The lock is broken

By Arun Vathavooran, UK

I have had some knee discomfort for at least nine years now. I remember the first time I discovered it; I had an issue in the knee around Maha Shivaratri time in 2012. It started with mild pain on my right knee, which I initially thought my body’s response for keeping awake all night for Shivaratri, but it lasted for a while. I saw my GP (Family Doctor) and was told that I had anterior knee syndrome and was recommended to rest. I took their advice and rested; it helped, but the discomfort didn’t disappear. I learnt to live with it; in general, it was OK unless I did a long stretch of walk or heavy lifting.

I went on a holiday with my family to Sri Lanka in 2013. While there, I managed to get an appointment with an orthopaedic consultant to check my knee. The doctor examined my knees and said, “I think you are lining up for surgery, but I would suggest delaying it as much as possible. You seem well and healthy in your thirties, so it is in your hands to look after your knees by being extra careful and not straining the knees.” I took his advice and tried my best to avoid strenuous activities to the knees.

In 2016, I had the blessed opportunity to undertake the Kailash Parikrama with Mohanji, and then the thought about the doctor’s advice came to my mind. Somehow, I managed to discard that thought and joined the pilgrimage with Mohanji. I have to say; I completed the outer kora Parikrama by walking more than 80% of the 52km trek. There is no doubt this was made possible only through the pure grace of Mohanji. My deep connection to Mohanji formed, and I got busy with my life and serving the world.

In 2019, I became a Mohanji Acharya. I attended a nine-day intensive training with Mohanji in Serbia with another 49 members from the Mohanji Family. At the end of the training, Mohanji blessed each of us with a very special and sacred Rudraksha Mala, which was energised in a very particular way. All the Acharyas keep that Mala as our most precious procession and wear it while performing as an Acharya, serving the world. Mohanji advised us to dip the Mala in sesame oil for a specific duration of time before using it. As per Mohanji’s guidance, I had dipped the Mala in sesame oil overnight and then washed and started wearing it. After that, I have used that oil to apply on the body but kept some leftover oil in a small container.

Last year (2020), my friend Vignesh Anna was doing a distance Mai-Tri session for me for some other reason. After the session, he mentioned that there was some fluid collected in my right knee joint, and I should go and see my doctor and check it out. At that time, I didn’t have any symptoms. Further, getting an appointment with a GP was also not so easy those days due to the peak of the pandemic. Time went o few months, around December 2020, I developed severe pain in my right knee. As usual, with the attitude of acceptance and surrender, I ignored it and continued with daily life. However, the pain increased within a few weeks to the extent that I couldn’t sit cross-legged on the floor to do my Kriya practice and other regular sadhanas.

One of the days in the 1st week of January, early in the morning, I received telepathic guidance from Mohanji during my Kriya practice. The guidance was to take some turmeric tablets as medicine for knee issues. I immediately ordered some turmeric tablets and started taking them the following day. In the meantime, the pain increased day by day, and I found it is very painful to walk around the house to do my basic tasks. It took a lot of time to get up from the bed and get moving around. However, I managed to do all that to the best of my ability. I also decided to seek medical advice and managed to get an appointment with my GP.

Arun with Mohanji – Acharya training Serbia

After a short examination, the GP ordered an X-ray and mentioned to me that I had some damage to the knee cartilage. She referred me to see an orthopaedic consultant surgeon for further diagnosis and treatment. I managed to book an appointment with a leading consultant who specialises in knees within a short period of time. The consultant examined my knees and explained that he suspects cartilage damage and a cyst formation as a result of that within the knee joint itself. He seemed very confident but recommended an MRI scan to confirm the diagnosis. He further said, most likely, we would have to do keyhole surgery to remove the cyst and fluid. He further said that he could also fix some aspects of the cartilage at the same time as well.

In the meantime, I was recording a video for Mohanji Tamil Facebook page with other Tamil Mohanji Acharyas and volunteers. Everyone knew that I normally sit cross-legged on the floor for such recordings. However, I was sitting in a chair this time. This was very unusual, so I had to mention about my knee issues. My Acharya sister Sathya messaged me after the program recommending me to apply some of the sesame oil that I had used to dip the Acharya mala (that oil become energised and demonstrates healing properties). I took her words as Mohanji’s guidance and applied it immediately. I continued to apply it to my knee every night for a while.

During these days, I had a call with Acharya sister Subhasree regarding some organisational matters. I mentioned my knee during the call, and she said she would do Mai-Tri for me that night. The next day she messaged me, saying, “I had completed Mai-Tri last night; Mohanji said to drop all your fears”. I was a bit surprised because I was not aware of any fears. I used to have many fears, but I have lost all of them in the past five years, one by one since meeting Mohanji. I am aware that fears can stay in the causal layer and surface when things are right for them to manifest. However, we won’t be able to recognise them until they surface up. As we move on the spiritual path, our Master will make sure that all such fears would surface so that we can face them and eventually drop them forever and progress in the path of liberation. Now my problem was how to face it without knowing what the fear was. I thought the only thing that I could do was surrender it to Mohanji. I hadn’t mentioned this to anybody but surrendered to Mohanji in front of his picture in my home shrine. I said to Mohanji, Father, I accept that I have some fear within me that I am not aware of, I surrender it to you; please do the needful for me to progress on my path.”

Then, I spoke to Subhasree to get more clarity. She said that it seemed like the fear of something was binding me like a chain to my right leg, which was the source of the problem. She also said that this was definitely from my past lives and advised me to surrender to Mohanji. Further, she has recommended that Mohanji’s “Connect to yourself” process could help me to drop my fears. I immediately joined the special Acharya program conducted for Mohanji’s birthday and took part in the process. I felt some deep relief and the feeling of something leaving me during the process and the next day.

After a few days, I spoke to my Acharya sister Moushumi about something else and casually mentioned that I had knee pain (I didn’t say anything about the background). She said she will do a Mai-Tri for me and did on the following day. After a few days, I received a message from her saying, “Anna, I was doing Mai-Tri for another person but received some guidance from Mohanji to do Mai-Tri for your knees, so I have done a session even without asking you. I felt that there was some block at the start, but a big chain and a lock that was binding your knee were broken towards the end. Now there are some wounds after having a chain there for a long time. But I feel you will feel better soon.” I replied, thanking her but did not have an opportunity to speak in detail.

In the meantime, I completed my MRI scan and waited for a follow-up appointment with the consultant. I continued to take turmeric tablets and applied energised sesame oil to the knee as well. In a few days’ time, I felt some improvement in the knee; I felt that I could walk without much pain but sitting on the floor was still difficult. I received a letter from the hospital that my consultant appointment was scheduled for 11th March (Maha Shivaratri day). They suggested that I elect to have a telephone appointment since this was a follow-up and a physical examination was not necessary (In a medical secretary’s view, it was an appointment to confirm a routine surgery and fix a date for the operation and discuss pre-operative tests).

I have decided not to stay awake all night for Maha Shivaratri this year because I couldn’t sit on the floor. However, the day before Shivaratri, I received a message from my friend and Acharya brother Rajesh Kamath asking me to join the Homa that Mohanji was going to initiate for Shivaratri. His message said, “Please join the Homa if you can; Mohanji is doing it after a long time. It is a big blessing. The last he did was in 2019 July in Kailash. These moments are rare and don’t come often. That’s why I am pushing all the close people I know to join.” I took this as Mohanji’s guidance and decided to join the Homa.

I decided to sit on the floor cross-legged as long as I could. I was so determined that I should sit on the floor at least until Mohanji was performing the Homa (For me, sitting in a chair while Mohanji performing the Homa was unacceptable). As per the instructions, I joined early and looked forward to the Homa. Quite unexpectedly, Acharya sister Subhasree called my name to start the chanting until Mohanji initiated the Homa. This was an unexpected treat because I had the blessed opportunity to lead the chanting of my favourite mantra, “Aum Hreem Aum Nama Shivaya,” on Maha Sivarathtri day.

As usual, Mohanji joined promptly on time and initiated the Homa at 1:30 pm UK time as planned. I had made an intention (Sankalpa), saying, “With the grace of Mohanji, the fear that is binding me and any other unwanted things that I carry, be burned to ashes in this Homa fire.” Then I closed my eyes and sat there in front of the Homa (by zoom) connecting to Mohanji.

After a while, my phone rang, and I realised that my consultant was calling. I answered the phone, and it was indeed him. He asked about my pain, and I said it was much better, but still there. Then he said, “To my surprise, no abnormalities were found in your MRI. Your cartilage, ligaments and everything looks perfectly normal apart from minor wear and tear at the end of a muscle outside the knee cap, this is expected for your age, and I don’t think we need to do anything else unless you are in severe pain. Even if you have pain, I would rather recommend some pain management rather than surgery.” I replied that the pain has substantially reduced, and I was happy to leave it as it is. I asked him if I have to wear a knee strap or anything to support, but he said, “No, you don’t need anything as such. Your knees looking absolutely normal; carry on with everything as usual, unless you develop any pain.” After thanking him, I ended the call and went back to the Homa.

Looking back now, I realise I had sat cross-legged for almost 15 to 16 hours (1 pm to 6 pm next morning with minor breaks for stretching, refreshments etc.). I didn’t have any pain at all! I have started to do everything as usual from that point onwards. I am writing this after a week from Shivaratri, but I have no complaints about my knees.

In summary, Mohanji has healed me by breaking the chain of fear that I was not aware of. I have to say that the beauty of the gift from Mohanji (Mai-Tri Method) is that it goes into the causal layer and removes the impressions at the seed level, even before they manifest as an ailment. Also, looking at my connection to Mohanji – I connect to him as my Guru (remover of ignorance), but he plays many roles in my life at various times. To name a few, a father (correcting mistakes when needed), teacher (imparting knowledge), protector (sending messages about upcoming health issues for prevention),  guide (giving guidance at crucial moments in life), friend (laughing out loud together when there is an opportunity), healer (through many Mai-Tri practitioners), doctor (giving a prescription to get turmeric tablets), therapist (suggesting therapeutic massage with energised sesame oil), dietitian (giving dietary advise through many channels when needed) and so on. It is important to note that he fulfills everything through various instruments and also direct telepathic messages. I surrender my thoughts, words and actions at his holy feet.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 25th March 2021


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2 thoughts on “The lock is broken”

  1. What an incredible miracle beloved Arun. I know how that feels. Guru’s grace is overwhelmingly beautiful 💜 stay blessed

  2. Thank you Arun for sharing such an amazing wonderful experience which shows faith and divine grace can do the magic.Jai Mohanji🙏 Gratitude and only gratitude.

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