Bliss in Meditation

Here are some beautiful experiences shared by participants on Mohanji’s guided meditations. Many participants had profound experiences and were amazed at the consistency with which they were able to do this sadhana. RimJhim, Padmini share some insights from this meditation which enriched them and Charles jokingly refers to them as ‘The Mohanji shortcuts’.

Rimjhim Prasad, India

I am very new to the Mohanji Foundation. Honestly, I did not know what to expect out of this meditation, but I started my journey in good faith. About a week back, when I sat for meditation, I felt sick with heaviness in the head, backache and nausea. I thought I would never be able to complete my meditation that day. But to my surprise, not only did I complete my meditation successfully that day; since then, I haven’t experienced any pain in my neck and head region, which is very common with me. The next day when I sat for meditation, suddenly there was an outburst of tears, and throughout the meditation, they were pouring out uncontrollably. But that night, I slept like a child. When I got up the next day, I felt very light from within, as if a lot of burdens I had been carrying since I don’t know for how long has been removed. I haven’t met Mohanji, and I do not know if I am actually connected with him, as I’ve never had any spiritual guru or guidance earlier. 

I surrendered myself to Mohanji, saying that please let me complete my meditation today as I’ve vowed to experience the 41-day meditation without missing a single day! I’ve started my journey in good faith, and may he guide me and bless me always!

Padmini Ravi Kumar, Dubai

On 15th June, the Bliss of Silence meditation was very turbulent to start.

As the breathing began, many people and many faces unknown, of different races and from different periods were flashing in my mind. It was like a rapid succession of picture slides flooding in, flashing in front of me; the mind was spinning.

There were times when I didn’t hear Mohanji’s instructions in the meditation. This flashing of faces went on for some time, and suddenly when Mohanji told us to go slow in our breathing without our lungs being aware, somewhere at that point, the madness or flashing pictures stopped all of a sudden.

A sentence flashed in my mind, or I heard (I am not sure), 

“Silence is the substratum on which sounds dance.”  

This was very clear. 

Then Lord Shiva, larger than life, appeared. He was all-encompassing; there was only Him, nothing else!

Soon after, a vision of Krishna sprouted, followed by many Krishnas and myriad people doing ‘Raas’ with him.

Then I heard Mohanji’s voice asking us to be aware of the body as part of the meditation.

I bow in gratitude to Mohanji for this beautiful opportunity for group meditation and for enabling me to get deeper into the silence within.

The Mohanji Shortcut by Charles Ndifon Londi

Humanity generally loves shortcuts to go somewhere or to achieve something in life. Why spend so much time and energy going all the way when there is a shorter route to get something or arrive at a destination? This expediency is particularly noticeable in the political and social milieux, where people take shortcuts to power, wealth, and fame no matter the consequences to themselves or their society. Here we look at shortcuts, from the spiritual perspective, not in a very favourable way.

Many gruesome stories abound of people in the socio-political sphere who tried to short-circuit life by using shortcuts and ended up regretting their actions. It would appear that one’s real intent, most probably of an altruistic nature, would determine if taking a shortcut is worth it. They involve a lot of creativity on the part of anyone who is in any situation, so they could be very personal and unique to different individuals.

As a Mohanji student, I have come up with what I call the Mohanji Shortcut to help keep my heart centre open and ”Just be love for a few more moments, just be love forever” as Mohanji prescribes in Blossoms of Love Meditation. I have found out, and many can attest, that it is not so easy to demonstrate the love that Mohanji talks about. Each individual is love already, as Guruji says since the fabric from which we are cut is love, but a keen observation proves that the perception, recognition, and realization of ourselves as already beings of love not needing to seek love but just to express it is another thing altogether. In fact, it is not easy to work from the Master’s prescribed point of view as the mind sometimes goes crazy, keeps judging, analyzing, condemning, seeing things in categories rather than as a whole.

Even after doing the meditations diligently, you may sometimes hear the mind saying, ”You are undeserving of my attention. You are crude, rude, ungrateful, unkind, and scheming, and I don’t want to have anything to do with you” regarding another person. This may be accentuated by the fact that some people may want to use you as a footstool because you talk to them about love, as outlined by Mohanji. So they want to attach to you, take advantage of you, and abuse the love that you so generously pour out in various forms. ”Oh, he/she is a God-loving person”, they say and think you can put up with just about anything. I have experienced this countless times, and it is ongoing. However, I reckon that as free beings of love, we also have the freedom to give or withhold love using our sense of spiritual discrimination. This may entail an opening and closing of the heart centre, which Mohanji wants us to keep open constantly. This is where the Mohanji Shortcut helps keep one in a constant state of love awareness consciously and unconsciously.

What I jokingly call the Mohanji Shortcut is remembering to do everything in Mohanji’s name where I cannot help myself, where the mind overrides, and I become judgemental with so many ‘whys’. Since Mohanji Consciousness is the highest state that we all aspire for, doing acts in his name in normal and difficult circumstances when the mind interferes helps to keep the ‘I’ or ‘ME’ factor in abeyance and behold, love, steals into my heart without me knowing. And sometimes I have fun walking, eating, chatting, sleeping, dancing, taking medication, etc., in Mohanji’s name. I find that doing things in his name engenders sweet remembrance of the Master and that which he represents– the Universal Supreme Consciousness. In one situation, when in a quandary of what to do or say, I just asked myself, ”How would Mohanji act in this situation?”

The answer that flowered was ‘with love.’ All that Mohanji presents (talks, retreats, seminars, Guided Meditations, books, and discourses) and represents is a shortcut to unblemished supreme consciousness/awareness of life.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 15th July 2021


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Mohanji Testimonials team

1 thought on “Bliss in Meditation”

  1. Gayatri JayShankar

    All three testimonials are so purely expressed..It gives one more conviction …Thankyou ❤️

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