By Shyama Jeyaseelan, UK
An experience from the Maha Kumbh Mela
The biggest spiritual gathering in the world was about to happen in Prayagraj, India. Spanning 45 days from Jan 15th (Makar Sankranthi) to Feb 26th (Shivaratri), more than 400 million people were expected to attend the Maha Kumbh Mela in 2025. Although Maha Kumbh occurs every 12 years, this year was special. A rare planetary alignment of the Sun, Moon and Jupiter was happening after 144 years! Mohanji mentioned that this was the planetary alignment during the Kurukshetra war from the epic Mahabharata when dharma won over adharma.
There would be a space for the Mohanji group at the Kumbh for the first time. Mohanji Village was set up in sector 24, a beautiful site near Someshwar Mahadev temple near Arial Ghat. The Ganges from the Triveni Sangam flows beautifully through here, enabling pilgrims to take dips in a serene environment, away from large gatherings. What an incredible opportunity to be on this sacred pilgrimage where thousands of saints from various Traditions come to bless those who make this journey.
Message received
Towards the latter part of 2024, flights were being booked, and every online session would have some exciting news about the upcoming pilgrimage, and at least one person would ask me why I wasn’t going. I had no holidays left from work, and I honestly didn’t feel I could cope with camping-style accommodation and the huge crowds (I think this is the understatement of the year!). That became my response until one Thursday before our council meeting, someone said half-jokingly, if my wife with OCD can go and manage, you can too!
My thoughts went back to October when I was visiting Mohanji in Serbia. One day, he gave me a box of mini toothpaste tubes and said, “You can bring this to the Kumbh when you come.” Being dense as usual, I smiled and replied that Jay (my husband) was going and he would bring it with him. It did not occur to me to wonder why Mohanji would ask me to bring something when so many people were travelling from Serbia and could have easily brought it.
On the last day, when leaving, he said, “See you at the Kumbh.” Thinking it was strange for Mohanji to mention my travel to the Kumbh again, I smiled lovingly at him and remained silent, unsure how to respond. Knowing that Mohanji’s words have so much power and he sees what we cannot, it still didn’t occur to me that I should plan to go!
I eventually got the message. Mohanji, through so many of my loving friends, was helping me understand that I should go. The last-minute request for an unpaid holiday, Indian e-visa, flight ticket booking, and application to stay at the Moahnji Village all happened smoothly, and I was travelling with a small group within two weeks.

A blessed taxi journey
Although we were a group of 10 people travelling from the UK, I was on my own from Delhi to Prayagraj and then to the Mohanji Village. My flight was 2 hrs after the others, and I was feeling slightly nervous about being in a country where I couldn’t speak the local language, and it was late at night. Luckily, the young taxi driver spoke a few words of English, and we set off for an epic drive through countless narrow side roads and a sea of people on foot, all travelling to the same destination.
On a day when 14.2 million people had come to the Kumbh, when people had spent hours just driving 1 km, had to take three-wheelers or motorbikes, and even walked for miles because of traffic jams and roadblocks, I arrived at the Mohanji Village in a miraculous hour and a half, even before the group that left 2 hours before me from Delhi! I am so grateful to Mohanji for making my journey so smooth and trouble-free, ensuring I was not in any uncomfortable situation while travelling late at night on my own.
Tranquil oasis
Being in Mohanji Village was incredible. It was as if we were in a bubble of amazing energy and protection, away from all the noises of the outside world. The daily aaratis and homa, the chanting in the background, Mohanji’s physical presence, daily satsangs, and the amazing teams of volunteers made this space so pure and positive.
On the first day, while helping out a little at the Gurulight stall, one of the volunteers asked me to sit on a chair and close my eyes. I obediently did, thinking that he was asking me to rest. I leaned back against a few thin blankets that were on the chair and relaxed, taking deep, slow breaths. Within moments, I had a vision of numerous beings above us, covering the entire sky. Realising they were divine beings, either protecting or simply being there in Mohanji’s presence, I opened my eyes slowly to see the knowing grin on the volunteer’s face. When he said the blanket behind me was the one Mohanji had sat on, I realised the reason for my vision. How blessed were we to be in such a sacred space where so many divine beings were converging to be in the presence of the Masters.

Mohanji’s abhishekam
Later that day, on Feb 10th, Mohanji took us all to the Ganges. Stepping into the cool waters of Mother Ganga was truly incredible. We felt her welcoming us into her embrace, her divine essence very much tangible as we walked towards the area where we were gathering to take the dips.
As Mohanji walked in front with a few people, others followed him in smaller groups. I was walking with a couple of people slightly behind on his left, watching Mohanji with a lot of love and affection, my heart filled with gratitude for being there. Suddenly, he looked towards me and, with a mischievous smile, sent a hand full of water, which landed squarely on my face. I laughed in surprise, the sacred water from my Guru’s hand showering me with his love, care and welcome all rolled into one wonderful blessing.
Mohanji had guided us on how to take the dips, to take a minimum of 5 – for oneself, family, ancestors, Guru and deities. Offering gratitude to Mother Ganga and the Sun, we all did our prayers and took dips, surrounded by Mohanji’s physical presence and energy. Then came the most sacred moment of the pilgrimage – Mohanji doing Ganga abhishekam on us! Mohanji poured water on us three times, and in turn, we offered a few drops of water on Mohanji’s head. The gratitude, reverence and joy I felt at that moment cannot be put into words. As I recollect those moments, my heart expands with so much joy, and I know I will always treasure this memory that I had with Mohanji, which I am sure was a yearning and prayer from many lifetimes.

Casual touch
Mohanji’s actions and words always have a reason and a meaning, which we may or may not understand. A touch, word or a glance from Mohanji can transform and heal us in many ways, physically, mentally, and emotionally. The following incident was a very tangible experience. While walking to the satsang hall that evening, he spotted me standing near the Shirdi Sai Baba temple and tapped my tummy gently with a loving smile as he walked past. With that simple gesture, Mohanji made sure that my monthly cycle did not trouble me, and I could enjoy every moment of my time there, taking dips with the others with peace of mind.
Upma karma
On the second day after satsang, a couple of us went up to Mohanji to show him the UK annual report, and as soon as he saw me, he said, “Mrs President, did you make upma for me?” It was nearly 8 pm, and I knew Mohanji would have had a light snack much earlier in the evening. This trip was so sudden there were simply no thoughts or expectations of anything, let alone cooking for Mohanji. Yet so sweetly, he gave me the opportunity to say that I would love to make some for his breakfast the next day.
I am often curious about my karma with upma and Mohanji, knowing that I am receiving completion but not aware of its root cause. I am no cooking expert, and it always surprises me when Mohanji asks me to make this dish. During Maha Kumbh Mela, on the banks of the Ganges, I had the privilege of making something for my beloved Mohanji to eat. This meant so much to me, more so because it was a totally unexpected gift, and my heart overflows with gratitude to Mohanji for this beautiful blessing.
Devi’s abhishekam
It so happened that one of the special snan days (Maghi Purnima) fell during the 4 days I was at the Kumbh. Feb 12th had more than 20 million people taking dips at the Kumbh. There was a large group of us also in the Mohanji Village, and Mohanji gave abhishekam to all those who hadn’t had an abhishekam until then. The water was quite cold, and after Mohanji left, a few of us walked back to take a few more dips and spend time in the sacred waters. There, we spotted Devi doing abhishekam for a few ladies, and I, too, joined the group.
Despite being cold, Devi poured water on us with much love, blessing us beautifully to reach our highest potential with the grace of Lord Shiva, Lord Dattatreya, Mohanji, the Tradition and Mother Ganga. Her loving words touched our hearts with so much love and warmth that it felt as if Mother Ganga was also blessing us and purifying us through Devi. Receiving this abhishekam from Devi felt complete – Shiva and Shakti blessing us on our journey to dissolution.

Selfless service
Taking part in serving the local pilgrims and those in need was just incredible. More than a thousand people were fed each lunchtime and a few hundred for dinner. This was my first service activity in India, and it was an honour to serve during the Kumbh, standing alongside Mohanji, Devi and Mila. The happiness we saw on the faces of those who received this beautiful food was wonderful to see, especially the little children. People worldwide supported the annadaan; it was a global effort carried out by the volunteers on site with so much love and care.

Ankush and Sangam
Many divine beings are present at the Kumbh Mela, some visible to the eyes and many not visible to most of us. Ankush, a beautiful little boy of maybe 6 years and Sangam, a cute little puppy who was a few weeks old were constant companions in the Mohanji Village. Unlike the hundreds of children outside, Ankush was different. He spent time in the satsang hall with Mohanji, went for dips with the group, and helped clear up the rubbish after seva activities, always smiling, his eyes shining with inner beauty. The puppy stole everyone’s heart, doing parikrama to the Shiva Lingam, sleeping in the satsang hall in Mohanji’s physical presence and finding shelter in the Gurulight store room. They reminded me of Mohanji’s words that Masters and divine beings can come in any form, and we should treat every being with that awareness and reverence.

Master’s words
A Master’s words are so powerful. Mohanji’s simple sentence, “See you at the Kumbh,” made this incredible journey happen in the most joyous way. From start to finish, I experienced Mohanji’s grace – perfect health (not a single headache, cough or sneeze), a smooth road journey despite hundreds of miles of traffic, experiencing Mohanji’s physical presence in satsang every day, taking dips in the Ganges with Mohanji, helping with serving food for thousands of people, cooking for Mohanji, experiencing the presence of other Masters, and most precious of all, having Mohanji do abhishekam for us during the Maha Kumbha Mela! Words simply do not justify the bliss I experienced!
I am incredibly thankful that my karma/destiny which took me on this amazing journey with Mohanji. I feel so grateful that I could bring blessings to my family, lineage, friends and everyone I have been connected with. It was also wonderful to offer gratitude to all the Masters who have graced my life. Loving gratitude to all my fellow pilgrims who made this journey so precious. From Australia to Brazil, from old friends to new, every interaction and hug made me feel Mohanji’s presence. My eternal love and gratitude to Mohanji for his patient guidance, protection and blessings he continues to shower in abundance – thank you Mohanji!

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 6th March 2025
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