June 2022
On Friday, I got a ride from Selma to the BE YOU event in St Albans, near London. Nico and Sita rode along with two Swamis from Skanda Vale. Again we felt carried and pampered by Mohanji during every part of the trip. The hotel was surrounded by greenery, and I was grateful that it was outside the city.
We had a lovely get-together with Parvati on the terrace in front of the hotel. Sita told us that she had read that morning in Guru Subramaniam’s autobiography that he was an incarnation of Swami Brahmananda from the Ramakrishna order. She was incredibly surprised. In all the years she had known Guru Subramaniam, she had never heard anything about this. Swami Gopal had confirmed and is regarded as the incarnation of Sarada Devi, the wife of Ramakrishna. Therefore, a trip to the Ramakrishna ashram in Bangalore was usually a regular part of our annual trip to Swami.
Sita and I shared our enthusiasm about yet another synchronicity. It felt like it had come full circle. I had still not fully understood my connection with and attraction to Skanda Vale and thought about it from time to time. Even when I said goodbye inwardly to Guru Subramaniam before leaving that same morning, I still didn’t understand how I had ended up in front of his picture in his ashram.
The next day in St Albans, I stood at the book table and picked up the book The Silence of Shiva. I asked Mohanji inwardly if he had a message for me and randomly flipped open the book. To my utter amazement, the first three lines I read told me that Guru Subramanian of Skanda Vale was the incarnation of Swami Brahmananda of the Ramakrishna order. This was too coincidental for words. Mohanji is not beside us. He is within us and all around us. He guides us in the smallest details of our lives. The incident made me feel even more embraced and supported by The Tradition.
During the weekend, I would sometimes sit and watch Mohanji give Shaktipat or sign books and bless items for people. He did everything with such intense attention that I loved to watch from a distance. To see him standing there so quietly and serenely, all in white, like a true Jesus with both hands raised to give the blessings, was a sight to behold.

When he was signing books, I saw a woman with a big pile coming. “In Silence with Mohanji”, the little booklet that I had written, was one of them. It wasn’t hard to see because it was the thinnest of all. Would Mohanji really sign it for her? I thought. What a blessing it would be to see him sign my booklet as if I still needed that confirmation as the crowning glory of my work. Something in me genuinely doubted that Mohanji was going to sign the booklet.
When he finally did it, it relaxed me and made me happy. The woman later told me, ‘When I gave the book to him, Mohanji said, “The woman who wrote it is also here. She is sitting over there,” and he pointed to you.’ That made me so happy. A little Satwic ego can do no harm, isn’t it? Mohanji knows what we need. Due to many extreme circumstances over the past six years, I had developed insecure feelings, and Mohanji leaves no stone unturned to re-empower me.
After the Consciousness Dancing session, we had a meditation, Blossoms of Love. During the meditation, all participants received Mohanji Energy Transfer (MET). I had not experienced this before. In my life, I had had many experiences with different kinds of healing power, but I was not prepared for the special effect of the MET. It was as if a small hole was drilled in my crown through which a tangible beam of light came in, into my head and torso. How does one feel light? I don’t know either, but that’s how it felt. And after the brief touch, the sensation lingered for a deliciously long time. An opening had definitely been created or accentuated. Thank you, Mohanji.
As I walked toward the event hall at one point, the thought came to me that every moment is meaningful and that we can make use of each moment to make a difference to someone. We had the possibility to not only receive Mohanji’s energy but also to give energy and attention. I did not know why this thought came to me. Surely we were in the middle of a program where everything was already organized?
When I walked into the room, a woman was sitting alone on a chair. I sat down next to her for a moment as she had my booklet on her lap. She told me she was going to have it signed. I asked her how she experienced the event because I didn’t know her, and maybe she was new. She told me that she had been informed by a friend and since her beloved dog had died only two weeks ago, she felt she had to come. I empathized with her. I know how it feels. And maybe someone else experiences it even more intensely.

Two tears rolled down her cheeks, and I literally felt her dog’s presence. He tried to give me a message by touching my left leg. I got an image of her dog licking her tears. My dogs have never done that, so it was not a familiar image to me. I asked, ‘What would your dog have done if he saw you in tears?’ Without hesitation, she said, ‘He would lick my tears.’ I said, ‘That’s exactly what he came here to do. I see it. And I feel that he is here.’ My hair stood on end, and I now understood why I had just thought of being open to offer help at any unexpected moment. Thank you, Mohanji!
A second chance to touch someone’s heart came when, after the event, I offered to distribute the leftover flowers to the attendees. Standing behind the book table was a kind lady. I asked her which flower she would like. I got to choose, she said. I tuned into her for a moment and chose the sunflower from the bouquet. She was moved because that had been her favourite flower since childhood and had a special meaning for her, another special moment that we both won’t forget easily.
At the airport, a friendly airport assistant guided us past all the long lines of people waiting. We had to wait near the gate, and a little later, Dirk van de Wijngaard, his wife Mina and Parvati arrived, also accompanied by an assistant. It turned out that they had booked the same plane. Our minds and hearts were already filled to the brim, but there was still room for more satsang, airport satsang.
Dirk was, as usual, full of stories which he shared in everlasting ecstasy and enthusiasm, and we were an eager audience. I especially loved the story about the angel-like picture of Mohanji, Dirk (on his knees) and Subhasree in Mohanji’s arms. A few rays of light touched the hearts of both Dirk and Subhasree and were living proof of their pure and unmatched devotion. I had been there when the picture was taken and felt the vibration of their love there and then.

Dirk confirmed that it was he who had given the ring to Mohanji as per the instruction of Sathya Sai and Shirdi Sai Baba, telling him in a dream: “Hey boy, get up and bring the protection ring to our son.” I had had an immediate strong notion at the restaurant that it must have been Dirk who was the giver of the ring when I heard Mohanji talking about it to Vijay, who sat opposite him at the table. At that time, it was not yet clear who exactly had been the giver. From where I sat, I heard only bits and pieces of the story. When Dirk confirmed my feeling and explained how the stones were connected with the planets, the sun and the moon and that the ring was actually meant for protection, I sighed with relief and felt that this was the answer to my prayer for protection for Mohanji!
Dirk and I have known each other for more than thirty years, and it was through his inspiration that I set up People’s Trust Zijdeverwerking. A foundation to support a Vocational Training Centre in the People’s Trust project for the poorest of the poor in Srimanahalli near Bangalore. Dirk always keeps popping up in our lives and is a blessed example of absolute, pure faith and devotion. Was it a coincidence that I was sitting right next to his daughter Parvati on the plane and that Dirk and Mina were sitting with Nico and Sita of all places?
The security officer at the airport wouldn’t let me proceed since she thought that some strange glow was seen on the scan at the heart level. I think I know what that glow was. The official asked me to remove my rudraksha mala. She thought that maybe the mala was causing the disturbance. But it wasn’t. Even without the mala, I was a suspect. Probably a Divine Thief lives in our hearts. Parvati had the same experience! She was even shown her scan by the official. And something strange and inexplicable was really clearly visible as a yellow-golden glow in her torso.
For me, it was, without doubt, the golden energy of Mohanji’s divine love that rendered our heart chakra charged with literally visible energy, that we carried home to deepen the integration of his love and served as a strong and steady base for ‘survival’ during the cleansing period that started right after we arrived home. But that is material for my next testimonial.
A warm heart full of gratitude for Mohanji and the lovely UK team, our new family. We felt carried by the warm welcome all the way from home and back. Flying to Manchester in the same plane with Mohanji and flying back with Dirk, Mina, Parvathi, Sita and Nico and feeling carried on the wings of love all the way. Thank you, Mohanji. Thank you, team UK! With all our love!

Part 1 link – https://wordpress.com/post/mohanjichronicles.wordpress.com/29216
Part 2 link – https://wordpress.com/post/mohanjichronicles.wordpress.com/29268
Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 1st September 2022
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