Protection in peril

By Giselle Mehta, India

Two narrow escapes from certain hazards in a very short period reinforce the assurance of a loving connection and potent protection from Mohanji.

The first episode occurred earlier this month on November the 8th. We had come to our beach home which is a weekend getaway, some driving distance from our city residence. We had carried our food along, and as it was being warmed, there was a sudden short circuit affecting the heating devices.

Giselle Mehta

Our caretaker warned us of some kind of an explosion in the electric pole outside the gate causing the electricity to fail. The probable reason was shoddy work by the local electricity board as a stop-gap measure for an earlier problem during the fierce monsoon. We didn’t obsess about it, merely switching on the inverter for alternate power supply.

After dinner, we headed upstairs to our rooms to retire for the night. We dropped off to sleep but were woken up by a call from our daughter who studies and lives elsewhere. Having woken up, my husband decided to check on our visually impaired dog Sunday (the subject of a previous protective episode I’ve shared) and headed downstairs to bring him up.

There was a strong odour of smoke in the downstairs space. After some searching, he realized that the inverter under the staircase was the cause. With the caretaker’s help, potentially disastrous combustion was prevented and brought under control.

“Grace protects you, it does not stop an event.” – Mohanji

Had the call not come at the time it did or the dog not stayed downstairs, we would have continued to sleep undisturbed upstairs. The consequences can only be imagined for us and the house, but the right circumstances averted catastrophe with fortuitous timing. Amazingly, an Eye Card carried in my bag was a couple of feet away from the burning inverter.

A few weeks earlier, the Guru Raksha Homa was performed for our family’s protection. In the intervening period, my husband had the uncanny experience of the Eye Card adhering to his third eye area defying gravity for the entire duration of his Kriya that day – a huge sign of a living Master’s presence and protection.

eye card
Eye Card

I was unaware of what had transpired; sleeping through till my husband shared the details when we were on the road the next day. A bus passed by. I normally never look into the interiors of other vehicles but my eyes were inexplicably drawn to a large Sai Baba picture on its dashboard. Truly, one was offered perspective and a sense of grateful wonderment for the benevolent power of the Guru Mandala and Mohanjias its living embodiment.

The following Friday, we were on a road trip from out of town. On the way, my eyes rested in appreciation on a large lifelike white stone sculpture of Sai Baba seated on a rock, bringing in its wake loving thoughts of Mohanji and a connection to his consciousness.


Our 7-hour plus journey commenced in the late afternoon and darkness descended on the terrain rather fast. I dozed off with anti-nausea medication for the rigours of the winding journey. My husband was negotiating the curves of the mountain road on his own without my usually vigilant back-up.

Fatigued with crammed activities from the days before, he apparently dozed off at the wheel on a highly hazardous route, something that has never happened before. But he did wake up with a sense of shock, feeling saved from the possibility of a very serious accident should our car have slammed into another vehicle or overshot the road and toppled down the steep mountainside.

Again, I blissfully slept through the episode. He said nothing about it except to demand that music be played to keep him awake. We reached home safe. The next morning I had a message from Maheshji of Mohanji Canada asking if all was good on our side. I conveyed it to my husband who then came out with the frightful occurrence of what I had slept through, awash with gratitude for the benign presence that seemingly woke him up in the nick of time.

Bosnia Kriya Intensive

This time, I mused I didn’t even have the Eye Card around because that was in another handbag. On unpacking, later on, I was surprised to find one of our booklets of Kriya vows that had stayed in the suitcase since the Kriya Intensive in Bosnia and had accompanied us on this perilous ride.

Once again, words fail and the overflowing heart takes over…

flow with life



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 15th December 2019


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