Bliss of Silence meditation – part 1

These two beautiful testimonials of grace and blessings were experienced during the Bliss of Silence global 41-day programme. Suveetha shares with us her moments of true inner silence and Sankaranarayanan his mergence with the formless omnipresent divine energy. As shared in these stories, Mohanji’s love and blessings are ever present for all the participants who took part in this programme.

By Suveetha Ganesh, Australia

Jai Mohanji. I surrender everything I write of this experience at the feet of my Guru Mohanji. I am Suveetha, and I live in Melbourne. I attended a zoom meditation session on Bliss of Silence on 16th June 2021 conducted by Mohanji Acharyas Zoran and Sanjay. It was a beautiful experience. I was totally floored by the way Mohanji had orchestrated me being present in this session. Another participant also narrated her powerful experience with the meditation and the circumstances in which she joined the session when she hadn’t really planned on it initially. The most amazing part was that the circumstances that she described that she was in and the suppression of speech in certain situations also totally resonated with me. 

I just sat there in awe at the sheer grace of putting people in similar situations for meditation and helping them release the required baggage. I have noticed this in many other Mohanji programs varying from Mai-Tri sessions to meditations. The experience has been really powerful and almost magical, as I would like to call it. To me, Mohanji is a real-life superhero with magical powers, and my journey of spirituality with Mohanji has been nothing less than that out of a larger than life comic series. 

I started looking at my experiences with the same curiosity of reading a comic book, and in a very weird way, it helped me look at the whole thing from an open perspective. On deeper thought, I felt this was the best way suited to my generally easy-going personality. I love humour and enjoy a good laugh to deal with even the most gruesome events in life. It was very interesting that this aspect of me was also reflected in my meditation experiences many times. This also strengthened my faith in Mohanji and his compassion to reach out to people as his phrase goes, “Just be the way you are”. 

I have never experienced such genuine care and attention to detail or anything like this in my entire life. I am truly grateful to Mohanji and Guru Mandala for giving me these beautiful experiences and now for empowering me to write about them. Now, I will get back to the experience that I was writing to share. As the meditation began, especially with the visualisation and the sound of the waterfall in the background, I started feeling some intense vibrations in the upper part of my body. Along with this, at some point, I felt like the water from the waterfall was hitting me and my body and that I was the water reservoir under the waterfall. 

A voice in my head told me to calm down and breathe deeply and watch it again. Suddenly, I realised that I was in the water reservoir and I could feel the vibrations of the water falling, but I remained very much undisturbed, just like the water underneath. At that point, as if by magic, my body stopped vibrating and calmed down, and I could feel the detached observation of the water reservoir as it looks at this turbulent waterfall. The waterfall appears to disturb the stillness of the reservoir; however, the deep undisturbed aspect of the water is always still. It felt like a powerful revelation for me as I am going through a period of turmoil in my life regarding relationships, emotions and people, much like the hitting waterfall. 

However, as I connected deeper into me, I could see the still undisturbed part of me watching these events, much like the reservoir. This was what I understood from the experience as it related to my life. As I narrated this to Zoran, he explained that the vibrations are forms of release for letting go of complex and suppressed emotions or patterns. 

That explained a lot as I went through the meditation; I had various sensations in different parts of my body, especially around the heart chakra area. I was feeling anxious at the beginning of the meditation and felt it rise up and down in intensity throughout the duration of the session. I was surrendering my anxiety at his feet and requested him to help me resolve it, and then as if by magic, I felt the anxiety evaporating into the light, and I started feeling lighter. 

Towards the end, as Zoran played the ‘I am Light’ song, I was feeling so much joy that I had tears in my eyes, and it felt like I was having a dance party in that waterfall space with Mohanji and a Shiv Ling ( I know right! haha…). I was amazed at the intensity of joy experienced, and it deeply resonated with the experience of the other participant as she described it. And the overwhelming love and feeling of being held and protected like a little child was just an awesome feeling. 

At the end of the session, Alpa had narrated the presence of a bright background light that was visible on Zoran’s screen sometime in between the session. She had graciously decided to capture a photograph that was shown to the rest of the participants too. This had tears in my eyes at the sheer magnitude of his grace and all the blessings he showers on us unconditionally. I am enamoured by this love and care of a Parent that attends to a child’s need even when she doesn’t say it. 

This, for me, is a reaffirmation of his famous words “I am with you. Always,” in Harry Potter style! This experience and even writing about it has been nothing short of bliss. I express deep gratitude for this opportunity to share it with everyone. 

By Sankaranarayanan Meetna, India

Today (23.6.2021), during the 41 days’ BoS (Bliss of Silence) Meditation, I had an abundant grace from Mohanji, enjoying some very interesting experiences which I would like to share with you all.

Shapes came from shapelessness. Life happened from life-filled consciousness. Duration is the measuring tape of the mind. Mind-less state is a timeless state. All realities are projections of the mind and hence they change with time, space, attention and perception. It becomes truth when the mind is removed.

Mohanji on Truth as it is

As usual, before the start of the session, there was an open discussion and thereafter an explanation on Mohanji’s quote on, “Truth as it is”. I could not understand much about the various points discussed like time, space, measuring tape, shapelessness, mindlessness etc. Maybe due to my lack of proficiency/fluency in English, I preferred to keep quiet.

During the meditation, the way as guided by Mohanji, I imagined the face of my Master (Mohanji) in my heart centre and tried to connect with him. Slowly I could see Mohanji’s body growing and expanding, from the normal size to so big and spreading everywhere. I experienced a state of beautiful stillness at this point. Suddenly I felt my body had started moving forward at an abnormal speed and entered into Mohanji’s omnipresent shape and merged with him.  

My conscious mind was still partially active. Thus I could sense it sending a high alert signal. Without having a second thought, I tightly caught hold of Mohanji’s hand. My body kept moving forward, holding Mohanji’s hand. The movement was so quick, and then my body parts started to shred off like lightweight feathers. Finally, I saw myself completely shapeless and formless.

My formless self, while engulfed in Mohanji’s omnipresent shape, was still struggling to move forward. After a while, I could see Mohanji was nearing towards a divine bright light. I am sure and fully believe that it could be nothing but the SOURCE.

This experience gave me a chance to understand concepts like Time and Space were totally irrelevant for Mohanji in reaching out towards the Source as both these Divine Consciousness are one and the same and merged together and formed the Omnipresent and the Omnipotent.

Likewise, when the starting point and the destination happens to be the same, words like Time and Space proved to be meaningless altogether. The distance, if any, between these two is for Mohanji just a fingertip length away. 

Whereas, for me, due to a lack of knowledge and misconceptions of the mind it seemed to be millions of light years away. That’s why I was forced to struggle and cross over many obstacles as I tried to move faster even inside Mohanji’s energy field and holding his hand.

All shapes are the creations of the mind. In the mindful state, it creates different shapes of its choice like an artist delivering his beautiful creations in an empty canvas using different colours. However, in a mindless state, all shapes vanish and are invisible. Thus, in that state, the word ‘Shape’ is meaningless too.

Eventually, when the Consciousness and senses returned back to my body, the mind slowly took charge of the entire ‘stage show’ once again. It resumed its marvellous creations of different shapes once again by collecting and assembling all needed minuscule particles from all around.

Finally, my actual question still remains. What is Actual Truth? Mohanji will surely pull me out of this thick darkness forever. My ears are earnestly waiting for his loving voice “Tatasthu”.


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 8th July 2021


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