Transformations through group meditations – Part 1

Please read and enjoy these beautiful testimonials from around the globe. The amazing benefits of the Power of Purity meditation is truly felt by so many who enjoy practicing it regularly.

By Cathy Johnston, UK

Being a newbie to the Mohanji family (I met him last Nov) has been a whirlwind of self-discovery and excavations of self-limiting beliefs. The feelings of lack of self-worth (with roots firmly embedded into my childhood) are not something I’ve ever known how to overcome. No matter how many achievements or challenges I’ve defeated, these deeply rooted feelings continued to mess with my monkey mind.

After the first week of PoP (Power of Purity) group meditations I began to feel really crappy about myself, my latent insecurities were predictably bubbling up to the surface and a dark blanket of foggy self-doubt began to engulf my every thought. I began doubting my surrender, my connection and all things Mohanji, and felt utterly miserable and at a complete loss.

I was aware that my emotions were once again stealing my joy and ‘ruling’ my life and even though I could acknowledge where these familiar feelings were coming from, I just didn’t know how to get a grip of them, how to climb out of this destructive cycle. Until of course, Mohanji once again came to my rescue!

Mohanji spoke to me twice in succession following one of last week’s meditations. I had gone downstairs and whilst I was waiting for the kettle to boil I clicked onto FB and scrolled aimlessly onto a video someone had posted of Robbie Williams and his wife counselling a young teenager about her anxieties. (I have never been a fan of Robbie, to be honest, but for some reason, I was drawn into this conversation).

The message from Robbie to the young girl (from Mohanji to me) was that ‘her courage and her bravery were more powerful than her self-doubt’. Another Mohanji’ light bulb moment’ for me and the second time Mohanji has spoken to me (indirectly this time) through music, the language of love.

My mood was completely lifted, and I smiled at the playfulness of Mohanjis grace and then, one of the next items I clicked on was a photo quote of Mohanji’s saying; “Surrender is an attitude and not from the mind”.

The two most mind dominating clouds I’d been struggling with all week just gone! In a puff of smoke just as the kettle boiled! My courage is undoubtedly far more powerful than my self-doubt and my attitude more powerful than my mind (at least that’s what my poor mother would say).

Thanking Mohanji for this second stab at a more faith fuelled life and to all of the Mohanji family for their unconditional love and support.

In the wee, small, tortured hours

When monkey mind awakes

Torments and pokes my patient soul

I seek the safety of your face.

A dog-eared image in your stead

When there’s no place left to go

Is the soothing balm

To quell my fears

And back to sleep, I go.

By a participant from Australia

What an incredible boon it is to be part of this group meditation. When we started these 41 days of PoP, I wasn’t really convinced that a bunch of people in different locations, seemingly only connected by zoom could really create an amplified meditation experience but I quickly came to feel that these meditations were more powerful than they had been when I just did it by myself. Then yesterday morning this was taken to a whole new level.

I had set my alarm for 5 am to do my Early Birds Club activities before the PoP at 6 am but having made the mistake of not placing the alarm far enough away that I had to get up out of bed to turn it off, I was fast asleep again seconds after hitting the switch. I awoke again at 6.30 am and realised meditation was halfway through. I didn’t want to disturb the group so I thought I would just do my own PoP later in the morning and fell asleep again, but my group leader Mohanji Acharya had noticed that I wasn’t there and had made an intention to bring me into the group energy field anyhow.

I felt very peaceful, and when I slept again, I had an incredible dream. In my dream, I came across a group of people having some program, so I just sat down with them and joined in. Someone behind me placed their foot on my spine and gave me shakti (energy/power). After that, I started levitating and floating around, so peacefully and happily. After this ‘program’ finished, I was told the master it was organised around had already left and gone off to another country for the next program.

It was the most amazing dream I have had in forever, and the Mohanji Acharya told me that my strong intention to join, the group’s intention to bless every member (and so many others), and the love and grace of Mohanji had transported me astrally into the meditation while I was still lying asleep in bed. So now I will never again doubt the power of the ‘group energy field’. 

Thank you so much Mohanji, thank you so much Mohanji family for including me and carrying me when I tripped up. 

By Britta Burmehl, Germany

I am in a situation of being separated from my husband after 25 years of our relationship. The meditation programme was a great support for me during this time. It has given me a lot of inner peace and quiet. Through the process of blessing, I had the feeling that I was able to do something for everyone who is involved with my family, and I hope to find a good and peaceful way to interact with all of them. 

My husband was on holiday for 2-3 weeks during this time. I knew that he was very angry with me. I was very worried about seeing him again and did not speak to him during this time. Through the meditation, I focused on love and gratitude every day, blessed him and hoped we would find a loving and peaceful way together. When he came back, the meeting was very peaceful and appreciative; I had not expected that at all. I think that regular meditation contributed a lot to this peaceful meeting. 

The meditation helps me to start the day differently than usual. I am more attentive with my thoughts than before and feel that I can be much more connected to myself with inner peace. Also, meditating in the group has been very good for me. I felt very cared for and supported and felt that I am not alone. I am very grateful to all who have contributed to the fact that these meditations take place. We in the group decided to continue after the 41 days because this connection through meditation does us all very good. I hope that many more people can participate in this wonderful meditation.

The 41 days of POP meditation did me a lot of good; I can only recommend it to everyone! In love and deep gratitude.

By Aarati Sarma, Dubai

Before I pen down my thoughts about the journey of 41 days of PoP meditation, I surrender myself to the lotus feet to express my gratitude to Mohanji for giving me an opportunity to be a part of this beautiful journey. As we all believe life’s a journey, I feel very blessed to be a part of this journey with Mohanji’s grace, to connect to his consciousness. I feel this journey came right in time, and it was a real breakthrough for me. I can’t thank the Mohanji Acharya enough for all the efforts and time put in for clearing all my doubts and being so patient. I don’t know how it was done, but the intention for the day had always been relevant to my experience at that point in time, and it helped to put things in that perspective. 

I am just writing to express how grateful I am that a Mohanji Acharya came into my life and helped me broaden my eyes to meditation and self-reflection. I can feel that the practices have changed my perception of myself and the world, and unfold the old patterns in my brain, and a new beginning has already taken hold. I strongly feel dedication and determination is the key to the practice. 

Meditation has personally helped me to find a balance and acceptance of things in life as they come. Slowly the benefits of meditation started to show up outside in life, for example, to be able to respond to a situation instead of reacting. 

The meditation and the most inspiring quotes of the day gave me instant joy and put a smile on my face and made my day much lighter. Words are not enough to say thank you to the Mohanji Acharya for enriching my life, widening my horizons and for always being available throughout. Whatever I am today is because of Mohanji and his loving instruments.

By Sowmia Kolanjinathan, India

“Am I living a life of lie?” was the question that brought me all the way to Mohanji through my Sai. As a 24-year old girl, I never had clarity in what I was seeking in this world of spirituality.

My spiritual journey began partly at the age of 15, but my analytical mind and gathered up knowledge, I seriously considered spirituality as a subject to just know and research upon. I read many books along the path about Robert Adams, An Autobiography of a Yogi, Himalayan Master, Sri M and so on.

I was like a curious kid who wants to know what people and my Baba say about the mind, and getting Brahma Gyan (spiritual wisdom). Too much experience gathered in my system theoretically. What next? I pleaded to Baba to show me the real path, what is real divinity?” Baba miraculously guided me to Mohanji’s blogs and videos, where I got to ask numerous questions from the Ask team on Mohanji’s website. Destiny welcomed me with divine angels in the form of Mohanji Acharyas as my mentors!

Like the wind which flows directionless, my wavering mind and concepts found direction when I was invited to join Mohanji’s 41 days of Power of Purity meditation. At first, I was quite hesitant and took so much time even to give a try, but something in me pushed my limitations, and in the last minute, I got myself enrolled.

I created a routine in myself, and as I was enjoying the practice daily, I could witness a lot of ego and hidden emotions coming up to the surface as a test to my research of knowing myself. Mohanjii became so close to me, I truly felt deep within that Baba put on a play to hand me over to my Guru of many lifetimes, it’s not a falsehood of illusion but a sense of deep revelation. My joy knew no bounds.

My practice was good, everything is going fine, and then appeared questions and doubts, was PoP actually working for me, how can I get logical confirmation, how will I know if it’s real or mental projections? Thinking about Mohanji and putting these questions to him, I went to sleep, and my casual routine continued. 

The very next day after my PoP session, I felt a new out of league experience. I suddenly felt the floor beneath me in the middle of the meditation, and till the end, I could feel the whole room, my table, books, and tumbler, everything vibrating with a different kind of energy which I cannot explain in words but could sense. When I shared this with my Acharyas, I was guided to witness the process with gratitude.

My mum came to my room the very same night. She is 54 years old and is undergoing menopause and has a history of troubled sleeping pattern. She is not into any meditation or spirituality but is also a great devotee of Sai. She came and helped me to arrange my bookshelf and wardrobe, in the very same room where I have Sai Baba’s portrait and do my meditation. She was talking casually and doing the chores, and after a few minutes, she said she felt sleepy and lay down on my bed beside me.

I thought she might be tired and took it casually and went with my doings. After an hour, I felt an urge to check up on her and tried to wake her up with fear because it seemed unusual to me. When she woke up, she was way too quieter than normal, which honestly scared me a little, but I could see her eyes were so bright and crystal clear.

I asked, “Mum, are you okay?” and she replied, “Sowmi, I never had this kind of alluring peaceful sleep since childhood”. I lovingly mocked her by saying, “Is 60 minutes eye closing a little nap!” But something struck me inside. I said, “Yes Mom, you seem so normal and at peace” and she replied saying, “Yes, Sai made me have a holy dip at his feet, I feel like a new-born, it’s not a usual sleep…” and she smiled and walk away as usual.

A moment of silence echoed within me, and then the tears started rolling down! Didn’t Mohanji give me the answer again! You little poor girl, I gave you the real experience you crave for, and you still doubt if it happened to you. Now, are you satisfied to hear that I’m with you through the words of your Mom? Mohanji, you know me, and no one is a stranger to you. As I realised that his power and energy is with me always, my questions dissolved in the ocean of bliss. “When you dissolve into the question itself; the Master does answer in an unassuming way”. 


Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 1st November 2020


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