go-to clearing energy actions did not have the desired effect. The image of Ulla, another wonderful follower of Mohanji who often leads conscious walking, then dropped into my mind and consequently spent some time during the night practising conscious walking up and down in our room whilst Jenny slept. 

Employing this technique minimised some of the pain so that the following night I was able to get some sleep and then received help from Meher Baba.  I was consciously aware that in my ‘sleep,’ I was continuously chanting Meher Baba’s name for some time. I was watching myself doing this. This helped with the pain, but physical mobility was still a significant issue. Meher Baba is an Avatar who, for the best part of his life, communicated in silence to his followers and did much to ensure that “Masts”- those seekers of the divine driven to God ecstasy were well looked after as they were oblivious to their bodies. I would highly recommend reading  Mohanji’s book ‘Mast the Ecstatic.’

My understanding is that the channel or nadi on the left-hand side of your body is associated with Moon energy, and ironically, we were staying at the Selene Hotel; Selene is the Greek Goddess of the Moon. My mounting concern was that I was due to fly to Bosnia for the Kriya retreat with Mohanji 24 hours after our return from Turkey, and I wondered whether I would be able to drive to the airport and board the flight to Bosnia. On our return from Turkey, Jenny had to help me into the car as I could not lift my left leg over the sill of the car to sit down. Jenny also had to lift my suitcase into the car. 

All I could do was offer the situation to Mohanji – if I was meant to be in Bosnia for Kriya initiation, then Mohanji would clear the way. I had 12 hours before the drive to the airport for the flight to Sarajevo. Over the course of that time, some of my mobility returned, and I could safely drive an automatic car to the airport. I was not going to miss Mohanji in Bosnia after all…..thank you, Mohanji!

The organisation of the Kriya intensive by the Bosnian team was impeccable. A taxi was waiting to pick me up at the airport along with Saji, a relatively new follower from Norway but originally from Iran whom I had met at MCB Scotland and her sister who had travelled for Kriya initiation all the way from Iran. I was very happy to see them. It was an auspicious start. The term ‘Mast’ as used by Meher Baba is a Persian Sufi term meaning ‘intoxicated or overpowered by God’ and the connection with my ‘dream’ in Turkey dropped into my consciousness.

I would like to share some of the Mohanji Leelas in Bosnia by theme. First of all, Datta.

On my last visit to MCB Scotland, Mohanji asked me, ‘Michael, would you like to see Datta?’ My response was an obvious yes, please. Mohanji led me to the beautiful Datta shrine at MCB Scotland and indicated that I was to go in. I walked around Datta chanting a mantra under the watchful and intent gaze of Mohanji. A wider conversation with Mohanji subsequently followed, which I will not narrate here, but my introduction to Datta was not yet finished.

When you take initiation, it is customary to offer a fruit or a flower to the Guru by way of Dakshina or a token of gratitude for the immense grace received. What to offer Mohanji for the Kriya initiation? I went to search for some fruit as I know that Mohanji prefers flowers to remain on plants or trees as nature intended. On entering a shop, I looked at the array of fruit and intuited what might be an appropriate offering. I chose a ripe fig. I recalled that the fig tree is a symbol of Datta. The Kriya kit that Shyama had kindly sent to me in advance of the Bosnia trip also included a Datta pendant which Mohanji subsequently blessed for me.

One of the ‘excursions’ on the Kriya intensive was to a beautiful water park with flowing rivers and streams so that we could practise in close proximity to high-energy moving water. I found a tree for back support (my mobility was still restricted) and undertook the directed practice. Just before I closed my eyes, I noticed that a dog had decided to curl up behind the tree. I was facing the river, and the doggie was facing the Park with the tree between us. I was holding the Datta pendant in my left hand and then formed Chin mudra with both hands.

At the end of the practice, I opened my eyes and was amazed to see that a small but beautifully formed golden mottled leaf had appeared on the Datta pendant. It would not be possible for a leaf to land so perfectly on the pendant, especially with the adopted mudra. Datta! One of my Kriya practitioner neighbours, who had seen the leaf on the pendant, exclaimed.

Pendant with the leaf covering the image of Datta

We left as a group to go to the organised restaurant. I was amongst the last to arrive, so I could not immediately see a space at a dining table, but then noticed a free table with four chairs and moved to sit at it. ‘You can’t sit there – that is Mohanji’s table,’ said one member of the organising team. ‘But I want to sit with Mohanji,’ I responded.

I eventually found an available space and chatted away with those on the table about Sathya Sai Baba, whom they had just discovered. I then left the table to walk outside and met Danny, one of Mohanji’s assistants, and started talking with him and another follower. ‘Do you want to eat, Michael – Have you eaten, Michael?’ A very clear and direct voice emerged from the restaurant. It was Mohanji, and he had invited me to eat with him, Devi, Thea, and Danny. A fifth chair had somehow appeared at THE table when previously there were only four. 

I responded that I had eaten but would happily eat with them again and sat down. A full stomach was not going to come between myself and grace with Mohanji—it was time to expand the belt. There was a broad conversation, which I will not narrate here but will share some of the discussion. I asked Mohanji about what had occurred at the Water Park with the Datta pendant. Mohanji confirmed that he had organised this Leela for me (such grace).

He went on to explain that the trip to the water Park had originally been cancelled due to anticipated heavy rain, but he had held the rain back to enable us to practice at that particular location. He said that he could only hold the rain back for a limited time, but then nature must be allowed to take its course. I asked whether the same amount of rain had to fall, and he confirmed that was the case, which meant a larger deluge over a short period of time than would have otherwise happened. I realised that the Datta Leela would not otherwise have taken place.


Mohanji then ate some of the food from his plate and passed the rest to Danny. Danny  shared the food from Mohanji’s plate with me.  Mohanji explained that when he had eaten some of the food from the plate, then the food had taken on the energy of Amrit. ‘I know,’ I said (I have read other Mohanji chronicles when this has been narrated by other followers, so I was well prepared), ‘That’s why I am tucking in.’ We finished all of the food on the plate together.

Mohanji then turned to speak to a lady at another table. ‘Anna,’ he said, ‘Michael needs his back sorted out.’ Mohanji then explained that she was an accomplished Chinese medicine and acupuncture doctor. I had not mentioned the continued pain in my lower back to Mohanji or my restricted mobility – but he knew, and he had, at the right moment, chosen an instrument to ease the karma. I thanked Mohanji and Anna with gratitude. My back and hip still hurt and it was taking me three times longer to get dressed in the morning. Getting trousers and underwear on was a challenge involving some contorted positions worthy of any Hatha yoga practitioner in order to avoid aggravating the pain.

The main group then left the restaurant to board the coach back to the hotel. ‘Michael, do you want to go back on the coach?’ asked Mohanji. Well, what would you do? I calculated that staying meant walking back to the hotel in the pouring rain, but it also meant more time with Mohanji. “I’m staying, Mohanji,” I said, and we continued to talk. Mohanji then turned round to one of his team and said, ‘Make sure you drive Michael back to the hotel in your car.’ Right choice made and Mohanji kindly responded. So, I avoided the soaking and had further grace from Mohanji. 

In the car, one of the organising team said – do you realise why you had this opportunity with Mohanji. She reminded me that I had said right at the beginning when entering the restaurant that I wanted to sit with Mohanji at his table. Mohanji had immediately fulfilled that desire because it came from a space of purity and longing. Immense gratitude for the grace bestowed by Mohanji and a reminder that Mohanji  responds to purity of intention.

The day was not yet done, and a wonderful satsang with Mohanji followed. On leaving the satsang hall, Mohanji graciously hugged a number of followers. He came to me and said ‘Michael, are you still hungry?’ ‘Always Mohanji,’ was my response and a beautiful hug followed. As a note to readers when you receive a hug from Mohanji, the frequency of your chakras begin to align with Mohanji’s – this is also discussed in one of Mohanji’s books and we have discussed this in our Mast reading group – Mohanji knows exactly when to hug for optimum benefits and when not to hug to avoid over stimulation of energy.

The next Leela theme involves the Bosnian pyramids and tunnels complex. Before the trip I had done some research on youtube and frankly was anticipating a treat. Mohanji did not disappoint. The tunnels and associated crystals that are linked to the pyramids emit higher concentrations of negative ions than Niagra Falls. Spending time in them enhances health and meditation practice. There is a particular stone in one of the tunnels named for Mohanji due to the very high energy that it emits and there is a sign next to the stone with Mohanji’s picture and associated explanation. With our first visit to the tunnels, we were not able to see the stone as the relevant tunnel was closed for work. This was reported to Mohanji, but nothing further was said.

On the following day plans were suddenly changed and we were going back to the tunnels for meditation practice immediately after lunch. When we arrived at the tunnels, a small group of us were separated from the main group: myself, some wonderful followers from the Netherlands that I had previously met at MCB Scotland, Saji and her sister from Iran, and a couple of followers from Australia. 

We were led into the tunnels expecting to meditate as a group as we had done previously but we veered away from the meditation tunnel and were led to the Mohanji Stone. Mohanji had arranged for the stone to be made accessible for us and furthermore we were able to take turns sitting on the stone. Wow. Wow. Wow. Yes, the energy of the stone is incredible, the air is pure and constant at 11 degrees, and you feel immense well-being and healing in that space. Thank you, Mohanji.

‘Michael, come and sit next to me’. A familiar clear and powerful voice seemed to come out of the ether. It was Mohanji. He was sitting in an antechamber supervising everything. He had made sure that we had access to the stone so we could obtain the maximum benefit from our tunnel visit. I took a seat next to Mohanji. He explained that he had previously come often to this stone to meditate due to the very high and pure energy emitted, and the stone had been named after him as a result. Mohanji placed his hand on my right shoulder and turned to his assistant and said, ‘give Michael a Shiva Linga to take back to MCB Scotland.’ Mohanji then advised us to remain next to the stone for a further 10 minutes and then come out to rejoin him.

We were frankly overjoyed by the grace, love, and kindness we were given. Thea took photographs of each of us next to the Mohanji stone and information board to record our happy faces. We then left the tunnels as a group chatting about the wonderful blessings we had received from Mohanji, his surprise appearance and expressing our immense gratitude. We briefly stopped to place our hands as a group over a megalith and to experience the energy being emitted by the stone, which was palpable.

On reaching the outside, somebody announced that Mohanji was down in the valley. It’s amazing how our normal walking gait changes to the speed of an Olympic speed walker if Mohanji’s name is mentioned, and we rushed with all the best decorum that we could muster down to the valley floor. Mohanji was waiting for us and with him was Dr. Sam Osmanagich. Mohanji had arranged for Dr Osmanagich to talk to us about the pyramids and tunnels complex. ‘Professor, come here’ said Mohanji as he introduced me to Dr Osmanagich. 

What an honour to get information from the person who almost single-handedly discovered and excavated the tunnels and investigated the pyramid structures. Please see his talks on YouTube for more information which effectively dismantle the history of humankind as we have been taught in schools and stress the importance of pyramid structures as energy amplifiers and emitters and as a medium for light communication with other systems and galaxies.

Mohanji then guided us through the valley pointing out various structures and important aspects of the site including the Mohanji eternity maze walk which takes the shape of the sign for infinity and which we were able to experience on a previous visit. The day ended with group and individual photographs with Mohanji with genuine joy lighting up the  faces of everyone when they got to hug Mohanji and have their photos taken with him.

On heading up to the coach park, I realised that my mobility issues had all but disappeared and I was charging up the path like a gazelle. Well, if not gazelle like, it was certainly faster than the tortoise pace that had been adopted recently. What a day! The Shiva Linga was delivered to my room just before midnight and I placed it on the revised and updated copy of ‘Baba, Mohanji and Masters’ that Mohanji had signed for me. 

In conclusion, I would like to acknowledge Devi’s kindness and the brilliant sessions that she led during the retreat, including Conscious Dancing and various other processes. Devi generously shared her time, knowledge, and skills with us and stayed up late into the night to chat about her many experiences and spiritual work. Devi’s message around the divine feminine is very welcome, inspiring, and a precursor for the new age of community emerging alongside some horrific circumstances that are evident in a world out of balance. There is a major realignment coming.

Heartfelt  thanks to the Bosnian team for their impeccable organisation of the event. With significant numbers attending the Kriya intensive it must have felt to them at times as if they were herding cats. Particularly as we were drawn from across the globe with different languages albeit united as part of the Mohanji family.

What next, then? Well an unexpected visit to MCB Scotland with a Shiva Linga from Mohanji. The Macedonian retreat in October with Mohanji has been booked, Mohanji’s river of grace continues to flow and I’m flowing with it. With much gratitude to Mohanji, Devi and the teams around the various country foundations who make all this possible; and yes also to the wonderful participants, it is such a blessing to share these events with you. Finally, as is universally acknowledged, I am very happy to be reminded once more that the Dutch are always right. Dirk, your name was mentioned often, and with much love that you must have felt our joy. I know from the message that you sent to me that you were following and reading the energy of the event.

Postscript 1: the Shiva Linga given by Mohanji for delivery to MCB Scotland is wrapped but with an identifying slip of paper which has written on it “UK.” Readers will note this was the response I gave twice to the ‘Imam’ in Turkey, the second time as a synonym signifying united consciousness. In my view this is evidence of Mohanji’s omniscience and not a coincidence. 

Postscript 2: a final Leela that will bring a smile to your face. On leaving the UK and passing through airport security, I had to remove all outer layers down to my T-shirt and jeans. The T-shirt was emblazoned with the face of Mohanji and the words ‘I love Mohanji’ on my back. Everyone in the security queue received the Darshan of Mohanji. A security guard nodded at the picture of Mohanji and asked, ‘Is that a rock star?’ I smiled. Perception indeed is everything……


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 3rd October 2024


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