by Alua Kinzhebayeva, UK
Dear gentle reader, I invite you to read my experience of the divine grace of our Vishwa Mitra Mohanji, who is leading me “from ignorance to truth, from darkness to light, from death to immortality.” Like many of us on the path to liberation and dissolution, I have wanted to leave this incarnation and the planet since I was very young, and my only desire is to merge with the Absolute.
For those souls who thankfully didn’t go through this or overcame it long ago, it is like being stuck at the airport indefinitely with no way out, surrounded by strangers for whom you either don’t exist or are a mere object. I distanced myself from people a long time ago as it’s been very painful to have their insecurities, pain, and shadows projected upon me. Imagine not knowing who you truly are and being assigned identities, roles, and qualities.
I met Mohanji for the first time in the UK in June 2024, and I was genuinely confused by the joy and elevated feeling I got by looking at his empty seat before he arrived at the satsang hall at Stanmore. I thought I was just picking up the joy of his followers or some invisible beings of divine nature radiating this high-frequency vibration while waiting for Mohanji’s Darshan.
Then it happened to me again! In September 2024, I went to the Kriya Intensive retreat in Bosnia. Once more, I thought I was an antenna picking up the feelings of the group, people who had been following Mohanji for years for one single reason – the feelings were quite strong and very elevated! I thanked Mohanji mentally for this experience. If these were feelings of the Balkan, Swiss, US, UK, Norway, Dutch, and Middle Eastern folk, then I love them as I love Mohanji and love itself. This experience and watching Mohanji blessing items with closed eyes have reminded me of what love actually is. Love is something you give and not just consume it to feel it inside.

Despite what I have shared so far being a story on its own, something else has triggered me to write the testimonial. Periodically, I lose the will to live. I didn’t know what to do because I had been asking the Absolute to “either help or discarnate me” for years, so I knew the Absolute, its will was keeping me alive. I thought of Mai-Tri but then brushed it off as it requires Sankalpa to live, which I have misplaced and is probably collecting dust in some cosmic lost and found shelf. This is where the grace of Vishwa Mitra Mohanji, the cosmic friend, made itself known on several occasions and brought me back to life!
Once feeling powerless at the office, I grabbed our joint photo from Scotland made by divine Thea from my altar and said 3 times in Russian, “I love you!” And guess what, I was filled with the energy of love just like that!
Yet again, feeling down and alone in the office, I started watching Mohanji’s fragrance video on a loop, and just after a couple of times, I felt energised and elevated. Then recently, when I was quickly finishing cleaning before jumping on our Wednesday Zoom call to read about Mohanji’s meetings with masters, this is to highlight that I wasn’t reading a mantra invoking Mohanji at that moment or meditating when I felt a surge of energy in my forehead.
I don’t know what it meant as I don’t possess siddhis, but I know that these surges of high-frequency energy are life-saving for me. Sankalpa or no sankalpa of my own, I am referring to my thoughts about Mai-Tri above, Mohanji breathes life back into me just like that every single time! Only the Source has the power to do this.
Thank you, Mohanji, for letting me love you without fear of being violated physically, mentally, or being abandoned. And, thank you for reminding me who I am, that I am a loving consciousness and not a distorted made-up image in a confused mind. Thank you for accepting my love. Love you.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 12th November 2024
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