4th Anniversary of Conscious Walking

On 21st June 2019 (International Yoga Day) we mark the 4th Anniversary of Conscious Walking, a powerful dynamic meditation created by Brahmarishi Mohanji. This deeply transformative technique has many benefits ranging from reducing anxiety and fears to improving overall health and wellbeing.


We share the testimonials of so many CW practitioners from around the globe, to inspire us all and keep us steadfast on this wonderful path of awareness through practicing Conscious Walking.

“30 mins of Conscious Walking helps me look deeply within myself and connect to the source. It keeps me rooted to the spine and makes me more aware of my breath.” – Aditya Nagpal from India

“A powerful meditation which connects us with our higher self, helps us realize our potential and feel the happiness within.” – Elena Dimitrovska from Macedonia

“Conscious Walking moves my focus from terrestrial mundane worries to what is really important to me and that is inner peace and purity.” – Dragana Tešanović from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dubai“I practice Conscious Walking regularly for 3 years and I always feel the joy that it brings me to be now and here, aware in 360 degrees around me. A technique with which I truly feel revitalized and energetic.” – Mimi from Macedonia

“We think we know how to walk but we actually do not, until we start consciously walking.  I feel connected to the nature and mother earth, thoughts get clearer and a sense of calmness prevails during the conscious walk.” – Hemant Panda from UK

“Conscious Walking helps me to be based in my spine, my life energy, and at the same time connects me with my Self and helps me to flow through life with lightness and awareness.” – Vesna from Macedonia

“Conscious walking is a form of meditation that suits me best. This activity in nature helps me to get in touch with myself in just half an hour. Deep within I find peace and happiness that helps me get different perceptions on good and bad that comes in my life.” – Ivana Surya from Crioatia

“During the last two or three times on Conscious Walking few thoughts came into my mind. Later I realized that those thoughts were actually answers to some important questions that i had, at that point of time. With Conscious Walking we consciously get closer to our self, to our soul, which is all knowing.” – Bobi from Macedonia

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“Conscious Walking brings me each time more and more to a feeling of gratitude and humility towards all that surrounds me… all living beings.” – Marko Bozovic from Serbia

“The technique Conscious Walking given by Mohanji is as an elixir for my life. It gives me energy, equanimity and freshness. I offer my gratitude to Mohanji.” – Tanja from Macedonia

Conscious Walking is easy and very powerful dynamic technique that leads to meditation. After finishing CW I feel a rush of energy, peace, refreshment and light trance state. Smile and lightness state are natural through the whole day after Conscious Walking. Thank you Mohanji.” – Milan Bjelakovic from Croatia

“Conscious Walking is a technique that I practice regularly for 2 years, it helps me to be more presents, to connect to myself and to connect with the nature around me. I feel more energy, better concentration and deeper inner peace after every Conscious Walk. When I started practicing this technique i used to have a lot of pain in my spine and  bad body posture. After 2 years, the pain in my spine is completely gone, and my body posture is better. I recommend to everyone to try this technique. Thank you Mohanji.” – Tamara from Macedonia

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“Conscious Walking grounded me and empowered me to consciously and wisely act for my own and the benefit of others. This power brings peace and fills my soul with love. I feel I am on the right path – with purpose, in each present moment… I am grateful.” – Sladjana Vucicevic from Serbia

“Conscious Walking helps me to shut down  the noises of the mind and hear the sounds of the universe. The sense of ‘I’ dissolves and what remains is the bliss of stillness.” – Rekha Murali from India

“Conscious Walking is my quickest way to connect to Mohanji’s consciousness. After the 30 minutes of being one with the universal knowledge and energy, I feel my consciousness gradually rising. I recommend it to all.” – Stefan from Macedonia

“Conscious Walking helped me to find inside myself that magical place that guides me towards healing of soul and body. This simple, yet powerful technique brings me peace, balance and harmony through love.” – Sandra from Serbia

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“Conscious walking for me is a vertical accelerator of energy, increasing consciousness, peacefulness, focus when it is done often, and can be practiced by everybody even those who have hard time sitting and meditating.” – Elena from Macedonia

“I felt the benefits of this wonderful and simple meditation even at the beginning stages of practicing. After only 30 minutes of Conscious Walking I felt lighter (from emotional and physical aspect), and some new, fresh energy is streaming through me. Every second of focusing my attention on my spine brings me a feeling of deep tranquility, some kind of sweetness to my whole being.” – Goca from Macedonia

“I enjoyed conscious walking and the two meditations at the end where I could perceive Shiva within my own life.” – Meeta Sahi from India

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“Conscious Walking for me is an exceptional and at the same time simple technique for relaxation and connecting with my Self. Meditation in movement in nature. It teaches us concentration, it benefits the whole body and spirit. I am grateful for learning it and I practice it regularly.” – Mare Volkanovska from Macedonia

“The Conscious Walking was oh, no words to express the experience. As I was doing the walk only concentrating on my steps and breath, I realized that nothing around you really matters in life. Conscious Walking was just like walking with Mohanji.” – Amruta from India

“If you want to feel the blessings of Mohanji’s meditations, I suggest you try Conscious Walking.” – Lile from Macedonia

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“Conscious Walking is one of the biggest blessings I received from Mohanji in this lifetime. It gives me inner power and stability, and makes my mind peaceful, always without exceptions.” – Hanumatananda from Macedonia

“Conscious Walking as a dynamic meditation fills me up with energy on physical level and helps me to bring my thought process to a peaceful state. This technique prepares me to connect to my inner world as source of peace and thus respond adequately to the challenges of everyday life.” – Sonja Kuzmanovska from Macedonia

“I practice Conscious Walking with great love for it for almost three years. The experience of conscious walking is one of exalted state of inner peace, silence and tranquility, with awareness of the present moment.” – Veska from Macedonia

“As we finished the Conscious Walking, I just had this hope of getting another opportunity to do this again as this was simply beyond words. It didn’t take long for Mohanji to fulfill this desire too.” – Nellyanne from UK


Dimensions of Conscious Walking: Methods for enhancing CW

Watch Mohanji talk about Conscious Walking: Part 1Part 2, Part 3

Few videos from CW practitioners: Video 1Video 2Video 3 ,

Read more about Conscious Walking: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4

Testimonials from practitioners: Part 1

If you would like to learn Conscious Walking please write an e-mail to Conscious Walking Team at consciouswalking@mohanji.org and they will guide you further. You could also join our Global Conscious Walking community on Facebook and find out about updates, experiences and events happening across the world.



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