Subhasree Thottungal, UK
I would like to share my experience with the Empowered program today (day 5). Every day, as I coordinate the session and lead the practice of techniques, I remain composed, stay in my body awareness so that I can be aware of the needs and requests of the participants. But today, while leading the Pause Technique practice, I went into the mode too. I would cherish this as it was Mohanji who allowed me to experience what I experienced during this practice today.
Bowing down to my Guru, I would like to share this with you all. As we were at the peak of the practice, pausing at the heart centre, visualising our Guru meditating, like every day, for me, it was the vision of Mohanji meditating inside a cave that was constantly in my vision.
At one point, suddenly, Mohanji resembled Shiva and the mantra “Karpura Gauram” – the powerful Shiva mantra, started to ring in there. I visualised that I was chanting this mantra, kneeling down in front of Mohanji. Every word and every line of this mantra that describes Shiva fit so aptly to Mohanji. Shiva and Mohanji were one! And I was chanting this mantra to Mohanji.
I would like to explain to you about the mantra and the meaning and how it resembles Mohanji, in my eyes, my heart, my consciousness.

1. Karpūragauraṁ karuṇāvatāraṁ
a. Meaning of the mantra: Lord Shiva, who is pure white like camphor, an incarnation of compassion
b. My feelings of Mohanji: This brings the picture of Mohanji filled with vibhuti (ashes) that erupted from his crown chakra, and of course Mohanji, the incarnation of compassion.
2. Sansārsāram bhujagendrahāram
a. Meaning of mantra: The essence of worldly existence, whose garland is the king of serpents.
b. My feelings of Mohanji: Mohanji is the essence of my existence, with the Rudraksh malas on his neck that resembles the king of serpents.
3. Sadāvasantaṁ hṛdayāravinde
a. Meaning of the mantra: Always dwelling inside the lotus of the heart.
b. My feelings of Mohanji: Mohanji, who sits in the lotus of my heart.
4. Bhavaṁ bhavānīsahitaṁ namāmi
a. Meaning of the mantra: I Bow to Shiva and Shakti together.
b. My feelings of Mohanji: I bow to Mohanji who is the form of Shiva and Shakti together.
With such resemblance of the mantra with the image of Mohanji in my heart, I was deeply merged into the oneness and hence as we were about to complete the practice, I couldn’t resist but to chant the mantra out loud that was ringing in my heart.
This mantra always brings me this experience of oneness with Mohanji and takes me to a different level of devotion. Today was very special as this happened during the Pause technique, where I was in the bliss state of perpetual happiness of being one with the Supreme Consciousness – Para Brahma, Mohanji.
Thank you Mohanji, the gratitude is beyond any words I can use to express myself. All I can say is that my true heaven lies at your feet; my perpetual happiness is in belonging and in the oneness with you.
Koti pranams at your lotus feet, Mohanji.
By Jolanda Klaassen, Netherlands
Last August, I participated in Empowered 1.0. It was a lifeline I grabbed. Being an Empowerment Coach for over 16 years, I ended up in a relationship where I suffered intense domestic violence. My beloved partner had changed into a verbal and physical aggressor that robbed me of all my strength and sanity. My love for him, my expectations and desires, the inner needs I wanted him to fulfil, my wish to heal him, to analyze the situation rather than end it, had made me vulnerable and dependent – me, the free spirit that came into this world for a higher course.
For more than 47 years, I had been walking on Yeshua Ben Josef’s way. The Christened Path, that of Oneness Consciousness, brotherhood and sisterhood, that of compassion and forgiveness, that of unconditional love. But I got mixed up in the interpretations. Unconditional love wasn’t meant to be self-destructive. I went too far in my selfless service to others. I followed other people’s concepts, wishes, demands, requests, and plans too far. I still wanted to fit in somewhere. It was quite lonely on top of the mountain at times.
I kept on trying to co-create with others, giving in on authenticity, strength, power and wisdom. Holding back, not to see others feel themselves small or insignificant. Clinging on to my own comfort zones. Leaning on others when times got rough instead of picking up my own responsibilities and correcting what I had malformed. I had copied my mom, feared my dad in every man, pleased partners, followed teachers with a consciousness I had overgrown; I lost myself in all those patterns.
It was time to go back to the basics; to my own pure nature, to unconditional self-love, faith and total surrender to the Divine.
And then Mohanji stepped back into my life. A physical form of the Master that had tested me through hell and back for many rounds. That in itself was EMPOWERMENT in capitals. It meant I had passed so far. My embodiment had reached an advanced stage; I was made ready for the next level of delivery.
What an example Source gave me! Each thought, word, and action inspires and uplifts me. Concepts I broke my head upon are clear in just witnessing him. Every question I had was answered in 1.0
I freed myself from the fear of losing. The fear of losing my relationship, my dreams, the future plans we had made, the house I couldn’t pay by myself, my health that was going down by the day. And I let it all go. All! All the fears and anxieties, all my worries…. no more panic. Back to faith! Forward to freedom!
Empowered 2.0 started. I was still in the midst of resetting my life. Not even capable of attending all of the life sessions, in which I used to experience that Mohanji would sit there just for me like he’d do a personal coaching session. All my answers were once more answered. All essential topics discussed.
Within three months, I am totally free of all burdens. Okay, I might lose my house, my bank account is empty, my future is unknown. It feels like freedom, like an open book full of endless potential. No inner need to claim or direct the energies. No desire to steer the wheel. In full acknowledgement of all that is and all that I am, I am in peaceful silence and surrender. Okay, my body, due to its density, is a bit slower than the rest and doesn’t know it yet -that I am whole for the first time in my life, in every meaning of the word. I was landed, rooted, active, aware and delivering.
Now let my real life begin!
The gratitude I feel for The Path, for all Masters that have walked the Path before me, for all those who will follow, for our beloved Brahmarishi Mohanji and the beautiful, loving family of Light around him, for each and every aspect of life and above all for Being Me, the one who was capable of recognizing it all, of surrendering, of being humble and free of ego, being bold, brave and rebellious, swimming against the stream, taking blows, bending under the forces of hurricanes and thunderstorms, holding on, going forward, no matter what, remaining pure, remaining love because he was holding my hand all along.
How precious will life become in springtime after seeding so much love and wisdom? Looking forward to round 3!
Jai Mohanji. Thank YOU.
My rock and pillar of light.
My sublime mirror and universal Master.
My beloved brother, my muse, my way-shower.
The only man I’m willing to share with the whole world because God, does he enrich it!
Mohanji, loving you all-encompassing & endlessly.
Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 23rd December 2021
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Mohanji Testimonials team
2 thoughts on “Empowered 2.0 – Part 3”
Dear Jolanda, thank you for sharing such a deeply personal re calibration of your life after the empowered programmes. It is such an uplifting and inspiring account. 🙏💜
Guru is a divine embodiment..Full of love and grace embracing us and giving us experiences to reveal his subtle aspects which we are unable to see with worldly eyes..