Linda Abrol, Netherlands
Beyond boundaries
At times, my non-confirmative, all-encompassing Parabrahma, Jesus, Buddha, Dattatreya-Mohanji reflects my Guru Swami Gopal Baba’s words or behavior from the time Swami was still amongst us in physical form.
One night in November 2018 in Bombay, we eagerly expected Swami Gopal Baba to arrive at a devotees’ residence where we were invited. We had formed a line in the driveway of the house while waiting for His car to arrive. It so happened that the car door opened right in front of me, so it was on me that Swami’s first glance rested. He smiled delightedly, and with a sense of both surprise and confirmation, He said: ‘Linda! You have come!?’ He must have known that it had been crazy timing.
We were in the midst of an incredible move, shifting houses, county and profession, all at once. We were in the process of opening an Indian vegetarian/vegan restaurant in the centre of Alkmaar. After more than thirty years in fashion development and sales, this was very exciting. But I was a hundred per cent sure that my longing to meet Swami was pure and would be supported.
My trip fell exactly on the days that we had to wait for the Indian chefs to arrive after we finished the refurbishing and furnishing of the restaurant. I had booked the flight at an earlier stage, but the timing couldn’t have been better! Which was surely the Masters’ grace. So, both my readiness and willingness to come and the Masters’ miraculous timing made this memorial visit possible.

Something similar happened, but this time with Mohanji, during our recent journey to London. Parvati and I decided to travel together and booked our tickets for the event on March 14th 2022. We were planning to arrive on March 12th and depart on the 15th. At one point, Parvati found out that she had a very important appointment on the morning of the 15th, which couldn’t be delayed. But flying back after the event in the middle of the night would certainly trigger my migraine.
I decided that I couldn’t join Parvati without forcing myself, so I cancelled my ticket for the event. We would have to book an event ticket, three corona tests, a taxi, return flight tickets, and probably a hotel, all for a one-day event that could be followed online. Although I was longing to meet Mohanji and be in his presence, my frail health condition made it an impossible, crazy and far too expensive move. This actually was the limited mind concept.
However, the warm and kind U.K. Team members assured us that we most probably would be accommodated in a devotee’s house, and Priti suggested to expect a miracle, which I did. Why not? It was an amazing suggestion. I told Mohanji inwardly that I would love to see him again. Without asking anything, I simply opened my being to the possibility of a beautiful weekend in which all went smoothly, and then I let go.
Parvati called right after my inner communication to tell me that she had found a possibility to travel in the afternoon of the fifteenth! I rebooked my event ticket, and we started searching for flight tickets. I had bad flu and could hardly concentrate, so we happened to make the booking one day late for a refund possibility in case of a positive corona test. KLM cancelled that possibility after March 2nd. If I got a positive test before our flight ten days later, my ticket would be wasted, and Parvati would be on her own. Nothing could be changed now, so we surrendered. We had to give it a chance.
On arrival in the house (better described as a mansion or estate) of our warm and welcoming hosts, Yamini and Vivek, we heard the exciting news that Mohanji was expected that very evening. The program was still unknown. No one knew what to expect. Parvati and I didn’t even know if we were allowed to be part of the event, but we were happy to share in the entire household’s high energy frequency and buzz. We were thrilled when we heard we could join the program.
Waiting in the entrance hall for Mohanji to step in, he first received a loving welcome from Yamini with aarati. Passing by me, Mohanji looked in my eyes with the same loving, surprised and confirming look that Swami Gopal Baba had given me in Bombay a few years earlier. He said, ‘Oh, you have come!’ Proving once again that for a Master of the Nath Tradition there are no boundaries anywhere at all times.
Rise from love
Being in London, I noticed myself criticizing my every word and move. Insecurity came up. But I didn’t make it bigger by criticizing my inner critic. I watched it. In the morning, during my meditation, I surrendered and relaxed in the midst of the physical tension and stress that my inner critic caused. I felt as if Mohanji was consoling my inner child, and I simply let my head rest on His shoulder. I clearly heard Him say kindly: ‘Rise from Love.’
How simple, loving, and to the point were these words? Isn’t that what we should do, being kind? Let love be the foundation from which we can start to build? Any other foundation would be
the cause for buildings to collapse in time. Especially the love for ourselves is the best starting point. Letting love in, I could raise my frequency from there instantly.
Which reminded me of an incident in which Mohanji had told me (inside), ‘I will give you so much love that you will forget everything else.’

A divine guest at the table
On the 13th, again, another surprise awaited us. We were invited to come and visit the Shri Ram Mandir in London. Mohanji offered gorgeous gifts and Arathi to the Sri Jaganath deities.
The next story requires a little intro. A few weeks ago, I had a dream. I was sitting at a long dining table. A very casual one. With Mohanji by my side. No words were spoken. Ever since then, I have offered a part of my food to Mohanji as if he is sitting at my table. It’s a reminder for me to eat more consciously, for my body is very sensitive and doesn’t like to digest everything I like eating.
Now I will shift to the reality in the Sri Ram Mandir. Parvati and I went to the dining hall for our lunch. Mohanji was coming out of the hall. We presumed He had blessed the food and would eat in a quiet room. We took a plate, searched for an empty place to sit, and found out that the big table was the only place with empty spaces. After taking our places, Mohanji stepped into the hall and took the seat right in front of me. We immediately stood up and took our plates from the table to make room for his P.A.’s and the members of his party.
Mohanji smiled and motioned us to stay seated. We dropped back in our seats and were flabbergasted. I didn’t know what to say or do, so I focused on conscious eating and left Mohanji to eat in peace. With Mohanji sitting so close to us, remembering was a conscious practice. After lunch, I ventured, saying, ‘Mohanji, just a few weeks ago. I dreamt that you were sitting with me at a long dining table.’ Mohanji smiled and said: ‘It was not a dream!’ which left me in awe. How many unexpected blessings can one digest?

Wishes fulfilled
On the 14th, we attended the event in the Kensington Hotel in London. Mohanji graciously consented to individual and group pictures with everyone present. After the group picture with the entire U.K. team and all participants, including the Skanda Vale Swamis and Sisters, we waited in a row for our turn. Parvati saw Mohanji standing quite straight and not touching anyone in the beginning. She smiled mischievously and said, “We are not going to let him get away with this, are we?” “No,” I answered and smiled. “We will nicely snuggle up.” We giggled like small children. Which we were. Our inner child still needs to be healed.
When I approached Mohanji, He immediately opened his arms and wrapped his left arm around me, and I naturally let my head rest on his shoulder, feeling loved and safe, just like in my meditation. ‘Rise from love’ became very tangible. I heard somebody say that day: Mohanji fulfils everybody’s deepest desires. This is true. And I can add, he fulfils more than I can even think of. Better to stop thinking at all and enjoy in awe and gratitude.
Now, if you think that my mind had subsided to a higher truth, the truth of self-acceptance, I must disappoint you. A sequel to the ‘picture story’ started right after the picture-taking procedure. My monkey mind started making comments. Old trauma caused turbulence in my body. Where I had felt so elated, so high in energy frequency (which is shown in the result of the pictures that Tea kindly sent to me) during the picture-taking procedure, after the session, my mind tried to drag me down, mentioning all the things that I should or shouldn’t have done. I especially shouldn’t have taken the freedom to lay my head on his shoulder. Mohanji would surely disapprove of it. And I could definitely tell that from the look on his face. I witnessed my mind, did my best to not believe a thing and didn’t succeed very well.
I knew already that I judged myself at times but was not aware that such an explosion of insecure feelings was possible. This weekend really showed me lots of it. It must have been the high energy of the Master, shining brightly on the greyness of the lower frequency thoughts and feelings. When I sent the picture to Sita, I received her comment immediately. She didn’t know what my mind was trying to make me believe about it. She wrote, ‘I love the look on Mohanji’s face. So spacious. The universe in his eyes,’ which made me fully aware that only my mind was churning.
This morning, I woke up with the inner message: ‘Heaven laid his head on my shoulder.’ I smiled. The remaining gloominess concerning the picture left me instantly, even though I didn’t fully understand the words.
But the mere sound of it was so wonderful! Later in the day, I started to understand a bit of the meaning of this amazing message. Mohanji is definitely far too busy experiencing bliss and focussing on purpose to think about Linda’s do’s and don’ts. For Mohanji, most certainly, there isn’t even such a thing as a person called Mohanji and another one called Linda. There is only heaven. So, whoever lays their head on his shoulder, it is all heaven. Inside, outside, everywhere, nowhere. And this is what I am. We are.
Narayan Kaur posted this beautiful text on F.B. later on the same day:
“Avadhootas have deleted their internal and external world. There is only bliss. They become just a presence.” Mohanji

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 21st April 2022
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Mohanji Testimonials team

1 thought on “Omnipresence”
So beautiful Linda , I smile and see your whole story, written beautifully in front of my eyes 😍.
Imagine how you have felt, with your head lying on Mohanji’s shoulder.
Must have felt like coming home .
When we did the empowerment series and had an one on one moment with Baba, that already felt so unbelievable good .
His energy, feeling that you know him your whole life.
When he is coming to Holland, and now i am smiling brightly 🌞, i will be so happy.
Lot’s of love Mira ❤️