Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 5, February 2019

Higher than the highest. Larger than the largest. Bigger than the biggest. Harder than the hardest. Deeper than the deepest. Smoother than the smoothest. Heavier than the heaviest. Lighter than the lightest. Still beyond stillness. Bliss beyond happiness. Detached beyond perfection. Unknown and unknowable to human mind-matter (mind, ego, intellect), eternally liberated exists the REAL one, the unfathomable SHIVA. — Mohanji

Every disciple’s end goal is absolute dissolution, merging completely with Shiva. One of the most purest path to achieve this is through bhakti yoga and absolute surrender to Guru. In absolute surrender, there is no existence except that of the Guru. However, it is not easy being with a Guru, a living master. Being with the Guru, the disciple burns a lot of samskaras every moment, along with burning the ego, burning the intellect, burning the entire mind matter. When the existence of the disciple is completely burnt, he turns into pure ash. That’s when Shiva wears the ash and thus the disciple merges completely with the Guru, the Adi Guru – Shiva!

While being on this path of complete mergence with Shiva, through the pure connection with Mohanji’s consciousness, devotees feel the sanctity and purity of Shiva. Their awareness of Mohanji’s immense grace makes them realise the divine truth behind each experience taking them a step forward on the path of complete annihilation – mergence with Shiva!

For this month’s Mohanji Satcharita we are bringing out 9 stories that highlights Mohanji’s divine grace. We are grouping these 9 stories into two categories:

  • Divine Healing & Protection

  • Divine Leela (play)

Hope you enjoy reading these 9 stories which are shared with utmost sincerity and honesty by devotees across the globe. We believe that while reading these stories, every reader will also feel the vibrations that will allow them to relive the same experiences too.

So here are the stories of Mohanji’s grace.

Divine Healing & Protection

Mohanji says, “Surrender your thoughts, words and actions at the feet of your Sathguru, whoever it is, with deep faith and belief that he represents the Supreme Father, Parabrahma. Do good to the world and your fellow beings, so that you live the teachings of your Guru. Express your Guru in your daily life. Be one with your Guru. Be one with His consciousness.”

Below are three sincere testimonials from devotees who have experienced that with faith and love in their Guru or God, amazing grace and protection is received.

1. Inner Cleanse Through Mai Tri – Ami, South Africa

I was at Dubai International Airport. It was a long wait for my connection to Bengaluru. I was on my way to the Acharya Training Programme – Level 1. I said to myself, “Great! Wi-Fi is available. Finally a quiet moment to write down and widely share my awesome experience with Mai-Tri healing!”

Mai tri healing.png
Divine Healing through Mohanji’s grace

I’ve already shared my experience verbally with many around me, but it’s important to write it down too, as memory has its peculiar drawbacks.

I had enlisted for the Acharya Training and had a bee in my bonnet about intensely cleansing and purifying myself on gross and subtle levels, in preparation for the training. Heavy energies had made themselves very comfortable within my body for a very long time. I decided that I had carried them long enough. They had to go, now! I was really fired up about cleaning up and clearing out – all of it! With these thoughts in my mind, I set up a series of Mai-Tri sessions with Sjarn Day Mansoor.

Mai Tri Healing : “Removal of the blockages is only meant to facilitate the actual primary purpose of receiving healing, which is to grow spiritually and eventually merge with the Divine. The main reason for healing is to recognize who you truly are and to identify yourself with the Divinity that you intrinsically and truly are.”

My first healing session was a brief one and was during our South Africa Midlands Retreat in November 2018 with Mohanji. On a physical level, I did not see much change. I had to wait for one long month for the next session. Sjarn had relocated to Durban from Johannesburg. Since I wanted continuity with one Mai Tri Healer, I made the trip to Durban. The second session too did not yield any obvious results. We planned the third and fourth sessions to be held during the summer, when she would come to Johannesburg for the summer holidays. It was during these sessions that I felt a significant transformation taking place. These were at the Mohanji Centre, Randburg.

Mohanji – When you have deep faith it can cut across karma and heal you

During the third session, I was literally out of my body for most of the healing. At the end of it, I asked Sjarn what had happened. She replied that it was very difficult for her to explain, because Mohanji had quantumly lifted away layers upon layers of stored karmic densities at once!!! She added that Mohanji worked with focussed laser intensity and had removed age-old layers of baggage and heaviness from the deepest levels, both gross and subtle.
When it came to my base chakra, I wonder how to express it; my Beloved Master swept out a heavily built, muscular male energy figure! Sjarn described him as having thick and bushy eyebrows. She said he gave her a funny look and also stared at Mohanji. Then he was whooshed up in a powerful column of White Light. Apparently my maternal grandmother had also dropped by and she seemed rather anxious. That concluded session three.

The best was yet to come. After session three, a thought came up about my right knee. I had a strong feeling that my knee was energetically bound. When I walked, my right leg was always almost half a step shorter than my left, as though it could not move forward.
So in session four, I made a request to Mohanji via Sjarn to break the lock on my right knee.
Mohanji did that. The effect was quick and also tangible, especially when I did kriya after that Mai-Tri healing session. Since my initial initiation into Kriya, I could not use my right heel for a specific Kriya posture. Kriya is secret and sacred, so I cannot describe the process in detail. However, I do wish to say that when I practised Kriya, a day after healing session four, I was overjoyed to find that my right knee was quite flexible. The most beautiful part, in my viewpoint was that for the very first time since my Kriya initiation, I was able to use, quite easily, my right heel as required for that specific posture in the Kriya process.

I’m deeply humbled and utterly grateful to Mohanji for the momentous healing taking place within my bodies through Mai-Tri; my deepest gratitude to Sjarn too for facilitating the healing sessions. I also find that the Kriya posture is getting easier to do with each session. Words fail to describe how monumental this change is for me. It’s my Mai-tri miracle.

I am thrilled to share my incredible experience on the Power of Mai-Tri Healing. All I can say is, “Thank You again my beloved Master Mohanji for the mighty power and blessings of the physically measurable Mai-Tri Healing I’ve experienced.”
Also of significance is the fact that I conclude writing my testimony in the flight, on my way to Bengaluru for the Acharya Training and during the powerful eclipse of January 21, 2019.

2. Healing Through Meditation : Rekha & Kishore from India

This is a testimonial from a couple of devotees who facilitated the POP meditation at the Adyar Cancer Institute, Chennai on 13th January, 2019.

What appeared to be our regular POP meditation session was met with surprises as usual. The experiences that we have at this place always teach us not to take anything for granted. Just 8 people attended today’s session at the Cancer Institute. Two women (a mother and daughter) walked in early. As we spoke to them, they shared their experience of having attended a POP meditation 6 months back with us.  The young girl had been diagnosed then with 4th stage cancer and the doctors had given up hope. The tumour had spread from the intestines to her throat and she was administered chemo just to help her bear the pain and ease her difficulty in breathing. The mother and the daughter attended the POP meditation with immense faith and continued the meditation on returning home. They did it as a meditation focussing on their breathing. After 6 months, they were back for a check-up as she had a small tumour near her stomach.

The diagnosis has been that the lungs and throat are completely clear now to the surprise of the doctors.

The bravehearts facing the demon of Cancer empowered with POP Meditation

They also felt cleansing was happening at a deep level and wanted to continue it as long as possible. The mother who once thought she would lose her daughter is so happy at the turn of events and has immense faith in her God. The daughter connects with Jesus and is at peace. She feels her breathing has improved and although she finds it difficult to breathe deeply, she is consistent in her practice and is positive that she will come out of this ordeal. They expressed their sincere gratitude for Mohanji.

We feel so blessed to be instruments in conducting this POP meditation and our hearts overflow with gratitude at our Guru’s leela.

Jai Mohanji!

3. Mohanji, The Compassion Incarnate! : Neelu, India

With utmost gratitude at my Master’s lotus feet, I would like to share how Mohanji saved my 11 year old son’s life and prevented a similar situation for me.

Mohanji on Faith in Guru

Last Saturday (2nd Feb), at about 9 pm, I got a call from Hyderabad that my maternal Aunt, who was closest to me from my mother’s side, had passed away. She had been suffering from an acute lung disease for a few years, but she was under Mohanji’s protection. I had been praying for her since I got connected to Mohanji 3 years ago.  At the end, her exit was smooth, without much pain due to His grace. I wanted to go to Hyderabad from Delhi to have a last look at her. My younger son and I went, leaving my elder son Sreeshu with his father. With His grace, air tickets were arranged quickly and I was to leave early in the morning of the 3rd. Sreeshu complained a lot because he was not accompanying me. It was the first time for him to be without me for a whole day. I somehow convinced him and went to Hyderabad. While I was attending to the last rites of my Aunt in Hyderabad on the 3rd, Sreeshu suddenly developed an illness; he vomited, then felt very drowsy and stopped taking food. He was just lying on the bed and wasn’t talking much.

When his father called, I thought it was just a normal stomach infection and fever, which would sort itself out in a day and we decided to take him to our family doctor the next day. I just asked Mohanji to look after him till I return, as I had my return flight on the 4th evening. And He did really look after Sreeshu well.

On the 4th morning, he was not better and when he was shown to the doctor, the doctor conducted some preliminary tests, and said he was afraid Sreeshu might be having Swine flu symptoms. Sreeshu also had very low oxygen saturation levels, almost 60%. His nails were also turning blue; suggesting lack of oxygen in his blood. Oxygen should be above 90%. Immediately he was shifted to the emergency care of a big hospital. While listening to all this in Hyderabad, I couldn’t believe this was happening. I asked Mohanji, “You were taking care of him, but what is this?” Still, I didn’t understand the seriousness of the situation and how Mohanji was taking care of my son, as I didn’t completely understand the importance of oxygen levels, at least the percentages. But after he was admitted to the emergency, and there when he was tested again, his blood saturation levels rose from 60% to 90% … Just like that, in half an hour. Then I understood it was Mohanji’s grace that saved my child from a serious issue. He was admitted into kids ICU and was put on IV fluids and medicines and was stable. But my parents and I were still very worried about him in Hyderabad. Also, I had a two and a half hour of flight journey with my little son, and I was to take a cab from the airport in the night at 9 pm to the hospital. That was the first time I was traveling alone in a cab at night, that too for 30 km or almost an hour and half.

Mohanji on gratitude

I surrendered everything to Mohanji and asked Him to take me safely to my son. The flight journey was smooth as my little kid didn’t make a mess, as he always does while flying. I got the cab, was praying to Mohanji incessantly during the whole drive. Whenever I closed my eyes, I could feel Mohanji sitting beside me.

I reached the hospital safely and met my son. He was very delighted to meet me. He was missing me a lot. Till then he was lying drowsily, but when I came, he was energised suddenly. I understood, as Mohanji was in me, His energy was working.

The whole night I sat beside him chanting and praying. The next day at 5 am, he got up and said, “Amma, I am feeling better now.” He was hungry. His functions were becoming normal, thanks to Mohanji, who graced us with this miracle. But still I was hoping that his final Swine flu result would come negative. I couldn’t understand that the ordeal was over, and even if the result was positive, he was becoming better. He had no fever, he was able to eat at least something of what he was given, and he was shifted to a normal room on the 5th evening.

That day, I started feeling feverish and was having body pains. I thought it was just due to lack of rest and continuous travelling and took some medicine. But the whole night of the 5th, I couldn’t sleep due to the fever and body aches. The next day, Sreeshu’s final report came and it was positive. I was very worried. I thought there would be more hospitalisation. But the doctor said as he is feeling good, we can go home and continue the medicine at home. When I was checked up for my condition, I was also under suspicion for that disease, and I was worried a lot again, because it would be very difficult to look after my kids if I got admitted into the hospital. Bur strangely they said I can continue the treatment at my home and they didn’t even bother to test me further. They took for granted that I was positive for that disease. But I was still so scared and worried and I messaged Mohanji. He replied that He has already reduced the intensity of my disease and asked me to relax. After this wonderful reassurance, I really did relax. Then did I understand how He had averted so much of the seriousness and pain for my son and I, protected both of us as a mother would do to her small babies.  He has given us a fresh life; we owe our every breath to Him.

Now my son is ok. He can join school from the 14th of Feb. I am still going through a lot of weakness, but He is helping me do the needful to my family and to Mohanji’s mission.

Only by His Grace, I am still able to create and post 8 daily quote posters on India page, manage other postings on that page, and also on two other country pages. Till now, I didn’t miss even a single day in spite of all these turbulences. Just the will is mine; He shows me the time, space and provides me the energy to do my job. If you take one step, He takes you 100 steps forward. I hope and wish earnestly, that I will serve Him like this till my last breath.

Koti koti pranaam at your lotus feet, my Maalik.

In eternal gratitude always.

4. ‘Love’ly Healing : Revathy, India

I would like to share my daughter’s and my experience during a Mai-Tri healing session. On 13th January, with blessings from Guru Mohanji, I gave healing to my daughter Prajna, who is 11 years old. Initially, she was a little confused about the healing process as she was not aware of it. She had a lot of questions such as ‘how long will it take, what will happen if I open my eyes accidentally during meditation.’ I assured her that the healing is done by Mohanji and I am just a humble instrument. Once she was convinced, we both got ready and lit the lamp in front of Mohanji’s photo. I commenced the healing. As soon as I put my hands over her head, I felt immense energy flowing through my hands and I didn’t feel like moving my hands any further. I felt her tears rolling down, while the process continued. There didn’t seem to be any obstruction or heaviness. At the end of the powerful session, we both hugged each other. She hugged me so tightly and said “Amma, Mohanji is hugging me. This is not you; I can feel Mohanji hugging me.” Hearing this, I too felt overjoyed and tears started rolling down my cheeks. We were in total bliss for the next few minutes.

Then she shared that she saw a beautiful ball of light during the healing. The ball was transparent and light was coming from it. She also felt golden lights coming from the edges of the ball. She was so happy after doing the healing and she understood very well that it is only through Mohanji’s grace that she is healed completely.

Lovely Healing_Mohanji with Revathy daughter
A hug that heals!

Jai Mohanji

Divine Grace

Divine Grace_Mohanji on awareness

“I wish I could have a cup of hot soup now!”  “I wish I could be with Mohanji.” Similar wishes run through our minds each day. We take these to be ordinary occurrences and do not pay much attention to it. Many times these wishes (big or small) are granted too! In this chapter, the devotees have shared some wish fulfillment ranging from the ordinary to the extra ordinary. These throw light on the various dimensions of our Master, Brahmarishi Mohanji. Our Parabrahma not only listens to our words and requests, He reads our thoughts irrespective of the distance and fulfills them immediately. Distance is never a problem for Him. Physically, He may get someone to fulfill it or He may travel astrally to be with the devotee and satisfy the wish. There is not a single place where He is not present and listening.

Every prayer, every wish is answered in various ways. Some may appear very subtle while others are very obvious. What we need to do as devotees is to be aware and conscious of our prayers and wishes and its gratification.

Read on and enjoy the miraculous ways Mohanji performs to fulfill the wishes of His devotees. It could be something as ordinary as eating a papad, a child’s innocent wish of watching TV or a higher wish of getting darshan.

5. My Kalpavriksh – Mohanji: Sreeja Ranjit, Kerala, India

I woke up to the most beautiful day of my life-19/1/19 which I will cherish for ever. I feel very fortunate to share an experience in my life where our beloved Guruji ensured He is forever with us…

Mohanji_with Sreeja

My husband had suddenly landed a job in Ethiopia and was scheduled to leave by the middle of January 2019. It was too sudden, hence my plans to be in Palakkad during Mohanji’s visit in December could not materialise. We had less than a month to go with a huge pile of things to take care of; including some promised visits with family and house construction work to be completed in a speedy manner. Amidst this chaos, I was happy we were meeting Mohanji at the Satsang in Thrissur on 27th December, 2018. Guruji showered his unconditional love on us and ensured that our forth coming visit to Shirdi was taken care of without any hassles. My son Rahul is deeply connected to Mohanji but was meeting Him for the first time. He was a bit nervous meeting Mohanji, but Mohanji’s assurance that “I will always be with you” made him feel overwhelmed with happiness.

The sad part was that we had to go back soon and I missed all the other days I could have spent in Mohanji’s physical presence. Seeing all the pictures on Facebook made me sad but I consoled myself thinking that Mohanji always says, “Do your duty.” Then I came to know that Mohanji would be coming back again for the 5th pranaprathishta celebrations at Shirdi temple, Palakkad  for three days (18th,19th  and 20th) in January. Unfortunately, the dates coincided with my husband leaving for Ethiopia and a family grihapravesham (house warming) in my husband’s house. I was feeling extremely low thinking about the dates clashing with my personal events.  

With such sad thoughts, on 18th January, I started reading Subhasree’s testimonial about Guruji’s grace being bestowed on her and her husband on the New Year. I felt they were so lucky and blessed and immediately I wished to at least hear Mohanji’s voice. It had been a secret wish to speak to Guruji over the phone on my birthday. Little did I know that my desire was soon to be fulfilled. My birthday on January 19th dawned and it appeared as any other day till about 8:30 am. Just then I got a call from Vasudevan Swami whom Mohanji lovingly calls as Thantriji. I took the call and he said, “One minute please, hold the line.” My heart beat stopped, for even before my beloved Guruji said hello over the phone, I knew my prayers had been heard and my beloved Parabrahma had taken time out to call me. My joy knew no bounds. I re-live that moment every day even now. I do not know if I missed any part of the conversation as I was in ecstasy and was floating on air. Guruji was full of concern about us and asked how Ranjit was doing in Ethiopia. He told me not to worry and He will take care. All I know is every word he uttered was precious. I had to pinch myself many times to see if it was a dream or a reality! Mohanji ensured that we were taken care of in spite of his busy schedules. 

Mohanji giving Shaktipat to Sreeja
A Shaktipat from Mohanji that takes us to a different level!

Thank you Mohanji, for your eternal love and grace. 

Koti koti pranaams at the lotus feet of my beloved Guruji!

6. Ever Flowing Grace : Dr. Nikita Naredi, Pune

He knows it all…
Of the many miraculous experiences which keep happening in my life because of Mohanji’s presence, the one I am going to narrate is special. Although this incident happened last year, it needs to be shared because experiences and miracles never become old; they have divinity in them; they are a reflection of our faith and surrender to our Master, Guru and God..
I feel the protection He keeps bestowing on me. He certainly means it when He says I am walking with you !

When Mohanji visited Pune last year, he had agreed to stay at my place. Long back, I had expressed my desire that he should bless my home by staying with us the next time he visited Pune. He granted this wish and blessed us.

My husband and I were very excited and started preparations for his arrival. Three days before his arrival I got a call from Rajesh Kamath that 5 more devotees will be accompanying Him. Since we wanted everyone to have a comfortable stay, we wondered how we could accommodate everyone in our house. It occurred to me that our neighbouring flat was empty. Hesitantly, I called up the owner ( I did not know him at all) and requested him to allow us to use his house for a couple of days. He agreed, and we were delighted! We were supposed to pick up the keys two days later. But surprisingly, our neighbor asked us to collect the keys the next day itself and so we did. An hour later we were informed that Father (Mohanji) would be arriving as planned, but those accompanying him would arrive that night itself. We said to ourselves, “See His leela…. He made arrangements for everything; a house, as we felt it will be difficult to accommodate every one in our flat, house keys handed over much earlier, even before the guests arrived! Everything was perfectly orchestrated.” We were simply amazed at the divine play in progress!

The house had not been used for some time. So we came together to clean it and made it ready for our M family members. It was comfortable for them and us too.

Mohanji_woth Nikit_3

Mohanji finally arrived and He was in Pune for 3 days. They were the most beautiful days in my life. All M family members from Pune and the ones who had arrived earlier were basking in His love and happiness.

There were Satsangs and with Father we visited places of power and energy, like Baba Jaan Samadhi and Jangli Maharaj Samadhi. It was joyful to eat meals with 10 to 15 people. In fact every meal was Prasaad. One of the devotees commented they considered themselves fortunate for the opportunity to spend time with Him. Mohanji’s response was, “I have called all of you to experience love and not me!” Bhajans, Aarti, Satsangs and sharing experiences filled the house, making it a temple and what we experienced in those 3 days was pure love and bliss.

Unconditional Love

The reason I share this incident is to express how Mohanji fulfills our pure desires while also making arrangements for its smooth execution. More importantly, He showers unconditional love on us and makes us understand what love really feels like.

Thank you Mohanji for this lovely experience and for your ever flowing grace!

7. The Bestower: Reena Kumar, Gurgaon, India

Infinite gratitude Mohanji! You always listen and take care of your devotees.

By His grace, my husband, daughter and I have been fortunate to attend His retreats. I had an intense desire to be at the Kumbh with Mohanji along with my son. My son is in his teens. He is in Grade 11 and his examinations are in February. So I thought it would be tough to go in February and I surrendered my desire at Mohanji’s feet. Mohanji is so compassionate and caring; He listens to every thought of the devotee. After five days, my husband suggested that my son and I should go on 13th January for the Kumbh. I couldn’t believe it as my son could now attend the kumbh and get back to study well for his exams in February. Mohanji made it possible for both of us.

My son wanted to ask Mohanji on how to concentrate in his studies and about his mood swings. He got answers in the Satsang. My son was having shani dasha (planetary effects of Saturn). When my son went for a dip at the Sangam with Mohanji, my loving Guruji did jaal abhishek (pouring water on the head) for my son. My son shared that he felt very very light and relaxed.

Mohanji Chronicles Blog - A Dip At The Kumbh Mela - Freedom From A Bond - Abhishekam of Mohanji by the participants of the Kumbh Mela with Mohanji pilgrimage in Prayagraj
Abhishekam of Mohanji by the participants of the Kumbh Mela with Mohanji pilgrimage in Prayagraj

Mohanji showers his grace on all of us in different ways. Now my son’s concentration has  improved and mood swings are not there. Our Mohanji is vighnaharta (another name of Lord Ganesha).  Mohanji can make the most impossible things possible. We just have to surrender at his feet with unwavering faith.

When we were at the Kumbh, my daughter was at home with my husband.  When he went to office, she felt bored and she was desperate to watch the television. However, the TV was not working and my husband had no time to get it fixed. She was almost in tears and she prayed to Mohanji deeply,”You are God and You can do anything, Mohanji. Please I want to watch TV.” She said that Mohanji came out of the photograph and repaired the TV. She was so happy that the TV which was not working for the last 3 days started working. She called me and asked me to share this incident with Mohanji. The next day when we were about to leave, Mohanji called us and I narrated the TV incident to Mohanji. Mohanji smiled and said, “If a child is crying and praying to me, I always listen.”

Grace of love_Mohanji_Reena daughter
The grace of Love!

One more thing I would like to share. On the last evening at the Kumbh, Mohanji took on a father’s backache after he met with an accident. The child was praying to Mohanji for his father and Mohanji took that backache. No words can describe his compassion and the extent to which Mohanji can go for the sake of his devotees. He is our ‘Sankat Mochan’ (another name for Lord Hanumanji). We can never ever express our gratitude sufficiently as our Guruji gives us much more than we can imagine and gratitude is such a small word. Our gratitude can’t express His compassion which is infinite and beyond the mind.

Infinite gratitude every micro second, dear Mohanji  for everything. We should never allow our monkey mind to wander. Mohanji is a living God. Silently, He constantly blesses and fulfills wishes. Never ever underestimate and doubt His grace. He delivers the right thing at the right time. Just surrender at his lotus feet with unshakeable faith.

Jai Jai Mohanji, always at your lotus feet!

8. A ‘Wish’ful Of Food: by three devotees

Here are small experiences of three devotees on how Mohanji listens to us every moment and fulfills our wishes…nothing is too big or too small.

A Story Of Papad: Subhasree Thottungal, London

Mohanji Global Family Meet
Mohanji Global Family Meet

The story of the Papad incident happened at the global meet in Allahabad. We had our lunch break and every one was enjoying the scrumptious food that was arranged very lovingly by Preeti Duggalji. The lunch was a full Indian menu with chapatti, rice, dal, curry, papad etc. While I was having my rice, I noticed that I had already finished eating my  papad. I had a thought of getting up to fetch another one. But feeling  shy or mere laziness, I didn’t get up. Suddenly Barbara walked up to me, handed over a papad and said, “Father gave this for you.” I looked up, startled. Mohanji was sitting at a table, far away, having His lunch with someone else. He possibly couldn’t have seen my plate without the papad! I was speechless and a bit shy too that He heard me. He actually heard me!


Well no need to say how happy I was to receive this prasad from Him and I enjoyed the rest of my food.  This incident again proved that He always listens to our thoughts whatever it may be! There is no delay, no postponement in fulfilling our wishes, and responding to our thoughts. Such is the way our “Avadhoota in Jeans” works.

During my presentation at the Global Meet, I shared this incident with the group. Mohanji said,

“I did this to show you that I am listening to you every moment”. 

Mohanji_global meet_grace.jpg

Thank you Mohanji for fulfilling our wishes with unconditional love and compassion. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

A Sweet Tooth: Padmaja, USA

During the Acharya Level 1 training, there was a tasty, sweet dish served by the loving hosts. I got very little of this dish as I was in the last group of people having lunch. I had a desire to have more of the sweet. Next day, a similar kind of sweet was served during lunch and needless to say, I  got double of it than others. It didn’t take me much time to understand who fulfilled the desire of my sweet tooth!


A Treat Of Ice-cream: Vidya Iyengar

On our way back to Haridwar from Badrinath, my mother-in-law and I spoke about the desire to have the pista ice cream again in the same hotel where we were supposed to lodge that night. Mohanji was not even in our bus physically. To our surprise, for dinner, we were extremely delighted to see the same ice cream served as dessert. I went and spoke about this to our dear Maamu there. He had a smile on his face and conveyed that the dessert that day was supposed to be a rice pudding which suddenly got spoiled. So they had to serve this ice cream.


We were all smiling as we knew whose leela it was!

9. Faith In Grace : Punam Kapoor, Canada

I would like to share an enthralling experience that amazingly happened on Dattatreya Jayanthi.  Mohanji not only heard my silent prayer but also fulfilled it and showed me His and Lord Dattatreya’s presence in our home!

Mohanji_with_Punam and Nalin
The incredible grace of Mohanji!

Last weekend, while attending to our daughter who was in the hospital emergency, Nalin caught an infection. He suffered from severe cough, chest congestion, head and body aches.
Nalin’s recovery took time. The weekend when we were supposed to attend Dattatreya Jayanti prayers at Mohanji’s Ashram arrived but he had not completely recovered.

The previous day we had gone to pick up medicines from someone who came from India. On our way to their home and back, Datta Bhawani kept playing in the car. It was on auto repeat, but curiously enough, we did not set it up thus! We knew this was an indication of the blessings of the Guru Mandala and Lord Dattatreya. I had a feeling that this was an auspicious sign, one foretelling us of a divine experience.

Mohanji – The difference between blind faith and full faith

Unfortunately, I also caught the infection and felt dizzy with head and body aches.  Thus, both of us were unable to go to the Ashram.

I was heartbroken. My first reaction was to wonder why this happened. I asked Mohanji, “Did I make a mistake, do you not like me, how is it that I could not go to the Ashram?” and so on. After sometime, I reluctantly accepted the fact that I was unable to go to the Ashram to attend the puja and the prayers.

Soon, pictures were posted on Mohanji Canada group, which made me feel even more disappointed and gloomy as I had missed it all. All I can say is my heart was at the Ashram, thinking of Mohanji. Then I prayed to Him and said, “Mohanji, you say you are always with me. Would you please send me Prasad from today’s puja? “.
I reached out to my phone to call someone and request them to bring me Prasad, but I did not call. I made multiple attempts to call, but stopped because I did not wish to trouble others.

I tried hard to move on and started doing dishes to distract myself. I was almost done when I got a call from Nina that she and Bhupinder were coming to our home soon. I quickly turned on the kettle to make tea. Just then the doorbell rang and Nina and Bhupinder were at the door.

Welcoming Mohanji
Welcoming Mohanji – in His presence or without presence!

They came in; it was such a pleasure to see them, especially since they were coming back from the Ashram.

They both handed me a tray of rice and a bag of Prasad. This was from the prayers done at the Ashram.

Oh my God! I stood still ….I could hear Mohanji’s voice ringing in my ears, “I am always with you “.

I rushed to my puja room where there is life size picture of Mohanji, which He had autographed for us.
I could hear Him say,

“I am here always, I love you both!”

I said, “Mohanji my heartfelt gratitude, we both love you!!” and I could not stop repeating,” Thank you Mohanji ,Thank you Gurudev Datta, Thank you Sai Deva.”

Mohanji showed me His presence in our Puja room and also fulfilled my desire of getting Prasad from the Ashram, as we were unable to go to the Ashram for Datta Jayanti prayers.
After seeing off Nina and Bhupinder at the door, suddenly, Nalin said “I do my job” in a voice as if Mohanji was speaking!
Can you imagine the vibrations and the excitement I felt? It was as if I was floating!

Mohanji giving shaktipat to Punam
Mohanji’s grace as His Shaktipat

Jai Sairam! Jai Gurudeva Datta ! Jai Mohanji


These nine pearls are truly an eye-opener for each one of us. The experiences may seem simple but it proves how the Masters hear each and every wish/thought of the devotees and fulfills it. Mohanji is so full of compassion and love, His heart melts when a devotee reaches out to Him. We need to watch our thoughts and words too as the Guru takes on all our pains and suffering. No experience is big or small and each experience is significant from a larger perspective. This Satcharita of experiences should lead us towards introspection – an introspection of awareness and gratitude.

Here is a verse from the Guru Gita (verse 72) that explains how the Guru gives us not only all the knowledge, but fulfills all our desires and gives us liberation too.



Bhukti-mukti pradaata yas,

tasmai sriguruve namah.



Salutations to Shri Guru. He is firmly established in the power of knowledge and is adorned with the garland of tattvas. He grants worldly fulfillment as well as salvation.

We conclude this month’s Mohanji’s Satcharita with a quote from Mohanji on Shiva Tattwa (principle) :

Shiva is beyond explanation, notion, understanding or even awareness. Shiva is THE BEYOND.

— Mohanji

Mohanji_Shiva_the beyond
Shiva is the BEYOND


||Jai Brahmarishi Mohanji||


Compiled & Edited by : Shyama Jeyaseelan, Rekha Murali, Vidya Rajagopalan and Subhasree Thottungal, 19th February 2019


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— Mohanji Testimonials Team


10 thoughts on “Mohanji Satcharita – Chapter 5, February 2019”

  1. All the 9 stories are beautiful. Mohanji becoming a TV Mechanic for Reena Kumar’s daughter 😊 (prayer of a small child) and the cancer patient getting solace in adayar hospital, Chennai touched my heart very much.

  2. Mohanji Testimonials

    “Awareness” is a group to read Mohanji Satcharita and people comment on the whatsapp group. Pasting those messages here as those messages can be visible for wider audience outside the whatsapp group as well these stays for ever.
    — Testimonials Team.

  3. Mohanji Testimonials

    Comment By Nirupama, from “Awareness! Group – 15th Aug:

    Jai Mohanji
    Read the experience of Ami. As you read you realise the power of Mai Tri. Feel blessed to know how Mohanji works on our subtle layers and clear our karmas . Takes us forward towards dissolution. My gratitude to Mohanji for being always there for us all.

  4. Mohanji Testimonials

    Comment by Padmini from “Awareness” Group – 15th Aug,

    Reading each experience with great eagerness n joy..fills my heart with joy to Mohanjis hand on his devotees🙏🏻

  5. Mohanji Testimonials

    Comment by Sandra Sankar, from “Awareness” group, 16th Aug 2019,

    Oh what joy mere pyaare Mohanji to read your Leela’s. It fills me up with your love. It also lifts my spirits so high that is it easy to soar through the day. Through life. Mai Tri Method Healing is the most powerful transformative gifts of grace we are so very blessed to experience. Reading beloved Ami’s experience reminded me of how Father touched and filled our lives with delivery from lifetimes of karmic trauma. It boggles the mind to think we will never be able to fully understand the great deliverance of healing we have received. Only Mohanji can clear our causal layer. It’s where all our lineage and pralabdh karma sits. Thank you most beloved Parabrahma Swaroop Mohanji 🙏 we love you💛💛💛💛thank you thank you thank you

  6. Mohanji Testimonials

    Comment by Rekha Murali, on 19th Aug 2019,

    Just completed reading chapter 5. What beautiful experiences! Mohanji’s words keep repeating in my head:

    “I did this to show you that I am listening to you every moment”. – Mohanji
    Thank you Mohanji for your love and blessings and listening to our every thought!

  7. Mohanji Testimonials

    Comment by Shantam, on 20th Aug 2019,

    Completed reading chapter 5..TV repairing story; I really shocked at and that papad story made me laugh after so much of time! Nice Stories!
    Jai Mohanji!

  8. Mohanji Testimonials

    Comment by a devotee who didn’t want his/her name to be shown , 21st Aug 2019,

    Sharing an incident that came to mind after reading papad leela..
    This happened 6 yrs ago and I had just gotten to know about Mohanji and was having his darshan for the 2nd time ..Mohanji had come to Sharjah for a retreat.
    I couldnt attend the retreat but luckily there was a QnA session on the last day. So my friend and I went from Dubai to Sharjah for the retreat..The QnA was brilliant and mesmerising.
    At the end of it..people were queuing up to meet Mohanji and we noticed that He was hugging them and talking to them. We were at the end of the queue wanting to meet and receive His hug. We thought all those people getting hugs were all old devotees of Mohanji. The queue was too long and we had to get home as it was late and we had a long drive home.
    I decided to do a namaskar from afar. As I was doing that,His glance fell on us and with a hand movement, he indicated for us to come forward.
    When assured He was signalling to us, we went forward..and then He gave us His hug.
    I was in shock and amazed n I whispered while He was hugging me..that this was exactly our wish.
    He just looked at me and said, “yes I heard you.” I just stared at Him..n with heartfelt gratitude to Him, we went home.
    I was spell bound at His words..I heard you.
    His words just stayed with me!”

  9. No words to express my gratitude and love towards our Guru after reading each experience. He is there for each one of us always. The papad incident reminded me of a similar incident that happened with me in Bosnia this year. A devotee was blessed to have a cake cutting done in front of Mohanji on her birthday. I was hungry as I had a light dinner that night as I was not hungry at the time dinner was served. But I was a bit shy to go and get a part of cake for myself. I sat just in front of Mohanji and was just looking at him with gratitude and love. He suddenly turned towards me and asked me if I had the cake. Then he asked someone to get a piece for me. Baba, your Leela is amazing. Love you 😍😍

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