Announcement of THE LIFESTYLE RETREAT WITH MOHANJI on Novosadska Television:
This was the first retreat with Mohanji ever. We spent two and a half days in His presence. It was 16-18th November. Full-day programme of various activities meant for cleansing and spiritual growth.
The day began at 4am. We gathered at 4.30am for a water therapy.

We avoided new accumulation of toxins by eating fresh and simple vegetarian food and drinking water, green tea or fruit juices, and we kept being active, without laying in bed for sleep or rest.
Then before dawn we had yoga session. It was in the venue 1.5km away from our rooms, downhill, so we walked there before dawn. There are selected yoga asanas compiled in such a way that they work a lot on the energy of the spine and stimulate spiritual growth. It was followed by energy balancing and replenishing, and AUM chanting. We were moving energies with our breath. Directing energies consciously is so powerful. Amazing. Yet, it is so simple. Afterwards, we went back along the same way, the mild uphill lane. The dawn had already broken and there was a fresh morning sunshine in the sky, both days. Oxygenized and refreshed, we went for breakfast.

This was a special morning time, as we interchangeably sat with Mohanji, and we always mixed and changed places so that everyone can sit with everyone. No clusters were allowed, but some fluidity and one spirit. During one of this talks, Mohanji said how a woman who can see regardless of the distance, and can see Mohanji clearly wherever he is, called him saying she saw a big grey cloud from a group of people coming into him, and that she was horrified at the sight, warning him he would die if he takes so much poison from people onto himself. Mohanji replied to her “That’s why I am here”. He took all the negativities that started melting from our inner system and all the activities that stimulated cleansing. So much more could be scraped. Not a second was a fluffy holiday weekend. The experience was much more deeper as we were within the energy field of a master. People are usually not conscious of it. There is a feeling of relaxation. Apart from that, there was a feeling of headache. Everybody noticed that. And everybody noticed how Mohanji’s health deteriorated. He took huge quantities of the blockages, negativities or “poison” from people onto himself, and left to people only a mild headache. His one body was bearing that heroically. Through headache as a tangible symptom, we understood that cleansing was happening, that it was intense and real. We were bathing in his energy field. It was a true energy spa. He improved us all. I’m deeply grateful for this blessing. No words can describe it. My love increased. My awareness increased, too. Mohanji said that people will be aware of the changes more after two or three months. It will manifest in our everyday life. Now they do not know what happened in Vrdnik. Zoran from Macedonia knows. He already goes into blank states.
During the satsangs, QA sessions, Milan, a journalist from “Sensa” magazine was keen on asking questions. He loves the chance he got to write a text about Mohanji. All Vrdnik experience boosted his inner growth, too. There was an interesting moment. When Milan interviewed Mohanji face-to face, he recorded the interview. But When he reached his room, the recorded just buzzed and nothing could be recovered. Mohanji’s energy was so strong, that the gadget failed! And he got deep answers that satisfied him, grateful for what he learned. Then he wrote a draft of their interview while it was still fresh.
There was a lot of laugh in the satsang. Dragan laughed his head off, and it was contagious. Daina added it was spreading to the whole group in waves. The next day, when somebody wanted to sit on Dragan’s place, Mohanji joked, “That chair is dangerous, you may start laughing without reason or control, HA HA 😀
It was what was perceived on the surface. We bathed in Mohanji’s energy field. Each cell tuned to this vibratory level. We could not resist but be taken over by the higher into purer realms. Huge inner letting go, relaxation and stability happened. Spines got stronger. Questions were directed to the divine in human body that was in front of our eyes. Omnipresent infinite oneness of consciousness, truth, knowledge, abundance and compassionate love. Each Mohanji’s word was an elixir to the soul. He was removing layer by layer of our conditionings.
Also something really interesting happened, which depicts one of Mohanji’s dimension of operating:

What happened in GURGAON:
“When Food Served in Seva becomes Elixir…
When the day arrived today, it promised to be special. The bright Sunday morning looked like any other day, but there was something in the air which stirred up feeling of immense love. The feeling was blissful. It was a sign of something very special that was going to happen!
Sunday mornings are associated with Food Seva that happens in Gurgaon where more than 300 labourers and their families are served hot breakfast. These labourers are daily wagers and don’t have permanent jobs. Many a times they don’t get work and sleep hungry. Sunday is one day they look forward to, as they get hot and nutritious breakfast with Mohanji’s blessings. Food seva usually lasts for 45 minutes. As seva has been happening for almost 8 months now, they look forward to it, eagerly standing in the line, waiting patiently.
But today, it was different. There were just 5 people standing in the queue! Even when the serving started, more did not join. I waited, but there was no one coming. I waited more, then slowly very few trickled. It was very unusual. It was 30 minutes past and only handful of people had come to take food. Mind did try to work and think of possible reasons, “maybe it is too early today”, “may be they have shifted from there”…but the faith remained intact. Mohanji’s words echoed, “Numbers don’t matter; I will only send those who really need it, even if it is just one”. These words came as a relief. It reminded me that we were just instruments and only Masters decide who would par-take food!
After waiting for some more time, I decided to pack-up with food for almost 200 people still left! I decided to distribute food to other locations. But the moment I was about to leave, an old man, who had his share of breakfast, walked up to me and said that the food tasted like amrit (elixir) as it was a very special day. I felt it was a nice gesture as it seemed that he was trying to comfort me as the food seva could not complete. I thanked him and touched his feet. He blessed me and said it was really a special and auspicious day! I wondered why it was special. On enquiring, he told me that it was a day before Chatt Pooja! Chatt Pooja is one of the most important festivals for people from the Indian states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. And almost all of the labourers in Gurgaon and neighbouring towns belong to these two states. I could then think of reason why they were not here as they would have gone home for celebrating the festival. I thanked the old man for comforting me. When I was about to go, he asked me to stay. There seemed no reason to stay as there was no one to feed. But there was something in his voice, something magnetic, which made me stop. He said that he has a feeling that the seva will be completed today. I smiled at his kindness and thought of staying only to make him happy.
Then what happened cannot be put in words. Suddenly there was a stream of labourers and their families, with bag and baggage, walking towards the nearest metro station. They were going to the main railway station to catch the train home. I could not believe my eyes. One of the people from the group walked towards me and asked if he could have some food. I served him. Then suddenly the whole group stood in the line for food! And there was something different in their behaviour, they were smiling, laughing, enjoying. Usually they are somber and sad, but today they were elated! It seemed like a community celebration!
And the best part was that every time they took the serving, the blessed! Never ever, they have blessed before. But today, everyone was blessing, including children. One of them started singing a song in praise of Bholenaath (the compassionate form of Lord Shiva). He loudly announced that the food was Shiva’s prasaad and their journey home would be blessed. It was such a blissful sight! When the last parantha (Indian bread) was served, all had the share of food! No one was left hungry. It had to be. They were chosen by the Masters! Even after the food was finished, the group stood there for a while, chatting laughing and singing. It was such an amazing sight. They had forgotten about their tough life and were enjoying the moments of NOW. I was speechless. I just had the feeling of reverence and immense gratitude.
And I looked for the old man to thank him, and he was not there! I searched for him but he was gone. I don’t know who he was, where he had come from, as I had never seen him before. But I really wish that I meet him again in any of the coming Sundays, so that I can express my gratitude.
Eternal gratitude to the Masters. Eternal gratitude to Mohanji. ”
by Shashank Jaitely
What happened in VRDNIK:
“While the food seva was taking place in Gurgaon, something interesting happened during the satsang with Mohanji in Vrdnik, Serbia .
Oxygenized and relaxed after the water therapy and early morning yoga we all enjoyed the satsang. We bathed in the intense energy, being purified just by Mohanji’s physical presence. He talked and patiently answered both those new and those many times answered questions. His words hit our conditionings directly, unwinding layer by layer, bringing us to our soul. They were elixir to the soul. At one moment his face stood still, and his eyes became wider and bigger, as if he suddenly disappeared, and only the same expression on the face remained. He remained more than ten seconds in that state. It has been recorded by camera and will show on the video.

Later on, we asked what happened at that moment, he said that there was the food seva and a celebration at the same time in Gurgaon and people went to the celebration there while food for seva waited. The moment they thought to pack the food back and distribute it some other time, an old man appeared, asking what they were doing, and after getting the answer, blessed them, saying with kindness and gratitude for the food eaten, “Don’t worry, from now on, people will come”. That was said with love, and not only for comfort. That was Mohanji, working through other body. He was at both places at the same time. During the satsang, that other level of operating manifested as stillness on his face. Mohanji is always doing his job. The people really started gathering there for food, grateful and blessed.”

After the Saturday satsang we had lunch. For the meals of various parts of the day, we were constantly moving, changing places, mixing. Because of dynamics, we avoided making the same clusters. All sat with all. After lunch we went for a swim in the Hotel “Thermal” in thermal spa. The water is hot when it comes out of the ground, so it has to be cooled down to be warm for swimming. Because of the water content, it is healing rheuma. We swam, enjoying and playing like little children. In the evening, I thought, depending on the weather, we can go to the forest. “Don’t worry about the weather, I’ll take care about the weather” :), said Mohanji.
A wonderful weather on Sunday was a gift, as November’s weather is unpredictable, and there could be strong winds and rains. But there was a sunshine and brisk, chilly freshness. Who could order weather? We were simply grateful. We went for the afternoon walk into the forest, to the place called Lazin Vir, or Laza’z vortex. A long time ago, a child called Laza (nickname of Lazar) drowned in that vortex. The place and the name remained, though there is much less water there now and it is not dangerous any more. There also used to be a waterfall there.
Mohanji walked with us through the forest, too. What a blessing for the forest, too! 🙂 We felt one with nature, our hearts were chirpy, and bodies bubbly. We enjoyed it. Fire has a significance as it is a purifier, and among elements, it has superiority because when water, air or earth cleanses, the remnants and dirt remain within. However, fire burns all, and disinfects all. Everything is burned to dust. There are also manthras for chanting around the fire and depending on the wanted effect, our ancestors lit fire of a particular size.

Finally, people used Mohanji’s available time to talk to him individually. Here are some feedbacks:
“Impressions are WONDERFUL! I’m already missing all that we had in Vrdnik: Mohanji, yoga, socializing, meditations… I cannot describe how beautiful it was for me. It helped me a lot, I can see the change now when I came back to everyday life. For example, I feel calm as if I have some shield when my boss criticizes me or shouts. Second, I have four children and organize everything at home, so I tend to shout when things do not go as we agreed, so that the household can function well. Now the youngest child said, “Oh, mum, you don’t shout at father any more?” Third, There is no stomach problem I had had for a long time, when a homeopath recommended BTW meditation. I continued with the therapy daily. Paradoxically, though I drink gallons of water, my stomach is flat during the day. All the tension disappeared from it.”
“Vrdnik retreat was gorgeous.
One person went on retreat, and completely different one came back to Skoplje. A big transformation. Before leaving, I asked Mohanji if he had some message for me. He said, “Before you arrive home, you will know.”
I was driving home, and the moment I left Vrdnik, a woman hitchhiker stopped me to take her to Ruma. We talked about everything, and after some time she opened saying she had payed a visit to her sister who had lost her sight a few days before because of diabetes. Waves of Mohanji’s Love overflowed spontaneously from my heart to them. One of the changes after the retreat is unselfish and spontaneous Love. I notice of course the feeling of being energized, spontaneous with people, unity with animals, birds, nature. The day after the retreat instead of coffee, I prepared myself tea. Yes, the second day of the retreat I had a bothering headache which completely disappeared after the evening shaktipat. In the morning I woke up as a New Man.”
“What I noticed is that after the Power of Purity meditation, a feeling of the 360 degree awareness developed. I can concentrate to the spine easily and I have a feeling of roundness, completeness, transparency. I can see in front of me and behind me with my inner eye as well. Changes are noticeable and I believe there will be more.”

During his visit to Serbia, Mohanji visited Slobodan Milićević – Ćići (Swami Chidananda)’s grave. Ćići was cremated and his urn rests there. Mohanji intended to meet him during his next visit to Serbia. Now he died. As the word is the second level of creation, Mohanji felt responsible to fulfill the promise and remove the debt.
He also said that Chidananda expanded. Not only that he said so, but he also showed that to the lady who was his spiritual friend and was deeply connected to him.
6 thoughts on “The Lifestyle Retreat With Mohanji”
I can say only one 🙂 it is wonderful___
So Blessed by having attended this Retreat. So grateful. It’s been almost 2 months now, and the Consciousness transformation remained stable. Deep feeling of Liberation on mental, emotional, and physical level. I am free of toxins. Stopped using drugs. Now I use the same yoga mat from Bilja’s yoga classes, and practice yoga every morning. Stopped drinking alcohol. Now I drink 1L of water in the morning for detox. Stopped drinking coffee. Now I drink tee with no sugar. I also stopped eating eggs. The bad habits just dropped off effortlessly. On emotional level I notice I’m much more compassionate and peaceful. On mental level there’s so much more clarity, as if the number of thoughts per day decreased. 🙂 The transformations from the Retreat are many more, but these come first to mind at the moment. They are REAL. Thank you Dearest Mohanji, Bilja, and BTW family. <3 Zoran
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