by Cathy Johnston, UK
Here is a footnote development since submitting my testimonial “
Divine call of nature” which was published on 8th December 2019.
To share my wonderful experiences with my nearest and dearest was really difficult (as I had anticipated) but the worst for me was not confiding in my Mum.
My mum is undeniably my best friend, she’s clever, funny, has a wicked sense of humour and has always shared my every significant moment. The opportunity arrived when she came for an extended visit last week. I bravely printed off my testimonial and handed it to her. (Did I forget to say she’s an atheist?)
I left the room to let her absorb the info and came back in, sat down besides her, looked her straight in the eye and asked her ‘what do you think mum’.
She was very quiet, looked right into my eyes and said ‘It’s very strange but do you know something funny, my bladder problems have stopped too!
I vaguely recall Henry (younger son who dragged me to Serbia) mentioning the fact that once we are blessed by Mohanji then our whole family would be blessed too. So I sketchily mentioned this to my Mum. She responded with a bewildered look in her eye and an audible ‘mmmmm’, so I left it at that.
Later on, yesterday, I heard from the lovely Owen and after telling him this story, he explained the lineage facts which became so much clearer to me (having had this whole experience) and my jaw literally dropped.
My maternal grandmother had the same bladder issues and so the story ends with my cure!
I’m so giddy with this new knowledge and living day proof (from a hard wired skeptic too!) that I want to share it with the whole world.
I was so happy going to bed last night and asked Mohanji if he could help me sleep without me having to take a melatonin (a long boring story of years of debilitating insomnia and the wonderful melatonin solution I discovered this year).
I boldly left the tablet to one side knowing I’d be heard by Mohanji.
My husband followed me to bed and immediately about turned to sleep in the spare room when he heard my melodious snores. I had the most wonderfully deep and restful sleep since I can remember and I can’t wait to see if my mum did too!
Thank you Mohanji for your care and connection. I asked and you delivered and my faith has been rewarded yet again. Please let your grace be available to everyone through the vehicles of us all.
Thanks to Owen for his beautiful teachings.

Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 9th December 2019
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