Guru Mohana Raksha Homa

Bhavani Nair and Ami Hughes share with us their experiences on the power of the Guru Mohana Raksha Homa being conducted regularly by our dear Mahesh Bhalerao at the Ashram in Canada! Distance is never a constraint and all that is required is pure intent! 

By Bhavani Nair, USA

Lately, I have been going through a difficult process of churning and accepting life events and situations that are flowing in my direction. I recently became a Mohanji Acharya, we moved to a new home, and I even received a new name! All these brought in energies that were welcoming, confusing and overwhelming all at once! With so many changes, it was hard to find some stable ground under my own two feet, but my faith and belief in Father (Mohanji) has been my anchor. I believe he is the best anchor one can have in a lifetime, and having had so many situations thrown at me at once, I wondered how and where I got the energy to handle everything so effortlessly?

A little bit of background on the situation here. At our Acharya training, we were advised by Mohanji that we should all support the Canada ashram in whatever way we can. I took it upon myself as a sankalpa (intention) that I should contribute something to the ashram for some time since we had received so much love, care, laughter and comfort of a home there. During this time, the news about a homa came out from the Canada team. I didn’t think much about it at that time since I was content with everything in my life and the recent homa conducted at the Kailash Mansarovar yatra; although thousands of miles apart, I felt the energies of it here in the USA. But I guess the higher powers wanted me to go ahead with the homa that was being offered in Canada. A couple of days into the announcement, I was asked by another devotee in the USA to participate in the upcoming homa and help the ashram. Once again, I didn’t feel the push, but something made me contact the team to let me participate since I was donating to the temple anyway. I requested them and was advised they will take care of everything and all I had to do was provide them with some information from my end. I wasn’t too sure about what to tell them, so I left the question for some time.

A couple of weeks went by and I saw someone post pictures of the homa done in Canada on a Whatsapp chat, and it occurred to me that I never followed up with the team. So, on the same day, I contacted Mahesh Bhai and he told me that he can do it on the following day. I told him that wasn’t going to work because we were going through the Pitru Paksha period (honouring one’s ancestors), and it wasn’t an auspicious time to do anything related to purchasing anything new, starting something long term or conducting any poojas. So, I requested him to perform the homa during Navratri (nine nights of celebrating the Goddess) time and Chitra Nakshatra (birth star of Lord Sripada Srivallabha). He advised me that the day I requested wasn’t possible since he was conducting prayers in his home but told me not to worry as he will conduct it sometime during Navratri and will text me the night before. I was okay with that since any day during Mother’s Navratri is auspicious. By this time, I decided that I wanted the homa conducted for my children since they were enrolled in a new school and could use the extra blessings.

As Navratri rolled in, we conducted a little housewarming prayer in our home to bring in the auspiciousness of Mother’s energy. The following morning, I woke up feeling very drained and with muscle ache. These things usually happen when one is about to get sick. I took it as a cleansing from the puja the day earlier and the energy of Mother Goddess working on subtle levels. Feeling drained and exhausted physically, I felt completely disconnected from everyone at home and on social media. My thoughts were to completely disconnect and just be with myself. Finally, on Thursday, October 3, 2019, the negativity took a turn for the worse and I felt completely unworthy, jealous, not good enough and all the comparisons that can happen in one’s mind came up. I knew deep down this was my mind’s play and being aware of this made the process easier. Despite feeling negative emotions, a wonderful awareness flowed within my consciousness. I realized that everything that has happened in my life thus far since meeting Mohanji has been done only by him. All the doubts, pain, pleasure, happiness, love, envy, shortcomings, anger were created by him to help me grow. If he gave me anger, he also provided the solution. He brought obstacles, but also brought in new ways of thinking. He brought confusion, only to resolve something that needed to get resolved. It truly felt like I was being given a window to glimpse that it was him all along and I just needed to be here in full awareness to experience and move along in my progression.

After this feeling, I thanked him for letting me get a peek into something that cannot be perceived with the naked eyes but can only be felt by grace. In the evening, as we started Mohanji’s aarati, I got really upset at my daughter for something very silly. The root cause was once again a feeling of not being worthy or smart enough. Since childhood, I have always felt that I wasn’t the brightest child. I had to work extra hard to earn everything, and that pattern extended into every aspect of my life. I always watched my friends and family in awe at how things worked out for them without even giving too much effort. But later in my life I realized, my mind was never attuned to the material way of life, it flourished in connecting to the divine and in that I realized my strength. Later, self-acceptance came with Mohanji’s teachings. So, as my anger took a turn, I started crying for no apparent reason; all while Mohanji’s aarati was in process. My little daughter came and sat on my lap to help me calm down. The older daughter, after being yelled at, also came to console me. Looking back, what I felt at that moment was Baba’s love, which has the energy to pierce one’s heart center and brings forth pain that needs to get resolved. I had experienced this pain during the Pran Prathishta (energizing the Idol) of the Sai Baba idol in 2018. This pain has the healing power which can only be felt after it has cleared all that wasn’t necessary. That night, after the big sob, I was drained and went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up knowing I had dreamt about Baba, Mahesh, and the others, but wasn’t sure about the content of the dream. I made a mental note to text Mahesh about the homa since Navratri was almost over, and I had not heard anything from him. As with kids, chores took over and I completely forgot about the dream I had earlier. Later in the morning, I received a text in a local girl chat that there was a homa done in Canada for Jaya and family. Upon glancing at this message, I texted Mahesh right away and informed him that I saw him in my dream and wanted to know about the date of the homa. He texted me back, “You were informed that homa was done successfully in your dream.” I thought, “Does this man always joke and talk in riddles?” Then he told me the homa was conducted yesterday on Thursday, October 3, but since it was a busy day at the ashram, he had forgotten to text me. Along with that message, he sent me some pictures as well. As I glanced through the pictures, I could see Mohanji’s presence in the fire pit and realized that the homa was done during his birth star. After receiving this news, everything that had happened in the last few days made sense to me. I was asked to share this experience with others to show the Guru’s leela (play). However, I felt too disconnected from social media, and I felt vulnerable to share my emotions, but I informed Mahesh that if Mohanji wishes, I will certainly do so. Later that evening, while cleaning I sensed my heart center expanding and getting warm. I have Mohanji’s picture in my kitchen and felt him telling me to share with others as our Tradition encourages us to share these magical experiences to strengthen our faith and belief in the Guru.

The homa which I thought was just meant for my children, brought blessings to my whole family. It was later revealed by the Canada team that they will be naming the homa Guru Mohana Raksha Homa (Mohanji’s Protection Homa). I had no idea that I had signed up for such an auspicious event. In hindsight, it was for the best since my mind is too active and would have conjured up unnecessary things and that would have blocked the natural course of events to take place. Once again, it was all under the guidance of Mohanji and all I had to do was just be present and listen to my inner voice. I am grateful to the Canada team for helping us despite their struggles. It has been a great honour to be part of their journey since the commencement of the Ashram. Thank you Mohanji, for making all this happen even without myself being aware as you are omnipresent and know what is best for each one of us. All we need to do is follow our inner voice and let him do the rest.

Jai Mohanji, and Jai Gurudev Datta.



By Ami Hughes, South Africa

It was about a week to go to the Mohanji Acharya Training – Level 1 in Andrevlje, Serbia, and I was exceedingly blessed to be able to attend it for a second time as a refresher. Well not only that, I was miraculously able to attend the ‘Ignite Your Inner Flame’ retreat with Mohanji in Mt. Kopaonik – on the heels of the Acharya Training as well. Just how cool is that!

I couldn’t believe how effortlessly all the arrangements fell into place, including the worrisome matter of leave from work. That too worked out – albeit not without a few anxious moments initially. I was agog. Talk about Guru’s Grace. It was amply evident.

The timing of the Guru Mohana Raksha Homa was also almost on cue. I was consumed by this … er … ‘little’ matter of internal/external purification before I left for the Balkan country. I wanted my entire being to be cleansed in the sacred homa – the blazing fire of Shiva – so that I went to the Balkans empty of all mind/matter/ego concepts.

Mahesh Bhalerao, who conducts the homas at Datta Tapovan in Canada, was quite amused when I asked whether a little bronze figurine – representing this lower self with its associated bindings and limiting concepts could be offered into the fire for annihilation.

My flight out was set for Saturday, 13 Oct 2019, and I was hoping the homa would be done on Guru Day – on a Thursday before I travelled. However, Mahesh said it would possibly be held on Saturday, not ideal for me because of international travel. OK, then Saturday it is, I said to myself. My husband and sister-in-law were also included in the family homa. Five other families were also participating.

So on Thursday then, from around 18:15 ish local time, I started feeling very irritable. My body began to experience inexplicable weird sensations. My legs, especially the right began to feel strangely numb. I did not know where to place my body, nor what to do with it. The irritation level heightened. I felt IRRITATED with everything … with myself … my life … with just about everything. On some abstract level, I felt a little alarmed wondering what was happening to me! Then a flash of that light-bulb moment! The Guru Mohana Raksha Homa was taking place. I was in the throes of deep cleaning and purification. The homa was being conducted in Canada and I was feeling its powerful effects continents and oceans away!

Now I was in full ‘Awareness’ mode and began to accept and flow through whatever was happening. I was in no doubt that what I was feeling was due to the homa. Some 45 minutes later, my body began to be softly blanketed in an unusual calmness – a kind of ‘suspended’ stillness. I felt distanced from the room I was in and everything in it. I recognised a feeling of energy expansion. It began to surge, almost comfortingly through to my head, hands, and palms. The gentle fire moved to the centre of my chest and it got stronger. Then the heat intensified as it moved to my spine and the back of my chest. By this time I was almost in an altered state – but in full awareness.

I realised something. In that blessed state, ‘I’ knew I could heal as the fire was that of potent Life. This beautiful blanket of fire was powerful. I automatically extended my hands out, holding my palms in blessing … intending with all my heart for the magnificence of the energy flooding and flowing through me to reverently touch my beloved Master Mohanji and his family, in the deepest love and gratitude, to Mother Earth … to all elemental life, the animals, the atoms and cells of my bodies to everything, to all life, including my husband and family, and our ancestors and lineages.


This went on for quite a while. I was in the holy arms of the divine, in the universal flow, that state of Beingness without comparison called Love. Gradually as the ‘gentle powerful’ fire began to ease, I became more aware of my physical body and immediate surroundings. Yes, the Guru Mohana Raksha Homa had indeed taken place. Mahesh only confirmed this much later on. By then I needed no confirmation. I had already had the most tangible, powerful experiences of purification, transcendence and healing, and found it to be pure and transcendent love.

Dear Mahesh, thank you for facilitating and conducting the homa. May the grace of the Guru empower and bless you always.

How do I feel now?

I feel gratitude for the unforgettable experience, and a sense of deep purification, increasing stillness within, more expansion into love, which personally translates into alignment with the Source. This is what Mohanji has done for me. It is called Guru Raksha – being constantly under the powerful radiance and protection of the Guru or Master; and I need no convincing that Mohanji whom I consider my Spiritual Father and the pure essence of the eternally flowing river of brilliant golden light, is always with me.

To you Mohanji, all praise, all gratitude, all thanks and love.




Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 14th November 2019


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