Healed by Nature

By Liz Flood, UK

Trees: Guardians, sentinels, connections between Earth and Ether, orchestras of Torus. Beloved Devi Mohan has offered beautiful reminders about the capacity of trees to assist our healing and spiritual awakening. Through the grace of shared awareness and truth, I humbly describe this experience in the hope it finds resonance with others who may also be helped by these most enduring and stoic of beings and, in turn, encourage us to use our compassionate awareness to help other beings.

These months of lockdown have been, for me, such a privileged time; it has been difficult to believe possible.  Chance to rest, reflect, accept and heal in unspeakably profound silence with the suspension of all demands and duties. I barely spoke – nor wanted to – for weeks on end.  It has been a precious gift of re-connection and harmony with a healing Earth, during which love and gratitude often rose spontaneously like a fountain springing tears of blissful joy.  I had no embarrassment at all – no one was there to see, and I sometimes chose to believe that each hot drop carried a vibration of love and compassion to other beings who, at this same moment, might be suffering due to the pandemic.

Inevitably, the soft edges of this enchanted bubble became more permeable, and encroaching responsibilities and requirements crept slowly into focus. I tried to maintain some sense of balance and detachment as duties returned, recognising in myself the selfishness inherent in any resistance.

Yet as my boundaries continued to be challenged and broken, I could see that each abrasion and scratch represented my causal layer in action.  In fact, it grew clear how many bad habits and thought patterns were affecting my ‘normal’ life, impairing my ability to add value to the world and progress spiritually. I badly needed clearing out and cleaning up! So when the 41 days of Power of Purity (PoP) meditation programme was announced, I grabbed the chance.  It’s been truly lovely and more wonderful still to find myself waking up and looking forward to seeing a group of people grown fond and familiar by Zoom.

Just over halfway and today, I accepted that the past few days had been taken over by extreme negativity; I have been bleak and black. Ego suffuses me with a sense of being unworthy of all the incredible help and support I have been given, and I’m unlikeable. Everyone just wants to contradict me and tell me I’m wrong. About everything! I might as well stop bothering.  I really can’t concentrate at all during Kriya or PoP, so don’t deserve them. I am blinded by a dark cloud of shame and unhappiness.  Oh, Mohanji! How can I offer up such a cesspit, a concoction of tamasic ingratitude, a well of self-pity? You deserve better!

Action was needed. I went to the woodland I go to often and looked for a tree. Normally a tree I choose for this practice would be something like an old oak. Singular and large – a giant demanding of attention for its beauty and nobility. Today, however, there was too much risk of disturbance by people and dogs enjoying their freedom. After 20 minutes walking, I found a more modest Scots Pine, hidden away from any path, at the edge of a stand of them overlooking the hills and valley below. Following Devi’s instructions (and not for the first time!) I said hello to the tree, requested permission to sit and sat down with my spine straight at first, then reclined gently, so the upper part of my back touched the trunk. 

Closing my eyes, I started to breathe vertically, from root to crown, connecting downwards into the earth on the out-breath, upwards into sky breathing in.  Minutes passed. Gently gently, there was an increasing sense of vibrations harmonising – my aura body was bonding with the aura body of the tree. I kept breathing – it was quite a different experience than I was used to with the grand oaks, more subtle, lighter, almost playful. A hoverfly sang by my nose. A bird rustled the leaves at my feet. I forgot entirely that this body and mind were remotely important. I opened my eyes and realised something incredible was happening. All the other trees were also reaching their aura bodies towards me. These trees were actually a singular consciousness, unimpeded by individual minds or personalities!  This realisation shifted a deep opening within, and my tears once again flowed freely with the deepest love for these stunning and amazing beings.  In turn, this seemed to increase the connected consciousness between us and more and more loving vibrations. They were beings of limitless endurance, strength, unstinting loyalty and love. What they do for our planet is completely selfless yet of incomparable value. Wow. Really.

Eventually, with the most sincere gratitude to these and all trees, I stood to leave. Walking away, I was aware of how all the trees in the woodland now seemed aware of my passing.  This is something I had noticed on previous occasions. I think it might be that, for a short period of time, we become part-tree ourselves, or at least our aura body has assimilated some tree-spirit that the others recognise.

I bumped into someone I knew who could see that I was intoxicated by my experience, laughing and full of joy – healed!

So I came home to try and put this into words. And to encourage others, if this attracts you even a little, to please try and communicate with these beings.  After today, I feel so certain that it is not only we who can benefit, but the trees also seem to gain something by the connection and expressing compassionate attention and love.  Mohanji has clearly stated a need for us to connect with nature in this time of the Corona Virus and explained that we share singular consciousness; today the trees helped me a little way forward in realising what this means. Thank you. I am truly blessed. Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavantu. Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi.  


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 27th September 2020


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