By Sonia Mayur, Muscat
I was part of Mohanji’s Birthday Chanting that went on from 23rd January until Mohanji’s birthday. It was my first experience of group chanting, and it seemed to have become a lifestyle for me. I looked forward to waking up and getting ready with a pure body and mind for the chanting.
The chanting was done by Mohanji Acharyas, and not even knowing or meeting personally with anyone, it seemed there was a deep connection. For sure, the connection was common, as we have one FATHER who connected us all with one single thread. All through, it felt as though I was a bead in this beautiful mala (garland) that Mohanji had brought together.
During the chanting sessions, I had so many experiences, which made me feel more deeply and unconditionally connected to Mohanji.

One experience that I want to share is of the unconditional grace and love that I received from Mohanji on his birthday.
On the day of Mohanji’s birthday, there was supposed to be a 24-hour chanting, and closer to the date, it was announced by Subashree Di that the chanting would happen on 24th February, as Mohanji’s birthday as per his star/Hindu calendar was falling on that date.
Subashree Di announced that a Google form would be shared, and whoever wanted to chant could fill in the slots.
I had always wanted to lead chanting, but being a shy person, I always feared speaking in front of people where I would be at the focus. This time I thought, “Let’s do it, and Mohanji will hold my hand if I shake out of fear.” Unfortunately, the slots during which I would have been able to do chanting got filled up so fast, and I was a bit disheartened.
The night of 22nd February, I kept praying and telling Mohanji how I wanted to do the chanting on his birthday and how I missed my chance because I was not proactive when the list came, and my fear overtook my decision.
I kept chanting the whole night to Mohanji, and his face was right there, crystal clear in front of me, and he was smiling all through. I kept thinking why Mohanji was smiling. Was there something he was telling me, and I was not understanding? Little had I known at that time that his unconditional grace was flowing upon me!

My chant was continuous all night with Mohanji’s strong presence along with me. I woke up at the usual time at 4:30 am Muscat time, thinking that the daily chanting would be going on as the 24-hour chanting had been moved to 24th now.
I never ever look at my phone when I wake up, leave alone put the Wi-Fi on. But that day, I did so while I was still in bed, and I was amazed to see many messages from Preeti Di, mentioning that she was going to start the 24-hour chanting at 6:00 am. It didn’t take me much time to understand that there had been some confusion, and instead of the 24th, the chanting was about to begin on the 23rd as scheduled.
I didn’t wait for much time and took a shower and connected, and all through, I just thought that this was what Mohanji’s smile was all about. The 24-hour chanting was about to be converted into a 48-hour chanting. It was all his leela but also all of Mohanji family, how each one of them connected and took this to ensure the chanting was happening nonstop.
It was a usual working day for me, but the hope of chanting on Mohanji’s birthday was still very strong. I was just waiting for the moment to arrive. I got ready for work and kept checking the messages on the group. Each and every slot kept filling up quickly, but at 12:30 pm IST, a message kept flashing that the slot of 1:30 pm IST was free if anyone was keen. I didn’t even think for a wink and typed “I will do it “.
My heart was pounding so fast just while typing that I would do it, and I wondered what would happen when I had to begin the chant. But I went with the flow and just surrendered to Mohanji, and I knew he would be there to hold my hand and walk me through this gracefully.
I immediately planned my exit from the office and went home to do the chanting session. My heart kept pounding, but there was some relief, as I knew Mohanji was holding me.
And it was my turn to begin, I just closed my eyes, and the light of the lamp and Mohanji’s picture on the altar gave me the courage to go ahead.
As I started chanting the mantra, “AUM SHATA SAHASRA SOORYAYA VIDMAHE, AVADHOOTAYA DHI MAHI, TANNO MOHANA PRACHO DAYAAT”, I felt a bit of heaviness right on the top of my head. I felt there was a hand on my head, and I even touched it to feel where the heaviness was coming from.
It was none other than my Mohanji who had kept his hand right on my head and was blessing me so I could overcome my life-long fear of speaking in public. The whole session just flowed gracefully, as I kept merging in his consciousness and kept feeling divine light all around me.
As I was nearing the close of my chanting, the hand was felt strongly on my third eye and filled me with gratitude, love and grace beyond words. I felt as if Mohanji granted me Shaktipat.
Beautifully, I closed the chant, folded my hands and bowed down to my Guru’s feet for the unconditional grace as he’d bestowed upon me this GIFT on the special occasion of his birthday.

When I finished, not only did the fear of public speaking vanish like it was never there, but the joy and grace my heart was feeling was beyond words.
In the evening, it was announced that there would be a session with Subashree Di for anyone who wants to wish Mohanji a very happy birthday and share their experiences. I attended it and fearlessly spoke to Subashree Di sharing my experiences since I met Mohanji and the two experiences that I’d recently had. I shared and spoke without any fear.
I can still feel the effect of the chanting on me and its impact on my dealing with the outside world and day-to-day life.
I really feel I got a new birth; I just felt so loved with so much blessing and grace that Mohanji bestowed upon me. I love you, Father, from the deepest of my inner self. I prostrate at your lotus feet for always being with me.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 10th March 2022
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