by Sita, Netherlands
Since Mohanji visited our Gopal Baba’s ashram in 2018, I followed him on several Facebook groups. I became more and more impressed by how much he does and initiates worldwide.
In spring, I came in touch with Subhasree from London. In one of our conversations, I told her, it feels so good what you all are doing. It makes me happy, but I think I cannot join. I feel Sathya Sai as my father, Gopal Baba as my mother. I can’t change my loving spiritual divine parents. But maybe Mohanji can be a brother, holding my hand when I miss my parents too much. (Gopal Baba left his body in June 2020, and I still often feel so sad.) Subhasree laughed and said, “Sita, when you feel like this, it will be like that for you!” I smiled inwardly; surely, it couldn’t be that easy.

That night Mohanji appeared in my dream and told me that we are his children and we would always be welcome in his family. I woke up, deeply touched and surprised. Could it really be this simple? Anyhow, I did feel less sad and more energized.
The following day, I contacted Subhasree again and told her about my dream. I believe in giving back, so I asked if I could help with something. A few weeks passed, and I was added to a team to edit a book on Mohanji. I really liked doing that and learned a lot from this book. Also, I recognized much in the experiences of the writer (Mina). Eric, who lives in Canada, was managing a Facebook page for Mohanji Netherlands in the editing team. We had some nice spiritual conversations, and suddenly he asked if I would like to help him? Of course, I said yes.
Another dream happened. Now Mohanji gave me some clear instructions about daily yoga practice. Again the early morning found me grateful and full of energy. With every dream, joy and happy expectation took the place of former sadness.
Not even a week passed, and Eric said we need someone in the Netherlands to help start a new group of people, and I think you can help with that too. Now doubts started to raise their ugly heads, and I was confused. Could I do this? Didn’t this mean I left my Guru? Both Eric and Chris helped me to cross this river of doubt. I prayed a lot, and a friend from India suggested I pray, ask and open Sri Sai Satcharitra.
This came up: Chapter XXXV.
You do away, destroy the Teli’s wall (sense of difference) between us so that we can see and meet each other face to face.
A weight was lifted from my heart. The next day at the Sai temple, I had my first experience of feeling Mohanji’s energy as well as Sai Baba and Gopal Baba’s. It was so wide, welcoming and blissful. Feeling grateful for all these confirmations, I prayed to Baba; please give me a rose to bless my new adventure in life. Kannaiah picked up a rose that had fallen from Baba after bhajan. He took the rose in his hand and threw it immediately in my lap. My tears flowed easily that Sunday, feeling wonder and very grateful.
A few days later, my grandson Krishna came running into our house and said, Daddy and Mummy are coming with my sisters; we have a surprise. Daddy prayed, and we cried together. Needless to say, this made me curious. Sure enough, a little later, the complete family bounced into our living room. Our son-in-law said, “You know, Sita, I discovered something so good and amazing; I discovered Mohanji! I only watched his videos; I started to do the meditations, and everything changes!”

Really? Apart from us, they too were touched by all Mohanji teaches and does for humanity.
The next day, Mina and Christopher welcomed my husband and me in the start-up team for the Netherlands and my children too! As soon as this welcoming zoom call was over, we received a message from Christopher that Mohanji had plans to come to Holland. This was Friday evening, 30th July. We were over the moon but expected this visit to be next spring. Saturday 31st July, he sends a message that they might arrive on 5th August!!! I was in total shock, a happy one, but still, shock.
It all depended on the arrival in time of Mohanji’s passport, which had been renewed and was on its way back. Ha! That one was familiar to me. Every visit of Swami Gopal Baba to the Netherlands had been a chance for the Masters to test our faith by the last-minute arrival of the needed papers to travel from India. So I decided to ignore this little drama and simply started to organize.
For sure, I needed the help of the Sai temple, but Kannaiah, the leader of the temple, had at first his doubts as I had. We are so attached to our Gopal Baba. But on Sunday night, 1st August, Kannaiah felt he could whole-heartedly invite Mohanji to the Sai temple, which was wonderful for we had had quite some training with Swami’s stay in Holland in 2001, 2004, 2014 and 2019. He sent Mohanji a beautiful video invitation, and Mohanji said he would be happy to come.
The following days passed like a happy dream, creating an opportunity for Mohanji to speak in a church and the many little things that come with making a program. Mohanji arrived on 6th August, a fresh, sunny day. We went to the airport to welcome Mohanji, who I had met only in my dreams. The moment my eyes met his, I was simply happy, so happy. It felt like coming home after a long walk through the desert.
More than one year had passed, a year in which I had been so incredibly sad. Sure I had tried to be happy again, I really tried hard! But there had always been a cloud before the sun. Only when he visited me in my dream, I felt a little consoled but then waking up was death again.
Now, at the airport, in just a fraction of a minute, a cloud was lifted from my heart. Mohanji’s eyes smiled at me, and my heart smiled back.
On 11th August, we waved Mohanji and the wonderful team goodbye at the airport. Only five days had passed; it can’t be true; it felt like five weeks. My heart was so full; I don’t remember it could hold so much love. Or maybe my heart is stolen, and only the light is left.
My head is full of all the teachings, sometimes deep, sometimes little bits like snacks, sometimes confronting, other times soothing. It is just one wonderful, fantastic dream, a dream no one could even imagine. Yes, I must be dreaming! But please don’t wake me up. Thank you, Sai, thank you, Gopal Baba, thank you, Mohanji, for so much grace and blessings.
-Your daughter and sister Sita
Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 15th August 2021
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