The Power Of Blessings

Radha Sreenivas did exactly what Mohanji says in the above quote. With Mohanji’s blessings, she surrendered her thoughts and fears created by the mind to the Guru and immediately felt free.

Om Parabrahmaya Vidmahe

Shiva Tattvaya Dheemahi

Tanno Mohan Prachodayath

I invoke the grace of Guruji (Mohanji) for penning this experience as it has enhanced my faith in Him completely. He is my Father, with whom I can share everything.  He holds me as His child, protecting me, blessing me and standing by me. I offer this sharing at your feet, my Guru Mohanji!

It has been a long cherished dream of my husband to build a Shirdi Sai temple.  He soon located a land for the construction in a remote village. I was initially very hesitant as it was far away from Chennai (where I live) and I felt that I could not live in a village lacking modern facilities. My husband explained that he had a dream of Akkalkot Maharaj in that place.  I immediately agreed and all of us gave our 100% to make this dream a reality. Soon, 22nd of August 2018 was fixed as the date for Bhoomi puja or earth sanctifying ceremony.

The Power Of Blessings_Sai Temple

In the meantime, in July, we received news that my son (aged 23 years) who was working in Bangalore had been hospitalised and he was in the ICU with blood in his sputum. We did not panic as he had a history of cystic bronchiectasis from childhood but proceeded to Bangalore.  When we entered the hospital, we found my son happily eating food from outside, amidst so many other critically ill patients. On enquiring with the doctor, he told us that he was admitted in the ICU as a precautionary measure since there were chances he could vomit blood again. Thankfully, nothing happened and my son was discharged after two days of hospitalisation.

On our return to Chennai, we happened to consult an astrologer about my son’s health condition because in all these years he had never been hospitalised as our family physician had assured us that it was a congenital condition. After getting the details of his birth date and time, the astrologer got back to us saying that the situation was very grave and totally out of hand. He recommended some pariharam – quick fix solutions to thwart the ill-effects of the planetary positions. This led to a panic attack within me. I was distraught and prayed to Shirdi Sai to save my son’s life.  I blacked out in a state of panic and grief engulfed me at the supposed calamity. I had thoughts of suicide and went into a state of depression. I prayed that my life should be taken away instead. I spent the whole night in a state of fear and became hysterical, weeping continuously.

The Power Of Blessings_Radha and son

However, the same astrologer called up the next day and assured us that he had placed the ‘prasnam’ (issue) again before God and realised that there was no threatening condition to my son’s health.  To gain more clarity, we consulted one more astrologer who assured us of the longevity of my son’s life and that there was no cause for concern. It was only a minor health condition.

Amidst all these, the Bhoomi puja of the temple was conducted as planned. We went again to Bangalore for the health check-up of my son. The same doctor, whom we saw in the ICU before, refused to look at his past medical records which I held in my hand and started speculating on the reasons for his health condition without doing any tests.  He categorically stated that it could be any major health problem. He also added that various tests could be done afresh and to await results hoping for the best. His attitude was one of diagnosing a health condition for the first time. Had he compared the old records with what he had taken in the ICU, he would have understood that it was a congenital problem and not alarming in any way. He could have saved us the ordeal and trauma that we underwent. My son was taken aback by his negative approach. When he came out he just asked me why he should go, when he was just 23 years old! This question from him completely broke me! I was mentally shattered. It is not a question a mother would like to hear from her son. Fear gripped me although I assured him that nothing was wrong with him and that he would be alright.

We took all his reports to our family physician in Chennai who assured us that he had no progressive affliction and there was no danger to his life. Two of the bronchioles in the lungs had lost their elasticity. This was definitely not life threatening as the condition had not deteriorated and they remained the same as they had since my son’s childhood.

But the hospitalisation, astrologer’s prediction and the Bangalore doctor’s negative assessment took a heavy toll on my emotional health and I started getting nightmares. I earnestly prayed to Shirdi Sai for a solution by showing someone who could take away my fears with an assurance about my son’s health.

Around this time in Oct 2018, my husband went for the Consciousness Kriya programme in Bangalore. He was worried about leaving me in this condition and arranged for people to be with me. Although I did not give it much thought, I asked my husband to talk to Mohanji about my son. Mohanji blessed him with an ‘Eye Card’ and advised my husband to give udi (holy ash) mixed in water to my son.

On his return, he took me to Kishore’s house (regular POP meditations were conducted here) on Diwali for an introduction as I continued to be restless, worried and living in fear. The following week, I attended a POP meditation at their house for the first time. It was then that Revathi told me that I could message Mohanji in case I had some pressing need. She also shared many experiences which gave me the confidence that I could approach Mohanji.

The same night, at 8.35pm on 15th Nov 2018, I messaged Mohanji about my negative thoughts and lack of peace.  Lo and behold, at 11.42pm, I received the message, ‘Blessings, blessings‘ from Mohanji. Immediately, just by reading the words, great calm and peace of mind enveloped me. From that moment on, my mind released its fear; negative thoughts just disappeared and I slept well. The words ‘Blessings, blessings’ had so much power… Mohanji had understood my situation and He had sent healing through the words and cured me. I realised this very soon. We are all His children and His grace protects each one of us.

Since then, I have attended all activities and POP meditation sessions in Chennai and find great solace and security in Mohanji’s love. My Mohanji family brother and sisters, Kishore, Revathy and Rekha Murali have always been very loving and supportive. After reading Mohanji’s posts and quotes on FB, I am very touched and have completely surrendered all my activities to Him.

With this surrender, an ardent desire arose in my mind to see Mohanji in person and to take His blessings. We came to know that Mohanji would be attending and addressing a public satsang in Thrissur on 27th Dec, 2018 and we immediately made plans for the journey.

The Thrissur meeting with Mohanji is one of the most cherished moments of my life. I was super excited to meet Him. After the satsang, I was so excited that I quickly climbed the stage in eagerness to seek His blessings much to the chagrin of my husband. But then Mohanji lovingly smiled and took a sweet I offered (I’d prepared the sweet at home and had taken it with me) from the box and promised to eat it. He also assured me most lovingly that He will look after my son. I could feel pure love and selflessness emanating from Him. Soon, I got another chance to get close to Mohanji on stage. My husband and I seized this opportunity to invite Him for the proposed Kumbhabhishekam  (consecration ceremony to homogenise, synergise and unite the mystic powers of the deity in a temple) at our Shirdi Sai temple and He most lovingly promised to come. My heart just overflowed with happiness.

As Mohanji held my hand, I conveyed my deepest wish to Him; it is my greatest wish that my entire family (my son included) should be with Him as His devotees. He said, “It will happen.”

All that I require is patience and I am 100% confident that this will happen, now that my Guru is with me. He has also assured me, “I will take care of him.” I don’t need anything else.

My heart overflows with love and gratitude as my Guru Mohanji is always with me!

— By Radhamani Sreenivas, Chennai, India

The Power Of Blessings_Radha with Mohanji in Thrissur


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