Limitless Grace

by Mohana Padma Priya

His Grace has followed me everywhere; he has shown me his presence and support so many times that it is impossible to count. His love has opened my heart and helped me see my true nature, to find selflessness and love inside of it.

This is a short story of how Mohanji’s teachings and his presence has transformed me.

I met Mohanji in April 2016 for Kriya initiation. Before that, I had been to only 2 meditations and knew about Mohanji barely for 2-3 weeks. In such a short time, he came into my life. I was looking for a Guru for a few months and prayed to Lord Krishna to bless me with a Guru. I did not expect to meet him in person in this life; I always imagined that the Guru is somebody who is far away and you know him from videos or books. After the first meditation, I heard that Mohanji was coming to my country and he would initiate people into Consciousness Kriya. I had no idea what it was but I felt that I should apply. So I did and got accepted in 2 days.

Consciousness Kriya initiation

I was so happy to meet him and became his disciple. By that time, I had watched a lot of videos and read his blogs; every word was the truth that I felt in my heart. The first time I met him, he came into the room and came straight up to me and touched my arm. That meant everything to me, to be able to have a real, living Guru, to be in his aura, to sit in front of him and receive his blessing and to be initiated by him. After the initiation, I felt that I didn’t need anything else; I have received everything, he has given me everything I ever wanted. I was so thankful and nothing else mattered to me.

“Kriya is basically an intention for the highest. It is a gift given by great masters for contributing to the aspirations of mankind to realise his or her original form. A state of bliss!” – Mohanji

After the first meeting, the journey started. There were huge transformations, satsangs and retreats, a lot of ‘friends’ left me as a lot of people couldn’t understand what was happening with me; there were understandings and misunderstandings, fighting my inner wars, family issues, service and work… All was ok because I had his love.

However, one year ago I completely fell apart, I couldn’t finish university, I had no job and no place to stay. I felt stuck and without focus. After 3 days of 24 hours of non-stop crying, I somehow gathered myself to write to Mohanji about my situation and ask for guidance. He sent me to Belgrade. I stayed there for a year and worked at a Mohanji center. I had very low income and I was living off from the goodness of the M family; they welcomed and accepted me as their sister and always lent a helping hand.

While there, I started volunteering for the MYC – Mohanji Youth Club. They needed somebody to design a website and I volunteered to do it. I had no technical knowledge in designing websites but the moment I said that I will do it; I got a vision of how it should look. In one week of work, we had the website going. The people were happy with it and liked the design. For that one week, I felt wonderful, learning and working on the website. I never expected to enjoy it so much. After some time, a lady from the foundation offered me a job to design a website. I was so amazed; it was all Mohanji’s grace. He gave me a profession. Before that, I felt so lost and I wasn’t sure what I would do without work; I was into graphic design but I wasn’t sure how to start and what to do.

Today, this is my profession and I always wanted to work from home, so he also fulfilled that desire of mine. As somebody who started one year ago, clients are coming out of thin air, they are contacting me and I can feel the grace every time somebody asks me to work on a project, and I have a deep understanding that Mohanji is behind this. It’s all him. He does the work; he sends the people for our fulfillment and liberation. There are no words to express my gratitude to him. He has always been by my side and supported me and all the people who are connected to him. He is a bubble of love and grace.

I bow down before his holy feet with the deepest gratitude in my heart. Thank you, dearest Guruji, for everything.

Tamara 1



Compiled, Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 31st October 2019


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