Serving a Living Master

By Barbara Dizderavic, Serbia

After a recent conversation with a close Mohanji family member very near and dear to me, I felt it is important to share some important points which I have observed from living with Mohanji, which would be good to understand and would enable us to clarify to people further if required.

The Mohanji world consists of people from many different countries, cultures, religions. The teachings are universal, they are a lifestyle, and not mere concepts or religion.

The expressions of people from one culture may seem awkward to people from another culture.

For example, touching the feet of the Master. People touch the feet out of love, surrender, or maybe even misery because the feet of the Guru represents the Universe. This is very common for people in India, but outside India, it may seem unusual.

First point: Mohanji NEVER asks anybody to bow down at His feet. He has NO ego to be fed. He gets nothing from it. He will allow the expression of the person who wishes to bow down, just like He allows all expressions of people, He does not restrict anything.

He will also not tell anybody NOT to bow down if they wish to do so.

He teaches us to be 100% NATURAL, the most beautiful of teachings. BE YOU, be natural. And if He does tell us to do something, it is for OUR COMPLETION, not for His satisfaction. He provides the possibilities and platforms for OUR completion and OUR satisfaction.

He prefers to say He is a FRIEND to the world. He doesn’t present himself as different.

Everything else is the creation of people who put their experiences into words, write songs or aarti, or invite Him on stage and put flowers on the feet etc. If it was up to Him, He really wouldn’t care whether He is sitting in a golden chair or on the floor. In fact, if it was up to Him, He would be sitting in silence somewhere in the Himalayas.

Every night He withdraws into His room, He goes into His natural state which is SILENCE, not thinking about people, relationships, situations, sex, money.  Pure silence.

Second point: Sometimes people judge Mohanji based on the people connected to Him. Society expects people who have chosen the path of spirituality to be perfect. Until and unless these people have totally aligned their body, mind, ego, intellect and spirit, they are still individuals with a mind, character, temper, thoughts, ups and downs of emotions!

It would be delusional to judge or to draw conclusions about the path or about Mohanji based on the people around Him.


Last point: Mohanji gives us FULL FREEDOM to choose our path. He will never tell somebody they must be with Him. To those who choose a different path He says one thing – if you choose to leave or choose another path, BE LIGHT, go higher, SHINE BRIGHTER, don’t fall in frequency, and definitely don’t speak badly about Masters or people because that is negative. He is happy to see people shine!

If anybody feels they are doing Him a favour by being on this path, it’s best they clarify that point in their mind. He has given us a platform to serve, to clear our garbage, to develop what we need and drop off what we don’t, to grow. For that purpose, He will invite people to join the mission, but please understand it is for YOU (the person), not for HIM. He as a person needs nothing from you, or me, or anybody else.

He would also say to me “if this is difficult for you, feel free to go”.

I have absolute clarity why I’m here, so, despite the tough times, I remain here. This path may not be easy to understand, especially when tough situations happen. It is especially not easy to understand HIM because He is alive, sitting in front of us and talking. Do you think it was all nice and easy for the people living with Shirdi Sai Baba or Jesus? I doubt…


The escalation from Selfishness to selflessness

The above is the title I would give to what I wish to share based on a spontaneous conversation I had with Mohanji recently. This conversation perfectly describes what it means to be 100% selfless.

To start with, my question to Mohanji was – What does it take to have the ability to sleep less (about 2-3 hours a night), work more, and not feel tired?

My friend and I were pleasantly surprised to see that a spontaneous satsang was arising.

As Mohanji explained:

“Dream state comes from residual memory (like cache memory). We have a memory from this lifetime as well as previous ones. We store memories each day.

We cannot live through all the residual memories in the waking state, so some of them arise in the dream state. Every night when we go to sleep, we are removing things, but then we wake up and keep adding more garbage. This process is mechanical.

Figuratively, we are like a vessel filled with memories and habits. These memories are not essential, it’s only habitual. We live repetitive lives because we feel comfortable that way.

As long as this vessel is full, or even partially full, we are not aligned. Being aligned means the mind, ego, intellect and spirit are one unit (not scattered in the past, present, future).

Through meditation, various spiritual practices, kindness, love etc, we keep emptying the vessel.  But to completely reduce the size of this vessel, this is not sufficient.

There is only one remedy: SELFLESSNESS. Absolute selflessness. We should have only one thought: What ELSE can I do for the world?

When you keep giving, without expecting anything in return, your storage box is automatically reduced. As long as we are occupied with the ego, mind, analysis, judgements, prejudice, likes/dislikes, our vessel is not empty. So drop all that.

Practising selflessness consistently assists emptying the vessel.

Perfect selflessness means you do absolutely nothing for yourself. Zero selfishness.

Surrender to the path of selflessness, where you do what you have to do, not what you love to do.”

For this reason, Mohanji has provided numerous platforms for us to express our selflessness – Mohanji Foundation activities worldwide, ACT Foundation, Ammucare Charitable Trust, Youth Club, Global Vegan Club, and many more.

If we decide to express the limitations of these platforms by criticising or gossiping, instead of taking the effort to improve and nurture the platform, it will mean nothing to Mohanji. It just means we don’t know how to use the platform.

What we need to understand is: The opportunity has been given to us (for various reasons such as positive spiritual bank balance from previous lives, great support from our lineage). We must have been eligible to reach here. But if WE don’t use it, somebody else will.

I would like to quote Mohanji on a spontaneous but absolutely transformational expression, which can be repeated on a daily basis, as a reminder and self-inspiration:

“I am not the anger, hatred, jealousy.

I am not the mind, body, intellect, ego.

I am beyond all this.

I am here to do more for the world!”



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 2nd July 2019


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1 thought on “Serving a Living Master”

  1. Ketlie M Laurenceau

    Next month will be a year since I meet the Beloved Mohanji and it was a life changing experience and still is.If it was possible I would love to attend all his retreats,God will make it happen.
    Much Blessings to Father and His Family..

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