The Mohanji Effect, Himalayan Retreat 2014

Written by Mohan H Surujbally

201156_10151222644998890_1129245905_o(1)Mohan H Surujbally is a multi –dimensional personality, a Biology Graduate , well known author who shouldered five books (titled “30 Life-changing laws, Let go and Let’s go, The Universe has not decided and The Ultimate Guide to being a Superstar”) which have covered different aspects of life from philosophy to metaphysics, law of the universe, human behavior, subconsious mind to spirituality.
Adding to his dimensions, he is an inspirational speaker, shift consultant and hypnosis practitioner, has a passion for stand-up comedy and has been a weekend radio personality.When he speaks hearts open, minds transcend limitation and people begin to open up to the realm of infinite possibilities.
Mohan H. Surujbally who is also known as Hitesh Surujbally who came to Mohanji with the numbers of questions. After listening Mohanji’s talk on faces of life the restlessness of his mind vanished. He says he will use his body to serve and his heart to love.

Think about the time you fell in love with the most amazing person.
Think about the time you held your child in your hands for the first time.
Think about the time you heard you were healed.
Think about the time one of your dreams turned to reality.
Think about the time you were told the job was yours.
Think about the time when you saw the person you love after a very long time.

Think about one or any of the above and now multiply that feeling by a thousand times. Got it? This is only an iota of the ocean you feel when with Mohanji. I call this – The Mohanji Effect.


A God that can be named is not God. God cannot be given just a single name or confined to time and space. God is all names yet no name, God is everywhere yet nowhere and God is everything yet no thing. Trying to explain who and what Mohanji is, using words is like trying to eat soup with a fork. It’s
close to impossible to explain the magic and bliss that Mohanji is. I shall attempt to do so anyway…

Mohanji is pure consciousness. He is connected directly to Source. He is Source. He is you. He is me. He is every thought of Love, Gratitude, Joy, Peace, Bliss and Happiness that you experience.
Mohanji is Unconditional Love. Mohanji is the master of his mind, and exists in an egoless state. Attaining God consciousness is an exact science which can be explained using 2 mathematical equations.

Man – Desire = God
Man – Ego = God

Mohanji is free from all desires. There isn’t a single thing you can think of that he wants from you. Mohanji is Love, as when the Ego is completely non existent, variables such as judgement, greed, lust, anger, jealousy, hatred, suffering, and the like also disappear. Remove the above, and only Love remains. Love in its purest and highest form. Mohanji is the Sun. Giving light and love to all, regardless of what we do or don’t do. The sun only has to appear to give warmth and give life. It’s presence is enough to bring joy. This is Mohanji. It is not his message that inspires. It is his mere presence. Sitting in close proximity to him is enough to fill every cell in your body with joy to the point that tears build up in your eyes, your heart begins to race and your face begins to glow. A blanket of peace covers you, you feel safe. Finally, I felt home. Home is where the heart is. Mohanji is home.

MohanjiI spent the last 2 weeks with Mohanji together with 30+ beautiful and incredible people from across the world. English was difficult for many, but the language of the heart needs no translation when Love and Acceptance and Support were the only languages that we spoke anyway. I cannot say I made new friends. This would be a terrible lie. I met my family again. This is the truth. I like to call them M family, but they are also known as Bless The World family. I felt each prayer, each tear, each story, each pain, each transformation. We were all connected. We were one. I have never felt such love between human beings in my entire life. Each with an open mind and open heart. It did feel like we were hand picked from across the world. Chosen to be together in that moment in that place. We gave our everything to each other, sharing everything and giving everything and nothing was expected in return. When love is given, it is returned to the sender instantaneously. Unconditional love, that is. I love my family. My own personal transformation would not be possible without each and every one of them being present on the retreat.

Each conversation with each of my family was life changing. Each message spoke to my heart and I believe, that these messages were channeled by the people through Mohanji. Mohanji existed in everyone. He does exist in everyone. The challenge is to see that in every person outside of the retreat.

The last 2 weeks were spent in detox. Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually.

The food was pure and wholesome for the most part and while there were plenty opportunity to eat junk either from the snacks we had brought or food bought from outside, we rarely or almost never did. There weren’t any strict rules, but we chose to eat only that which was good for the body and healed the body. We craved nothing. I even remember someone saying that they only smoked 3 cigarettes versus the normal one packet a day and I also heard people who actually want to continue being vegetarian and no longer wish to eat meat. There isn’t any moral or ethical reason behind these choices. It’s simple is a shift in consciousness. Spiritual evolution leads to effortless and easy changes when you simply surrender. The most difficult challenges of the past become simple. This is the grace of the divine.


We spent each morning treating ourselves to almost 3 hours of yoga and meditation. The meditations, asanas and pranayamas cleansed our body right down to the cellular level throwing out all the toxins and impurities that have accumulated through years of abuse though incorrect food intake and suppressed emotions. This I know may not have been possible without our Yoga Master. Sanjay sir is a master of Yoga and an even brilliant teacher. His love and passion for yoga is obvious and infectious. There is no problem in the body he cannot address through yoga. He knows the names of 100000 postures and more including all the benefits. There is none like him in this Universe. Even if you have never done a single yogic posture in your life, you will begin to love Yoga with Sanjay sir. He is kind, and extremely patient, allowing you to work at your own pace while he gently pushes you to try harder. He will make you do the seemingly impossible. All of this done through love. It is hard to tell if we love Mohanji more or Sanjay sir! Both are loved equally and both are great. They are both masters at what they have come to earth to do. Sanjay sir, WE LOVE YOU! Thank you for introducing me to the science of yoga and witness a human being do what they love and love what they do. Thank you for accepting me as your good friend. Bless you!

Mohanji spent 2 satsangs a day with us. During satsang questions would be answered and priceless wisdom shared. He takes deep and profound principles and philosophies and converts them in a beautiful simple language. It is hard to not describe this retreat as Laughter therapy as well. Mohanji is extremely humorous and undoubtedly the funniest person I have ever met. I think I have calculated laughing every 42 seconds with Mohanji around. Mohanji is breaking all barriers and mindsets when it comes to defining what it means to be spiritual. I agree 100% on his definition of a spiritual person or master. Not that there is a standard definition per se, but a spiritual person is free. I have been trying to teach this to people for years now. The only difference between Mohanji and I is that I teach it and he lives it. He truly lives and breathes love and every teaching. I have since committed to aligning myself to Mohanji. I cannot become Mohanji. I can only be him. Mohanji represents the pure essence of who we really are, thus giving us an crystal clear view of who were really are. Mohanji is the opportunity to see our real selves without the distortions. Love. That is who you are.

Mohanji 1Emotional and Mental cleaning could be felt as his words vibrated through our bodies (physical and others) and I would say rebooted us. He was working to get us to vibrate on the same frequency as he was.

Spiritually, he worked hard day and night, cleansing our spirits and auric fields, shifting or removing karma and facilitating us work through past life or present life issues.
He has removed my cough entirely, which was a karmic issue and some stored emotions. Due to the persistent 4 year cough, this is now a habit which remains only on the level of the mind. He has said to me that through faith and surrender my mind will give this habit up.

I have never seen anyone work so hard with each person giving his everything to ensure that we remember who were really are as we work towards our only true purpose of life: Liberation.
This wasn’t a workshop with theory and practicals. This was unlike anything I have every experienced. Subtle changes were taking place inside. The effects of which may not be seen yet. The seed has definitely being planted. The question is will our faith and love allow it to grow? The ability to surrender will determine the progress of your spiritual evolution. There is nothing for you to do or take care of if you simply surrender. When you do so, God or Guru takes care of everything. This is not to say you become lazy and escape from your duties of life. It simply means you live life with more joy and bliss in each moment. Fulfillment will be your ultimate experience always in all ways.


I will share a detailed description on the various powerfully charged spiritual places we visited. Each one was a mini pilgrimage on its own, with beautiful and blessed experiences, which were unique and special to each individual. These experiences may not have been possible without the grace of Mohanji.
I would like to briefly add here though that taking a dip in the Holy Ganga river was cleansing in every way. I took the opportunity to dip for many of my friends and family and enemies alike. All were blessed. I also had the opportunity to touch the table where Swami Sivananda used to write. Endless tears flowed.

This retreat would not at all be possible without Team Mohanji. 3 selfless and amazing people who ensured we were taken care of at all times. They made sure we were comfortable and happy. The retreat ran smoothly. Not because there were no challenges. But because they were handled so well. There is no remuneration for them except to serve Mohanji and to serve us in our journey to Liberation. To Mamuji, to Hein, to Sandeep – our most sincere gratitude and love to you. Remain blessed always!

To paraphrase Buddha, I am taking nothing away from this retreat. I am however leaving behind all that binds me, my attachments, my doubts, my fears, my insecurities, my anger, my suffering, my worries, my judgments, my negativity and my past.
I am free. I am love. I am Mohanji.

Mohanji at the Ganga

I desire nothing more than to serve humanity. If I am alive then people should be happy. It is my duty to ensure this.
I only wish to Love and Serve.

This journey itself has been an absolute miracle with each day of the retreat filled with a thousand miracles. All you had to do was be present and conscious to recognise them. I am truly blessed. We are truly blessed. I am eternally grateful for this. It has opened up my heart to serve in a way I could not before. It filled in all the missing pieces and taken me beyond and above any course I have ever done. The teacher was love in Thought, Word and Action. I have come to accept and see myself in a whole new way with clarity of my souls journey.

If I had to summarize this retreat in a sentence: 2 weeks of being immersed in Unconditional Love.

When I was born, my astrological chart was calculated. The name prescribed according to the chart was Mohan. I really am not sure why I became Hitesh. My name contains base letters of my childhood that are creating blocks in my present life. It is time to be reborn. What better day to do it than my birthday, on the 10 November. Mohanji has given me the blessing to do this. In fact throughout the entire retreat he called me Surujbally. At the end, he said, “Now you know why…” I am now Mohan H Surujbally.

Thank you for reading about my journey, which is far from complete, in terms of all the transformation and feelings I experienced and am experiencing. Words do injustice to such a beautiful, incredible, inspirational, divine, spiritual experience.
I thought I knew love before. I never did.
You can never know Love. You can only be Love.

Visit and read his blogs and download the Power of Purity mediation as well as the 360 degrees Meditation. All the information and meditations are free. Soak up the spiritual nectar and be free. There is no need to convert or be indoctrinated into any group or belief system. Mohanji does not represent any organisation or religion. He simply is here to help you see your own light and your own magnificence and support you in developing FAITH, and PURITY in thought, word and action, and experience UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

Bless you.

Mohan H Surujbally

Himalayan retreat with Mohanji

6 thoughts on “The Mohanji Effect, Himalayan Retreat 2014”

  1. Bless you dearest friend! Your mission is just begining, we are all here to serve the Light and there is no better place to do that but in the presence of Light itself – our beloved Guruji. Eternal Love!

  2. Retreat with Mohanji is to me, the most intimate and wonderful way to spend time with the Master. I certainly hope we’ll have the privilege of many more such satsangs.

  3. Shared so beautifully – thank you for giving us the feel of the Retreat in Rishiskesh… 🙂 As Milan said, we are all here to serve – and oh, what a journey it is… Love always, Biba

  4. Namaste Mohan

    Blessed you are.I just want to know where I can meet Mohanji.Iam from India.How can I get his schedules? I want to attend his meditations and satsangs.If anyone can help me please do email me at
    Any information kindly share.
    I wish to see Love incarnate with my own eyes and give myself a treat for the rest of my life and beyond.


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