EMpowered by Mohanji – 2

by Snezana Jovanovic

Translation: Maja Otovic

Empowered – A journey from fear to freedom

We are at the end of eleven incredible days of daily empowerment, negating our dark sides, understandings, insights, confrontations, contemplations, questionings, answers, surfacing of our old programs, deep fears, and self-observation. We got an insight of ourselves from a different viewpoint, clearly detaching from what we are not and melting into our true being. Rewinding of all the recordings that we carry inside of us sends us strong messages of who we really are. The reason is for us to remember ourselves – descending into our hearts and opening ourselves towards unconditional love. 

In my opinion, Mohanji, (for those who do not know him) is one of the greatest living Masters walking this planet. I have been following him since the year 2012, and luckily I didn’t give up. Simply put, he is a father, a brother, a son, a mirror which shows me my own reflection.   

Mohanji gathered us through his unconditional love and grace so that he, as pure love and light, would show us our path in a clear, honest, direct, and elegant manner. There are no words to express the gratitude and love I have for him for everything he has given us through this program and for everything he is giving us. Thank you, Mohanji.

How come I attended this program after all the programs and retreats I have been through with Mohanji? I’ll have to admit that this was something that I cannot miss, something very important. I intended to finally set the ground for my further journey through this program. I was ready to face all of my deepest fears boldly, suppressed since who knows when and due to what situations. They were waiting in my system so that in the perfect moment set by the universe, they would surface; they would be lit, realized, looked at and let go of, as I no longer needed them.

That’s exactly what happened. Since day one, Mohanji’s every sentence resonated deeply in my being. It’s not something I didn’t know or haven’t heard before, but I needed to hear again. The process started even before the program commenced, on a subtle level: letting go of everything that we were ready to release, and at the same time, empowerment of our true being to live its truth, to live itself fully. 

Through love and light that was descending into us all these days, I gained clear insights into my journey, existence, old patterns, and fears that I gladly want to get rid of now. 

As the program continued day by day, the journey within was getting deeper and brighter. When you are with a true Master such as Mohanji, all you need to do is be receptive and brave, open and truthful. We need to allow everything within us and no longer serving us to the surface, to emerge and show itself clearly, so Mohanji could do his job and dissolve it with his light. That is exactly how Mohanji is helping this world and each individual who trusts him. 

I’ll go back to Day 6. We were halfway through the program, and so much had already surfaced and could be clearly seen, understood and felt. Some weight, heaviness, was present that morning. As Mohanji instructed us through his teachings, it’s exactly those states that we need to observe and try to penetrate deeper to understand why something is (not) happening in our lives. 

All morning went by in such deep contemplations. Fears (some deeply suppressed fears) were an obstacle for me to live what I truly am, what I believe in, freely express and speak up for it, and fight for it. Now with the powerful presence of Mohanji’s light, I could feel all those fears. All those lost battles, where I gave up somewhere along the way; I gave up on life, myself, and God. The responsibility I took then, for the fearlessness and lost lives of the people I was guiding, on some subtle level, left a few imprints: give up on any battle, don’t take responsibility, surrender…. and who knows what else. It did not matter; what mattered was that I no longer lived on those patterns. 

Then the program started, and once again, each sentence hit the spots. I felt expansion, lightness, Mohanji’s energy that flowed like a current through my body and expanded – beautiful energy. This warmth radiated from my palms, a feeling hovering over my body. 

At that moment, I was on the road through Belgrade. Suddenly, out of nowhere, strong messages started coming to me, as if a movie was unrolling in front of my eyes. I can’t describe the speed of small events that this movie was made of. 

Then came the indication of the ancestors through one strong personality from Serbian history; an ancestor who showed himself in front of me in natural size, on the wall of a building that I was passing by. There was a message written in big letters to emphasize the meaning and importance of those words for me. The message said: 

 “Who dares, he can. Who knows no fear, goes forward.”   

Fieldmarshal Zivojin Misic

At that moment, I was completely filled with the powerful energy of this ancestor and his message. This message of a brave, decisive, wise duke, while connecting and merging with his energy, gave me his blessings and great support so that these values become part of me from now on. I could feel that strength, stability, clarity, fearlessness, all that Mohanji spoke to us about throughout the program. 

Once again, I got confirmation that ancestors are always there for us and how important it is to remember them and send them our love and do all it takes to liberate them. We would then have mercy, support, and power that their energy carries for ourselves and future generations. With deep gratitude for the given moments and with the flow of that supporting energy, I moved on. 

Through the entire event, I could feel Mohanji’s strong presence and guidance. The feeling of gentleness, love, stability dissolved into a romantic dance of my soul with the existence. 

On the seventh day, I received a job offer from my colleague. It was not easy in the past year without a job, without an income. But, that was the way to get out of my comfort zone completely and master the lesson on letting go, complete trust in guidance. For that, I needed to start to accept myself unconditionally, love myself, respect myself. It was a great blessing during the times of transformation. On the following day, I had a job interview. And on the day of Ganesha’s birthday, I sent a CV for the new job. What to say?

This program has shed a lot of light on me, as both Mohanji and I intended to set the ground for my future path. Endless gratitude to Mohanji, the Tradition, all the wonderful Acharyas, and all the participants. Immense GRATITUDE to everyone and everything. 

See you in December.

Big hug to all.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 21st September 2021


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Mohanji Testimonials team

3 thoughts on “EMpowered by Mohanji – 2”

  1. Snezana,
    So happy to see that you had the blessing of attending one of Mohanji’s programs. It appears the timing was perfect, as usual, to receive such an abundance of healing love, light, joy and peace. Pure Love and Light is all there is…we are that.

  2. Pingback: EMpowered by Mohanji – 3 – Experiences With Mohanji

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