Dreams of reality

Four powerful dreams are presented here which show how Mohanji does not need his physical body to connect with people, heal, assist or convey messages. Read on and relive the experiences of Jyoti Bahl, Shyama, Deloshni, and Pramod.


A dream or not a dream!

by Jyoti Bahl, India

Jai Mohanji!

I would like to share with you an amazing experience that happened recently.

One of Mohanji’s devotees, Harmeet, messaged me that her friend had hurt her toe against the bed and that her condition was really bad. She asked me to pray for her friend and to send healing prayer. As I am not into healing, I just closed my eyes for two minutes and prayed to Sai Baba and Mohanji. I just said, “I don’t know anything, I can only pray in this situation. This is the best thing that I could do for her. She’s in pain right now. So be with her.” After this, there was nothing in my mind. The next morning I was watching a video sent by someone about Shirdi Sai Baba. The message in the video was that without a guru, you can’t reach Baba Sai. So I listened to that video and I had a nap.


I had a dream. In that dream, I saw Mohanji sitting in front of me and I could see that a satsang was happening. Mila was playing around and so many activities were taking place in the form of a satsang. Mohanji was sitting in the center, and people were singing bhajans. After some time, I saw Mohanji sitting near me and I was pressing his feet. This seemed so real, that even now I can feel his feet. I was pressing his feet and suddenly he showed his two toes to me, which were totally swollen and covered in blood. I asked Mohanji what it was as I was not happy to see him in this condition. Mohanji shared that he had taken on a devotee’s pain and that only I would be able to heal this. I was surprised as to why Mohanji was saying, “Only you’re going to heal this!” I’m not a healer. I’m nothing actually, I’m a big zero. Soon this dream got over. On waking up from the dream, I was thinking, “What is this Mohanji, I didn’t understand this dream?

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Then I started with my daily routine activities. Around two o’clock in the afternoon, I just sat in my puja room. Suddenly this revelation came to my mind. Oh my God! Mohanji had taken on himself the pain of the lady for whom I’d prayed yesterday. So I immediately called Harmeet who had asked me to pray for this lady. Harmeet had sent me the picture of one toe that was hurt the previous day. I didn’t know that two of her toes were hurt. So when I called Harmeet, she told me, “Di, her two toes are much better now and the doctors having ruled out a fracture, have tied her two toes together.”

I was taken aback! Mohanji had also shown me two toes. This is what he had done. I don’t have words to express as this is how a Master works.


Mohanji’s affirmation for protection

 By Shyama Jeyaseelan, UK

Being a part of the recent Mohanji Acharya training in Serbia was a blessing and a privilege. The training was intense and comprehensive with everyone learning so much from Mohanji.

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One of the presentations that showed me a glimpse of how Mohanji works beyond the comprehension of my mind was Ivana’s presentation on Mohanji Transformation Method. It really was amazing and made me think of things that I’m not normally aware of. Negative energies and entities exist and can affect us, whether we believe in it or not. As we were leaving the hall, somebody said, have sweet dreams tonight. I laughed and agreed. Then before going to bed, I wished Mina who was sharing a room with me, sweet dreams of Mohanji and golden light and she gently said, “Wish you the same.

Mohanji light

I don’t have dreams very often but had one that night. Mohanji was in a satsang hall and I was somewhere outside the hall doing some work. Suddenly I heard Mohanji say very loudly and sternly so I could hear this outside the hall, “Those who don’t belong here can leave.” Initially, I thought he was referring to someone in the hall. Suddenly I felt something pulling the shawl of my dress. Realising something was not right, I started running towards Mohanji and the hall, calling Mohanji’s name repeatedly. The unseen force that was pulling my clothing was strong, as I was trying to hold on to it. Suddenly I felt Mohanji say, “Let go of it,” as I was running towards him. As I run, the shawl vanishes. Calling his name I woke up, it was a few minutes after midnight. I remembered Mohanji saying negative energies are at their strongest from midnight to 3 am.

Although quite shaken, I realised the power of protection from Mohanji, of connecting to him and chanting his name. I’m guided to say these positive affirmations in my mind.

I’m Mohanji’s beacon of light.

 I belong to the White Tradition.

 I’m here to add value to society.

 I’m filled with love, compassion, and light.

 I’m merged in Mohanji’s golden light.

As I said these repeatedly, I calmed down. I’m eternally grateful for Mohanji’s protection in all states of my existence (waking, dreaming, and deep sleep). I know he’s holding my hands and will never let go, taking care of me with so much love. Just as I started to type this experience to share with the others in the Acharya group (I couldn’t go back to sleep), Sanjay Bhai from Canada shared this picture with me. I really wanted something tangible for comfort and I received a wonderful sign from Mohanji to confirm he’s always there. Thank you Mohanji for the wonderful timing in sending me this beautiful picture of Sai.


Two days later, during the training one morning, Mohanji gave us all the affirmation for protection to chant in the morning, night and when needed. I was amazed to see the similarities between the affirmation and what Mohanji had guided me to say when I woke up from my dream. I am deeply grateful for the love and connection I experience with Mohanji, it’s his grace and blessings that we think of him at all. Dearest Mohanji, I remain in gratitude, humility, and surrender at your feet.



Dreams of purpose

By Deloshni Govender, South Africa

During the recent year or two, I have not had such deep yearning to be in Mohanji’s physical presence like I used to when I first met him. I am ecstatic if I can see him in person but if this doesn’t happen, I don’t have any regret or unfulfilled wishes. I feel him with me always.

This time when I left the Acharya training, I was the only one from South Africa who was not staying for the retreat and there was just this tiny part of me that wished I could have stayed. I didn’t give this too much attention because I was more than happy with the time spent with him.


Yesterday around 3 am, I had a vivid dream. I was still in Serbia and I was leaving a remote venue with a few people. We were in a taxi leaving for the airport. I was in the front passenger seat. I know this was Serbia because the driver’s seat was on the left and I sat on the right. Had this been a creation of my subconscious surely the driver’s seat would be on the right like it is in SA (which is what I am used to).

I see Mohanji in white approaching the car, so I exit to give him a seat. He sat in the front passenger seat and I then went to the seat behind him. As I sat, he gripped my left ankle and I was shocked. I told him that he can’t touch my feet as he is my Guru but he said that he was removing something.

The next thing I remember is that I was at the airport. The dream continued with me missing my flight for some reason, paying for new tickets and getting lost. No one would help me.

I feel strongly that he showed me what he prevented me from experiencing had I stayed on longer in Serbia. He clearly also removed something from me during that dream. Maybe it was that tiny desire to stay on longer? He has shown me with this dream that he allowed me to stay for the retreat because I had this dream after the retreat had just ended.

Since returning from the training, I have seen even more tangible signs of how hard he is constantly working on us.

Eternal gratitude at the feet of Mohanji and the Guru Mandala for all they do for us…Protecting us during times when we must go through experiences, removing experiences which can be karmically removed and supporting us unconditionally through it all.

No matter what experiences life may have for me in the future, I have no fear because I know that my Master is already there.


Blessings from the Master

By Pramod Nair, UK

On 5th October 2019, I had a beautiful dream where I saw that I was with Mohanji.

Mohanji was dressed in a white kurta and mundu. I was so excited to be with him. I was just walking behind him. My excitement was like a child who got to see his father after a long gap. Like a bee hovering over the beautiful flower, I was just by Mohanji.

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 Mohanji was smiling and looked very happy. Mohanji suddenly turned and looked at me and said “Pramod! By the way, my work on this earth plane has begun. People will soon know my intention and purpose. We have a lot of good things to do before we leave this earth. After the project takes off, it will be on autopilot mode, there will be chosen ones who will steer it. The rest will be taken care of. I will then go into silence.

 ”But Deva what about me?” I quipped.

You do not worry, be assured I am always with you. Blessings and keep smiling.

When I woke up I knew it was a wonderful experience, as I could recap everything very clearly. It was not just a dream to forget. It was a message by Mohanji about his work for everyone on the earth plane, not only for me but for others who love him and also for those who have not met him physically.

 Love and Pranaams at his lotus feet.




Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 7th November 2019


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