By Christopher Greenwood
Day 219 – The simplicity of practice and teachings
This morning, I was reflecting on Mohanji’s teachings, his practices, and how he demonstrates those throughout his life. Some of the major characteristics of both are simplicity and practicality. For example, one of the significant principle teachings is acceptance. Accepting ourselves and others can be very challenging, but it has a specific attribute which, if practised, brings real benefits that can be experienced.
One of the main practices that Mohanji recommends time and time again (besides the meditations and besides the Kriyas) is the feeding of beings – beings of the air, water, land and human beings. This is why Mohanji formed the ACT4Hunger platform to cater to all these beings, and it’s a great platform where the hunger of all species is alleviated.
Mohanji recommends this because it helps remove many blockages in life in the current, previous and coming generations. When people have passed away, this is one of the first things he recommends to people. You are feeding to help their transit, and in our own lives, this also can be practised and experienced.
The other day I posted that we went to feed the birds nearby. We all went together, fed them, and immediately felt lighter as if a weight had been lifted. Birds represent the air element and space. Anytime there are feelings of heaviness, feeding birds can help reduce its effects; it brings lightness.
So, that was this morning, thinking back on how simple some of Mohanji’s practices and teachings are.

Day 220 – Truth and eternity are one
Sometimes, in general conversation with Mohanji, and just when we’re discussing other tasks, he’ll share something which is beautiful and poetic. The other day, he shared a very beautiful differentiation between a truth and a lie.
It reminded me of the character meters that were used during the Mohanji boot camp, which was run by the Invest in Awareness team. These tools were scales. On one end, you had an option, and on the other end, you had another option.
For example, “Am I reliable, or am I unreliable?” You could gauge between that. The idea was to enable you to measure your character so that you could understand yourself better, and then you could decide what best steps to position in the future.
One of those was to rate ourselves on a scale where one end was “Always tells the truth”, and the other end was “Always lies” – a simple yet helpful measure of character.
Mohanji shared that truth is beautiful as naked, whereas a lie needs to have a wrapper. It has to have a cover because inside it’s ugly. The lie needs covers, wrappers and dressing up. Lie also needs to be maintained to be sustained.
Whereas truth, it can simply stand beautiful, as naked – it needs nothing else. Then he shared something else, a Sanskrit phrase from the Upanishads, and I hope I pronounced this correctly. Please excuse me if it’s not quite exact. It was simply Satyam Shivam Sundaram. Truth and eternity are one; truth is eternal and beautiful.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 28th May 2023
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