Blissful days with Mohanji – Part 1

by Ananthanarayanan Sankaran

Mohanji is veritably the Kalpavriksha or Kalpataru (the wish-fulfilling tree). His spiritual vibrations, selfless love, compassion, knowledge of the universal laws, wisdom and humility attract disciples the way bees are pulled to a garden of sweet-scented flowers. Whatever is lacking in the average man is found in fulsome measure in him. He stands apart as an extraordinary being whose very presence grants peace beyond measure. People flock around him seeking to fulfill their varied and endless desires. Through his blessings and grace, Mohanji grants his disciples everything they need as per their capacity to handle, eventually leading them towards total liberation.

In the path of Datta,  the only sadhana (practice) the seeker has to inculcate is to keep the connection going and the rest is the job of the Guru. There are plenty who wish to physically be with and serve a living Master. Plenty has also been written and said about how difficult it is to live with a Master who’s not bound by anything except Dharma.

It is only by his grace that I had an amazing opportunity to be with Mohanji and observe him from close quarters during the Arunachala (27 – 29 Jan) and Kerala (30 Jan – 9 Feb)  trips. This blog is an account of the events that unfolded in front of me in the presence of  Para Brahma Swaroopa Mohanji, and the impact they had on my awareness.

Home for seniors
Inauguration of ‘Mohanji Home for Seniors’ – a place where old people can live in peace, health, and dignity.

Before Arunachala, Mohanji had picked up an injury of sorts which made his movements a little difficult. However, he did not cancel any of the programs or cut them short because of this. “None of my appointments should be cancelled”, he told me when I went with the suggestion of either not meeting someone or making changes to the program for Arunachala. I was soon made to realise that Mohanji’s dictionary doesn’t have a word called ‘cancel’.

Two Masters
Arunachala was the time-space junction point where two Masters (Mohanji and Mooji Baba) met, perceived as coincidental or by-chance by the outside world.

What was originally conceived to be a private function for ‘Mohanji Home for Seniors’ inauguration, ended up being a huge gathering with plenty of guests and dignitaries including Mooji Baba whom Mohanji met ‘by chance’ at the hotel lobby and invited for the function. Those 2 days kept everyone on their toes as Mohanji moved like a lion despite the discomfort, providing clear instructions on what had to be done and how to go about executing it. In the end, the program was a huge success, all of it was possible only by Lord Arunachala’s and Mohanji’s grace.

After inaugurating the ‘Mohanji Home for Seniors’ in Arunachala on 29th January, we immediately left for Palakkad (a 9-hour journey by road) which could easily be called one of the most tiring road trips. The last toll between Kerala – Tamil Nadu border saw some delays. Mohanji called me personally and asked me to speak to the officer directly. I had my own doubts initially with the thought – “These check-post officers are rude most of the time and if they get upset, they ensure they give you sufficient hard time”. Then again, it was Mohanji who was asking me to go which means, he would have done all the ‘setup’ and all I need to do was to be physically present in the office.

As I entered the line for inquiring about the reason for the delay, the drivers who were already standing in the queue asked me to remain quiet and not raise my voice. Since it was Mohanji who asked me to go and speak directly, I didn’t heed their advice and went straight into the office. I explained the practical reason for my urgency and to my surprise, the officer collected all the papers from our driver, verified them and issued the receipt. When I walked out, I could see the doubt and curiosity in the faces of the people standing for a long time in the queue. This incident helped me to clearly understand that when we approach things in a practical and non-emotional way, we are bound to achieve the desired outcome as it is also coupled with Guru’s grace and support.

We reached the Palakkad home around 1:00 am and to my surprise, we were welcomed by almost 15-20 people. As soon as Mohanji sat on his chair, the others who were there to welcome him also settled down with no visible sign of leaving anytime soon. My initial reaction was, ‘Why are so many people waiting to see him so late in the night and why aren’t they leaving soon? Do they not know that he’s had a long program in Arunachala and has busy days ahead of him in Kerala?’ The question was short-lived as the very next minute, I could visualise Mohanji as Lord Krishna and the people around him were his friends from Vrindavan and Dwaraka (places where Krishna lived and ruled). The overwhelming love from the people gathered ensured Mohanji spent time with them that night although he was tired. He says “Be available, make every minute of your life purposeful. You never get a second chance.”

Kerala Group
Late-night gathering


Destiny brings the time, space and experiences for us – Mohanji

The next morning, I casually asked Devadas about the plans in Kerala for the next few days and he smiled. I insisted and then he laid it all out for me in 15 minutes. Hearing the plan, my first reaction was “OMG! this is insane”. However, the main concern lingering in my head was how on earth could all this work? Though I had firm faith in Mohanji and was quite ready to go with the flow, I was concerned about his health, especially the time required for his rest.

Little did I know that the people who turned up at home past midnight on 29th Jan was a prequel of what was to come during the next few days in Kerala where waves of people wanted his darshan and the 3 people near him were not sufficient to control the crowd, but more about it shortly.

After a brief 2-day stay in Palakkad, we left for Kannur, where a series of programs had been planned. As Mohanji’s discomfort due to the injury still persisted, the idea of cancelling a few appointments was floated which was immediately turned down by Mohanji. “These people have been waiting to see me, and some have taken time to come and meet me. How can I decide not to go? What kind of message am I sending to this world when I really want everyone to live for the world?”

We started our journey to Kannur the next morning. As we disembarked in Kannur from the train, we were lovingly welcomed by Mr. Anil Krishnan and advocate Madhu. On the road to Anil’s house, I was amazed by the size of the roads in Kannur. They were sufficiently broad that even 2 people walking side by side would create a traffic jam. I asked about this and Mohanji laughingly said: “People here want more garden space than road space”. This was so true as each house I came across had a huge open front-yard and it’s for no ordinary reason that Kerala is called ‘God’s own country’.

The first program in Kannur was the public satsang at Shirdi Sai Sansthan. During this satsang, I had an opportunity to meet Damodaran master – who used to teach mathematics to Mohanji during his school days back in the 80s. The mere reference to the subject made me take a few steps back from him as it’s only recently my dreams of failing in mathematics or getting tight slaps from my principal for the same reason has stopped.

The love they both (Mohanji and Damodaran master) had for each other was amazing. I felt as if it was for this meeting that the whole scene (satsang) was orchestrated. As he came near Mohanji and sought blessings from him, Mohanji immediately caught hold of his hands and sought blessings from Damodaran master. This scene taught me 2 things: 1) The best gift a disciple can give his/her guru is by living their teachings. Here, the guru (Damodaran master) was so happy and elated to see his student (Mohanji) achieve higher levels in life and 2) The student should always remind himself about the source of knowledge and remain humble. Here, the humility showed by the student (Mohanji) in seeking Damodaran master’s (guru) blessings was truly a lesson that would stay with me for a long time.

Damodaran master was visually moved to have received Shaktipat from Mohanji. He had told a few around him that, “I taught Mohan the concept of infinity and here I have my student (Mohanji) now teaching us what is real infinity (infinite consciousness)”. Mohanji said, “It is such an honour and a privilege to have given Shaktipat to Damodaran master and his blessings mean so much”.

kannur temple
Mohanji delivered a satsang and Shaktipat to everyone present at Shirdi Sai Temple – Kannur


The happiest moment in the life of a teacher is when the student eventually masters the knowledge that the guru embodies.


teacher comment
“I taught him (Mohanji) on the concept of infinity and here I have my student (Mohanji) now teaching us what is real infinity (infinite consciousness)” – Damodaran master
Mohanji giving Shaktipat to Damodaran master


“It was such an honour and a privilege to deliver Shaktipat to Damodaran master. I am very happy today” ~ Mohanji

That evening, Mohanji delivered Shaktipat to over 80+ people who had gathered there to meet and interact with him. It was getting late and the interactions with people continued. Does he even care about himself? Should he exert himself so much, instead can’t he go home and get some rest? He’s given Shaktipat – which is the supreme. There should technically be no questions beyond this. This thought was arising in my mind strongly. Later when I asked him this question, his response was:

I don’t have ownership. Things happen through me. You see, the pain is certainly there, but I’ve got no suffering (from the discomfort). You guys are all struggling because you happily postpone things or your own things. Ownership causes pain while surrendering it or not owning it, frees you. Will you postpone anything if you know the next minute you may not exist?”

Very true. I thought about myself and soon saw a pattern of delaying things so much that they lose value and the delay also takes away the charm of the work and output.

Up next – re-living Mohanji’s school days with his friends during Re-Union 2020.



Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 27th February 2020


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