By Sandra Shankar, South Africa
The rush of pure adrenalin became a powerful magnetised trigger to prepare for the coming of an epic sunrise in Africa. The manifestation of a glorious ‘physical’ consciousness connection with his grace. Caldwell Hall Reimagined Rewired 2022 retreat in the Midlands with beloved Parabrahma Swaroopa Mohanji was finally happening.
I was breathless with excitement at the prospect of meeting his wonderous hallowed physical form and bathing in his golden auric field. What I do experience INSIDE with Mohanji is a luminescent inky blue energy signature. Like the colour caught by the camera outside the windows in this picture taken during the retreat.

On the OUTSIDE, we experience the golden hues resplendent in the next photograph. Mohanji was on safari at the time. Again, the camera catches the intensity of the colour spectrum we can see with our naked eyes.
Can you imagine how much we miss since we cannot see the full-colour spectrum? So, belief in complete faith and absolute surrender is a must.

It did seem like the Continent of Africa had been dark for too long. Yet, in hindsight, there was detached awareness intermingled with the tantalising ambrosia of inexplicable joy too. Can one help but FEEL that indescribable shiver of excitement at the thought that our beloved Para Brahma was coming? My eyes close in wonderment. Here. Finally. Here.
Live the moment. Savour the moment. Enjoy the nectar of these moments fully. Don’t hold back, says our beloved Parabrahma ever so lovingly. Not missing a beat, I deep dive into his expanded universal presence without hesitation. Spontaneous, unbound and free. It feels like I just won VIP tickets to my favourite concert. Woohoo!
INSIDE. There was a lot happening. As most of us seasoned bhaktas already know, the churning starts long before we make it to the showgrounds. The ‘quickening’ results in inexplicable dreams, feelings, body aches and pains, thoughts and, at times, perplexing images from lifetimes past. For sure, Mohanji starts working on us long before we get in close proximity.
South Africa had one of the most damaging storms in years, and many lives were lost in the flooding, collapsed roads and deadly mudslides. Other utilities like water and lights were disrupted for the longest time. Yet that did not deter me from packing my bags and making the trip to meet my beloved Parabrahma, at Calderwood Hall, in the picturesque Midlands of KwaZulu Natal.
On the evening before leaving, I stood on my balcony, savouring the beautiful hues and textures of the beautiful evening. Staying so far away from the beloved Mohanji family gives one time to pause and reflect on the significance of Mohanji’s physical presence and value his PRESENCE without presence.
My heartbeats quickened as I stood on the balcony gazing out at the richness of orange, gold and black hues in the steadily darkening skies. Then I admonished myself for acting like I was meeting my beloved Parabrahma for the first time. In fact, I always think he is here and everywhere at the same time. Isn’t he in the soft and gentle breeze? In the dancing rustling leaves? In the magnificent and mighty tree in front of me? The night sky dazzled with a splurge of diamonds that winked and waved mesmerisingly at me. They were alive.
I was completely enraptured by the splendour of nature around me. Then as my awareness kept expanding, I started to FEEL Mohanji in the softness of the wind moving through my hair, in the leaves, the inky blackness of the evening and the stars in the heavens. Here and everywhere at the same time. Thus, blissfully expanded, I lost track of time.
Undoubtedly, I experienced the power of Mohanji’s PRESENCE without a PRESENCE! Alive in every atom. I am still ‘mind boggled’ thinking this feels like being synched with the universal hum or ONENESS of creation. Did I need to stop and think about connecting with Mohanji in his expanded form? No. I needed to FEEL it FULLY. That’s what happened.
In fact, one of the few words I exchanged with Mohanji at the retreat was, “I FEEL you everywhere.” He replied, “I know.” I said, “I know you know.” To think so much was said in such a few sentences! As I write these words, I am still bedazzled by his unconditional loving grace, which allows me to glimpse his expanded state of consciousness. Then I think, I am that too! We all are that.
You can be reassured that our beloved Raja Yogi Mohanji is not just a physical being. He is effectively the OCEAN IN A DROP. It is humbling to have his divine grace protect and guide us on this epic journey to self-discovery. Truly, I am the dust beneath his lotus feet.

Mohanji says, “Those who have ‘eyes’ will see.” I think to myself. I see and feel. How blessed am I to be born here and now? When I think I cannot love Mohanji more than I already do, he takes us to even deeper depths of bliss state! Only possible with Mohanji. One knows to expect nothing because we are on the most thrilling rollercoaster ride of our lives, experiencing entire lifetimes in varying phases of karmic completion.
All we have to do is let go of limiting concepts and acknowledge the karmic cyclic patterns that trap us in a web of deceit. To me, that means having the courage to surrender everything at his lotus feet and walk away, not looking back. It takes sheer guts and the heart of a lioness to do that. SURRENDER. No sweat, I do that spontaneously with Mohanji.
At the retreat, there were a string of supercharged experiences which I will expand upon in point form as follows:
Conscious Infinity Walk
As we walked in a single file chanting the Mohanji Gayatri mantra, the energy accelerated, and I felt like I was pulling two heavy ropes. I had to heave and tug, and suddenly it felt weightless. It was as if Mohanji was synchronising everyone’s energy. We were all encapsulated in a supercharged energetic flow. It was invigorating. Transcendental. Fierce.
Conscious Dancing
Milica was amazing as she led us through the prep and explained how to flow in dance through the songs. The combination of song and dance was intoxicating. I was lost from the get-go. My body took on mudra postures, and new dance moves faster than I ever thought was possible. Hahaha. When the Shakti song came up, my body bent into a blissed-out ‘C’ shape …backwards! Mohanji’s energy came in waves and degrees of intensity.

Sometimes it was so intense I felt bound in a place, unable to move. I can’t remember much as I was lost in the rapture during the various melodies. Music is a brilliant conduit for higher frequencies and takes us quickly into altered states of consciousness. It was surely a state of transcendental bliss – A true rasa leela.

All I remember was that as Mohanji gave shaktipat, my body was encapsulated in energy. It felt as if Shiva and Shakti were being balanced. My body reverberated with the flow of energy that his grace delivered as much as I could receive. The ‘feminine divine’ flowed majestically. Our beloved Parabrahma gives us as much as we can handle. I was told my shaktipat took an unusually long time. Humbled and ever grateful knowing how great a blessing it is to be blessed by his grace. So caught up in my own world, I did not pay much attention to those who reacted as entities left them or were caught up in the rapture like myself.
Book Signing and Blessing of Somarka Coherent Water Tubes (aka Analemma Water Stick in Europe) & Beads
As Mohanji energised the water tubes, continued to sign my books, and energised the beads, I found my hands raising my Somarka living water tubes (Analemma water Stick) slowly in an altered state above Mohanji’s head. ‘Living water’ on its own boosts our operating frequency by 300%.
Can you imagine the consequences of Mohanji further energising already supercharged water in its original state? Mind-blowing right? Whenever I energise my water with my Somarka water tube (Analemma Water Stick), my hand reverberates with energy. When I drink it, my body hums even louder.
Water is a pure medium that carries the highest frequencies in nature, thereby allowing Mohanji to work more expediently across all our energy sheaths. Now can you imagine its effect on a human body which is 98% water-based? Just mind-boggling.

These are purely superfluous movements in reaction to being so close to Mohanji.
Miraculous Aid & Recovery after Puncture
This is the story about how our beloved Mohanji’s divine leela played out. Before leaving home, I had put Bhagavan Satya Sai’s ashes on four of my tyres to ensure all was well regardless of what could happen on the long journey to the retreat. The roads were really bad after severe storms lashed the country that week. It was the fourth day. It was the end of the 2022 Caldwell Hall Retreat in the Midlands, and everyone started leaving.
Revona had spotted that one of my car’s tyres was flat earlier and asked Yash to tell me. Shocked at our predicament, I wondered briefly how to handle the situation. As I looked up, Mohanji was also getting ready to leave the resort. There was no fear, just logical reasoning in my head about how to handle it expediently.
Suria and Lenny are new Mohanji family members from the north coast of KwaZulu Natal. Lenny had written a beautiful English song dedicated to Mohanji. He played his guitar and helped us practice. By the time Mohanji walked in, everyone was in full flow. Baba loved it and said it must be recorded and sung all over the world. Just wait till you all hear it!
Click on this link to view the video taken by Tea at the retreat
Returning to my predicament, Suria came to me and said not to worry; her husband Lenny has an electric air pressure tyre pump which would get the tyre back to normal and allow me time to get to a garage to fix it. Yash gallantly remained with us to ensure we were ok and left late too. Mohanji ensured we were loved and cared for during this predicament as he does throughout our innumerable lifetimes with him. How perfectly exquisite is that?
The tyre pressure remained constant during the three-hour ride home with my fun, divinely gifted, gorgeous cousin Nirvana Singh. It was still fine the next day when we went to get the tyre fixed. They found a big metal nail in it.
Thinking back, our beloved Suria and I connected instantly during the retreat. I could clearly see the hand of grace making all these vital connections with loving family members integral to the speedy resolution of the problem. They were unknowingly complicit in the creation of a miraculous leela that saved the day. Nirvana and I drove home incident-free. Just WOW!
Mohanji does not have to be present in his physical body to create miracles. The retreat was over, but Mohanji’s grace wrapped us in an invincible shield 24/7. It is easy to be fearless and flow with spontaneity knowing my beloved Para Brahma’s got my back.
One thing I know for sure is that we are all connected through lifetimes through his grace. Regardless of where we live, we are all complicit in Mohanji’s grand play on a global scale.
His grace is the unconditionally loving hand that deals out the cards. Our simple, unassuming master and friend of the Universe is the greatest living miracle the rest of the world has yet to see.
Those who feel him know enough to be IRRESOLUTE, FEARLESS and FREE. We will never let him go knowing that Mohanji, in turn, never leaves us. Those who do, leave without understanding the 360-degree cosmic consciousness at play.
Knowing is understanding!
We are aware. We are SELF-aware. We are ONE.
I am MOHANJI. MOHANJI is me. There is no separation.
I am unshakable.

Edited & Published by – Testimonials Team, 7th July 2022
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