The Mystery and the Master – Who is Mohanji?

Everyone will agree with me that something attracts one to Mohanji. It could be his energy, his consciousness, his penetrating eyes, his unconditional love for all, his genuinity, his spontaneity, his sense of humor, his bluntness, his honesty, his compassion, his insights on spirituality, truthfulness, display of anger, or just his mere presence. Mohanji is a mystery to many. Many people think they know Mohanji and gets totally confused when they discover that the man whom they thought they knew is beyond their understanding. Many people have left him, disillusioned because of their own reasons or Mohanji’s plain simplicity. Mohanji hardly displays his true potential. He gives one only what he or she needs or deserves. That may confuse many. Where is the so-called enlightenment? Where are the altered states of existence? Then, one must ask oneself. “Do I have the eyes to see it, even if it is displayed in front of me?” It is our inability and not his. He expresses himself or his true nature all the time, masked in simplicity. He does deliver his promises. We fail to see.

Mohanji- Maha Kumbh Mela 2013
Who is Mohanji? What is his consciousness? I sincrely pray, let me have those eyes to see Him.

I am connecting to Mohanji’s consciousness and writing this. May dear Mohanji write through me! May I be used as his mouth piece to narrate our experiences at Maha Kumbh Mela and beyond.

Maha Kumbh Mela 2013. I had the privilege of being with Mohanji and 40 others to enjoy the holy dips on three auspicious days at Allahabad, India in February 2013. We arrived at Allahabad on 14th morning. We took dips on three auspicious days such as 15th(Vasant Panchami), 17th (Ratha Saptami) and 18th(Durgashtamai). All at Brahma Muhurtha between 3-4 am along with Mohanji! What else could we ask for?

May I take this opportunity to narrate a few of the incidents that happened during this time. The first is a revelation about Mohanji which another saint disclosed for our understanding. This made us get a better view of the unassuming saint who walks and talks to us and often we take for granted!

We had stayed at ISCKON tents in Allahabad. Morning of 17 Feb 2013, Bala Sai walked into Mohanji’s tent at Kumbh Mela along with another saint and his 11 odd disciples. The saint who accompanied Bala Sai was connected to Gorakhnath Baba of Nath tradition. Gorakh Babaji enters his body and starts to speak. As all the visitors assembled inside the tent and made themselves comfortable, this saint requested permission to click a picture with Mohanji. Mohanji agreed and they stood together for the picture. Mohanji put his hand partially hugging the saint and suddenly the saint shivered, went into a trance and started talking to him. Soon after the picture, he said, “I would like to talk about Mohanji” and he started talking about Mohanji in “Pali” Language sitting on his chair. Later, as suggested by Bala Sai, he sat down on the rug between the cots. Mohanji also sat down in front of him, facing him. Then, he disclosed the truth of Mohanji’s existence in a classy Tamil verse. The translation is given below.


“This place is miraculous and this time is more miraculous. Lord Shiva is here with mother Amba present to talk to this child. Who do you think this is who sits here? He is descended from the lineage of Gorakha, many births having served Shiva, bound to his feet. This child here now and he is at many places working many things. Shiva is here and mother Amba is here, my child; and we have come to let you know some things through this body. He is blessed Siddha of Shiva, Gorakha Himself. He will serve material life in a small village in Tamilnadu. He will attain a tremendous light body / energy body in a short time. In this place you are Mohanan, and you are blessed with tremendous powers, and these come to you from Lord Datta Himself and Gorakha coming from many births of serving Shiva; hence blessed abundantly by Him. Many blessings come to you from, mother Anasuya. Many miracles are due to happen yet to you, through you, by His grace. Where ever you go, there will be prosperity, and grace. Whichever holy place or enterprise you even think of with your mind, will become glorious, prosperous and full of grace. This Gorakha is telling you. You have done many great miracles in your previous births and this birth and there are many more to come. Due to the merits you have accumulated, this is your final birth and in this birth in the latter half of your life you are / will be working with glorious golden body of light, no longer gross body. This will be shown with great many miracles, blessings, and grace which will flow through you. This is what Gorakha and the blessed Datta and Shiva Shakti tells you and we bless you, ending this. You know all.”


He started calling Mohanji “Son of Shiva”, and at one point Gorakhnath Babaji said “He is Myself”. This was an overwhelming experience for all who were present. After this revelation, he went on talking about Sumit, Shashank, Ravi, Palak and many others. He revealed further about Mohanji while talking to them and he also explained why it is extremely important for them to stay with deeper faith with Mohanji. He said you all here with Mohanji to have Mukti (Liberation). He also spoke about Mohanji’s ashram “Datta Tapovan”. He mentioned that “Millions of Siddhas” will come and stay and work in the ashram, once Mohanji moves in there. Lot of Annadhan will happen. Many people will come here and serve. He also mentioned that both Maharshi Atri and Mata Anasuya (Parents of Lord Datta) will be present in the ashram. That place would become a major Saktisthal (place of power), where people will get benefitted even as they step in.

Mohanji- Maha Kumbh Mela 2013
When experience is given, heart knows the truth.

Just a day earlier, some of us were discussing and contemplating if we are sharing our experiences with Mohanji at all, or if it is needed at all. With this experience from Gorakh Babaji, we had no doubt left in our minds that it is important for us to share our experiences or else the world will miss some deep truths of human existence. We are just doing the world a big seva by telling, guiding, instilling hope and vouching that there are numerous dimensions to our existence and many stay hidden due to our own mental blockage. It is important to share; never know which mind would open up to truth and larger realities.

Mohanji- Maha Kumbh Mela 2013
Evolve spiritually with laughter… spirituality is not to make one’s life serious….. Mohanji

The three dips that we took during Brahma Muhurth were amazing and refreshing too. We walked from our tents at the ISKCON campus. Ghats were roughly 2 and a half km away. Interestingly, our tents were in an area demarcated and called as “Bilwa Vana” or the forest of Bilwa, the favorite plant of Shiva! An apt abode for Mohanji and his children! While walking towards the bathing ghats, most of us found it difficult to catch up with Mohanji’s pace. He was walking or rather floating in great speed. Indeed, “Beat the tamas by embracing rajas”. For some of us, it was too difficult to shed the comfort of a thick cozy blanket and walk towards freezing cold water on a foggy cold morning at 2.30 am. This was the test! Most of us dared the objections of our tamasic mind and got over their inertia and Mohanji, as always, led by example.

Mohanji- Maha Kumbh Mela 2013
Walk to the ghat for dip at early morning 2.30am in Alahabad… We were contineously chanting aloud while walking. That speed, the energy, the deep desire for dip and faith on the consciousness… undescribable..

Sumit always ensured our path is right and directly towards the bathing ghats without any detour. Once we took the dip, all the fear and apprehensions of cold and cold itself went away and many of us, who intended to take 9 dips ended up much more, lovingly and willingly. Many of us actually experienced a tremendous purification, burdens of our past removed and also a shift in our awareness. It is the faith and surrender with which we take the dip that is important. Dip should not be a mechanical act! We have to shed our comfort zones to evolve.

Shashank’s 80 year old father was a striking example of determination. Shashank and his brother held him on both sides, he walked all the way to ghats and he had his lifetime experience. He was fully satisfied. All those who came were happy and completely satisfied, in their own way.

Mohanji- Maha Kumbh Mela 2013
At Maha Kumbh Mela, after the holy dip

While at Kumbh, apart from the visit of Bala Sai, Gorakh Baba and their disciples, Mohanji also met Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Swami Vishwananda, Swami Srila Navayogendra Maharaj of ISKCON and the loving mother Kunti Mata from Jammu, apart from many seers, saints and sadhus that we kept encountering. Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Mohanji and Swami Vishwananda also had dinner together on 14th evening.

Mohanji- Maha Kumbh Mela 2013
Mohanji with Srila Navayogendra Swamiji Maharaj from ISCKON Jammu, India. Both had a meeting during Mohanji’s Kumbh Mela visit in February 2013

Mohanji and our whole group also visited Vihangam Yoga ashram in Allahabad. We were served a sumptuous lunch at the ashram. Mohanji and all of us were lovingly received and honored by Sant Namdeoji Maharaj, the son of Saint Swtantradeoji Maharaj. There were beautiful discourses and introductions to Vihangam Yoga by the acharyas. Finally, Sant Swtantradeoji Maharaj himself came in, hugged and honored Mohanji. Mohanji explained that he felt at home and he felt deeply humbled by their genuine love and sincerity.

Mohanji- Maha Kumbh Mela 2013
Mohanji’s meeting with Paramhamsa Nityananda and Swami Vishwananda during Mohanji’s Kumbh yatra in Feb 2013

Earlier, Sant Swatantradeoii Maharaj, Sant Namdeoji Maharaj and Sant Pravar Shri Vigyandeoji Maharaj had visited Oman in October 2012. Mohanji had received them at the airport and later, they had dinner at his place. Sant Swatantradeoji Maharaj also initiated Mohanji and Biba in three levels of Vihangam Yoga, at Mohanji’s home in Oman. Mohanji says “I feel deeply honored by this loving gesture of the guru, the grandson of the great master Anant Sadguru Sadafaldeoji Maharaj, visiting my humble abode and doing us this honor”. Mohanji prostrated at his feet in gratitude. Sri Namdeoji Maharaj, in his speech mentioned about Mohanji as a perfect example of egolessness. And he mentioned his experience when he saw Mohanji at Muscat airport in jeans and T shirt – totally unassuming and never caring about his image, stature or looks. He said that only a person who has crossed over the boundaries of his ego can be so careless about his image or what people will think about him. Mohanji is a perfect example of a true guru of modern times; he walks his talk and he walks the same earth where too much pretensions and image making are indeed happening.

Mohanji-at Vihangam yoga center 2013
Mohanji lovingly received and honored by Sant Namdeoji Maharaj, the son of Sant Swatantra Deo Ji Maharaj at Vihangam Yoga Centre at Allahabad.
Mohanji at Vihangam yoga Feb 2013
Mohanji humbly accepts honor from Sadguru Swatatradeoji Maharaj, Head of Vihangam Yoga Center, Allahabad

Mohanji addressed the gathering with few words, but, he indeed mentioned about his sorrow in seeing competition among spiritual leaders. He said, “Kumbh Mela should be a platform for unification. Everyone should come together for the welfare of the world. We have 7 Billion people to take care, elevate, and show the true light of God. True saints can never have insecurities. There should be no competition. Those who are of the highest elevation cannot have dualities. It is time to preserve dharma, beyond individual egos”. Mohanji spoke the same thing to all the saints and acharyas whom he met at Maha Kumbh Mela.

This was Maha Kumbh Mela which happens only after 144 years. We were indeed lucky to have attended it – that too with Mohanji. I feel, even though we have been with him, hearing, talking, touching and feeling him almost always, we are yet to “KNOW HIM”. We are yet to know his consciousness. He behaves ordinary. He easily conceals his true identities. He laughs and makes others laugh and slips past. He gives something small and escapes and expects you to realize it and get back to him to claim the higher that he is indeed capable of giving. He needs to be explored, quite patiently. These were the thoughts of many of us who traveled with him to Maha Kumbh Mela and to Ayodhya and Banares.

Many events and visits have happened in last 6 months. We were continuously on the move, and times were so demanding that could write about those events. Next blog that follows is about visit to Ayodhya and Banares.

Love and only love,


10 thoughts on “The Mystery and the Master – Who is Mohanji?”

  1. WOW. Bala Sai calling Mohanji, “Son of Shiva”, and Gorakhnath Babaji said “He is Myself”. We are truly blessed to be under our dear Guruji’s umbrella. Mohanji, we love U immensely.

  2. Manogarie Chetty

    Thank you for sharing this amazing story.I totally believe in Gurudeva.He has shown me his presence in many ways.Yes he is an Avataar

  3. Lovely article.

    Sant Swatantradeoji Maharaj is not Sant/Saint, his holiness is Parampara Sadguru.
    Sadguru Swantantradeoji Maharaj.
    There is difference between Sant/saint and Sadguru !

  4. Rahul K Pathak

    It was really inspiring reading about Mohanji, in my heart the desire has arisen to meet such an great master and pay my respect at his feet can you guide me to it?
    Thanking you.

  5. I wish to know which Nityananda Swami you are referring to? Is it the same person who has been in the news? If so I wish to know what does Pujya Mohanji think of him?

  6. Gayatri Jayshankar

    Wonderful …I felt as though personally I experienced the happenings..great..Love you all..
    ❤💓❤ words…

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