Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday Dear MOHANJI,
Happy Birthday To You!
23rd February. A day that the entire Mohanji family across the globe cherishes with utmost joy. Joy that is beyond all expressions, that fills ultimate bliss in everyone’s heart, that brings the truth of divine existence in everyone’s life.
While presence without presence is the key to realise the connection to Mohanji’s consciousness, we celebrate His physical presence and wish for His well-being. Everyone indeed is privileged to be a part of the large global M family, embraced in Mohanji’s grace and protection.
Mohanji, The Avadhoota in Jeans, is all forms in one form, All masters in one form, All divinity in one form. Para Brahma ! He is our Adi Guru, the ultimate destination.
Our Deepest and heartfelt gratitude to Mohanji for being in our lives as the biggest blessing!
We also express our gratitude to Acchan, Shri Kesavan Namboodiri and Amma, Shrimati Sridevi Kesavan, the divine parents, who brought Mohanji to the earth in this life.

On this joyful and auspicious day, we have put together the greetings and thoughts of devotees on what they cherish about Mohanji, the enigmatic and loving Guru!
On this occasion, along with the expressions through words and poems, we also present a devotional song “Guru Mohana,” available to watch on YouTube link. ( The video is at the end of this blog).
With deep reverence and gratitude, we offer this blog post as expressions of love from devotees across the globe as ‘Pushpanjali’ (offering of flowers) at Mohanji’s lotus feet.
V.Subramanian, Bengaluru, India
All mountains soar but one soars above the rest. So too are my experiences with Mohanji. Let me record the most cherished one. “More than 40 years back, I had the unique privilege of being initiated into japa yoga by my Guru who was an exalted master. He told me very clearly, “if you stay loyal to this path and tread steadfastly, your Parama Guru will come in search of you.” Little did I realise then, the significance of this powerful message. But in the course of my journey, I used to reflect on His words often, praying and hoping that the Parama Guru that He talked about may come in sukshma (subtle) and not sthula (physical) form. Even after coming into contact with Mohanji, I didn’t realise this until recently that my eternal Parama Guru has indeed arrived! True masters’ words never fail.
With Anantha koti pranams at my Parama Guru’s feet
Dr Harpreet Wasir, India
A Soul who has no Birth and no Death is unshakable as a Guru, whom we all have in the form of Mohanji.
Birthday wishes to dear Father Mohanji who is there for all of us always, every moment. On this auspicious day, I wish that may He keep on guiding us on the golden path, our thoughts and actions always and for ever.
Happy birthday Father Mohanji.
Dr Harpreet Wasir, India
Dearest Mohanji,
Wishing you a very happy and memorable Birthday! Just wanted to express my gratitude for all you have done and continue to do. It’s much appreciated, I am glad you came into my life!
Thank you for always being there for me and may you always be my guide.
Steven (Raj), London
Lakshmi Nair, Houston ,Texas
Dear Mohanji,
My sincere Pranams. With deep reverence and love I wish you a very “Happy Birthday” and a big “THANK YOU.” Please keep your grace on us always and let us rest at your lotus feet eternally. Every single day is an experience for me with you and I know you are watching us and I have no words to describe my gratitude for all that you have given us. There are times when I fall back and I don’t do things as you have said, but I have always felt you pull me back and put me on track .
I have composed a small poem in your memory dear Mohanji. Please allow me to give it to you on this happy occasion .
Journey in time
I was a wandering soul until we met
The time stood still as our eyes met
I felt the divine in you as I wept
Day and night as I slept
I couldn’t describe love before
But you showed me love and more
I didn’t know what I was meant to be
But you sent people to help me
I went up and down as days passed by
You gave me strength and asked me to fly
I was lost in thoughts most of the time
You showed me how my doubts were as bitter as lime
Then, I realized we are one
Until then this “I” was just on the run .
Luke Edwards, London
Hi Mohanji.
I met you in London a few months back. My sister was getting married that weekend and you gave her your advice and blessings. Thanks again – the day went wonderfully and they’re now happily married.
Have a wonderful birthday celebration with all the love and attention you’ve more than earned.
If you ever need anything I can help with, you need only ask.
Love and kind wishes.
Luke Edwards, London
Mala Vijaysekaran, India
Lord Krishna was Arjuna’s charioteer in the battle of Kurukshetra. The Parthasarathy.
Blessed are we to have Mohanji as our divine charioteer in this lifetime. Surrendering the chariot of life to him, handing over the reins, we do the things we have to do, meet the challenges we have to, love and share, fight our battles, group and depart, just the way life wants us to. Harmony outside, harmony within, liberation a reachable goal with Yogiraj Parahbrama Mohanji holding the reins and leading!!
Pranams Guru. Immense Gratitude dear Mohanji.
Happy Birthday!!
Mala Vijaysekaran.
Sunita Madan, India
Pranams Father. Wishing you a wonderful birthday. May you be blessed with good health and happiness always. Thank you for holding my hand when I thought all was lost. You gave me a purpose to live post retirement. Deep gratitude for everything. Love you.
Sunita Madan, India
Soma Seal, India
Pranam Father,
Wishing you a very happy birthday. May You be blessed with good health and happiness always .Deep gratitude for being there and holding our hands. Love you beyond all words.
Soma Seal, India
Kannan Varahan, Mumbai, India
It brings me immense happiness and at the same time my heart is overflowing with gratitude for your coming into my life, and I have reached a stage that every breath of mine exhaling out is only because of your utmost grace.
Kannan Varahan, India
Sudeshna Saha, Chennai, India
I cherish his friendship the most. I have never called him “Father,” nor will I ever be able to, like most people do.
I cherish the way he explains the most complicated things in a simplistic, hilarious, story telling method. Being in his presence, we learn to shed our ego and open our hearts in acceptance.
He is probably the most ‘peoples’ person’ in the Spiritual Genre, with no frills and tantrums. His “Down to Earth” persona, breaks the common perception of a modern-day Guru, who people identify with a particular dress code or a particular mannerism. As he always says, “I am You,” and one can perceive the depth of these three words, when one surrenders with absolute faith.
Sudeshna Saha, Chennai
Trishla, India
Dearest Father,
Humble pranams at your lotus feet. Wishing you a very happy and blessed birthday and a year ahead. Immense gratitude for everything that you have done and are doing for us. Pray we live up-to your teachings, your grace and protection always be with us and we never leave your hand.
With gratitude and love,
Trishla, India
Eric Elbers, Canada
Dearest Mohanji,
How can we ever fully comprehend the infinite blessings of being connected to a Sat Guru of your stature? How can we ever feel enough gratitude? How can we ever qualify ourselves to assist in your mission? It is only with your grace that we can even make an attempt. It is a great blessing and privilege to be connected with you and I wish that your birthday, which we cherish and celebrate, is just one pearl in a long string we are allowed to witness.
Congratulations and may your mission grow in the world as well as in our hearts ️
Baraka Bashad – May the Blessings Be
Eric Elbers, Canada
Saraswati Callikan, India
Mohanji, a few words is not enough to describe You. However, to sum it, I will say that You are God’s gift to humanity in general but especially to those who want to know the truth of existence. Your sincerity, simplicity and selflessness are really signs of a true Guru. Jai Mohanji.
We are really blessed to have You in our lives.
A very happy birthday to You.
Saraswati Callikan
Livia Jakovljevic, Netherlands
I enjoy more and fear less. I witness life occurrences with more faith and compassion and less (negative) emotions. This was only possible through your deep and clear teachings and more significantly, your example! Dear Mohanji, for your birthday I wish you joy and peace and in the years to come may many more honest seekers find their way to your light!
With love and gratitude,
Livia Jakovljevic, Netherlands
Sathya Shivakumar, Bengaluru, India
I see You as the Superstar of the spiritual world. Just as the stars are self illuminating and can light up the sky even in the darkest of nights, You dispel the darkness in our lives by leading us in the path of light and love.
On this auspicious day Mohanji, I would like to offer You my deepest gratitude in few forms:
- A blog of my experience sharing
- A devotional song (written by Devadas) “Guru Mohana”. (The link is at the end of this blog)
- A poem inspired by You. (as below)
Thank You for all Your grace and blessings.
Lots of Love,
A poem inspired by Mohanji
Shine! Shine! Oh bright star!
It is your own light after all!
You shine beyond barriers, beyond boundaries in the vast night sky
when one can see your true glory.
You came to declare, “Fear not the darkest of the nights, My light shall dispel it!”
Shine shine, Oh bright star!
How magical are thou!
You reveal what you are when the world is in slumber,
but there are a few in number who find you for they cannot sleep until they see you.
From you Oh star, the universe has emerged.
Into you it shall dissolve and your divine command is
“Shine like me in pure light and love until you merge in me”
Sathya Shivakumar
Arati Bhate, India
||Jai Gurudev Datta||
Jai Mohanji. You held my hand tight and took me on the path of truth, awareness and to my original destiny. In every second, You are with me. Now I just can’t imagine my life without ‘My Mohanji.” You are my true Master. Long live Mojanji. Pranam.
Arati Bhate, India
Shyama & Jay, UK
Dearest Mohanji,
Your presence in our lives is something that we cherish and value beyond what words can express. Your thoughts fill us with joy, innocence and gratitude. Your teachings give us purpose and clarity. We have experienced that love and faith in You gives us contentment and stability in life. We are eternally grateful for Your love, grace and blessings, today and always.
Wishing You a very happy Birthday!
Lots of Love,
Shyama & Jay, UK
Shivani Sanganeria, Kolkata, India
Happy Birthday Mohanji! My life has taken a total turn with Your presence. Instead of fears and sadness, there is an indescribable joy in my heart. Thank You for showing me the way to light and holding my hand at every step.
Love always and forever.
Shivani Sanganeria, Kolkata
Vidya Iyengar, USA
To put this into a few words is not at all enough. I feel so blessed to have You Mohanji in our lives. I don’t know what I did in the past to have the grace of You. I cherish You in my life because every time I get bogged down by negativity or negative thoughts I remember You and feel extremely lucky to have You in my life. You are the constant positivity in my life. You are my path and You are my destination. Thank You is a small word, I love You so much Mohanji.
Happy Birthday!
Vidya Iyengar, USA
Biljana Vozarevic, Serbia
Happy birthday to You who lead me beyond the duality
Take me into the true, permanent, full-oneness reality
And save me from the see-saw of happiness and sorrow
Beyond space and time, yesterday, now and tomorrow
The birth-less, deathless cause of all worlds, source of bliss
Who helps people to cross the ocean of the worldly abyss
My spiritual eyes were blind until You opened them wide
And filled me up with sacred knowledge as the inner guide
Biljana Vozarevic, Serbia
(Please visit my blogsite to read my experiences with Mohanji)
Neelu, India
Dear Mohanji,
Expressing in words Your grace and presence in my life would be like lighting a match stick before the mighty sun. Still I will try to put it in a few words.
You are everything and everyone for me. You are my Praana (life force), my Atma (Soul), my Paramatma (God).
You are the only reason that I am alive today. It’s only because of You that I will be liberated in this lifetime and be at Your lotus feet forever.
Maalik, Hamaari Umar bhi aapko lag jaaye..Aap Jiye Hazaaron Saal.
Wish you a very Happy and Blessed Birthday.
Neelu, India
Radha, India
You are my Appa. You are everything to me.
Happy Birthday!
You have changed my life on many levels, You gave meaning and freedom to my soul. Thank you Baba for everything.
Happy birthday
Monika Balenovic, Serbia
Your presence in my life is,
Maternal unconditional love and father’s powerful protection,
Fire that burns all the old patterns of behavior, inertia, fears and concepts,
An example and an inspiration how to live this life – committed, selflessly and with a clear purpose – that each activity is directed to the welfare of others.
A hand that holds me firmly and leads to the eternal ocean outside of the earthly existence.
Love You Mohanji.
Happy Birthday!
Monika Balenovic
( I would like to share my recent experience sharing on my blogsite!)
Devadas, Palakkad, India
Dear Mohanji,
You know our inside & outside. Your presence will take us to Moksha, the ultimate liberation. Thank you for being in our lives.
Wish you a very happy Birthday!
(I would like share the link to my blog site where I share my experiences with Mohanji.)
V K Murthy, India
Dear Mohanji,
You are the greatest Master who is very simple, down to earth, crystal clear in communication and the firm hand holding us at all times once we surrender to You.
Thank you Baba for everything. Baba I bow my head at your lotus feet and pray, be with us all the time.
– V K Murthy
Hanumatananda, Macedonia
Happy Birthday Father!
I cherish you in my life as the pillar of my existence. You gifted me a higher purpose, and you are transforming my life to blossom in its fullest potential. At Your Feet Always!
Your child,
G K Shyam
You are my anchor and you give me the reason to cherish every moment I live.
Wish you a very happy Birthday.
Love You Mohanji,
G K Shyam
Gayatri Jayashankar, India
You are the dispeller of darkness, the Lord of Compassion and Unconditional Love.
This is the transformation which happened in my Karmic family, for my dear husband, children and myself. Dark forces bled our happiness for several years. Light and Salvation in the form of Mohanji did away with our trauma. No words can describe the Feeling. Kriya and Your Path to Liberation …
With Deep Gratitude and Humility I bow at Your Feet. Jai Mohanji Baba.
Wish You a very happy birthday!
Gayatri Jayashankar, India
Vijaya, London
Dear Mohanji,
I cherish You in my life because I can see Sathya Sai and Shirdi Sai in You to whom I am deeply connected. I see God in Your physical form. I see All in One Master i.e. Mohanji. I can feel Your love and the transformation which is slowly taking place within me. I love being in Your presence and listening to Your Satsang. I enjoy the Power of Purity Meditation which I consider a big gift You have given us and it gives me an opportunity to see You often during the meditation.
I wish You a very Happy Birthday and may You always be with me wherever I am.
Vijaya, London
Reshmika Chaithram, South Africa
You are my Truth. You empower me to be myself, to live truthfully and freely. You are always Near. I am thankful for all that You do for the Universe and for Us. We love You, we cherish You. Have a happy and blessed birthday Babaji.
Reshmika Chaithram, South Africa
Collette Evers
I cherish Your presence in my life, because whatever You say, just resonates with me and You explain things simply, for everyone to understand. Mohanji, You exude love, kindness and compassion and it makes me want to be a better person, while striving for liberation!
Happy Birthday, Mohanji!
Collette Evers
You have brought my husband and me, under one guide, one mission and have aligned our purpose. We are so distinct yet complementary now. You have given my body, our marriage, our material belongs a purpose, which is happiness in Sewa.
Happy Birthday Dear Mohanji!
Sabyasachi Rath, USA
Dear Mohanji,
Unconditional love, compassion, selfless service, purity, faith, awareness, acceptance, gratitude and liberation were mere words till You made them a reality. You make life lighter. Thank you for making our lives so beautiful.
Wish you a very happy Birthday.
Sabyasachi Rath, USA
Elham and Farshad, USA
Happy birthday to our beloved Guruji. Thank you Father for coming to this world and made our lives meaningful. Thank you for being with us all the time even when we are not aware. Thank you for leading us through this journey. Thank you for holding our hands through life. Wish you long life, happiness and peace.
Love you so much for ever our beloved Father
Elham and Farshad, USA
Hems, India
Dear Mohanji,
I cherish your presence in my life for only this to be a reality in due course of time … ,
“Mohano bhutva Mohanay Yajet” – To become one with Mohanji
With Much Love and Gratitude,
In Your consciousness
Mina Obradovic, Serbia
Dear Mohanji,
I cherish Your presence in my life because I am a completely different person after meeting You! I have never had more understanding, more peace, love, patience, compassion, happiness, a mind clear of heaviness. I have never had more knowledge on what I can do, understanding of my natural self before meeting You. I have never had such STABILITY in my life than after meeting You. I am not swayed away with every wave of life that keeps changing from bitter to sweet and from sweet to bitter. Waves of life are the same, but my inner self is not. I care lesser and lesser about bitter & sweet, and I care more and more for the happiness and stability of all beings of this world.
Thank You Mohanji for keeping me with You every moment.
Wish You a very happy Birthday!
(Here is the link to my blogsite where I share my experiences with Mohanji)
Priti Rupee, London

Mohanji ,
I cherish being with You as Your teachings expand my awareness, warming my heart. You are ever-present even when doubts cloud me. Sitting outside the Ramana Maharishi Ashram in front of Arunachal, my monkey mind questioned if You are with me and lo and behold there was a clear sign. Mohanji’s eyes, nose and beard appeared as clear as day light to say “I am with you always.” This picture says it all!
Thank You for being me all the time, every time, Mohanji.
Wish you a very happy birthday!
Priti Rupee, London
Rashila, London
Happy Birthday Dear Father.
Thank you for coming into my life.
You made it so much more meaningful.
Love you always.
Rashila, London
Mataji Sharma, Philipines
Mohanji for me is an unknowable vast consciousness yet an incarnation of a tangible force of compassion and a determined compass for liberation.
We are deeply grateful that Existence has sent Him to us, like a lighthouse, a family and a friend – never a stranger. We pray that Mohanji be continued to be blessed with excellent health and boundless energy to fulfill what He has come to do. Though the consciousness is the alpha and omega, we deeply celebrate His divinely blessed coming in body to walk amongst us all. We are grateful. We are blessed to have His presence so palpable in our lives.
Happy Birthday Mohanji!
– Mataji Sharma, Philipines
Judith and Andreas (and Vinu), Switzerland
Dearest Mohanji
Rekha Murali, Chennai, India
A very Happy Birthday, Dearest Mohanji!
Padmini Ravi, Dubai
Dear Baba
Wishing You a very Happy and wonderful Birthday. Your coming into our lives is like a rebirth in this lifetime. Ever grateful for Your presence in our lives Baba. Your guidance and love has added fragrance to our lives. Our wish for you.
Pallandu pallanu pallaayirathaandu pala kodi noorayiram…
Loves n hugs
At your feet,
Padmini Ravi, Dubai
Usha Narayan, Chennai, India
Many happy returns of the day Father. Thank you so much for being a part of my life, leading me from darkness to light. I am eternally grateful. Wish you a very long life and may devotees follow your path and teachings without deviation. Love and Regards. Thank you so much for all you have given me
Usha Narayan, Chennai, India
Geetha Suryanarayanan, UK
Many many birthday wishes dear Master. I cannot believe that I have been so fortunate as to meet you in physical form in this life. Eternal gratitude at your lotus feet.
Geetha Suryanarayanan, UK
Ravindran Visvnathan, Malaysia
Dearest Father
Kishore & Revathy, Chennai, India
A thought about “Mohanji”
A glance of “Mohanji”
A name “Mohan/ji”
I cherish anything and everything when it relates to Mohanji. I am indebted to Him for His loving presence in my life.
It is meaningless to wish You a happy birthday as You have no birth or death. But I still love to see You in this form which I think connected me to You. I love You Mohanji. Wish You a lovely birthday and wish every heart turns out to be Your beautiful residence. May they cherish Your stay and fill themselves with unconditional love.
Jai Mohanji.
Kishore & Revathy
Priti Yadav, India
When a child is born it’s said that, “It’s a rebirth of the Mother,” as she undergoes that immense pain to give birth to her child.
Mohan Ji gave birth to us. We wish more power and strength to Mohanji.
Tvam-Eva Maataa Ca Pitaa Tvam-Eva |
Tvam-Eva Bandhush-Ca Sakhaa Tvam-Eva |
Tvam-Eva Viidyaa Dravinnam Tvam-Eva |
Tvam-Eva Sarvam Mama Deva Deva ||
Priti Yadav, India
G Srinivas, Chennai, India
Dear Mohanji,
Happy Birthday Gurudev. You are the stable emotional anchor of my life which was being swept away by situations and emotions like a rudderless boat.
Gurudev kindly be present in my breath and thought like a guiding light.
Lata Ganesh, USA
Dearest Mohanji,
Wishing You a very happy birthday and many more to come! Wishing You a very healthy and long journey touching lives far and wide. Thank You for proving again and again that the physical trappings are but ephemeral. Ever so grateful to You for awakening the divine consciousness in me and merging it with the Divine Consciousness that is YOU.
Love and Gratitude,
Vince & Annabelle, UK
The Master who brought divine light in our lives.
We met Mohanji when he came to the UK I think 2012. Since then we have an affinity and Love for His teachings and Q&A answers- articulated so simply and to the point. Then with His subsequent visits to the UK, we grew fonder of Mohanji, who gave us incredible confidence and unconditional LOVE.
Mohanji has certainly shown His true self and His power. I felt that His energy has expanded to show people how to Love and serve the needy, including the animals and divine souls who have taken birth for whatever reasons.
Mohanji has given us a great blessing by initiating us to Consciouness Kriya. Back in year 2000, the Naadi predicted that would happen to us as per previous life.
We have been to Master’s retreat twice and what I have witnessed and seen I cannot write, but Master had confirmed this.
His Birthday is on the 23rd of February and we will celebrate it in awe and Love, and trust there will be many more where we could be in His physical presence. We are sure He will be with us.
We both wish Mohanji a very happy Birthday.
With Love
Vince & Annabelle
Shene, UK
Happy Birthday dearest Mohanji.
Before Mohanji came into my life every breath every moment was painful, as if stepping on glass and swallowing fire. Nothing made sense and I had no reason to keep living. The spark of divine presence, beauty and compassion that is Mohanji gives me a reason to wake up each day.
Being with Mohanji I feel love for myself and others, something I never dreamed to happen in this lifetime.
How can I begin to express my gratitude for finding me and showing me myself.
Jai Mohanji!
Shene, UK
Aishwariya, Bengaluru, India
After I lost my father who brought me to this world, God came to me as my father in the form of Mohanji. His unconditional love, compassion and caring guidance to me and above all accepting my service to Him and the mission, has completely transformed the Aishwariya before meeting Him in this life.
How can I thank You enough Mohanji for what Your presence means in my life and I cherish this beyond my own existence.
All I can pray to God is that let my Father, Mohanji’s hand be on my head till I exist.
Wish you a very happy Birthday Mohanji.
Love You.
Vijay Ramanaidoo, London
Dearest Mohanji,
I wish You a very happy birthday! On this auspicious occasion many beings will benefit by the service of Your followers. You have inspired and supported many of us to achieve things and go to places we could only ever dream of! You have brought so much love and light into this world and I pray that as our gift to You, we can continue to follow Your practices and teachings to spread even more of Your divine love and light to every corner of the world!
Wishing You lots and lots of love,
Harish & Subhasree, London
Dear Mohanji,
Wishing You on Your birthday is not just another opportunity to convey our gratitude to You for being in our lives, as we cherish Your presence every moment, every breath. Your grace in our lives, not just the two of us and our two sons, rather on our families is unfathomable, incomprehensible and we remain grateful for the rest of our lives.
While wishing for Your long life and good health (for Your physical form), we wish to continue to be Your instruments in accomplishing Your larger mission and serve You eternally with our utmost conviction, faith and surrender.
Happy Birthday Mohanji.
With Lots of Love,
Harish & Subhasree
(Please visit Subhasree’s blogsite to read her experiences with Mohanji.)
Madhusudan & Preethi, Mumbai, India
Mohanji’s presence in our lives is the biggest blessing we could have ever asked for. Awareness, purpose, gratitude, kinship, compassion, fearlessness – words cannot do justice to describe the lessons we learn from him every day and every moment. He is a constant reminder of what we can truly be, if we get away from the mundane thought processes. Our whole family is grateful that we are able to connect with him and revel in the security of grace that encircles us at all times.
We wish You a very happy birthday, dear Mohanji!
Love, Madhu & Preethi
Nilesh Bhimjiani, London
Happy Birthday dear Gurudev Mohanji.
Thank you for your divine grace and thank for being in my life.
May I be at your lotus feet always 🙏
Nilesh, London
And Finally…from the Testimonials team
February 2018 is when a new testimonials team commenced their seva with Mohanji’s blessings. Since then there is a growing awareness of the true value of sharing experiences and that has certainly kept the team busy.
Adding value to society in any form or shape is our biggest dharma and what better way than to be able to spread the divine leelas of Mohanji. Through this process we are slowly realising that each experience is not a mere coincidence but a piece that fits into the larger canvas of our individual paths. “Guru Leela” the book of testimonials shared by devotees is one of our offerings at the lotus feet of Mohanji. This was only possible with Mohanji’s grace and it is continuing to spread the vibrations and energy of Mohanji.
Dear Mohanji,
We are eternally grateful to You for being with us every moment initiating every thought, flowing through every word and implementing every action. You play with us with amusement and love but you are ever watchful and protective.
With Your grace, we place our intention to carry on with spreading Your divine leela being Your instruments for ever till every soul in this world is able to see, feel and breathe your divinity.
Wish you a very Happy Birthday and many more to come!
And last but not the least, here is the devotional song “Guru Mohana”, the cherry on top of the Birthday cake (Vegan and Sugar Free!).
Jai Mohanji!
“Guru Mohana”
Lyrics – Devdas, Palakkad Kerala
Singers – Sathya Shivakumar and Jhanvi, Bengaluru
Music – Lalitha Vijayakumar, Bengaluru
Recording – Vishwesh, Bengaluru
Video – Neelu, Delhi
Post compiled and published by Mohanji Testimonials Team, 23rd February 2019.
3 thoughts on “A bouquet of expressions of Love: Birthday greetings to Mohanji by devotees”
What a beautiful bouquet! Testimonial team has stood up as a living testimony of Mohanji’s teaching. You are reflecting unconditional love and it’s inspiring. Jai Mohanji
My sincere thanks to Radha,.Sathya & team for the beautiful song.
Kya mai mohanji se baat kar sakta hoon.
On Sat, Feb 23, 2019, 05:04 Experiences With Mohanji wrote:
> Subhasree Thottungal posted: ” Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To > You, Happy Birthday Dear MOHANJI, Happy Birthday To You! 23rd February. A > day that the entire Mohanji family across the globe cherishes with utmost > joy. Joy that is beyond all expressions, that fills ultimate bli” >