In The Eyes Of The Storm: Mohanji’s Visit To Balkan (2016) – Part 2

Written by Mohanji (Serbia) Team

Mohanji’s recent visit to the Balkans was a truly memorable one for many people. This time those who have known Mohanji for some years clearly felt a difference, a kind of intensity, in his overall presence.

Devi Mohan said, “I’ve had the privilege of knowing Mohanji and being in his close proximity as a spiritual devotee and a wife since January 2007, I must say that I’ve not witnessed this kind of intensity in Mohanji ever before. Intense activity was usually coupled with short periods of some rest.

1 Mohanji and Devi
Devi and Mohanji – connection beyond the boundaries of life and death


But this time, there was ceaseless activity throughout – an intense schedule of back-to-back programs during the day with no rest whatsoever and intense activity in the higher planes during his sleep. (I used to observe him sleep. He had his distinct style. His breath pattern used to tell me where he worked – a mix of sleep and ‘work’ on subtler planes, the latter being distinguishable by a different pattern of breathing, softer and hardly audible. His breath was often not even audible and chest would become so quiet as if he was not on earth. This time, his whole sleep was like this and would last just a few hours. As soon as he was on bed, he would leave and the body and breath were totally silent until he woke up). In other words, it didn’t take much time to notice that Mohanji had ‘shifted gears or shifted planes of existence from earth and beyond’.”

The Blissful 5 Days with Mohanji at the Bosnian Pyramids

Following the retreat at Andrevlje (Serbia), we continued on to Bosnia to visit the Bosnian Pyramids, the world’s oldest step pyramids and a spiritual powerhouse. Interestingly enough, the weather in Bosnia before we arrived was 15 days of non-stop rain. It was sunshine while we were there. Rain started again after we left. Sunshine happened only for us! Mohanji took care of everything… The first day after arriving at Bosnia, we were sitting together with the tour guide Ajdin who spoke about the heavy downpour of the previous 15 days and the forecast of similar weather for another week which threatened a total washout of our programs.

2 Bosnian pyramids - Ajdin
Our lovely guide Ajdin explaining the energy of the underground tunnel Ravne


Mohanji casually stated “Weather will not be a problem. Don’t worry.” All of us present looked at him in disbelief. What is he saying? How can he overrule the official weather forecast? But, exactly that happened. Bright sunshine greeted us the following morning and the rain never bothered us until we left. While we were leaving the rain came back. It was nothing short of a miracle and all of us witnessed the power of this casual statement of his.

The bliss of the experiences that we had in the energies of the pyramids and Mohanji is indescribable.

3 Bosnian pyramids
The stunning Bosnian pyramids


We were also blessed by the presence of Jan Esmann from Denmark, a Master of his own right, who wanted to join us ‘incognito’ and participate in Mohanji’s program. It was pure Grace to witness the love and mutual respect that Jan and Mohanji shared. For the first time ever we experienced a Shaktipat from Jan and Shaktipat from Mohanji one after the other. It was like a powerful blessing of Devi and Shiva one right after the other – an unforgettable experience.

4 Shaktipat
The bliss of double Shaktipat – from Jan Esmann and Mohanji, with Natesh melting us with his kirtans

There were many new people who had never even heard of Mohanji before and he thus had to work even more hard to first make them receptive and then help them release deeply stored pent up emotions and traumas. It all worked out so beautifully in the end of the program and the transformation in people was more than evident.

One could write a book about our experiences in the underground tunnel Ravne, pyramid of Moon and pyramid of Sun, which were especially intense. Sudeshna gave a beautiful description of many of our experiences in Bosnia in her blog: The Bosnian Retreat

Huge transformations happened to many people on top of the pyramid of Moon when Mohanji took us through an impromptu pranayam plus chant and it all hit straight at the heart, throat and stomach chakras which immediately started releasing the stored blockages. It was an amazing day on top of the feminine, motherly pyramid of the Moon. Mohanji’s intensity and the participants’ willingness worked miracles.

5 group photo on Pyramid of the Moon
Smiles after the intense processes on top of the pyramid of Moon


Dr. Osmanagic also came to spend time with Mohanji. He talked at length with all of us as the founder and the visionary of this project. Mohanji also explained his understanding about some of the new findings and artifacts and explained their relevance.

6 Mohanji and dr Semir osmanagic
Inner radiance – Mohanji and Dr. Osmanagich


We went up the pyramids of Sun and Moon and experienced various energies which worked as powerful healing to most of us. We spent a lot of time each day inside the healing chambers of tunnel Ravne as well. The vegan food (which definitely is not common in Bosnia) was another experience.

Five blissful days in Macedonia



After Bosnia, Mohanji and Devi continued their journey to Macedonia. A Kriya initiation followed by a two-day program in Stip and two Satsangs on the last two days, interspersed with many private consultations and a visit to a beautiful monastery Lesnovo, marked the trip to Macedonia.

The blissful group at the end of the two-day program in Stip, Macedonia
8 satsang, cleansing in Stip, Macedonia
Cleansing during the 2-day program in Stip, Macedonia


Ana organised a radio interview with Mohanji with Zoran being the translator. After the program Zoran told Mohanji: “Mohanji, you are a teenager. Your energy is unbelievable.”

9 Mohanji - radio interview in Skopje
Mohanji in the jovial mood during radio interview in Skoplje


Mohanji gave new names to Zoran and Ana as per their request. They are Mohana Hanumatananda and Mohana Shanti Priya respectively.

Two interesting moments from Macedonia deserve to be highlighted.

One was the unique flavor of Shaktipat that Mohanji gave at the very end of the program in Stip. It was much more soft and loving than usual and he looked very different.

10 Mohanji changed before our eyes
Mohanji changed before our eyes


It did not take us much to figure out that it was the energy presence of Jesus Christ that we experienced through Mohanji’s Shaktipat. The experience is too sacred to be expressed in words.

11 Mohanji - Jesus energy
Jesus’s energy presence through Mohanji during Shaktipat in Stip, Macedonia

The Satsang in Skopje after the program in Stip was another memorable experience. Mohanji was extra jovial that day with some of the participants asking complex questions rooted in the deep knowledge of the scriptures. As Mohanji always says, he likes to be challenged. At one point he started talking about various subjects such as higher civilizations, history of human kind in view of the soul connection with the higher civilizations, the technologies with which pyramids like the ones in Bosnia were made, the nature of the waves and how they gain propulsion once in touch with ether etc.

12 Mohanji downloading from Akash
Mohanji downloading from the Akash and sharing most complex knowledge with utmost ease

Djole from Belgrade who joined us in Macedonia commented that he studied Tesla waves and was surprised to hear Mohanji talk about this profoundly complex topic with such unbelievable clarity.

Devi said, “While translating, I was amazed by Mohanji’s knowledge of all these intricate details. I have never heard him speak about this before. I felt so blessed to witness the obvious ‘downloading’ of the higher knowledge which was shared with all of us in such a relaxed manner. Mohanji came up with answers that awed the entire audience. I remembered a moment from my postgraduate studies in USA when I read a sentence from Yogananda’s “Autobiography of a Yogi” in which he said that showing off one’s book knowledge is the height of human stupidity. True achievement is in becoming able to tune in and download universal knowledge from the Akashic records, which are like a huge universal library accessible to all. That’s when my studies kind of lost their charm and the ability to tune in and connect with the universal knowledge became one of my secret goals. I hope to achieve that in this life, but being in a position to witness Mohanji doing exactly that at present is a great inspiration and a very big blessing in itself.”

13 Devi blessed to translate
Devi – blessed to translate the words freshly arrived from the higher realms

Nobody really understands his ways – how much he works, where and how he works unless they look within themselves, beyond the obvious and feel the changes that have happened to them before and after meeting Mohanji. Working tirelessly, he always gives to everyone much more than they expect, unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. He always melts at the devotion of people. He is always keen to give anything and everything they pray to him for. He has often been misunderstood and victimized by many but he continues to serve with his evergreen smile and care in his eyes. 


14 Mohanji tuning in before starting with intense cleansing of people
Mohanji tuning in before starting with the intense cleansing of people


Jai Mohanji!

You can read the first part of this series “In The Eye Of The Storm: Balkans (2016) – Part 1 here


3 thoughts on “In The Eyes Of The Storm: Mohanji’s Visit To Balkan (2016) – Part 2”

  1. jai Mohanji. Thank you for this beautiful post.feel so blissful reading it.I feel blessed to receive all the posts related to Mohanji. I bow with deep gratitude to Mohanji and Mohanjis team. Thankyou


    Sunita Madan

  2. I feel like a sponge absorbing the elevating, juicy enrrgies emitted in this awesome blog post.
    Thank u and Bless u.
    Jai Mohanji

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