By Aditya Nagpal
One evening, after doing Mohanji Aarati, I got a very strong thought to go to Shirdi. It was late in the evening and I thought it might not be a good idea to start at that time. But the thought was so strong that I was forced to book a bus and leave. Within one hour I was on a bus to Shirdi.

It is a 12-hour journey from Hyderabad to Shirdi. I reached Shirdi the next morning and checked into a hotel which I had booked while travelling. I had learned that one of our Mohanji Family member-Jyoti Bahl was also visiting Shirdi the same day. I went into my room and freshened up, As I came out, Jyotiji was in front of me, and she recognized me as I was wearing a Mohanji Foundation Kurta! This was the first time we met but I could feel the connection with her, being from the ‘M’ Family. We had a small conversation and decided to meet later. After eating something, I went for Samadhi Darshan.
When I returned to the hotel, I sat in the Ahimsa Vegan café (a vegan café inaugurated by Mohanji). Jyotiji also arrived there, and we started sharing experiences of Mohanji and Sai Baba. While Jyotiji was narrating her experiences, I could feel her devotion and deep connection to Baba. Her bhakti bhaav (devotion) is so strong, that it took me into a different mode altogether and I started feeling a deep state of bliss, as if Baba was filling me up. After that I wanted to spend more time with her and listen to her experiences. Luckily, I went to Dwarkamai with her. Throughout the way, she spoke only about Baba, as if the rest of the world does not exist and only Baba exists. As she was narrating with unbelievably intense bhaav (emotion), I was going deeper and deeper into a bliss state. I was already having the feeling that this visit to Shirdi was the most powerful to date, and would take my faith and devotion to another level. But wait! There was more to come.
I learnt from Jyotiji that they were visiting Meher Baba’s Samadhi the next morning. I did not know anything about Meher Baba, but wanted to accompany them. So the following day, I went to the Meher Baba Samadhi with them. As I entered the place, I felt a deep connection, and silence started settling within me. At the Samadhi, we had to form a queue, and go in one by one into the Samadhi room. When my turn arrived, I went in and prostrated at Baba’s feet. As I got up, I felt a change within myself immediately. I just wanted to sit there and meditate but there was no space as people were already sitting around the Samadhi. Luckily, a place got vacated soon, and I sat inside in meditation. I went into a deep state of bliss and silence like never before. It was the most intense meditation I have ever had. During the meditation, I felt the strong presence of Mohanji guiding me and instructing me. I wanted to meditate for a very long time there, but we had limited time and had to leave for Shirdi. As I came out, I learned from Jyotiji that Mohanji has visited Meher Baba’s place and she showed me a picture of Him standing near the Samadhi. I understood then why I had felt such a strong presence of Mohanji, and why I was brought there by Mohanji. Given the time constraint, we had to leave for Shirdi, but throughout the way, I felt deeply connected to the Divine: there were hardly any thoughts and nothing else mattered. This was the most wonderful experience I had ever had in Shirdi , and remember, it was totally unplanned from my side. But wait! There was still more to come!
Throughout the trip, Jyotiji was with me and I was totally mesmerized by her love and devotion. I wanted to spend more time with her and requested her to take me with her for Samadhi darshan, which she lovingly accepted. We went for Darshan and as always, Jyotiji kept talking about Baba and Mohanji and inside the temple, told me stories of Baba which I did not know. I was again taken into a state where there was only Baba and me, and nothing else existed. While we were talking, Jyotiji told me to read Shri Sai Satcharitra. I had started reading this previously, but discontinued it because of time constraints, and had not managed to complete it. Maybe this was a signal from Baba to start reading it again. Jyotiji took me to the Parayan hall (place inside the temple where people read books on Sai Baba) and told me to start reading again there. We went in, took the book and occupied places randomly. I hadn’t opened the book yet, and was just looking at it. Jyotiji told me to keep the book to my heart, think about Baba and open any page randomly. Keeping the book to my heart, I prayed to Baba to bless each and every soul and, placing my hand inside the book randomly, I opened it. It seemed a miracle to me that it opened at the very next page to the one where I had discontinued reading previously! It was the beginning of a new Chapter in Shri Sai Satcharitra that I was supposed to continue from. With deep love and gratitude, I completed that chapter and decided to read it daily from then on.
If this was not enough, I also unexpectedly got involved in Annadhan (food donation service) arranged by our beloved Mohanji Family members near the Samadhi Mandir of Baba. This was like the icing on the cake! I felt like I had jumped into a river of Grace and it was taking me effortlessly into bliss!
I was having the most amazing trip to Shirdi. Each moment was transformative. I was wondering how an unplanned trip like this could be so transformative. But was it actually unplanned? Here is my answer: Mohanji had arranged it for me. When we were back in the Ahimsa Vegan Cafe and started sharing experiences again, I learnt from Jyotiji that she was with Mohanji the day before arriving in Shirdi- the same day that I got a strong urge to visit Shirdi. I believe Mohanji sent Jyotiji to create this experience for me. I do not know how to express my gratitude to my beloved Mohanji for all that he does for us. This experience has taken my faith and connection for Mohanji to a different level altogether, and made me understand how Mohanji and Sai Baba are one and same.
When I started following Mohanji, I did not know much about Sai Baba. But gradually, I developed a deep interest and love for Baba and became an ardent devotee of Baba. With my limited understanding, I could not comprehend how this connection with Baba was initiated and intensified by the grace of Mohanji. It cannot be a coincidence that the first time ever I visited a Sai Baba temple, was with Mohanji. It is hard to describe in words how blessed we are that Sai Baba is living with us through our Master- Mohanji. We still have Baba physically present with us as Mohanji. We must have gained a lot of merits in our past lives to be in his divine presence. Can we get any luckier? Can we ask for anything more?
We cannot comprehend how our Master works on us, how he takes us to the right place at the right time and to meet the right people. We are always fine at his lotus feet. We never miss anything, but we get the right thing at the right time, as per our capacity. This amazing transformative experience was made possible by the grace of our beloved Mohanji. I bow down at his lotus feet, and I am always secure at his lotus feet.
I also owe deep gratitude to Jyoti Bahl for being an amazing instrument of the Tradition and for helping me have these experiences.
Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 12th December 2019
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3 thoughts on “The M-powering Masters”
Can’t believe Aditya ! So happy for you.
Aditya, you are truly blessed. What more can one ask for? Stay blessed forever 🙏
Great Sir, you are a Blessed Soul. JAI MOHANJI !